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Diet pills vs diet

By Judy Davie

**”I just can’t seem to get full. I’m constantly hungry, but any weight-loss supplements tend to make my moods swing badly. Can you suggest anything to help me please?”

— Mary**

Weight loss supplements often contain certain ingredients that claim to suppress the appetite, boost metabolism, burn fat or control cravings. Common constituents include green tea extract, bitter orange or chromium. The role of chromium in weight loss is unclear. Research has not proved that chromium supplements help people lose weight; in fact high doses of this mineral may cause headaches, mood swings and insomnia, which may explain your symptoms.

Be aware that the manufacturers who produce these products are primarily driven by money, not necessarily health. Certain products that claim to have the “miracle cure” often contain plant or herbal extracts that have yet to be proven safe in such large quantities. One popular weight-loss supplement in America was recently banned after it was linked to heart attacks, stroke and possible fatalities.

There is no safer way to lose weight than by eating a balanced diet combined with regular exercise.

If you always seem to be hungry, it’s probably because you’re eating the wrong type of food. Foods with a low glycaemic index will fill you up but also sustain your energy for longer, preventing drops in blood sugar which could also lead to mood swings or anxiety.

Include complex carbohydrates in your diet such as rolled oats, quinoa, sweet potato, sweet corn and loads of fruit and vegetables. Adding protein to each meal also slows stomach emptying, keeping you fuller for longer. Small snacks between meals keep your metabolism active and ensure you aren’t ravenous by the next meal.

A typical day might be:

Breakfast: Muesli with low-fat plain yoghurt and chopped fruit

Morning tea: Small handful raw almonds and dried fruit

Lunch: Large bowl of chicken and vegetable soup with a slice of toasted wholegrain bread

Afternoon tea: Apple or pear

Dinner: Grilled steak, steamed beans and broccoli, baked sweet potato

You can never rely solely on weight-loss products to lose weight. By eating regular, low-GI meals every three to four hours and exercising often, the metabolism is boosted and the weight can shift. Once you stop starving yourself and taking expensive and possibly dangerous supplements, your moods should also stabilise.

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Good health for vegetarians

By Judy Davie

**”My 15-year-old daughter has decided to become a vegetarian for ethical reasons. I’m totally supportive of this but worry that she won’t have enough protein in her diet now. Are there any dangers or benefits to a vegetarian diet?”

— Joanne**

It’s wonderful that your daughter has your full support, but ensuring she is able to manage her diet is just as important. Many young people who go down this road exist on toast, biscuits and peanut butter, especially when they have a busy social life and are rarely at home. It’s possible to get all the necessary nutrients from a vegetarian diet but it does require some extra time and effort.

Young people need a certain amount of protein in their diet for their body, and meat is a great source of protein. In addition to protein, meat is also a good source of B vitamins, Vitamin B12, zinc and iron. If she hasn’t given up animal products altogether, protein and many other valuable nutrients are available in seafood, dairy and eggs.

If she has chosen to become a vegan (no animal products at all) then you should visit a natural health practitioner to recommend a broad spectrum nutritional supplement such as a B Vitamin complex or multivitamin.

Below is a list of nutrients found in meat that must be found elsewhere in the diet.


Growing bodies need a steady supply of protein to develop properly. Fish, dairy and eggs are all great sources of protein as well as other vitamins and minerals. Also include tofu products and legumes, as well as wholegrains and nuts and seeds.

B vitamins

This group of nutrients is necessary for the production of energy, the metabolism of other nutrients as well as growth and development. Good sources of B vitamins include dairy products, whole grains and eggs, as well as some fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin B12

A lack of this vitamin can lead to anaemia as well as mood problems and depressed brain function. Eggs and seafood are other good sources of Vitamin B12.


Zinc is needed for growth and the health of reproductive organs, healthy skin and hair and bone formation. Good sources of zinc include shellfish, aduki beans and pumpkin seeds.


Important for the health of red blood cells, providing energy and aiding growth and development. Red meat is a good source of iron, but there are other ways to get this mineral into the diet. Eggs are a good source, as are green leafy vegies, pulses such as lentils and kidney beans and some dried fruits. Octopus and mussels are both excellent sources of zinc and iron.

Having outlined the possible problems with a vegetarian diet, especially during adolescence, there are a wide range of long-term advantages. Vegetarians tend to have reduced rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, constipation and gallstones, not to mention the added antioxidant effects provided by the range of fruits and vegetables typically eaten.

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The real person’s guide to the snow

By Michaela Ryan

Designer snow gear, perfect technique and a super fit body … A lot of people don’t step foot near a ski slope because they don’t have all — or any — of these things. But here are some ways for regular people to plan a snow holiday that’s affordable and fun.

  • Squats with your feet shoulder-width apart (or wider for snowboarders)

  • Step ups, alternating your lead leg

  • Lunges

  • Calf raises (stand on the edge of a step on the balls of your feet, drop heels then raise them up)

  • Wall sits (with knees bent not quite at a right angle)

  • Push ups

  • For flexibility, stretch your quads (front of thigh), hamstrings (back of thigh), triceps (back of upper arm), hip flexors and groin.

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Catch up with the Road Train in Western Australia

The Australian Women’s Weekly Commonwealth Bank Road Train — a giant, purpose-built yellow truck, complete with Test Kitchen cooking demonstrations, fashion shows, beauty advice, health and finance forums, and great prizes and personalities — continues its 12-month tour of 100 country towns in Australia out west this winter. Find out when it will be in a town near you by checking the schedule below.

We hope to see you on the road!

  • Sunday, July 1


10am – 2pm

Eastern foreshore, next to the Rotunda, Mandurah Terrace

  • Tuesday, July 3


11am – 1pm

Coach carpark next to the Northam Visitor Centre, Minson Ave

  • Friday, July 6


11am – 1pm

Carpark on the corner of Durlacher St and Marine Terrace

  • Sunday, July 8


11am – 1pm

Town Oval, Egan St

  • Wednesday, July 11


11am – 1pm

Centro Shopping Center carpark, Welcome Rd

  • Friday, July 13

Port Hedland

11am – 1pm

South Hedland Shopping Centre

  • Sunday, July 15


9am – 3pm

Male Oval, opposite Carnarvan St

  • Thursday, July 19


11am – 1pm

White Gum Park, White Gum St

  • Saturday, July 21


1pm – 5pm

The Katherine Show, Katherine Showgrounds, Victoria Hwy

  • Friday, July 27


9am – 5pm (Today show filming from 5.30am local time)

The Darwin show, Darwin Showgrounds and Exhibition Centre, Stuart Hwy

  • Sunday, August 19

Mount Isa


Mount Isa Civic Centre lawns, West Street.

  • Wednesday, August 22



Australian Stockman’s Hall of Fame, Landsborough Highway, Longreach.

  • Saturday, August 25



Under the giant sunflower painting at Moreton Park, corner of Capricorn Highway and Dundas Street.

  • Wednesday, August 29

Port Douglas


Market Park.

  • Friday, August 31



Today show, then The Weekly team, 9am-3pm, on the Esplanade.

  • Saturday, September 1



Cooking with The Weekly’s Food Director Lyndey Milan, fashion and beauty.

  • Sunday, September 9



Beauty, Sussan fashion parade and cooking with The Weekly’s Food Editor Alex Elliott.

  • Saturday, September 15



Beauty makeovers, cooking with Belinda Farlow from the Test Kitchen team, plus an interactive finance workshop.

  • Friday, September 21



Cooking with Lyndey Milan, beauty and fashion.

  • Sunday, September 23



Cooking with Lyndey Milan, fashion and beauty.

  • Wednesday, September 26



Interactive finance workshops, plus beauty makeovers.

  • Sunday, September 30

Bundaberg 11am-2pm

Cooking with Test Kitchen Director Pamela Clark, beauty makeovers, plus interactive finance workshops.

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Itchy dog

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I had my dead lover’s babies

Danni Kiernan was devastated when she lost her great love to cancer, but their dreams of a family did not die with him.

Cuddling up to her mum Danni Kiernan, and giving big brother Harry a cheeky smile, little Nina has no idea of all the fuss she’s been creating.

“People come up to me and say there’s something special about her,” says Danni, 46. “And there is. She’s like a little angel.”

Just like brother Harry, 5, Nina has made Australian history after being “conceived” via IVF treatment, following her father Michael Calogerakis’s death to cancer.

“Nina has been a frozen embryo for six years,” says Danni with a smile. “She was part of the same batch of embryos that Harry came out of, so they really are siblings. What makes it even more amazing is that she is here at all.”

The happy family scene is a far cry from the days following Michael’s death in December, 2000.

“I was devastated,” says Danni. “I don’t think you ever get over losing the person you love.”

Danni, a Brisbane advertising representative, had fallen for Michael, a furniture upholsterer, 11 years earlier, during a night out with a girlfriend.

“It sounds like a cliché, but our eyes met and that was it. He had the most beautiful soft brown eyes – just like Harry has now.”

The couple were living life to the fullest until Michael, then 39, was diagnosed with a virulent form of nasal cancer. He endured radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery, and the couple began IVF treatment in a bid to start a family before it was too late.

“We didn’t go into it lightly,” says Danni. “Michael knew that if we had a baby he may not be around to see it grow up. He wondered if it was fair to me and to the baby, but in the end, he knew how much it meant to me.”

Danni hoped Michael would live to meet his child, but the first embryo transplant ended in a miscarriage. Sadly, he died four days before Christmas, not knowing that Danni was pregnant again…

For the full story see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on-sale June 4).

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Paris parties her way to prison

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Drew tells: ‘I love being in love’

At 32, the actress has reached a new level of confidence in life and love.

Drew Barrymore’s likeability factor can’t be denied. Self-deprecating to a fault, it’s no wonder you rarely hear a bad word against her. But beneath her flower-child exterior Drew, 32, is one of Hollywood’s most successful movie stars and producers.

Stirring a hot cup of green tea, Drew settles in for a chat about her new movie Lucky You. Known for romantic comedies such as The Wedding Singer and 50 First Dates, Drew describes herself as an incurable romantic — which explains how she found love so easily with director Spike Jonze just months after splitting from her boyfriend of almost five years, Fabrizio Moretti.

Now starring opposite Aussie Eric Bana in Lucky You, Drew takes time out to chat about having kids, growing old and why she’s the world’s worst driver.

Your latest film is about gambling — what’s the biggest gamble you’ve taken in your career?

I did this really weird film called Poison Ivy when I was 16. I really wanted to try and turn my own opinion of myself from being a kid into trying to start to understand what being a young woman was. And I still feel like a young woman, I don’t think I’ll ever feel like a “woman” woman, but to really try to change my own perception of myself. That I wasn’t a nice kid any more. I was a wild young woman. That was probably a defining role I took that changed my life.

Is love so important that you would give up things for love?

That’s a discussion I’m going to have to have with my partner [laughs] because I think it’ll come down to the two of us figuring out what our balance is and how we can both have our lives. I will say that I will never ask someone to give up their life for me. I would want them to have the ability to have both.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt about relationships?

The main thing is to just not to try to water down or change that person because that’s what you fell in love with and to find a balance of how to make it all work.

So, what’s happening with your love-life?

I’ve learnt to shut up about that part of my life — for now. But all I can say is I’m very happy. I’m not single but I’m not ready to be married either. I’d much rather try to build a family when I’m really ready, when I’m really selfless. It’s not something I want to mess around with and just hope for the best. It’s always going to be so difficult and scary and challenging. You’re never going to be really ready … that’s what all my fellow “mother-friends” tell me.

What’s the secret to a good relationship?

There does have to be compromise but I also think that you really love somebody for who they are and the more you strip away at that, the less they love themselves and it just gets into a whole grey area that’s very dangerous. But, I do believe that balance, if both people want it, can be achieved.

Are you an incurable romantic?

Of course I am. I mean, look at me! I’m like a frickin’ labrador puppy on drugs. I love happiness and love and joy, absolutely! They are my favourite things in the world.

Do you have any regrets about your past marriages or relationships?

No, not at all. That would be a huge bummer and I wouldn’t be who I am today if I didn’t have all the learning experiences that I’ve had. I wouldn’t trade any of that, because I’m really happy now. I feel just as enthusiastic and spontaneous and open with my heart, my mind and soul as ever.

Is motherhood an absolute certainty as much as anything can be?

I don’t know. I certainly hope so.

The world feels you ought to have kids.

Well, that’s good! [Laughs] No pressure or anything! I’m so glad they feel that way and not “Drew Barrymore should NOT have children”. Well, someday.

Would you consider being a single mum?

I just don’t know. I certainly respect that we have a tremendous amount of freedom to do what we want to do in this world and all that matters is that kids are happy. I have no aversion to any situation that’s healthy and beautiful.

What’s your take on the obsession with a “perfect body” and what do you do to stay healthy?

It’s all in the mind. Whatever you believe is what projects out physically in front of everybody’s eyes. If you walk around looking for validation, that’s very dangerous because some may give it to you and some may not. If you walk around believing in yourself and walk around happy, that’s the only thing people have to go on. I just think focus on the important things in life and not some of those things that can be less important.

You’ve said you feel sexier now. Did you feel unsexy before?

Yes! Well, when I was younger I had a boyfriend who asked me to do a dance for him. [The movie] 9½ Weeks had just come out and that was the big thing. So I was like, really awkward [laughs]. I was tripping over things and it was the biggest turn-off you’ve ever seen in your life. We broke up shortly thereafter [laughs], but I remember I was so scarred by that moment. But after doing the Pussycat Dolls [lingerie review from Charlie’s Angels] it brought me out of my scarred shell. I feel a lot more confident and, yes, I feel sexier. I believe in myself now.

How do you feel about ageing?

The older I get, the better I get. Like, gravity or wrinkles or anything is nothing compared to the wisdom inside of my head and heart. I’m only getting better. If my boobs fall down to the floor and all of it just starts sagging and is hideous and gross and I shouldn’t be in front of the camera, I love producing and I love to direct, so I’ll just go behind the camera. It’s all good. There’s plenty of work out there to be had and I’m just not worried about the physicality. I’m much more worried about how I can use this lifetime to gain the most wisdom that I possibly can and celebrate. I feel like there is a lot of celebration going on. When I turned 30 I was on the cover of Vogue magazine for the first time in my life. I had to wait until I was 30 in order to be on it. That feels right. It feels like an achievement and it feels like it was worth the wait and I appreciate it more now.

How do you relieve stress?

I’m a really bad driver. I get too distracted. I’m too like, “La la la la la”. I am the worst! I shouldn’t ever be behind a wheel. My favourite thing is to travel and see the world, have an adventure, go in a caravan and drive around or take off to somewhere I’ve never been. Just go on a two-hour drive on the weekends somewhere. I also like to have dinner with friends, have a glass of wine, watch a movie, patter around the house with the dog and strap on a tool belt and hang pictures — I love doing handyman stuff.

How do you feel about your life right now?

I have to tell you, I want to vomit every day because I feel so lucky! [Laughs]

  • Lucky You is currently screening nationally.

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Reese tells Ryan: ‘You can’t take my kids’

Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe’s divorce has turned ugly as they fight for custody of their kids. After filing for divorce last November, and agreeing on a temporary custody arrangement which sees their two children Ava, 7, and Deacon, 3, live full-time with Reese, the exes are now at loggerheads after Ryan asked a Los Angeles court to grant him joint custody with “equal allocated” visiting rights.

Insiders say Ryan, 32, has become increasingly unhappy over the limited time he gets to spend with Ava and Deacon, and feels Reese has the lion’s share of the children’s time. The move has angered 31-year-old Reese, who’s told her friends she’s prepared to fight to keep her children.

With neither Reese, 31, nor Ryan prepared to back down, the couple have now found themselves in a bitter tit-for-tat, with Ryan claiming Reese’s hectic work schedule and “obsessive” commitment to her career mean she’s unable to give their children enough of her time — a claim Reese steadfastly denies.

In a further sign things have taken a turn for the worse, Ryan has also told insiders that Reese’s relationship with Jake Gyllenhaal, 26, has seen the actress pay even less attention to Ava and Deacon…

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on-sale June 4).

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Jen’s shock tell-all book

After years of silence, Jen is speaking out at last … and Brad is not happy.

Brad Pitt is furious that his ex-wife Jennifer Aniston is set to reveal intimate details about the end of their marriage in an explosive exposé.

Jen is finally ready to pour her heart out and bare details of her charmed but troubled life in a revealing book, a publishing source reveals.

Among the many bombshells Jen plans to drop — in a deal publishing industry insiders say could be worth up to $6million in advances alone — are:

  • Exactly how ex-husband Brad Pitt told her it was over between them.

  • Just how faithful Brad was during their five-year marriage.

  • Her face-to-face encounter with love rival Angelina Jolie.

  • That Vince Vaughn was a better lover than Brad.

“She feels like Angelina stole her man, her plans to have a baby … and now it feels like she stole her career!” a friend reveals.

A publishing source says Jen’s been “inundated” with offers for her candid, hold-nothing-back autobiography.

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on-sale June 4).

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