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Kate’s $2billion beau

Has the newly single star found romance again with a seriously rich retail boss?

She claimed to be “taking time out” from men, but it seems heartbroken Kate Hudson couldn’t resist when a billionaire businessman offered to whisk her away for an indulgent European holiday.

Fresh from her split with boyfriend Owen Wilson, Kate, 28, was spotted in Paris last week in the company of 60-year-old Ronald W. Burkle. Described by insiders as a “dear friend”, the US supermarket mogul — who’s worth an estimated $2billion — treated Kate to an all-expenses-paid, jetsetting spree across Europe.

“Greece, Italy, France and more are on their itinerary,” the insider says. “It’s easy since Ron has a private jet.”

Spywitnesses report the pair went shopping with friends in Paris, and Kate seemed to be glowing in Ron’s company. They stayed in the chic Plaza Athénée hotel and spent ages trying on glamorous clothes at the Balenciaga couture house.

Although our source says it’s too soon to call it a hot romance, they predict that Kate and Ron could soon start dating seriously. “They are dear friends, and friends make the best lovers,” the insider observes. “They both really enjoy spending time with one another.”

More in this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale July 9)

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In the mag – July 16, 2007

On-Sale Monday July 9, 2007

  • Exclusive! Zali steggall finds new love — ‘We’re a real-life Brady Bunch’

  • Ski champ Zali Steggall was shattered when her husband of seven years, elite rower David Cameron, walked out last year. But now she’s found a new love and created her very own Brady Bunch — with five children aged eight and under!

  • Michael’s fury at pregnant Catherine: ‘I’m too old to be a dad again’

  • Hollywood is swirling with rumours that Catherine Zeta-Jones is pregnant again. However, friends say that if the star is expecting, 62-year-old Michael won’t be too happy about it.

  • Wills and Kate — was their break-up a sham?

  • Prince William and Kate Middleton rekindled their five-year romance just four days after they split in April. According to UK reports, the pair got back together just days after announcing their break-up, going to great lengths to keep their relationship out of the spotlight.

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Cameron’s fury: I’m no home wrecker

Cameron Diaz’s whirlwind romance with multi-millionaire magician Criss Angel has taken a shocking twist after it was revealed he has a “secret” wife.

Friends say the 34-year-old actress, who is “head over heels in love” with Criss, had no idea the illusionist was married.

Even more upsetting for Cameron is the fact she has been labelled a home wrecker by Criss’s wife Joanne Sarantakos, and will be called upon to testify in the couple’s divorce proceedings. In legal papers she’s filed, Joanne is accusing Criss of cruelty, abandonment and adultery.

“We’re naming Cameron Diaz as his lover,” says Joanne’s lawyer Dominic Barbara. “We will subpoena Cameron as soon as she comes back to New York.”

Just last month, Criss — real name Christopher Sarantakos — denied he and Cameron were an item, but Joanne’s lawyer says he has proof the affair is well and truly alive.

“I [have] evidence that my client was still with her husband, trying to save her marriage, at the same time Cameron Diaz was dating Criss Angel,” tells Joanne’s lawyer…

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale July 9)

Update: Chriss defends Cameron

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Julia tells Danny’s family: You’ll never see my baby

Julia Roberts’ marriage is being put to the test once again. The actress is furious after her husband Danny Moder told her his family has stopped going to the counselling sessions they promised they’d attend. Julia is so livid that she has now issued an ultimatum to the Moder family: “Get back in counselling or you won’t see the new baby.”

Danny broke the news of the therapy lapse during a family holiday in Hawaii, just weeks before 39-year-old Julia gave birth to the couple’s third child, Henry Daniel, on June 18.

Julia has been urging the Moder family — including Danny’s father Mike and siblings John, Debbie, Jane and Jyl — to get into therapy ever since her twins Hazel and Phinnaeus were born in 2004.

However, she finally put her foot down earlier this year and demanded they get help or she wasn’t letting them around the new baby after his birth.

“Julia felt the counselling was necessary for the Moders so they could better fit in with her new family and understand her needs.

“When Danny told his family, they were outraged at Julia’s ultimatum,” a friend reports. “However, they reluctantly agreed for Danny’s sake, in order to keep the peace.”

For a while, it’s thought the family took the counselling sessions seriously and everyone attended on a weekly basis. But shortly before a then heavily pregnant Julia, Danny and the twins left for a family trip to Hawaii in May, the Moders stopped going to counselling.

When Danny broke the news to Julia during the holiday she “lost it”, says the friend.

The friend now says Julia will make good on her promise to the Moders, refusing to let them near newborn Henry until they return to therapy…

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale July 9)

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Celebrity style

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My secret first husband

I grew up in a small town in rural Queensland. My only dream while I was growing up was to save as much money as I could to leave home and travel overseas. By the time I turned 18 I had enough money to go.

I spent months travelling through Asia and then on to Europe where I would get any job I could so I’d have enough money to travel to my next destination. After doing this for a few months I met some friends who were off to America. Having never been there before I decided to go with them. It was great! We bought a beat-up old car and went on a road trip across the States seeing all there was to see.

I eventually ran out of money in Las Vegas so I decided to stay there and get a job and enjoy being in totally different surroundings to the small town I grew up in. I got a job as a waitress in one of the big casinos and that was where I met Jeremy.

Jeremy worked on the card tables and was the most beautiful man that I had ever seen. He was tall, blonde and ridiculously handsome. He was also very clean-cut and after months of travelling and seeing men living out of backpacks this was very appealing. I used to take every opportunity to work near his table in the hopes that he would notice me. Eventually he did and we started dating.

Our relationship moved very quickly and after only six weeks we started living together. One night we were joking around about getting married and after a few drinks we decided that it would be a really funny thing to do. So we ran off to a small white chapel where ‘Elvis’ married us in true Vegas style. We were both so excited and kept laughing as we called each other ‘husband and wife’. The only downside was that I hadn’t even told my parents that I was dating Jeremy so I was not too sure how a phone call from the other side of the world telling them that I was married would go down, so I decided to tell them when the time was right.

Everything was great between Jeremy and me, I loved him and I loved the fact that he was my husband. It was after a few months that I started to notice the cracks forming in our relationship. He started hanging out with friends more, coming home late and was getting different shifts to me at work. It got to the point that between both of us working shifts we hardly ever saw each other. After being married for only three months I decided to go and surprise him at work. He was on his break so I went to the staffroom where I found him kissing some girl who was sitting on his lap. I was devastated and marched into the room demanding to know what he was doing. He was very apologetic and told me that this was the first time anything had happened and that it would never happen again. Being young and in love I believed him.

Things worked well for a few more months then he started being distant and I had a feeling that he was cheating again. My suspicions were confirmed when I spotted him with another girl one day when he was supposed to be at work. He didn’t know that I knew and by this stage I was sick of the lies.

I went and saw a lawyer about getting an annulment. He gave me the forms I needed and all I had to do was get Jeremy to sign them. I waited until Jeremy was quite drunk one night and told him that he needed to sign a tax form for work. I gave him the annulment and he signed it — he didn’t even read what he was signing. I posted it off and waited for it to clear. By the time the annulment came though I had saved enough money to go home so I packed my bags, left the annulment on the table with a note telling him that I knew about the other girl and that I was leaving. I got on the next plane home.

I have never spoken to Jeremy again and I occasionally wonder how he’s doing but I am now happily married with a baby on the way and even though my family and husband know that I was in a relationship in America they don’t know the extent of it and I have no intentions of ever telling them.

Picture posed by models

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Paris back to her old ways

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For a flu-free July…

When all around are snuffling and sneezing into tissues, you can breathe easy with this immune-building cold and flu prevention plan.

Stay well and lose weight with an eating plan full of vitamin C-rich fresh produce and live cultures from miso and natural yoghurt, aimed directly at strengthening the immune system.

Buy natural yoghurt with added live cultures and maintain the strengthening properties of miso by not allowing it to boil for longer than two minutes.

Day one | Day two | Day three | Day four | Day five | Day six | Day seven

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