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Kids’ corner, 1

My beautiful daughter Chloe loves to have a conversation with you. She is a real little chatterbox.

— Rachel

This is my gorgous son Lachlan Cassidy (22 months). This day he was very quiet all the way home, now we know why — he was enjoying his ice cream.

— Belinda

‘Twice as nice’

Here is a photo of my gorgeous precious indentical angels, Alana and Lavinia at 3 weeks old. Even born, they can’t bear to be apart, and cry for each other. I am happy that they will always have one another and I know that they will always be the best of friends.

— Anna

This is my gorgeous son Nicholas. He loves bath time and judging by this picture, he doesn’t care where it is.

— Katrina

This is our little Easter Bunny Elailah Mollie. She has hours of fun playing dress ups every day. — Krystal

Meet my beautiful four-month-old baby girl, Stevie, who just loves having her photo taken. She is such a happy little baby and very photogenic, don’t you think?

— Renae

This is a photo of our beautiful 4-month-old Cameron, who is our pride and joy. We can’t imagine life without him.

— Kylie

Ater having had four lovely daughters, and four beautiful granddaughters, I would like to share with you my first grandson. And from the look on his face, he’s determined to go places fast.

— Proud Grandad

Our Finlay (14 months) is the most adorable bunny of them all.

— Louise

This is my adorable 5-year-old niece Chante. No matter the day, she always makes you smile. Like in this photo of her before going for a swim.

— Jaimee

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Laura Kufersin: ‘Everyone hates Chris’

Biggest Loser contestant Laura Kufersin talks to Woman’s Day about her time on the show.

**Starting weight: 109.2

Elimination weight: 93.1kg**

How do you feel about getting this far in the game?

I’ve got 23kg to go before I reach my goal weight but I’m really excited to be going home. There were some long days but now it feels like I haven’t even been there. I’ve enjoyed my whole experience, I would not change one thing for the world. I believe in myself now and I’ve become stronger. Everyone said I came in a girl and I’ve gone out a woman and that’s a good feeling.

Who didn’t you get along with?

I can’t stand Chris. He’s a very arrogant person and he’s just there for the money. As soon as the opportunity comes, he’ll be gone. Marty rubbed me up the wrong way a bit. I had to share a room with him and I felt uncomfortable at some points. He’s a 38 year old male and I’m a 20 year old girl. He made comments that I think he didn’t mean intentionally but after a while the jokes got old. I really let him get to me. When he started losing a lot of weight he started doing stupid poses and I thought, “I’m embarrassed for you”.

Your dad has had health problems. What action are you going to take when you get home?

He’s not going to know what’ll hit him. He doesn’t realise how much of an effect him being sick has had an effect on me emotionally. It’s not a good feeling seeing your dad getting bigger and bigger and having strokes. I’m starting this journey for us and we’re going to finish it off together. I’ll be exercising three or four hours a day and eating right.

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Jacqueline Pascarl: ‘I couldn’t risk kidnapping my kids’

When the Gillespie children were snatched by their Malaysian prince father 14 years ago, their mother decided it was too dangerous to try to snatch them back.

When Melissa Hawach was reunited with her kidnapped children, Melbourne mum Jacqueline Pascarl — whose children were kept from her for 14 agonising years — felt mixed emotions.

Although delighted for Melissa, whom she’d helped comfort during her ordeal, Jacqueline, 43, says she also “felt rattled for a while”.

“I questioned whether I, too, should have used mercenaries to try to rescue my children,” she explains.

Jacqueline — whose surname was then Gillespie — made international headlines when her six-year-old daughter Shahirah and nine-year-old son Iddin were kidnapped by their Malaysian prince father, Raja Bahrin.

Bahrin snatched the children during an access visit in 1992 and smuggled them out of the country. Although Jacqueline had legal custody of the children, Australia’s diplomatic efforts to get them back from Malaysia were fruitless.

Jacqueline never gave up the battle and admits she considered paying to have her children “kidnapped” back.

“But my kids were in a royal compound, being guarded 24 hours by gun-toting royal bodyguards,” Jacqueline sighs.

“My children — or some of their relatives — could have been harmed if anyone broke in, and I just couldn’t risk that.”

Finally, in Melbourne last year, Jacqueline was reunited first with her daughter, and later her son, now young adults who sought to be with the mother they’d never forgotten.

“The sun peeked out three-quarters when I saw my daughter in person,” Jacqueline says, her face lighting up at the memory. “And it absolutely glowed as though it was a midsummer day in a cloudless sky when I saw both my children!”

Jacqueline’s new book, Since I Was A Princess, outlines how she managed to get through the terrible years without her children. Though there were times of utter despair when she contemplated suicide, she found enough inner strength to propel her through her darkest moments. The trauma destroyed her second marriage, but she later found happiness with a new husband, Bill Crocaris, to whom she has two more children, Verity, 6, and Lysander, 4.

Jacqueline also immersed herself in international charity work and became an expert on child abduction, establishing The Empty Arms Network to support parents whose children have been kidnapped.

“I have personally been involved in helping 64 children be returned to their parents from all over the world,” she says with pride. “And I always shed a tear of elation when somebody gets their child back. An estimated 30,000 children are kidnapped from Western nations every year. It’s an enormous problem.

“I never advocate counter-abduction, though — that is a personal choice for the parents involved.

“My message to any parent who contacts me is, ‘Always live in hope, you just have to keep going, even when it’s the most difficult thing. I mean, are you going to slash your wrists, crawl into a corner and die — or turn a negative into a positive, and decide you’re going to build as many bridges in your life as you can, in the hope that your children will walk across them one day?

“I have always maintained that I have been a very fortunate person, despite what happened to me. Of course, I had terrible moments of depression and desolation, but I was alive and kicking. I knew my children weren’t dead, at least. And I found a way of channelling my expertise into something to help other people.”

Jacqueline says her daughter Shah, now 21 and living with her mother in Melbourne, and son Iddin, now 24, “are really proud of me and what I’ve been doing over the past few years”.

The fact that she is a former princess, she says, often helped open doors with her international charity work.

“I don’t use it to get a seat at the opera or anything,” she giggles, “but being a former princess of Malaysia has certainly helped me get things done overseas. One time, when I was at a refugee camp in Kosovo for CARE International, the visiting Dutch Prime Minister recognised me, as his wife was reading my first book Once I Was A Princess. He came over and began asking me about the refugees, and later made a generous donation to the camp.”

Jacqueline’s focus is now more on her family life, “though if people seek me out wanting advice, I help, which is what happened with Melissa Hawach. Her solicitor contacted me and asked if I’d contact her and offer solace, which, of course, I was happy to do.

“I didn’t know she was going to try to counter-abduct her girls back. I probably would have advised her against it, but ultimately it’s a personal choice, and, well, it worked for her.”

Jacqueline says she is currently in the throes of writing fiction, both for children and adults.

“And I just want to be there for my children, to help bring out the best in all of them. Being able to walk down the street with all four of my children for the first time, holding hands, is a moment I’ll never forget,” she adds, her voice heavy with emotion.

“Did I ever expect to be this happy again? No, I never thought I’d be this joyous again. But I’d already realised joy can find you in different ways. Having a second family has given me a happiness I hadn’t expected.

“But to be able to have all four children here and see them interact and have a proper life is true fulfilment. I’m enjoying discovering their many wonderful talents.”

Asked how she feels towards her former husband, the prince who kept her from her children for so long, Jacqueline pauses, then says, “I don’t want my children to hate their father, so I won’t say too much about him … I’ve got to move on; we’re going to share grandchildren one day.

“But, obviously he’s not my favourite person in the world!” she adds with a wry smile. “Still, we now have to look ahead.”

Jacqueline says that, growing up in Malaysia, the children were deprived “of ballet classes, piano lessons, and all those extras, musically, artistically, and emotionally,” they’d have had if they’d grown up with her in Melbourne.

“Shah has a great sense of humour, she’s really funny. In the past few months, she has been studying music here in Melbourne, she sings beautifully. She’s just gone back to Malaysia for a holiday, but she’ll be back soon. And Iddin has just returned to Malaysia after scuba diving in the Philippines.

“How my children spend their future is up to them,” she says. “I have to remember, I’m the parent of two adult children, and they can make their own decisions. But thankfully, from now on, our separations will never be forced!

“My life is blissful now,” she continues, flashing her beautiful smile. “With two little ones to raise, it’s also organised chaos on any given day — but I wouldn’t change a thing!”

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Angelina under attack

Angelina Jolie has been forced to defend herself against a barrage of criticism following her latest adoption.

The Oscar-winning actress, who adopted three-year-old Vietnamese tot Pax Thien Jolie last week, has hit out at attacks she is a “bad person”, amid claims the adoption process was “cruel”, “handled atrociously” and “fast-tracked” due to her celebrity profile.

Pax’s caregiver at the orphanage is also stunned by the jarring adoption process.

Bui Thi Bich Tuyen, a nurse and the substitute mother who cared for Pax from infancy, says, “It all happened so quickly. He had no idea what was going on except that he was going to be taken away by a stranger. There was no time to say goodbye.”

For the full story see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale March 26).

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Catherine and Michael’s marriage crisis

Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas’s six-year marriage is at breaking point once again, after months of bitter fighting.

“The cracks have been showing for quite some time now,” says a friend. “They used to spend loads of time together. Not any more. Back when they first got together and had really hectic schedules, they always made time for one another. But now, with endless time on their hands, they can barely stand being together.

“Whenever they’re in the same room it usually turns into a blazing row,” the friend reports. “It’s a very combustible situation.”

Michael infuriated Catherine recently when he joked with reporters he wanted to star in a movie with his wife so he could “off” her, saying, “I’d be the villain, because nobody likes older guys with younger women. We’ll get her a young leading man and I’ll be the bad guy. And I’ll ‘off’ one of them.”

Insiders say it is no coincidence Michael’s “joke” came after Catherine was photographed holding hands with her 39-year-old No Reservations co-star Aaron Eckhart during an awards show in Miami.

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale March 26).

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In the mag – April 2, 2007

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Pauline and David’s three-year affair exposed!

David Oldfield not only had a passionate affair with Pauline Hanson, but the smooth-talking political advisor was so smitten that he proposed to her during a romantic road trip in outback Queensland.

This is the bombshell claim revealed in an exclusive in this week’s Woman’s Day by author Scott Balson, a former One Nation insider, who says not only did the affair happen, but that it was an all-consuming romance.

“I always knew they were lovers, but I had never before witnessed such open affection. They normally went to great lengths to hide it,” Scott tells Woman’s Day.

Don’t miss this week’s issue (on sale March 26) to see the picture proof and read all the shock new claims!

Inside One Nation, by Scott Balson, rrp $34.95, is available from bookstores nationally.

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Nicole’s joy – pregnant at last!

Nicole Kidman has at last received the news she’s been so desperately waiting for — she’s pregnant!

After months of fertility treatment, sources say the actress has told family and friends that she and husband Keith Urban are finally expecting their first child together.

“Nicole and Keith are having a baby,” reveals an overjoyed friend. “They’ve been riding on clouds since they got the news. Nicole’s been hoping for this since the day they got married. Everyone knows how she’s been aching to have a baby. It’s all she’s been talking about for ages.”

For the full story, plus exclusive pics, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale March 26).

Your say: What do you think Nic and Keith should name their baby?

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Naomi Campbell’s hot date… scrubbing toilets

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Catch up with the Road Train Vic, SA and WA

The Australian Women’s Weekly Commonwealth Bank Road Train — a giant, purpose-built yellow truck, complete with Test Kitchen cooking demonstrations, fashion shows, beauty advice, health and finance forums, and great prizes and personalities — continues its 12-month tour of 100 country towns in Victoria and South Australia this autumn. Find out when it will be in a town near you by checking the schedule below.

We hope to see you on the road!

  • Sunday, April 1

Wangaratta, Victoria

We’re at Apex Park from 11am to 3pm with a musical performance by 2007 Victorian Entertainer of the Year Paul Costa; a comedy routine by the Clown Doctors; food, beauty and finance demonstrations; a Sussan fashion parade, and free giveaways.

  • Tuesday, April 3

Swan Hill, Victoria

We’ll be at Swan Hill Showgrounds (cr McCallum and High streets) from 10am to 1pm with live performances from Paul Costa and local singer Hutch Lawrie, beauty makeovers, finance advice, fashion from Sussan, and giveaways from Dairy Farmers.

  • Thursday, April 5

Echuca, Victoria

Come down to Hopwood Gardens on High St from 10am to 1pm today. Stop by to catch a performance from Paul Costa and local group Rhubarb Pie, beauty, fashion and finance demos, free giveaways and an important message from the National Breast Cancer Centre.

  • Friday, April 6

Bendigo, Victoria

Start off your day at Lake Weeroona (Napier St) with the Today show and stick around for the Road Train. Steve Jacobs will be at the truck from 6am to 9am and we’ll stick around until 3:30pm with cooking demos from our Test Kitchen Director Pamela Clark, a talk from The Weekly’s vet James Ramsden, a live musical performance by Paul Costa, an appearance by Max and Milly from New MacDonald’s Farm and free face painting for the kids, and much more.

  • Monday, April 9

Stawell, Victoria

We’ll be parked at the Stawell Bowling Club at Victoria St from 11am to 2pm for the famous Stawell Gift today. Join in the festivities and enjoy a live performance by Paul Costa and Revlon makeovers.

  • Thursday, April 12

Hamilton, Victoria

We’re at Brown St today from 11am to 2pm with country singer Paul Costa performing, financial and beauty advice for the Hamilton Races and free giveaways from Dairy Farmers.

  • Saturday, April 14

Ballarat, Victoria

Drop by Lake Wendouree between 10am and 1pm to watch country singer Paul Costa perform, get a chance to be picked for a beauty makeover, try out some new Dairy Farmers yogurt and much more.

  • Monday, April 16

Shepparton, Victoria

Catch up with the Today show’s Mike Dalton at Victoria Park Lake from 6am before we start up today’s Road Train events from 9am to 12pm. What’s on offer today: a live performance from Reg Poole, beauty demos and giveaways, financial advice seminars, a fundraising campaign for a local charity and more.

  • Wednesday, April 18

Bairnsdale, Victoria

We’re down at Main Street Gardens today from 10am to 1pm with lots of entertainment, giveaways, beauty demonstrations and more.

  • Saturday, April 21

Sale, Victoria

We hope to see you at Port of Sale (near the Farmers Market) from 8.30am to 12pm with free entertainment, interactive financial workshops, beauty and food giveaways and more.

  • Tuesday, April 24

Traralgon, Victoria

We’re at Kay St Gardens from 10am to 1pm with live musical performances, beauty and financial workshops and free showbags to the first 50 comers.

  • Thursday, April 26

Warragul, Victoria

Civic Park will host a morning of beauty and finance advice, as well as important information from the National Breast Cancer Centre. We’re there from 10am to 1pm.

  • Sunday, April 29

Healesville, Victoria

Stop by Coronation Park (near the River St Reserve Area) between 10am and 1pm for live entertainment, food demos by the Women’s Weekly Test Kitchen, financial and beauty advice and lots of giveaways.

  • Wednesday, May 2

Hobart, Tasmania

Come and see The Weekly’s Test Kitchen in action with Kellie-Marie Thomas at Salamanca Place from 10am-2pm.

  • Friday, May 4

Launceston, Tasmania

Join us at AgFest (AgFest Quercus Rural Youth Park, Oaks Rd between Carrick and Bracknell), where the Road Train will help celebrate the agricultural community by providing an action packed day of entertainment, food, fashion and beauty from 9am to 4pm.

  • Friday, May 11

Mornington, Victoria

The Road Train rolls on to Blake St from 10am to 1pm for a morning of activities, including Revlon makeovers in the stunning Victorian town of Mornington.

  • Sunday, May 13

Geelong, Victoria

The Road Train invites all mums and their families down to Steampacket Gardens on the Geelong waterfront from 10am to 2pm for a special morning of pampering, including makeovers by Revlon, a Sussan fashion parade and Test Kitchen demonstrations.

  • Tuesday, May 15

Apollo Bay, Victoria

Don’t miss the Road Train event next to the Apollo Bay Surf Club, on the Apollo Bay foreshore from 10am to 1pm, the heart of Australia’s scenic Great Ocean Road.

  • Friday, May 18

Warrnambool, Victoria

The Road Train brings the pages of The Weekly to life at the Carnival Site, 74 Pertobe Rd from 10am to 1pm with food demonstrations by deputy food editor Frances Abdallaoui and Revlon makeovers.

  • Sunday, May 20

Mount Gambier, SA

Come down to the Cave Gardens in Watsons Terrace from 10am to 2pm for a day filled with community spirit and local produce in South Australia’s vibrant Mt Gambier, including cooking demonstrations by Frances Abdallaoui.

  • Tuesday, May 22

Murray Bridge, SA

Join us at Sturt Reserve on the banks of Australia’s most famous river from 10am to 1pm, where the rural city of Murray Bridge will host a full morning of activities on the Road Train, including live performances by country singer Dave Prior.

  • Thursday, May 24

Victor Harbor, SA

Come down to meet The Weekly team at Warland Reserve from 9am to 3pm and enjoy a full day of entertainment to celebrate the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea. The day will feature beauty demonstrations by Revlon and beauty director Kate Mahon, cooking demonstrations by executive food director Lyndey Milan and a Sussan fashion parade.

  • Saturday, May 26

Barossa, SA

Come and see us at the Barossa Farmers Market Vintners Shed (corner Angaston and Stockwell Rds, Angaston) from 7:30am to 11:30am for an extravaganza of fine foods, including Women’s Weekly Test Kitchen demonstrations with Lyndey Milan.

  • Monday, May 28

Clare, SA

Join the Road Train at Old North Rd, adjacent to Mill Place, from 10am to 1pm.

  • Wednesday, May 30

Berri, SA

Come and visit the Road Train in Berri from 10am to 1pm. We’ll be located adjacent to the visitor’s information centre at Riverview Dr at the bottom of Vaughan Terrace.

  • Friday, June 1

Mildura, Victoria

Lyndey Milan from the Women’s Weekly Food team will combine our great recipes with fantastic local produce to create a taste sensation at the off street car park on Lime Ave from 9am to 1pm.

  • Saturday, June 2

Broken Hill, NSW

We’ll join the start of Broken Hill’s Relay for Life at the Memorial Oval on William St from 4 to 8pm and add our support to the Cancer Council.

  • Tuesday, June 5

Port Pirie, SA

Down by the water at the Port Pirie foreshore (151 Ellen St), we’ll meet the locals and have a few laughs from 10am to 1pm.

  • Friday, June 8

Port Augusta, SA

Don’t miss a morning of free fun and activities with On the Road at Gladstone Square on Mackay St from 10am to 1pm.

  • Sunday, June 10

Whyalla, SA

Westland will be hosting the Road Train (Westland Shopping Centre Carpark, corner Nicolson Ave and McDouall Ave) as we bring our fashion, food and beauty activities to Whyalla from 10am to 1pm.

  • Monday, June 11

Port Lincoln, SA

Join Mike Dalton from the Today show for his live crosses at 6:50am and 7:50am next to the life sized statue of Makybe Diva on the public holiday Monday, for our last South Australian stop. We’re at The Foreshore on Tasman Terrace from 9am to 12pm.

  • Sunday, June 17

Kalgoorlie/Boulder, WA

After our trip across the Nullarbor, we’ll join the locals at the Boulder Market Day from 10am to 1pm on Hamilton St (between Burt and Piesse Sts), our first stop in Western Australia.

  • Wednesday, June 20

Esperance, WA

Get on board the Road Train in Esperance at Museum Village on Dempster St between 10am and 1pm.

  • Saturday, June 23

Albany, WA

We can’t wait to taste the local goodies when the Road Train joins the vibrant Albany Farmers Market on Collie St from 8am to 12pm.

  • Sunday, June 24

Manjimup, WA

Bring the family down to the new Manjimup Reqional Aqua Centre next to Finch St car park, jump in the pool and then check out the road train from 10am to 1pm.

  • Monday, June 25

Bridgetown, WA

Start your week in style by joining the road train when we set up in Bridgetown at Railway Reserve (corner of Steere and Spencer sts) from 10am to 1pm.

  • Thursday, June 28

Margaret River, WA

The Weekly’s Pamela Clark will be mixing food and wine at our stop in the Margaret River from 10am to 1pm.

  • Friday, June 29

Busselton, WA

The Road Train will enjoy a coastal break from 10am to 1pm in Busselton (Signal Park, Queen St), for the latest make-up tips from Revlon and cooking tips by the Weekly.

  • Saturday, June 30

Bunbury, WA

Make the road train a Saturday morning stop to catch up on the latest food, fashion and beauty tips. We’re at Bicentennial Square on Blair St from 10am to 1pm.

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