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Bindi, Jungle Girl: Fijian iguanas

Bindi with one of Australia Zoo's Fijian iguanas

If you’ve always wanted to know more about animals, Bindi Irwin is the little girl to ask. Each month, Bindi will write about a different animal and answer readers’ questions in the magazine.

In the March issue of The Weekly, she tells us all about the Fijian crested iguana.

Pick up a copy of the March issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly to read more about iguanas and see below for information on how to ask Bindi your most pressing wildlife questions.


What do Fijian crested iguanas eat?

Bonnie O’Connor, Adelaide, SA.


Well, Bonnie, Fijian crested iguanas are mainly herbivores, which means they love eating leaves, shoots and fruits from trees and shrubs. Sometimes, they’ll snack on small insects. Our iguanas’ favourite foods are hibiscus flowers, grapes, rockmelon and pawpaw. They’re very healthy eaters.

Got a question for Bindi? Send it to Ask Bindi, The Australian Women’s Weekly, GPO Box 4178, Sydney NSW 2001 or send an e-mail to [email protected].

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Cat scratching

Have a great pet tip? Share it here and read some great tips from other pet lovers.

Our couch was being ripped to shreds even though I had a scratching pole for my kitty, so I bought her favourite treats and manually put her paws against the pole then gave her a treat.

It took no more than a week for her to be using her scratching pole and I was vigilant in giving her a treat every time.

Now she’s used to it, there are no more treats, and no more couch scratching!

— Tanya

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I fed meat to a vegetarian

My flatmate Simone was a vegetarian and loved to lecture me about how I was murdering animals every time I came home from work and cooked a steak or lamb chop for my dinner.

I had nothing against vegetarians — I had been one myself for many years after a food poisoning incident involving suspect beef — but what really irritated me was that, five minutes after she’d finished berating me for my “senseless cruelty”, she’d be tucking in to a meal of chicken or fish. According to her, birds and fish weren’t real animals. I couldn’t believe her hypocrisy!

One day I decided to hold a dinner party and invite all my closest friends. I invited Simone, too, and assured her that there would be at least one chicken dish for her to eat.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly as I prepared for the dinner; Simone even helped with the vegetables as I basted a lamb, my pièce de résistance, carefully preparing the marinade and mixing the stuffing until it was just right. By the time my guests arrived, I was confident it would be a lovely evening of delicious food and cheerful conversation. I had no idea how wrong I could be!

As soon as I had cut and served the lamb, Simone cleared her throat and stood up. My stomach back flipped as she proceeded to give each of my friends the same lecture she always gave to me, calling them slaughterers, and murderers, and animal haters. Several of my friends, who in fact loved animals very much, got very upset at this and left, while all the rest of us could do was pick at our food unhappily after Simone had finished her tirade. The party was ruined.

I couldn’t believe that Simone could be such a hypocrite. As she finished her chicken with satisfaction, I knew it was time to teach her a lesson!

A week or so later I was in the supermarket and I noticed that pork mince was on special. The thought struck me that it looked not unlike chicken mince. The plan for my revenge was hatched: I was going to prepare a meal of pork for Simone, and pass it off as chicken!

It wasn’t unusual for us to cook for each other, so when I offered to cook for my flatmate that night she was delighted and must have assumed I had forgiven her for the dinner party fiasco.

I very carefully mixed pork mince with some chicken mince so the consistency wouldn’t be so different, and then added a variety of herbs and seasonings and a coating of bread crumbs to disguise the taste.

As she ate the rissoles, I waited anxiously for Simone to discover my trickery, but she simply declared them to be the best rissoles she had ever eaten, and begged me to make them again. I was more than happy to oblige!

I didn’t take offence the next time Simone hassled me about eating meat. I simply offered to cook her my famous rissoles, revelling in the secret knowledge that Simone really was a proper carnivore, and she didn’t even know it!

Picture posed by model.

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Switch to skim

Diet Club

I have quite a bit of weight to lose and I have just started. I want to be slim by my big 30 next year.

I have realised that I am using too many calories on milk. As I like about a cup on my breakfast plus two or three cups of coffee or tea during the day I was not loosing as much weight.

Since I changed from semi-skimmed milk to skimmed milk the kilos are falling off. My skin is a lot better since I cut out all the cakes, chocolate etc. I feel so much healthier now.

Roll on 30!

— Leanne

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Cholesterol lowering foods

By Judy Davie

**”I recently detoxed then changed my diet to minimise animal and plant fats/oils, dairy, sugars, processed foods and wheat. However, my cholesterol is higher than ever. The bad cholesterol is up to 4.5 and the good cholesterol is down to 1.9. My doctor said to cut meat to only 480g of red meat per week. Any further suggestions please?”

— Kath**

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Stallone’s hotel room raided by Customs

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Drinking from the toilet

Every week Dr Chris Brown answers your pet questions — submit your own or browse our archives.


How do I stop my 1-year-old cat from drinking out of the toilet? He has fresh water available but loves the toilet water. Is this good for him?

— Nicole


This is a situation you’re truly excused for shaking your head at. Your cat isn’t the first that I have known to bypass fresh and filtered water for the stuff that comes fresh and flushed.

But interestingly there is a reason for it. You see, while water has no taste to us, cats (and dogs) can actually ‘taste’ water. It has a definite flavour. And funnily enough, they prefer their water with a slight mineral or salty taste. That’s why you will often see cats drinking from puddles in the shower or on tiles. It has a stronger and more ‘agreeable’ flavour.

You could try putting out very fresh water and even adding the smallest of small pinches of salt (just a few grains). It might be enough to tempt him away from the toilet water and its bacteria that could cause a stomach upset.

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Kelly Donaghy-Lewis: ‘The girls were intimidated by me’

Kelly Donaghy-Lewis talks to Woman’s Day about her friendship with fellow Biggest Loser contestant Michael, and about how things are going with her estranged husband now she’s been eliminated from the show.

**Starting weight: 117.1kg

Elimination weight: 108.7**

What led to you being eliminated?

Mel was jealous of my friendship with Michael and she’d told him that because of our friendship she felt she couldn’t talk to him. I’m upset that this played a part in why I was voted off because I believe I was one of the strongest competitors. Most of the girls weren’t friendly to me from the start, possibly because I was the second lightest in the house but also because of my job as a police officer. I think they felt intimidated.

Your friendship with Michael seemed pretty close. Did you fall in love?

I definitely didn’t fall in love but I loved the person he is. I’d like to spend more time with him without the cameras around. He has similar values to me, he was really genuine and honest and he was into sport. It was also a bonus that he was good looking. It was only a friendship but it helped me get over my ex-husband.

You split from your husband just a few months before joining The Biggest Loser. Did your time in the house ease the pain of the separation?

I wouldn’t have made the same emotional progress if I’d been at home. I was still very upset when I went into the house but the break did me the world of good. I don’t feel as attached to him anymore and now I want to concentrate on me and my training and my boys. The thought that I could meet someone and move on is now not that far away.

Have you had contact with your husband since you were eliminated?

He sent me nine text messages in the first 12 hours after I was eliminated. I’m furious that he had his new girlfriend staying in my house while he was looking after our sons. He doesn’t understand why I would be upset about it but he must have a brain injury not to be able to see it. He said he’d changed the sheets but I’m going to buy a new bed — I don’t want to sleep in the bed that he’s had his girlfriend in while I’ve been away.

Are there any benefits to being eliminated?

I get to see my boys and I won’t miss Thomas’s fourth birthday. I’ve missed them like crazy and I pulled that nine tonne plane purely for them because I needed to see that letter telling me they were OK.

Will you be able to maintain your weight loss journey outside the house?

I’m determined to stay off the chardonnay and my family and friends will support me with the exercise. A part of me hopes that on finale night I’ll look so good that my ex will look at me and think he made a mistake.

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Can ceramic straighteners damage your hair?

Hair straightener


Each week Woman’s Day Beauty Editor, Mary Zavaglia answers your beauty questions.


I recently bought a new ceramic straightener and I read in the user’s manual that it doesn’t do any damage to your hair, though it still recommends that I use an extremely expensive UV filter. Can you shed some light on what I should do, please?

— Cagla


Whenever you apply heat to your hair there is going to be a little damage done, unless you use a styling aid which protects the hair shaft from the heat. It is best to limit the use of straightening irons as using them every day will dry, and in some cases, split hair. I would suggest the GHD irons as they are ceramic and distribute the heat evenly throughout the hair shaft.

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Anna Nicole’s shock secret: Is her dead hubby the daddy?

Following Anna Nicole Smith‘s sudden death, family insiders have revealed the shocking secret she took to her grave — that her late husband J Howard Marshall was the likely father of her daughter Dannielynn.

Talking exclusively to Woman’s Day, Stacy Brown — a ghost-writer who worked with Anna Nicole’s half-sister Donna Hogan on her upcoming tell-all book Train Wreck — reveals how Anna Nicole froze her dead husband’s sperm and later used it to fall pregnant.

For the full story see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale February 19).

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