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Acne scarring

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Pete’s plea

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Aggressive puppy

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Energy boosting meal plan

Towards the end of winter it’s easy to abandon our resolve to eat healthily. Our energy levels are often low, making the tendency to eat comforting carbohydrates all the more tempting. This month’s meal plan will help give you the energy you need to tide you through until spring, when you’ll emerge full of life and — hopefully — a kilo or two lighter.

Day one | Day two | Day three | Day four | Day five | Day six | Day seven

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When to ditch the gym

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My best friend stole my identity

When mother-of-three Michelle Cole met Katherine Hutton at their children’s kindergarten, the pair hit it off immediately.

“Kathy was such fun. We quickly became really close,” tells Michelle.

Over the next nine years the women became best friends, confiding in each other about everything. “We’d have long chats and I enjoyed being her best friend,” recalls Michelle, 44, from the small dairy town of Mt Compass in South Australia.

Little did she dream that Katherine was a calculating conwoman who would drive her to depression and thoughts of suicide.

One day in 2004, while visiting Michelle at her home, Katherine secretly rifled through her friend’s handbag to find her driver’s licence and other documents. Using Michelle’s papers, Katherine later took out huge loans with credit card agencies and banks.

“For 12 months, Kathy pretended to be me, and I didn’t have a clue,” says Michelle, still baffled at how she could have been so naive.

“She set up the loans in my name, then pocketed the money.

“The first time I realised something was amiss was when the ANZ bank telephoned, saying a repayment was overdue. I said I didn’t have an ANZ account, then hung up, stunned.

“Kathy was at my home at the time so I told her the situation. She was really sympathetic.”

Confident the bank would soon realise its mistake, Michelle didn’t give it too much thought at first. But within weeks she was getting regular calls from debt collectors claiming she owed money to GE Money, National Australia Bank, Adelaide Bank, and ANZ.

“Though I kept denying I had accounts with them, nobody believed me,” says Michelle…

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale July 30)

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Eva’s gorgeous baby boy

Stunning new mum Eva Herzigova first caught the world’s attention with her 1994 campaign for Wonderbra.

Dubbed the “Marilyn of the 1990s”, Eva became one of fashion’s most sought-after supermodels, posing for Victoria’s Secret, Guess jeans and Sports Illustrated.

Nowadays Eva’s priorities are closer to home: on June 1 she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, George Marsiaj Herzig, with her partner, Italian multimillionaire Gregorio Marsiaj, 30. Her gorgeous son, as the exclusive pictures in Woman’s Day show, has inherited his mum’s piercing blue eyes and affinity with the camera.

Eva and baby George are obviously besotted with each other, and motherhood has brought out an inner glow in the 34-year-old Czechoslovakian, who’s loving every minute of her new life.

See this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on-sale July 30) for the gorgeous photos and exclusive interview — Eva tells us about her daily schedule and her new-found passion for sweet treats…

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Lindsay arrested and facing jail

Arrested following a bizarre car chase through the streets of LA, Lindsay Lohan is now looking at up to eight years in jail.

The timing of Lindsay’s arrest could not be worse — she was already facing DUI and drug possession charges after crashing a car while under the influence on May 26, and has just completed a 45-day stint in rehab.

Her original charges carried the risk of more than a year in jail, and the new charges have experts predicting she could get as many as eight years behind bars.

Celebrity lawyer Mark Geragos says the second arrest so soon after her last indiscretion could spell disaster for the fragile star.

“The prosecutor can allege she’s committed a new crime while out [on bail from the first],” he says, which could make her situation that much worse…

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale July 30)

Read more about Lindsay Lohan

Your say: Should Lindsay go to jail?

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Anthony’s royal performance

Anthony Callea has sung for the Queen, but says when he got the chance to meet Mary and Fred, he ‘stuffed it up’.

Anthony, you were runner-up on Australian Idol, then again on It Takes Two. Do you mind always being “the bridesmaid”?

[Laughs]. I don’t mind at all. I’m glad we got into the grand final. Jo Stanley’s so not a singer! We so didn’t deserve to win, but we were rapt to make it to the final.

Did that show wear you down?

A part of me is glad it’s over. I didn’t realise how much it would take out of me. When I was first asked to go on It Takes Two, I said no. Then I thought, hold on, who gets the opportunity to sing on national TV each week in front of 1.5 million people?

You’ve performed for everyone from Pavarotti to the Queen. Do you sometimes pinch yourself?

I sure do, and it can be nerve-racking! When I met Princess Mary and Fred I totally stuffed it up. I’d been given a book of protocol and apparently you don’t offer them your hand, you wait for them to offer theirs. Well I forgot about that and went over and held out my hand. But they were lovely. Mary had asked for me to perform, which was an honour.

How was it singing for the Queen?

When the Prime Minister’s office phoned to ask if I’d sing for the Queen, I thought somebody was pulling my leg. It had to be a joke. But no, it was for real — my grandparents were impressed! So later, here I am at this beautiful church in Sydney and I look up and there’re snipers in the church! I thought, this is so wrong. The entire experience felt a bit unreal.

You came out in March. Has all the attention died off?

People still bring it up. Two weeks ago I walked into a music store and a guy came up and shook my hand. He said, “I’m not gay but I wanted to say congratulations for your stance. We just can’t have people being judged on their sexuality or religion.”

Tell us about your tour?

I want it to be more relaxed and spontaneous than past performances. I want it to be more like a jam. Before the tour I’ve just been spending time with the musicians, working together and getting more familiar with each other. I won’t be singing the songs exactly the same way each night. I recently tried The Prayer just with the piano, no strings, and it sounded good so I may give that a go.

Do you sing at home much — say, in the bath?

Of course. The acoustics are great in the bathroom.

Does your partner, Paul, get sick of it?

Yes. At times he’ll say, “Can you just shut up?” But of course I sing on.

Anthony’s national tour runs until September 1. He performs at Sydney’s Star City on August 5. For details go to www.anthonycallea.com.au

Read more about Anthony Callea

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In the mag – August 6, 2007

On-Sale Monday July 30, 2007

  • Anthony Callea’s royal performance

  • Anthony Callea has sung for the Queen, but says when he got the chance to meet Mary and Fred, he ‘stuffed it up’.

  • Posh’s fury — David steals the limelight

  • Victoria Beckham is furious that her husband David had received an all-star welcome just days after she was shunned by the US public. Posh’s reality TV show Victoria Beckham, Coming to America, was a ratings flop, and since arriving in LA she has been a target for constant media sniping. David, however, has been given a warm welcome to the US, for his role in promoting soccer (and his good looks and easy charm!)

  • Princess Diana tribute

  • On the eve of the ten year anniversary of Diana’s death, Woman’s Day catches up with five Aussies who were lucky enough to spend time with Diana. They share their memories of the most famous and intriguing woman in the world, and show why she’ll always have a special place in Australia’s heart.

  • Idol face-off — Mark slams Dicko

  • Mark Holden goes head to head with Dicko, accusing him of being an overweight alcoholic. This frank and candid interview shows exactly why Mark, Dicko and third judge Kyle have built their careers on telling it like it is!

True Life: I married Osama Bin Laden’s son

They say love is blind, but what could make a 51-year-old grandmother fall in love with the son of the world’s most wanted terrorist leader?

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