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I robbed my own house!

I grew up in a fairly boring country town, so I couldn’t wait to move to the city for university. My best friend Angela and I had it all planned: we were going to get a flat together and have the time of our lives. We found a great apartment in an inner-city location. I was able to afford some pretty nice furniture with my savings. We certainly didn’t have to slum it at op shops like some of our friends! I didn’t even mind that Angela had nothing to bring to the house; the fact that we were there together on this new adventure was all that mattered.

It soon became clear, however, that there was going to be one very big issue. Angela and I had been brought up to believe that the country was a safe, inviting, secure place, where it was okay to leave your doors unlocked, even open, on those really hot summer nights. But I had also been taught that the city was a place where you could never be too careful. From the moment I arrived, I was forever checking the locks on windows before we went out and triple locking the front and back doors before I went to bed. Angela used to laugh and call me paranoid and she was totally the opposite. There was hardly a day when she didn’t leave a window wide open or a door unlocked — once she even left her keys in the door! I began to wonder when I would come home to find all my stuff cleaned out by robbers.

“Why can’t you just do a quick check to make sure you’ve locked everything up?” I pleaded one day in exasperation. “I’m sick of walking up the front path, wondering if it’s safe to come inside.”

“You’re so afraid of everything,” Angela laughed. “I know we’re not in the country any more, but you make it sound as though we live in the crime capital of the world.”

“You can’t leave all the windows open when you’re not here!” I argued. “Insurance companies won’t pay if we invite people to break in.”

But nothing changed, in fact, things got worse. I returned from school one day and before I even put my key in the door, it swung open.

“Hello!” I called out fearfully. Nobody answered. I poked my head inside the door to see if there was any sign of a disturbance; it looked safe, but I still couldn’t bring myself to go inside. I stood out in the front garden wondering whether to call the police.

“Hey! What are you doing out here?” Angela came bounding up the front path, loaded with shopping bags. “Did you leave your keys behind, because the door’s open.”

“I know!” I exploded. “How could you do that? I thought we’d been burgled! Are you stupid?”

“I only went down to the shops,” Angela retorted defensively. “I was gone 20 minutes, max.”

“That’s not the point,” I raged. “My God, you don’t even seem to care. That’s my stuff in there!”

“Well, you’re the one who wanted to buy new stuff,” was Angela’s selfish retort. At that moment, I knew something drastic needed to be done.

A few weeks later, I left the house early, waiting in a café around the corner until I saw Angela walk past on her way to class. I then doubled back. Within a few minutes, a friend of mine arrived with his car. We quickly loaded my television and DVD player, CD collection and a few other bits and pieces into his car, leaving the front window Angela had carelessly left wide open the way it was.

That afternoon when I got home first, I almost got a fright when I saw the bare corners in the living room — until I remembered that I had done it. Angela arrived right behind me. She stood there with her mouth hanging open in total shock, as I told her we’d been robbed. I pretended that I had called the police and that they had ascertained the would-be-thieves had come through the open window. Angela was absolutely devastated and I felt triumphant that my plan had worked.

I intended to pretend that the “stolen” items had been recovered. But I never got that far.

Angela, it turned out, was absolutely traumatized by the “break in”. She fled for the safety of the country for the weekend and didn’t come back. Within a couple of weeks, she had dropped her uni course and started working back at her parent’s business.

I barely saw Angela after that and we grew apart as our lives changed. But I do know that she stayed in the country and never went on to fulfil any of her initial dreams — all because I pretended to rob our flat.

Picture posed by model.

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Get a flat tummy fast!

A toned and taut Kirstie Alley reveals how you too can look amazing in a cossie.

Kirstie worked hard to get into shape for her bikini debut on Oprah. She went hiking every morning for an hour, then tried for an afternoon workout of weights, circuit training, pilates or yoga. She also followed a 5000kJ-a-day Jenny Craig diet plan and drank at least six glasses of water to help her feel full and flush out toxins. She says the slow, sensible diet left her feeling energetic rather than tired and cranky. Kirstie insists she doesn’t have a personal trainer or her own chef and simply weighs in weekly with a Jenny Craig consultant.

  1. Have a carb curfew

Try not to eat starchy foods like pasta and potatoes after lunch and don’t eat after 8pm. And try catching up with friends for low-kilojoule drinks rather than dinner.

  1. Have a fruity morning

Have a piece of fruit for morning tea. It cleanses your system and is great for getting a nice flat tummy for the day ahead.

  1. Get a gym buddy

Arrange to go to exercise classes with a friend, because once you’ve made that appointment, you won’t want to let them down.

  1. Eat more fibre

Fibre is essential for a flat tummy. It aids the digestive system by soaking up water in the gut, softening food and making it easier to eliminate from the body.

  1. Chew your food properly

If you don’t chew properly, it may lead to wind and bloating. The process of chewing also alerts the stomach to start producing hydrochloric acid, which it needs to digest its contents.

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My son is overweight

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at www.thefoodcoach.com.au

‘My son has a very healthy appetite but is overweight. I don’t want to make a big thing of it but for his own sake would like him to lose weight.’

— Wendy

I often hear people describe their children as having “a healthy appetite”. Like many phrases which no longer have a place in our modern society, “a healthy appetite” is one which should be written out of our daily lingo.

Once considered a good thing, a healthy appetite might more appropriately be referred to as an unhealthy appetite or, more harshly, greed.

Appetite is not hunger, the physical need to eat; it is the desire to eat. Today there’s no question that many of us want to eat much more than we need and much more than what’s good for us.

According to a study in the British Medical Journal, children who are overweight or obese by the age of 11 are more likely to carry their excess weight into adulthood and suffer from weight-related health problems, so it’s a good idea to do something about it now. He may not lose weight but he’ll grow into his weight.

In an abundant world where consumerism is the number one sport, we’re tempted by special offers, new things to try, beautiful packaging and attractive displays. Before we know it, our cupboards are full of products ready to be eaten at any time. People today don’t eat when they’re hungry; they eat when they’re not full! There’s a vast difference. Mealtimes run into each other and many of us are like large cumbersome cows, constantly grazing.

Don’t make it so easy for your son to eat. At mealtimes, make enough for everyone but not so much to allow for second helpings. Don’t stock the pantry full so he can grab anything at any time. Encourage him to sit down to eat and discourage snacking. Give him water to drink when he’s thirsty and rid the house of soft drinks. Tell him you’re saving for a holiday and cutting down on spending but don’t deny him all his pleasures. By all means buy biscuits, but only once a week. Once they’re eaten he’ll have to wait until next week for more.

Activity of course is essential and you may have to lead by example here. A family activity where you all get involved in some physical exercise can be great fun for all concerned. Go to the park and play cricket together or buy a family pass to the swimming pool.

I was alarmed the other day to hear someone, on the subject of childhood obesity, indicate that we may reach a stage in life where we outlive our children.

As parents we have to set an example and show them what a healthy diet looks like. It’s as important as teaching them the difference between right and wrong

Good luck.

‘I have no problem controlling my eating at home, it’s when I go out that it becomes a problem. I always overeat. My partner and I often go out with friends for Chinese, Thai or Indian food. I always seem to eat more than anyone else and arrive home feeling fat and full.’

— Sally

It’s a curious thing, but when we see a variety of different dishes on the table we tend to eat more than if the same food was served on one plate. If there were three potatoes on a plate with the meat and veggies, it would be enough — but serve the potatoes separately in a bowl, we would take four and eat them! Buffets are notorious for encouraging overeating. Asian food is delicious but we typically share all the dishes with rice, topping up our plates continually as we eat. One suggestion would be to choose your own dish and not share or fill your plate modestly with a small portion of each dish when all the dishes have been presented and don’t go back for seconds.

If all else fails, steer clear of Thai, Vietnamese, Indian and Spanish tapas and only go to restaurants where you order your own meal and it comes to you on one plate!

‘I’ve been going to the gym quite a bit and always take a sports drink with me to drink afterwards. Are they okay?’

If you are a high performance athlete, there’s a place in your life for sports drinks. They have a very high GI for instant energy and contain electrolytes with sodium to replace what’s lost in sweat.

If, however, you workout for around an hour, sweat modestly and want to lose weight, you’d be better replacing the sports drink with water. Sports drinks contain calories you don’t need. Better to take those calories in from nutritious food after the workout.

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Schapelle Corby: My prison hell

Schapelle Corby

For the first time, and in her own words, Schapelle Corby reveals the daily hell of living inside Bali’s notorious Kerobokan prison. Schapelle, who is serving a 20-year sentence for smuggling 4.1kg of cannabis into Indonesia, tells of rats giving birth in her shoes, of sanitary towels being left on her toothbrush and of how she saved the life of fellow Australian, Renae Lawrence.

Read an exclusive extract from The Australian Women’s Weekly below. For the full story, pick up a copy of the November issue.

I Hated the Bali Nine

All the girls who’d shared a cell with her had been telling stories about this freak. She refused to let anyone else sleep if she was awake. She’d kick them in the head, sexually hit on them, punch them. So by the time she checked in at Kerobokan, I imagined Renae as a psychopathic lesbian. I was scared to death of her.

A frantic whisper swept around as she walked through the door. As I sat watching, my fears vanished. She looked like a frightened mouse. Her face was full of terror. Her big blue eyes spilling tears, Renae trailed behind the guards like a lost lamb.

I finally met Renae. She was sitting on the cell floor, sobbing. “Come on, this isn’t going to help you,” I told her. It was impossible not to see the fresh scars on her sliced-up wrists. “And you can’t do that. Forget about doing that again.”

But she had so much anger inside. Then a couple of days after checking in, she began slamming her fists into the cell wall until the bones in her hand were broken. I had no chance of holding her back.

About two weeks later, she again started smashing her broken hand into the wall. She was crying histerically. I tried to soothe her, giving her a hug and holding her good hand.

Renae would often come and sit with me in my cell. She’d started taking a tranquiliser which zonked her out. She needed to blur reality and numb the fear.

One night I heard angry shouting. The guards opened her cell. She walked over to my cage window holding a razor blade between her thumb and first finger. “I’m just moving my hand slowly and I’m going to take this out of your hand. Just give it to me.” My eyes were willing her to give me the blade.

Her eyes were full of pain. She finally dropped it into my hand. The suicidal moment passed … for now.

Extract from My Story by Schapelle Corby with Kathryn Bonella , published by Pan Macmillan Australia, rrp $35 on sale from November 10, 2006.

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The Keeshond

The Keeshond

By Lucy Hine

The Keeshond (Keeshonden, plural) is a handsome dog with an alert and intelligent fox-like appearance. Of Arctic origin, in the eighteenth century it was known as “dog of the people”.

Around the time of the French Revolution, the Keeshond was seen as the symbol of the common and middle-class Dutchmen, who were led by the patriot Kees de Gyselaer. He owned a dog he called Kees.

For years, the Keeshond was known as the Dutch barge dog, as it was used as a watchdog on small barges and boats in the Netherlands.

Today, the Keeshond is known for its lively, intelligent and alert nature. It is an excellent companion dog for adults and children. It is affectionate, friendly, full of personality and because it is a quick learner, can be trained to perform.

The Keeshond is a dog that loves everyone and needs to be part of the family. They are generally good with other pets, but can be reserved or timid, so it is important to socialise them as puppies. They like to bark and are great watchdogs.

The Keeshond’s coat is long, straight and harsh, with a richly plumed tail and lion-like mane around the neck, shoulders and chest. Females don’t tend to have the mane. Their legs are covered in thick hair, called “trousers”, which is a characteristic of the breed. The rest of the body is covered with short thick hair that can be gray, black and cream, in light or dark shades.

It is important to keep the climate in mind when deciding whether to purchase this breed, because the Keeshond prefers cool climates due to its thick fur. The breed’s grooming requirement is not as hard as you might expect, but daily brushing of their long coat is important.

Definitely a people-loving dog, this breed is ideal for any family prepared to involve their dog in all activities. In return they will receive a devoted companion.

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Missing Pet


How far can a missing pet travel, or will they generally stay in the vicinity from where they escaped? I had an inside only Burmese cat, that escaped whilst on a breeding visit. I don’t know whether to keep to the same area or expand the search. I have covered all other options I think.

— Kaz


What a terrible thing to happen. I do hope you find her! Lost pets can travel surprisingly far to try and get back home, but she won’t necessarily know her way so she could have gone in any direction. Hopefully some nice person has picked her up and she is well.

You need to contact all the local (and then maybe not so local) vets and leave a description of her and your details in case she comes in. Also phone all the animal shelters and pounds around. They are busy so keep phoning them every few days to see if she has been brought in. If she has a microchip it will be much easier to trace her — they often lose collars and ID tags so it’s best to use both.

Put signs up with a photo (and a reward is a good incentive) on poles, in shops, local papers etc. There are also specialised companies you can employ that help find missing pets.

Good luck!

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Tan lines


I am getting married soon and have a dark V on my chest and dark lower arms (because of working outside) in comparison to the rest of my body. I don’t really want to look tanned, but don’t want the darker bits to stand out. What should I do?

? Megan.


To lighten the skin before your big day, professional treatment is required. The Danne Alkaline Wash and Enzyme treatment will lighten and brighten your skin creating a luminous complexion. By evening out your skin tone the Danne system will improve the quality of your skin and lighten the pigmented area to blend into the unexposed skin. Danne Superbright skin lightening crème is recommended as a homecare treatment as it will aid in the skin lightening and brightening process. Make sure you use a 30+ sunblock everyday to prevent further skin discolouration and sun damage.

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How to stay mentally healthy

How to stay mentally healthy

By Annette Campbell

Most of us are pretty good at looking after our general health — we have regular checks with the doctor, dentist, physio, optometrist and more. But how often do you think about your mental health?

It probably doesn’t even cross your mind, but it should. And raising such awareness is the aim of National Psychology Week (November 12-18).

“We want to highlight ways psychology impacts on the community,” explains Amanda Gordon, Sydney-based practicing psychologist and president of the Australian Psychological Society (APS). “It is also an opportunity for psychologists to celebrate being part of a profession that really makes a difference.”

Gordon says that there’s an enormous range of reasons why people seek the help of a psychologist — everything from serious mental health issues like depression and obsessive compulsive disorders, through to career advice and additional coaching for sportspeople.

Aside from seeing a psychologist, there are other things we can all do to help keep our heads healthy.

Here’s Amanda’s advice:

Balance work, rest and play — this is really important, because we need some of all these things. You need to keep your body healthy, so sleep and good nutrition also help your mind. Give your brain a workout with crosswords and other puzzles, or by reading. Research shows that being grateful makes us happier. Take the time to reflect at the end of the day on everything that’s been good. Connect with people. Make the effort to mix regularly. Joining in with your community is great for your mental health. Smile! This makes you feel good … as well as the person you’ve just smiled at. If you’re lonely, research shows that having a pet can help make a difference … especially for older people living alone. Take responsibility for something — another person, a pet or your garden. Keep a healthy balance of exercise and sensible eating. If your body is cared for, then your mind is free to work well.

Balance work, rest and play — this is really important, because we need some of all these things. You need to keep your body healthy, so sleep and good nutrition also help your mind. Give your brain a workout with crosswords and other puzzles, or by reading. Research shows that being grateful makes us happier. Take the time to reflect at the end of the day on everything that’s been good. Connect with people. Make the effort to mix regularly. Joining in with your community is great for your mental health. Smile! This makes you feel good … as well as the person you’ve just smiled at. If you’re lonely, research shows that having a pet can help make a difference … especially for older people living alone. Take responsibility for something — another person, a pet or your garden. Keep a healthy balance of exercise and sensible eating. If your body is cared for, then your mind is free to work well.


There is now a Medicare rebate available for some psychology services.

“All Australians will now have access to effective treatment for mental health problems,” Amanda says. “The reforms are a significant recognition of the effectiveness of psychological treatments delivered by psychologists, representing a major milestone for mental health and the profession of psychology.”

For full details of the new Medicare items see www.psychology.org.au/members/Medicare

For more information about events in your area during National Psychology Week visit www.psychologyweek.com.au

The APS provides a free referral service for the general public, GPs and other health professionals who are seeking the advice and assistance of a qualified psychologist.

Visit www.psychology.org.au or call 1800 333 497.

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I set my husband up to cheat on me

I had just come out of a relationship with a man who had cheated on me repeatedly. I was distrustful of men in general and swore off love for good — or so I thought. That was until I met Grant, my current husband.

I was put onto Grant by a friend; he was an accountant and I needed someone good to take care of some tax issues I was having. He was very direct and very honest and, against my best instincts I found myself becoming increasingly attracted to him. He was — dare I say it — tall, dark and handsome and funnily enough it was me who asked him out. We had dinner and I was soon comfortable enough with him to tell him my tale of heartache with my previous boyfriend. He was clearly affronted by my ex-boyfriend’s behaviour and I dared to dream that Grant was “the one”.

We went out quite frequently over the next month and when we weren’t out together we spoke on the phone. Everything happened so fast. I asked Grant to go with me on a holiday that I’d had planned. We went up north for two weeks and it was just perfect. That was until I noticed all the attention that Grant received as a result of his dashing good looks.

At first I felt proud that others envied what I had, but my pride soon turned to jealousy. When we went out to eat, waitresses would giggle flirtatiously and direct their gaze toward him as though I wasn’t there. Grant seemed flattered by it all and alarm bells started going off in the back of my mind.

When we returned to our respective homes I was distant to the point where Grant would ask me repeatedly what was wrong and I would just say I was thinking about work or was tired. My mind was haunted by flashbacks of my last boyfriend and it started to eat me up inside. I then did something that I would forever regret. I set up an account on a well known dating website under Grant’s name.

I uploaded a photo of him and painted him to be a bit of a swinger in need of some action. I entered the fact that he was attached but looking and I waited. I also set up an e-mail account that I could check during the day. The e-mails started coming almost immediately — some with very racy photos attached. I picked out the woman I thought would most appeal to Grant and sent her a reply. Her name was Amelia and she was tall and slim with very sexy eyes.

We started communicating daily and I got some sort of sick thrill playing the part of Grant and wooing Amelia on his behalf. I looked forward to seeing her e-mails in the morning and watching her attraction to the character of Grant I had created. It wasn’t long before she was desperate to meet up and that’s when I set the trap.

I organised to meet Grant at our favourite bar in the city and e-mailed Amelia giving her the same details. I told her in no uncertain terms that I didn’t want to talk about the dating site. In fact I stated that I wanted to act out the fantasy that we had just met by chance and she seemed completely titillated by the idea.

I met Grant for lunch that day and in the afternoon told Amelia what “I” would be wearing — a grey pin-stripe suit and watermelon coloured shirt. I told Amelia where I would be sitting — the very booth where I’d said I would meet Grant that night — and she said she would approach “me” as if out of the blue. It was perfect.

I made sure I was running late to meet Grant that night — late enough to allow his “chance meeting” with Amelia. I was — as insane as it sounds — hoping to catch him flirting outrageously with the strange woman at the bar. I waited an hour — which felt like an eternity — and then called his mobile. I was trying to pick up on any signs of deceit in his voice. I imagined Amelia sitting opposite him and the thought burned me up inside. He sounded like he was just sitting and waiting for me but I didn’t believe it. I told him I couldn’t make it as I was swamped with work and that I would see him another time. I told him to enjoy himself and have a drink for me. He sounded disappointed but said he would stay a little longer then head home; the trap was about to spring forth!

I then made my way to the bar and walked slowly toward our regular booth. I was waiting to see the dark-haired beauty touching his arm and laughing rambunctiously. What I saw made my face and heart drop. He was alone — sipping on a drink and looking a little forlorn. I approached and mumbled something about catching up on my work the next day. He looked so happy to see me. He then — in his typically honest way — told me about the strange woman who had approached him. He said she looked so offended when he knocked her back and told her he was in love with a beautiful woman already. He said it took some convincing but she finally took the hint and, looking very put out, stormed off. He said he felt lucky to have me. I felt like the biggest turkey in history.

We were married six months later and Grant has turned out to be such a catharsis for me, the most loving and honest husband a girl could wish for.

Confessing this here is the first step. I’ll tell Grant about my awful deception as soon as I work up the nerve.

Picture posed by models.

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Small changes

Diet Club

Spill your diet secrets!**

Do you have a secret diet shame? Maybe you have a slimming secret that actually works? Whatever your diet confession is, you can share it here and read the diet tales of other readers.

Chat to other slimmers here

Small changes

When my doctor told me my cholesterol level was in the range that was considered dangerous for someone like myself (with a family history of heart disease), I decided to take action.

I have always loved mashed potato (with added milk and butter) but have found that my simple food processor is capable of creaming the boiled potatoes perfectly – without any added milk or butter.

Sometimes it just takes an extra little thought to change our diet and the way we prepare our food without having to sacrifice too much.

Yours faithfully

Mrs S. Dower.

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