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Oscars gossip

Not only did Jennifer Hudson win the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her performance in Dreamgirls, her boyfriend of eight years proposed to her as she was getting ready for the ceremony!

Host Ellen DeGeneres managed to squeeze in a yoga class with girlfriend Portia de Rossi just hours before the show began.

Pregnant Naomi Watts almost didn’t make it to the Oscars — she had morning sickness!

Before the ceremony, Alan Arkin said he hoped his ten-year-old costar — Best Supporting Actress nominee Abigail Breslin — would lose. He said she’s too young to receive so much attention.

Jessica Simpson let her new boyfriend John Mayer pick out her Oscar dress.

Katie Holmes had to talk Victoria Beckham out of making five dress changes throughout the night. Posh couldn’t decide which designer frock to wear to the Oscars, so she wanted to wear them all!

Beyonce paid Giorgio Armani a batch of homemade cookies to make a last minute adjustment to her Oscar gown.

Best Actress nominee Penelope Cruz spent the evening with a good luck penny taped inside her dress. The penny was a gift from her best friend Salma Hayek.

Best Actor nominee Mark Wahlberg crashed his dirt bike just hours before he was due at the Oscars. Luckily he was completely unharmed.

Kirsten Dunst was a nervous wreck before presenting the award for Best Screenplay. Backstage, she complained that she was uncomfortable in her dress and was terrified of committing “career suicide” by messing up her speech.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck hugged and made small talk at the Oscars. The former couple had barely spoken to each other since their 2004 break up.

After losing to Alan Arkin, Best Supporting Actor nominee Eddie Murphy stormed out of the theatre and wasn’t seen for the rest of the night.

Cameron Diaz lost an expensive diamond and emerald earring backstage, but managed to find it just before she was due to present an award.

A tipsy Madonna encouraged Penelope Cruz to down several Cosmos at an Oscars after-party. She later danced the can-can with Gyneth Paltrow!

Fresh from rehab, Lindsay Lohan was overheard saying, “Oh my God, I’ve got the shakes. It won’t stop,” at a post-Oscars party.

Lindsay perked up later in the night however — she joined Leo DiCaprio and Jessica Biel in singing a medley of Britney Spears songs while pretending to shave their heads.

For all the juicy details, plus more pics and gossip, see the next issue of Woman’s Day (on sale March 5).

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Britney’s shock suicide attempt

At the time of going to press, Britney Spears was on suicide watch after fleeing rehab twice in one week and reportedly trying to kill herself while in the grip of a tragic meltdown.

Brit’s increasingly disturbing behaviour has family and friends fearing the worst for the singer.

“Britney has definitely gone off the deep end and her mom Lynne is scared stiff she’ll do something stupid,” says a family friend. “We all knew something was dreadfully wrong when Brit cut off her hair — that her wild erratic behaviour had moved into another, much more scary dimension. Now her mom’s afraid Britney is going to go too far — so far that she can’t come back. Lynne’s desperately afraid Britney won’t live to see her children grow up.”

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale February 26).

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Hugh falls for Drew — the real reason he dumped Jemima

Hugh Grant and Jemima Khan have ended their three-year romance amid reports he has fallen for co-star Drew Barrymore.

According to insiders, real-life love blossomed between Hugh and Drew on the set of their new romantic comedy Music & Lyrics — and the couple’s cosy appearances at premiere’s proved the final straw for “jealous” Jemima.

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale February 26).

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Jen’s joy: I’m having a baby!

The star puts Hollywood on hold as she prepares herself for motherhood.

Jennifer Aniston has proudly revealed she’s set to become a mum. “I’m so excited,” she told friends. “Watch this belly, it’s about to get a whole lot rounder!”

Jen, who celebrated her 38th birthday recently, has reportedly been undergoing IVF treatment for months, with many believing she’s already in the early stages of pregnancy.

“She’s been visiting the same fertility specialists who helped Courteney [Cox, her close friend] fall pregnant at 39,” reveals an insider, who tells how Jen hand-picked a sperm donor during one of several appointments at the Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in LA.

“Jen resigned herself to the fact she’ll be a single mother. Her biological clock has been ticking for a while, but it dawned on her that if she kept waiting for the perfect partner she would run out of time.”

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale February 26).

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Nicole’s baby hopes

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Olivia and daughter — Chloe’s brave battle

In this week’s issue of Woman’s Day, Olivia Newton-John and her daughter Chloe Lattanzi open up in a soul-bearing interview.

In her brief 21 years, Chloe has endured more heartache than most people experience in a lifetime.

As mother and daughter bravely dealt with one personal battle after another, today Chloe has emerged strong and poised.

During Woman’s Day’s exclusive photo shoot and interview at Olivia’s luxurious Malibu home, both mother and daughter discuss the loss of Olivia’s partner, Chloe’s anorexia battle, as well as the music career that is pulling her through.

Chloe admits that she suffered with the eating disorder for two years. “I’m taking very good care of myself now, but I’m not going to be like ‘Oh, I eat pizza every day!'”.

When Olivia was asked what advice she would give to mothers in her situation, she told Woman’s Day, “All the therapists in the world can’t help if the parents aren’t present, loving and proactive.”

To read the full interview, don’t miss this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale February 26).

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Spa horror “My 8-year-old sister saved my life”

Molly Devenny, 7, owes her life to the courage and quick-thinking of her eight-year-old sister.

Chloe used first-aid she’d seen on television to try to resuscitate Molly after pulling her free from their father’s backyard spa in Perth, where she lay trapped underwater after her hair was sucked into a filter.

“I was very scared,” says Chloe. “I didn’t want her to die. I blew in her mouth five times and then I pressed her chest like I’d watched it done on TV,” she recalls. “I thought, ‘This might help, let’s try this’.

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale February 26).

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Michael Hinde: ‘My love triangle’

Biggest Loser contestant Michael Hinde talks to Woman’s Day about his time on the show.

**Starting weight: 165.2kg

Elimination weight: 145.7kg**

Were you surprised to be eliminated?

It was a shocker and quite hurtful. They said I wasn’t a team player which was a surprise considering all the sport I’ve played. I don’t mean to sound arrogant but Kelly and I were two of the strongest members of the team mentally, strategically and physically. I think they played straight into the red team’s hands by getting rid of us.

When Kelly was eliminated last week she thought jealousy from Mel about your friendship was partly to blame. Was there a love triangle going on?

Kelly became my best friend in the house and we spent a lot of time talking. We became very close and potentially there could be something in the future. We’re very like-minded and I drew inspiration from her. She shows great leadership and control and we’ve got similar hobbies and a similar sense of humour.

So do you think Mel was jealous?

There may have been a spark between Mel and I but I could have been totally wrong. Mel is a pretty switched-on girl but I would probably have more trust in Kelly and that’s a very important factor for me. Assuming they both do like me, it’s hard not to be chuffed when someone is expressing interest in me. That sort of thing hasn’t come my way very often.

Was it hard to keep going while you were in the house?

My inspiration was a little boy called Joshua. He is the son of my best friend and he was born seven weeks premature, the day before I went into the house. During the tough times I thought about him and drew on his fight and strength. I thought if he could keep going then I could too. He’s back home now and doing really well.

One of your reasons for losing weight is to have a family of your own. Do you feel that is now achievable?

My Dad died when I was five so I’d love to have a son to carry on the family name and to pass on what my mum and grandma taught me. I really need to lose the weight to have children and that remains one of my strongest motivations.

Do you have any regrets about your time in the Whitehouse?

I regret not playing the game a lot smarter because I feel that I’ve been beaten by inferior people. I should have opened up to my team earlier because when I was eliminated they said, ‘Why didn’t you do this earlier?”

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Lisa Oldfield: Let’s help the aged

Lisa Oldfield wants to see the elderly cared for by their loved ones rather than the hospital system.

My grandparents and my mother and father-in-law, whom I love very dearly, have been very sick of late and have relied on care. They’ve lived through the Depression and worked so hard to carry Australia through that era, and war, and we owe them so much, yet I can’t help but feel a lot of their generation are forgotten. You can get all the medical care you need but some people just don’t have the love and support that psychologically helps pull them through illness.

We’re beginning to expect the government to look after us from womb to tomb. But there’s got to be some onus on the individual to look out for people who can’t look out for themselves in order for them to maintain their independence for as long as possible.

We are the first generation of people to not live within the extended family. Fifty years ago, grandparents helped bring up the children, and when they couldn’t look after themselves there were younger generations looking after them.

My husband David and I are building a bigger home and we’ll be 300m down the road from his parents. If they need to be with us there’ll be plenty of room. Even if it’s not family, it’s important to look out for the elderly, even if it’s giving up a seat on a bus. Let’s look out for the elderly neighbour and spend more time with Mum or Dad, to listen to what they’ve got to say and provide them with some comfort.

Do you agree with Lisa? Have your say on the Woman’s Day discussion board.

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