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Simone tells: why I took Shane back

They’ve been behaving like love-struck teenagers … it’s clear Simone has taken Shane back — and he’s not ruling out a re-marriage.

Shane Warne has achieved the near-impossible by winning back the heart of ex-wife Simone. Friends confirm the two have become “romantic” again, much to the amazement of all who’ve witnessed their soap-opera-style relationship.

“We’re definitely a couple again and sharing the same bed,” Simone told one of her closest friends. “I know people think I’m stupid for taking him back, but I can’t help it. He’s the love of my life and always will be.”

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day.

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My cheating cake

I moved to a small rural township on the outskirts of Melbourne three years ago. As far as country towns go, it’s a lovely place, full of tearooms and curio shops and oak trees lining the main road. My husband Donald found a job on the local council, but as a young mother with three children under four I found it difficult to get out much and involve myself in the community.

Our neighbour was a very kind, retired woman called Beverly who sat on all the town committees and was renowned locally for her magnificent cakes. Each year our town held a Spring Fair, and the central event was the cake competition. Beverly had won this competition every year since her retirement as a school teacher, for 10 years running now. Cakes were one thing I could never get a handle on. The measurements were too precise, too exact, and I was more, well, slap-dash with my cooking.

The day we moved into our house, Beverly greeted us with a beautiful chocolate raspberry marble cake, which the children devoured with glee. My husband and I had to make do with the chicken casserole left by another neighbour. As a school teacher, Beverly was wonderful with the children, and could always be counted on to baby-sit in an emergency, or on the odd occasion Donald and I went out to dinner.

Beverly was always ready for a friendly chat and was full of advice on how to make friends in the town and enjoy my life there. She even encouraged me to enter the cake competition that she always won. “It’s just a bit of fun, after all, Christine, and not that you’d be expecting to win or anything, especially with me as a rival!”

For some reason, her certainty at winning annoyed me. Even though the thought of entering any cake baking competition had never entered my mind, a year ago I finally gave in to Beverly’s constant encouragement and baked a cake to enter the competition. It deflated 20 minutes after it came out of the oven. “Never mind Christine,” Beverly had commiserated with me, “there’s always next year.”

Now it was next year, and I planned to enter the cake competition again — and win it. I decided the only way I could win was through cheating. I made my own cake, from a packet, and in the microwave. A vanilla tea-cake, the exact same cake I knew Beverly was baking. She had let me in on her secret the week before. She never let anyone know what cake she was baking, in case they made the same one in an attempt to out-do her. With me, though, she was so certain I wouldn’t beat her that she gave me her recipe to use.

I knew Beverly left her cakes to cool next to an open window in the kitchen. She believed fresh air added something special to her cakes. It was her superstitious ritual to place her cooled cake in a particular cake tin and wrap it all up in a yellow ribbon.

Beverly went to bed after watching The Bill on Saturday nights, so I knew this would be the safest time for my cake-swap. I crept across our backyard after dark, skirting the tricycle and navigating around the sandpit. I looked down at my cake, already sagging in the centre, the sickly sweet icing pooling in small lumps on the cake plate. I had added a handful of salt to my cake, just to make sure. The window was open and the cake was there, just as I knew it would be. Beverly had already placed it inside her cake tin, done up with a bright yellow ribbon, ready for the judging tomorrow. I could only hope her cake would be as magnificent as usual as I undid the ribbon, took the lid off her tin, and swapped my cake for hers, setting the tin back in place. Due to her superstitions, I knew Beverly wouldn’t open the tin herself before the judges did.

The day of the Spring Fair was perfect, crowned with sunshine and blue skies. I waited all day in trepidation, watching the children eat fairy floss and enjoy rides on the old-fashioned carousel. Finally, the moment arrived. Inside the town hall the crowd waited, huddled around the cake judging table, while the town mayor’s wife and the judging committee sampled all the cakes. The town mayor’s wife finally undid Beverly’s ribbon and slid out a slice of cake on the silver server. The judging committee each took a bite. I noticed them looking at each other nervously. Beverly noticed too and looked at me. I raised my shoulders quizzically and looked back at the judges, mainly to avoid Beverly’s eyes. They all had another bite of the cake. They all looked disappointed and forlorn. After the longest five minutes ever of discussion they returned to the microphone to announce the winner.

“This year, we are proud to announce a brand new winner.” A murmur ran through the crowd. I heard Beverly gasp in surprise beside me. I couldn’t look at her. The judge continued, “This year, with her wonderful vanilla tea cake, our winner is Christine Roberts!” Beverly grabbed my hand and I thought she was going to accuse me there and then. Instead there were tears of joy in her eyes and she kissed my cheek warmly, saying “Oh, I knew you could do it, Christine, and no one deserves this as much as you.” Needless to say I never baked a cake again. Guilt is a very sour ingredient.

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‘I lost 30kg for my 30th birthday!’

Natasha Burns

Natasha had a big milestone heading her way, and big plans to celebrate it in style.

Melbourne mum Natasha Burns knew she had about 30kg to lose. She also knew her 30th birthday was getting closer. Why not combine the two, get in touch with the people at Weight Watchers and really make it an occasion to remember?

A self-employed artist, Natasha did it easily — and one year on, she’s still slim, fit, healthy and much, much happier.

Her young son Leroy, three, and husband Greg, 28, couldn’t be prouder of her achievement, and both have benefited from her dramatically improved energy … “Before I lost any weight, I was about 91kg and felt miserable, horrible and fat. I also had several embarrassing experiences. One time, someone mistook me for a pregnant person. On another occasion, a boy at a newsagent overheard me say to Leroy as I held him, ‘Gee, you’re heavy’. The boy commented, ‘It must be in the genes!’

“I got to the point where I thought, ‘Stop messing about and do something. So I decided I’d lose my 30kg before my 30th birthday. At the time, that was 11 months away … and I did it in 10!

“For my birthday party, I decided it was going to be a Polynesian theme. I’d wear a coconut shell bikini top and grass skirt on the night … and I did, thanks to Weight Watchers.

“I felt great, and my Weight Watchers leader was there. She told me she overheard people talking about my amazing weight loss — that was a huge boost!

“I went to Weight Watchers because they teach you how to lose weight and have a much healthier lifestyle.

“If you want a treat, you can have one because they teach about making better choices. I also love the support — I enjoyed going to the meetings and hearing everyone’s different ideas. I don’t have to attend any more, but I still go to the meetings and have a coffee afterwards.

“I love savoury foods, so the hardest for me to control was chips, dips and crackers. But I just swapped to rice crackers and low-fat dips in smaller amounts. It was so worth it. After I lost about 16kg, I joined a gym, and I still go about three times a week.

“I love it and now I feel really good. For the first time in years, I don’t feel like people are staring at me because I’m fat.”

Natasha’s stats

Weight before: 91kg

Weight after: 59kg

Weight lost: 32kg

Clothes size was: 18-22

Clothes size now: 10

Natasha’s top tip

“If you’ve got a lot of weight to lose, break it down into small, achievable goals. This way, it doesn’t feel like a huge, daunting amount. I had 30kg to lose, but broke it down to five kilo mini-goals along the way. I also rewarded myself with new make-up or perfume or shoes when I achieved each one!”

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Cheap and healthy meal ideas

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at www.thefoodcoach.com.au

“Can you give me some cheap and healthy meal ideas? I want to be healthy but fast food is cheaper.”

There certainly are some very cheap deals in fast food. The bottom line, though, is fast food is bad for you and if it costs you your health, in the long run it’s not worth the savings.

If you’ve seen the film Supersize Me, you would know the health risks attached to eating large quantities of these foods, including high blood pressure and blood cholesterol, liver damage, fatigue, to name a few.

Healthy eating does not have to be expensive, but to save money you have to learn to be flexible and seasonal.

Every green grocer will promote weekly specials, usually of seasonal vegetables and fruits when there’s an excess supply. Take advantage of these specials and stock up. You may have to look through a few recipes to find out what to do with them when you get home, but that adds to the fun.

Chinese greens are always inexpensive and very good for you. Chinese stores are usually the cheapest and freshest place to buy them.

For protein, lean mince is a great source of protein and inexpensive — many healthy meals can be made from lean minced beef, including low-fat lasagne, beef patties, bolognese sauce and meat roll. Chicken is also relatively inexpensive and can be minced or combined with vegies to make a healthy stir-fry. Fish is more expensive but again check out the specials in store and don’t forget that canned fish is still great for you. Tuna and salmon fishcakes made with cooked rice, some chopped herbs and beaten egg are delicious.

For carbohydrates, legumes are exceptionally inexpensive — either dried or canned, they are so good for you. Mashed, pureed to make dips or served whole in salads or in a sauce, they are delicious high-fibre foods to include in your healthy eating on a budget. Bread can be bought from supermarkets at a good price, but always buy wholegrain bread or flat bread instead of white or wholemeal. Your local Vietnamese baker may also have grain breads at a good price.

While a good bottle of olive oil may seem a large outlay, you don’t need to use much and compared to cheap vegetable oil and animal fat it’s the healthy fat to use in cooking. Combined with vinegar and a little mustard you have a delicious salad dressing which ml for ml probably works out cheaper than buying a ready-made bottle of salad dressing.

And finally, when it comes to baked goods, why not bake your own? Flour and sugar don’t cost much and where health is concerned, there’s nothing to beat homemade goods free of artificial colours and preservatives.

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Restocking your pantry

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

It’s the start of the year, so if you’ve made the decision to get healthy, why not create a healthy pantry?

Take the time to dedicate a couple of hours to the task and start by throwing out everything that’s out of date. Pay particular attention to any oils that are old. Oils can become rancid, which is very damaging to your health. Once the out-of-date items have gone in the bin, consider throwing out any items that have been lurking in the cupboard in open containers and plastic packets. Chances are you won’t be eating them again either. It’s a good idea to have a number of snap-lock jars and plastic containers for storage in future.

Now that you’re feeling quite virtuous it’s time to look at the ingredient list on the labels of the packaged food left on your shelves.

The website www.foodadditives.com.au is a great site to go to conduct a search on the safety of the additives listed in food packets in your home. Any additives that are considered a health risk should defininitely be thrown away.

Now it’s most unlikely that your cupboards will be left bare, but in the event that they are, here’s my essential pantry list to start off 2007:

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Shy cat


When my cat gave birth to a litter of kittens they all grew up into happy-go-lucky cats … except for one. He has always been timid and cowers and shakes when we try to get close to him. He’s a one-year-old now and still has trouble trusting us. What can we do?



Probably the easiest way of looking at this is to realise that when it comes to individual personalities, cats are no different to people. There are the outgoing, go-anywhere types, the straight types and the introverted ones that just want to keep to themselves. Your kitten obviously fits in to the latter category.

The sad thing is that, by the sound of him, he seems anxious and withdrawn as well. The key here will be patience. You will win his trust. However, push him too far, too soon, and you risk him retreating even further from your world. Let him always feel in control. Pat him and reassure him, but the moment he looks like he wants to run away, let him.

Feeding time can be a handy ally here. Feeding is something he will see as a trust-building gesture. Giving him a few gentle pats as you feed him will help him learn to associate patting with pleasurable experiences, like eating.

A cat I knew, called Neil, was exactly like this kitten and did improve with much time and dedication. Using the cat pheromone Feliway, (available from vets) to send a calming odour-based signal also helped.

The important thing is to not feel rejected by his lack of interest in your affections. He wants to be loved, but he will just take time to understand how it is that he wants to be loved.

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Oily skin


I have very oily skin. I wear make up to work on a daily basis. I end up with an incredibly oily face by the end of the day. Can you recommend a foundation that helps prevent or lessen the oil production?

? Penny


Hi Penny,

Steer away from cream and liquid foundations, as they tend to make the skin look moist and oily. Go for a compact foundation in a matte texture instead, it will give you great coverage and will hide any shine from seeping through. Compact foundations are handy; most come with a mirror and sponge and can easily fit into your handbag. You’ll also find that they are mess-free, quick and easy to apply, ideal for emergency touch-ups!

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Summer holidays

This is Sally, my 6 month old Border Collie. She loves swimming and fetching sticks.

— Katherine

Harley at the beach.

— Arnaldo

I thought I would send a photo of my dog Bobby. He loves the water and it’s hard to keep him out!! Bobby is definitely a water dog, and a cute one at that!

— Lauren

Our best friend Hulk. Champion of Champions.

— Peter

This is my British Shorthair Blue Cat named Piper. Here she is just trying to chill out on a hot Sydney day!

— Sharon

This is Nibbler my little baby. He loves to sun himself on a nice day, we love him so much.

— Jarryd and Michelle

Clyde, I rescued him from an uncertain future as a just born kitten and have had him now for 14 years and would be lost with out him.

— Jeff

Here is a picture of my cat playing with a lizard, her name is Daisee.

— Cheers, Dani, Qld

My dogs Tyrone and Halle’s most enjoyable time is spent at the beach! Tyrone manages to find something to play with, while Halle enjoys the sun and surf!

— Alana

My son with our Staffies. The white one Jay, his ‘wife’ Akasha hanging on to the ball and their son, Riddick, trying to join in. Never a dull minute in this house!

— Carol

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The secret life of Sarah Jessica Parker

One of eight children who grew up outside Cincinnati, Sarah Jessica Parker began acting at age eight in local productions and eventually found her way to Broadway. By age 12, she was starring in Annie as everyone’s favorite orphan. She then found steady work as a character actress in films while appearing on Broadway in shows like How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying.

That musical brought her together with the man who would become her husband, actor Matthew Broderick. The two stars wed in 1997 and have carved out a cozy home life in New York City’s chic Greenwich Village neighborhood, with their three-year-old son, James Wilkie.

Sarah Jessica, 41, relishes her role as a mum and lights up when she speaks of her little boy. Since Sex And The City ended its run in 2004, Sarah Jessica has made a successful return to the big screen. She got strong reviews for her performance as an uptight businesswoman in last winter’s The Family Stone, then charmed audiences as the woman pushing Matthew McConaughey out of home in the hit romantic comedy Failure to Launch. She has also created her own signature fragrance. Sarah Jessica’s perfume, which is a best seller, bears a name that easily sums her up ? Lovely.

Your marriage to Matthew came under intense scrutiny after you won a Golden Globe award a few years ago and you forgot to thank him in your acceptance speech.

And just like that, according to the tabloids, our marriage was over. Meanwhile, Matthew couldn’t have cared less. Never mind the fact that he didn’t even know about it, because he was working … or that Matthew, by the way, had won some awards in the past and hadn’t mentioned me. For some reason, that was acceptable. But for me to not thank him! Well, clearly, that made me a bitch, and also, clearly, a woman can’t achieve anything without a man. And when Matthew was confronted outside our home by photographers shouting, “Is your marriage over?” he actually said, “Why would Sarah Jessica thank me for work she did with 200 other people?” Of course, nobody ever printed that, and the controversy just carried on. But here’s what I say about it today: “Come back and check with me in 25 years and see who I’m married to. It will still be him.”

During your courtship, you didn’t hide the fact that you’d hoped Matthew would ask you to marry him.

Okay, here’s what happened: I went on David Letterman’s show and Dave said, “So you’re dating Matthew Broderick. What’s he like?” I said, “He’s fantastic. He’d be perfect if he’d ask me to marry him.” I was joking! But then, after that, I was seen as this wanton, desperate woman who was plotting and planning. I must have seemed like an old maid.

How did you ultimately get him to commit?

I gave him an ultimatum. No! I’m kidding! He did it in his own time, in his own way. And it was wonderful.

Having gown up without much money are you frugal now? How does your wealth affect you?

Well, I rarely splurge. But last year at Christmas time, I went shopping for myself. I can’t remember the last time I did that. When I was doing Sex and the City, I just lived off the leftovers. But now I find myself actually needing clothes. So I went shopping, and it was fantastic! So much fun.

You don’t feel guilty about that little spree, do you?

No. But it’s funny because in the old days, like ten years ago when I would go shopping, I used to get a stomachache afterward. I would have such intense guilt. I would tell the salesperson beforehand, “Listen, I’ll probably see you tomorrow because I’m going to bring all this back.” They never believed me, but sure enough I would go back the next day and say “I couldn’t sleep.” After this recent spree, though, I slept fine. I guess that proves I really believe I’ve made it.

How do you make sure your son James doesn’t turn out to be spoiled?

We’re very sensitive to anything that would make him feel like a child of affluence. We remind him of certain things, and we don’t want him to make assumptions. I don’t want him to assume he can have everything he wants or treat people a certain way and get away with it.

You’ve worked so much since James was born. Do you feel you get to spend enough time with him?

No. I mean, he’s with me all the time ? he’s been with me every day on the set of the last two films I’ve done ? and I think he feels very loved and safe. He knows how deeply we feel about him. But it’s time for me to take a break. I would like not to work for at least four months. And I realise how lucky I am to have that option.

Any naughty foods that you ought to avoid but can’t?

Oh, I love to eat. I think about food all the time. Matthew and I will lie in bed at night, and we’ll say to each other, ‘What are we going to eat for breakfast? If you get up before me, are you going to make bacon? Will you make the eggs over easy? Will you put cheese in them? Should we have whole toast?’ It’s very sexy.

You do have a very enviable figure.

I want to say something about that, which is that no real woman should look to any woman in this industry as an example. It’s simply not applicable because of the enormous number of advantages we have. Women in this country should be reminded to be healthy rather than to be a size zero. I’m not going to kid you: money changes everything. I’m fortunate enough to have things like a personal trainer and yoga classes. I realise that.

Although Sex And The City is known for raciness, you never did any nudity on the show.

And I basically never cursed either. I don’t curse. And no, I never did nudity. I was always too afraid to take my clothes off! It’s just not something I’m comfortable with.

So clearly you aren’t the party girl that you portrayed on Sex And The City!

No, no! People always assume that I’m some sort of party girl, and that’s such a misconception because I like staying home. People think my husband, Matthew, is this quiet, retiring type, and it’s actually the reverse. I’m at home, and Matthew loves going out to town. I understand why people identify me with Carrie so much ? I was in their homes as Carrie for so long. But while I have great affection for her, I’m not her.

So now that you’re officially a movie star, would you ever return to Broadway, which you love?

I will return to Broadway whenever they will have me. I’ve just finished three movies back-to-back and they were all great. And I will work hard to be worthy of more such opportunities. The past 20 years have been like a dream and I’ll do whatever I can to make sure it doesn’t end.

For more of this interview, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day ? Sarah Jessica Parker reveals the truth about her beauty ideals, marriage and her rules for raising her son.

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Two’s Company

My beautiful staffy Ronny loves his new baby kitten brother Pip. They are a very odd couple, but the best of friends.

Sent in by: Hayley

This is my little one. she somehow hurt her foot when i wasn’t home. she is a beautiful and brave little girl.

Sent in by: Barb

This is my dog nellie enjoying her time in the sun…

Sent in by: Corina Robinson

My playful little kittens would enjoy investigating everything!

Sent in by: Emily Chenoweth

Don’t you think we are cute?

Sent in by: Helen

This is my pup Ziggy and 2 hr old Jazz striking a pose on a sunny afternoon

Sent in by: Tracey

My babies are wondering why I have to get ready and go to work.

Sent in by: Marie Cost-Chretien

My two beautiful dogs Chevy & Cougar helping us out in the garden (supervising of course!).

Sent in by: Kelly McGough

Here are my babies 10 year olds Moet & Chandon in their hats, life jackets and Doggles – they love boating!

Sent in by: Lee Pritchard

“Love You!” “Love you more!” – Frankie (12 weeks) and Fergie (two weeks) practice at being just as cute as it gets.

Sent in by: Lynne Rose

My son david got a puppy for easter… so much better than chocolate mummy!

Sent in by: Kiejana ———————————————————————- Submit photos of your own adorable pets here!

———————————————————————- Visit the pet section of the site for pet factsheets, tips and expert advice.

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