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Diva back in the groove

Paulini Curuenavuli has had quite a year. Former Young Diva and friend Ricki-Lee Coultier suddenly quit the successful group, and her own personal life has been a full of ups and downs.

As the Young Divas, Emily Williams, Kate DeAraugo and now Jessica Mauboy, prepare to release their next album, Paulini, 24, reveals she’s entered a new phase in her life and that includes a new man!

You’re hard at work on the second Young Divas album?

Yeah, we’re right in the middle of it, nearly finished. It’ll be a covers album. It’s happy, party, disco style for all the girls out there.

Was Jessica Mauboy nervous in the beginning?

She was, absolutely. She couldn’t believe she was there with us in the studio. She was taking some dance lessons which is good because I can’t dance. Emily can but Kate doesn’t. [laughs]

How did Jess get the nod to join the group?

We had a few different girls who we could choose from and we were thinking of other ways to get that member but then we agreed she’d bring something different to the Young Divas.

You’re getting ready to work on your third solo album?

Yeah, middle of next year I’ll be releasing a single and writing the album after the Divas one comes out. It’ll be pop and soul with some orchestra thrown in.

We hear you’re in a new relationship with a Sydney sportsman?

I’m keeping it low-key. I’ve learnt from the past. Right now it’s about building a friendship and meeting other people. I’m not looking for anything serious. I’m living life and having fun.

Is it important that your parents like whoever you intend to marry?

Absolutely. I think I’d feel totally crap if they didn’t. I wouldn’t be comfortable. I’d have to get their approval.

For more of this interview, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 10)

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Michelle Pfeiffer: My marriage secrets

As she approaches 50, Michelle Pfeiffer pays far more attention to the lines of a script than the few that exist on her timelessly beautiful face. It’s no wonder, then, that playing her latest role, Velma Von Tussle, a vain stage mother in the movie adaptation of Hairspray, was a big stretch. Not that she wasn’t up to the challenge.

Off set, the three-time Oscar-nominated star is one of the most hands-on mothers in Hollywood, not to mention a devoted wife to husband of 14 years David E. Kelley, a TV writer/producer who’s hit shows include Ally McBeal and Boston Public.

Michelle adopted her now 14-year-old daughter, Claudia Rose, just before she met David. She gave birth to their son John Henry, 13, less than a year after they married. While she and her brood live far from the bright lights of Tinseltown, she’s more than comfortable being back on the big screen after three years away.

What were your first impressions of your husband David?

We got off to a rocky start. I thought he was attractive, but that was almost a detriment at that point. I wasn’t into cute. Fortunately, he had a couple of good scars on his face, and he’d broken his nose once playing football. That got me through. We had a bigger problem with conversation; he was quiet and so was I. We really had to work at it because we’re so much alike that way. In fact, when his agent heard we were dating, he asked David, “What’s she like?” When David answered, “She’s real quiet”,’ his agent said, “Then who talks?” But now we’ve discovered we can both talk a good argument. I thank God I met David when I did because I wouldn’t have been right for him any earlier. I just wasn’t evolved enough as a human being. David was the healthiest person I’d ever dated. He’s really grounded.

What’s the secret of your 14-year marriage?

I think compatibility is important, and respect. Because that’s sexy to me. We’re both homebodies. I’m not sure about the opposites thing. It may attract initially, but it’s what eventually breaks people apart. We love being parents. He has a wonderful family and a real feel for family, as do I. We’re similar in our approach to everything, and he’s romantic and cute to boot.

Where people surprised you can sing and dance, as you do in Hairspray?

I sang in The Fabulous Baker Boys and I sang and danced in Grease 2 — so it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise. But I’m better known for my dramatic roles. I like playing trashy girls, though, like I did in Grease 2.

That’s despite the fact you’re really shy?

I’ve always been shy. I used to be paralysed when I had to make small talk. I was the kind of person who entered a room, found the nearest corner and hoped no-one noticed me before it was time to go home. Now I’m better at socialising.

Are you into the 60s fashion from the movie that’s becoming popular again?

Fashion is so confused today. I don’t even know what to say about it. You can see it’s just like leftovers or something. I’m not loving it right now.

Does fashion interest you still?

You know, honestly, that era (the ’60s) is not my favourite for women. I think the clothes are beautiful, but when I look at women back then, all I can think of is how uncomfortable they look. Everything is so fitted, so pressed. The make-up is so heavy and the hair is all sprayed and the clip-on earrings, the shoes. It just looks like it hurts — and it did.

Your character in Hairspray is racist. Was that a challenge?

It was hard. That was the hardest thing. I’ve played some evil characters before. I’ve played some killers and I signed on to do this … then one day it registered, oh my God I’m playing a racist. I understood that the message of the piece was really important and certainly it’s about anti-racism and anti-bigotry. I had to talk to the kids. I wanted to make sure they understood that, look, this is what the movie’s about. It’s a really important movie and in order to do a movie about racism, somebody has got to be the racist and it’s me. They were OK, they got it and I’m so glad I did it because I had a lot of fun playing the part, even though there were some lines I honestly couldn’t remember because they were so hateful.

How do you feel about how you are perceived in Hollywood?

I was always the biggest girl in my class. I was always taller than the boys and considered large-boned. That’s why it’s always surprising for me when I hear myself described by adjectives like “delicate” and “fine-featured”, because I’ll always think of myself as that big-boned girl.

Does motherhood affect your career choices?

Yes, as a mother I relate to different projects than before.

Do your children see your films?

I showed them Grease 2 and they got bored with it. Most of my movies aren’t suited for kids. And I’m pretty strict about television, so they don’t really come across my movies.

You sold your estate in LA for $19million and moved to a sprawling ranch outside the city with a menagerie that includes numerous dogs, a cat, a pair of miniature donkeys and horses. Has the change helped your family life?

I think it helps a little bit, but then again, it’s not just living outside Hollywood. You can pick a worse place than Hollywood (laughs). I think it’s helped us as a family to be less distracted, and David and I to be less distractive as parents, even though I think we were pretty good when we lived there. I think we wanted to have more land and we wanted to have animals on our property and you couldn’t do that there. So I think it’s just a different kind of lifestyle we were looking for.

When did you stop smoking?

Fifteen years ago. I used to smoke three packs a day. Not good.

What’s your attitude to plastic surgery?

I guess as long as people keep saying I’ve had it, I can continue to put it off for a few more years. I’m hoping I’m courageous enough to age gracefully. So much of the way I look depends on the photographer. I think the years have been kind to me, but I know they’re taking their toll. For a while, it seemed like the only actress who was ageing gracefully was Susan Sarandon. But now, thank God, look at Jessica Lange, Meryl Streep and Catherine Deneuve.

Would you ever go under the knife?

If I did, I wouldn’t tell. I’m very near-sighted and that makes ageing easier. I can’t see what I really look like. I can’t see anything!

For more of this interview, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 10)

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In the mag – September 17, 2007

On-Sale Monday September 10, 2007

Nicole tells: I’ve lost my kids to Scientology

Nicole Kidman has finally spoken of her anguish over her estrangement from her two Scientology-raised children and her feelings of failure as a mother.

Katrina Warren’s joy: Meet my beautiful girl

The popular TV vet and her husband Anthony talk exclusively to Woman’s Day about the joy of becoming first-time parents.

Michelle Pfeiffer: My marriage secrets

As she approaches 50, Michelle Pfeiffer pays far more attention to the lines of a script than the few that exist on her timelessly beautiful face.

Skinny Dolly’s marriage collapse

Dolly Parton has wasted away to just 36kg as she agonises over the end of her 41-year marriage to businessman Carl Dean — and now family members are begging her to seek help before it is too late.

Steely Dan secret wife

“My rock star marriage nearly killed me.”


  • Paulini Curuenavuli has had quite a year. In her interview with Woman’s Day the singer reveals she’s entered a new phase in her life and that includes a new man!

  • **30 celebrity beauty secrets


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  • Kate Walsh: My dream wedding

  • The Grey’s Anatomy star tells of her joy at walking down the aisle after a seven-month courtship.

  • Heath and Michelle: It’s over

  • The truth about why the Brokeback Mountain stars split.

  • Mary and Isabella

  • Gorgeous new photos of Princess Mary’s beautiful daughter.

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Skinny Dolly’s marriage collapse

Dolly Parton has wasted away to just 36kg as she agonises over the end of her 41-year marriage to businessman Carl Dean — and now family members are begging her to seek help before it is too late.

The star’s aunt, Ora Dale Parton Gray, confirms Dolly, 61, is headed for divorce as she and her husband live increasingly separate lives — and says the star is resorting to extreme dieting in the belief it will make her look younger and more attractive.

“Dolly has several houses in her hometown of Sevierville, Tennessee, and has been staying there more and more while her husband stays at their place in Nashville. They’re never together,” says Ora.

With her marriage all but over, Dolly’s family fear the star has become more obsessed than ever with staying slim and sexy. “Dolly began seeing herself as getting older and losing her appeal — and stopped eating to keep her youth,” says Ora.

“I think she’s become almost obsessed with losing weight in a misguided attempt to look young and sexy, but instead she looks like she’s dying!”

The star’s family are deeply concerned that she won’t recover from her latest emotional turmoil, and they are now praying she will start to see sense. “Family members, including her older sister Willadeene, have told me that everyone’s afraid for Dolly,” adds Ora Dale. “She’s barely eating and her behaviour is erratic.

“The family fears she needs mental and physical help and is inching closer to death every day. We’re all terrified that Dolly is going to have a nervous breakdown or commit suicide.” Concern over Dolly and Carl’s marriage was first raised in April, when the singer criticised Carl during a concert in Sweden. Before performing her hit song Jolene — about another woman who tries to steal her husband — the country music singer remarked, “Now, when I look at my husband of 40 years, I wish she had taken him.”

More celebrity news in this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 10)

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Katrina’s joy: Meet my beautiful girl

The popular TV vet is over the moon at becoming a first-time mum.

Nine long months after celebrity vet Dr Katrina Warren discovered she was pregnant while working on her latest TV project in LA, she and husband of 18 months Anthony Darcy are the very proud parents of gorgeous little Charlotte Rose.

Born on August 11 at 5.22pm, little Charlotte made her debut into the world five days early, weighing 3.8kg.

Katrina, 39, and Anthony, 35, talk exclusively to Woman’s Day about the joy of becoming first-time parents.

Congratulations! You knew you were having a little girl. Was it hard to keep it a secret?

Katrina: I could keep it a secret better than Anthony. I think everyone knew we were having a girl but nobody wanted to say.

Anthony: We told a lot of people close to us. I was terrible. I kept saying “her” instead of “it” or “him”.

Katrina: It is so much easier to know the sex of the baby in terms of planning and choosing names.

Is there a story behind Charlotte’s name?

Katrina: It was the only name we agreed on! And with Darcy as a surname, we wanted something traditional. We’re calling her “Charlie” as a nickname. So she’s got options if she wants to be traditional or fun. We both loved Rose as well.

Who do you think Charlotte looks most like?

Katrina: I don’t think she looks like either of us yet. She’s a real mix.

Anthony: I thought she had my sister’s mouth for a while and then she changed!

Katrina: She changes daily. We’re looking forward to her first smile.

What about her personality?

Katrina She’s pretty laid-back, but certainly lets you know when she’s not happy. She does a great “sour” face when she wants to.

Has she done anything particularly cute?

Katrina: We watched her look at herself in the mirror for the first time — which was really cute. Watching her going from hating her first bath to absolutely loving it now … and that’s Daddy’s job. That’s Anthony’s little joy when he comes home. It’s very cute watching Anthony with her, I have to say.

Do you have any amusing “getting to hospital” tales to share?

Katrina: Anthony drove like an old man. There was no real emergency, but they told us to come down to ensure I was going into labour. It was about 4am so there was no traffic on the road and I swear it was the longest Anthony has ever taken to drive anywhere. The hospital is a 10-minute drive away, but it must’ve taken us half an hour!

How long was the labour?

Katrina: My waters broke at 3.30am and by 4pm that afternoon my obstetrician Tim was concerned that I wasn’t progressing quickly enough and recommended a caesarean for the safety of the baby. Once we decided on the caesar it was all very quick — within half an hour I had Charlotte in my arms.

Who was there with you?

Katrina: Anthony was there and my close girlfriend [and bridesmaid] Alice Hocking was staying with us for the weekend – and she was so excited she had timed her stay so perfectly. What’s amazing is, Alice’s and my great-great-great-great-great grandmothers were two of three women on one of the First Fleet boats — they came across as convicts together and Alice’s ancestor actually delivered my ancestor’s first baby. So it is incredible that all these years later Alice was there for my baby’s delivery.

Was it better or worse than you expected?

Katrina: All the reading and research you do is never going to prepare you for your own experience. It was definitely better than I expected. We had a great day and you get something so wonderful at the end of it all. You’ll never have another day like it in your entire life — your first-born child.

How was the experience for you, Anthony? Was it hard seeing Kat in pain?

Anthony: I was anxious.

Katrina: Pain? I was having a great time! As soon as those drugs kicked in [laughs]. I was in pain afterwards though!

Anthony: I didn’t know what I was looking for but I was watching the doctors very carefully. Especially when they pulled Charlotte out and her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck. I held my breath when that happened. It wasn’t until she let out an almighty scream that you could kind of relax.

Katrina: It was remarkable. We’ve got photos of her coming out and you’re just in awe. You really feel like you’re just so clever! Although billions of people have done it before, you think, “How can this be? This is a miracle!”

Were there lots of tears when she was born?

Katrina: It never seemed real. All the build-up, the pregnancy and even on the day, you don’t really grasp that you are going to really have a baby in your arms until suddenly you’ve got one! It’s just incredible and they’re born so beautifully formed … little tiny fingernails, toenails and little ears — incredible. They’re so developed in so many ways and yet they’re so helpless. For me it was quite overwhelming and it wasn’t until the next day that I started to shed a tear thinking, “My goodness, we’ve created this gorgeous little being.” The first couple of days were extraordinary, getting to know her and bonding.

Are you both relaxing into being a mum and dad?

Katrina: We’re going well. She’s been a good little baby so far. She squawks every now and then and we’ve had a bit of sleep deprivation, but I’m enjoying every moment. I wasn’t sleeping at all in the last few months of my pregnancy because I was so uncomfortable, so at least now I’ve got something to get up for! You’ve heard all this before but every day is special and new. She is taking in the world now and she changes every day.

How did the “fur kids” — Toby the Wonderdog, new Border Collie pup Archie and Milly the cat — react to meeting Charlotte for the first time?

Katrina: I knew Toby would be fantastic because he has worked with babies and children before. But I will be very conscious when she is crawling and a toddler because he’s getting older and he doesn’t necessarily love people getting in his face or hanging off him. There is a safety issue involved and you can never be too careful. I’ve got a baby gate up in the nursery to keep the animals out of the room. Archie is young, so the problem with him is he’s still so excitable. We’ve trained him that whenever the baby is around he has to lie down on his mat and he gets rewarded for that. He’s also been taught not to walk in front of the pram wheel.

Anthony: We did that before Charlotte was born. Practice runs with the pram, walking around the block.

Katrina: You’ve got to get animals prepared in advance. Lots of people come home with a baby, and then make lots of changes to the pets’ routine, which creates a negative experience for the animal. I let the animals explore the nursery to sniff all the furniture beforehand so it wasn’t a novelty when I brought Charlotte home. But again, I would never leave Charlotte unsupervised with the animals around.

Do you think Charlotte has brought the two of you closer together?

Anthony: It’s amazing watching Kat as a mother. It really is quite beautiful. She’s so doting and I’m really proud about how she is handling it. The connection between mother and child is incredible. It’s very special.

Katrina: Relationships do change because the baby is the priority now. She’s helpless so you’re 100 per cent devoted to her. You have to pull together and rely on each other more.

What has been the biggest surprise for you both? What don’t they tell you?

Katrina: I was prepared for it to be challenging, but I just can’t get over how difficult it is to get out of the house in the morning. It takes me until about 11am just to get the baby chores done and then she will need to be fed again.

Anthony: When the mid-wife went through Katrina’s “day” for the first three months, she said, “You’ll be feeding for eight hours of the day …” and we just looked at each other …

Katrina: You know it’s going to be time consuming and you think you can be organised around it, but you can’t. Just the feeding, it’s around 8-10 hours of your day. Everything goes out the window. Sometimes I can’t even find a moment to go to the bathroom!

Any plans for baby number two?

Katrina: Can the stork bring that one? No plans right now. Just getting used to the full-on life of having one is enough for now, but I’m sure Anthony would like to add to the family.

Anthony: There are never enough Darcys in the world!

See our gorgeous photo shoot with Katrina and Charlotte in this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 10)

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Nicole: I’ve lost my kids to Scientology

The actress reveals her heartbreak as Isabella and Connor choose Tom Cruise’s religion over their mother.

Nicole Kidman has finally spoken of her anguish over her estrangement from her two Scientology-raised children and her feelings of failure as a mother. She is also threatening to reveal the darkest secrets of her marriage to ex-husband Tom Cruise.

With her adopted kids Isabella, 14, and Connor, 12, preferring to stay in the US with their Scientology minders rather than visit their own mother in Australia, Nicole has alluded to her antipathy towards the controversial religion.

“I don’t want to be the one discussing Scientology,” a wounded Nicole warily told US magazine Vanity Fair when asked about her children’s indoctrination during her latest interview. “My kids want to live in LA and they’re at a certain age where they dig in their heels.”

While Isabella and Connor briefly visited their mum in Australia earlier this year, they have chosen to spend their holidays at a Church of Scientology camp in Oregon.

A former Scientologist says the camp in Portland, where the kids are holed up, is really an intense learning program for Scientology teachings. “The summer camp is part of Scientology’s get-them-while-they’re-young campaign,” says the ex-member…

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 10)

Your say: Is Scientology responsible for the kids’ reluctance to see their mother? Leave your comments below…

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I fed my husband soap

Night after night it happened. His “nights out with the boys” went on seven times a week. My husband would come staggering in after a hard night at the local, no excuses, just demands for his evening meal. Always it was ready, warmed up, ready to eat.

This went on for years until I had had enough and figured out a way to pay him back.

At first I left his dinner in the oven until it was dried out. He didn’t seem to notice. So I tried putting it in the fridge, serving it ice cold — still he ate it. Then I turned to curries — I would put five chillies and three heaped teaspoons of curry powder in his meal, he’d just sweat more and his eyes would water. Finally, in desperation, I thought I had the best weapon.

I cooked his favourite meal — grilled sausages with gravy, mashed potato with cheese on top and greens. I went one step further though and substituted yellow soap for the cheese. As I grated it over the meal, it melted over the top of the mashed potato and if I hadn’t known what it was, I could have eaten it myself.

The anticipation of seeing his face when he had his first mouthful was almost more than I could handle. Finally the car lights came up the driveway, the meal was on the table ready to eat. I sat opposite him, so I could get a good view of his expression. But after eating it, all he said was, “What a great meal!”

I left the house early the next morning — I didn’t wait around to see or hear the outcome, but I bet it was a smooth ride out on bubbles and froth!

We’ve been married for 46 years. He doesn’t drink alcohol any more.

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Detox for spring

Diet Club

With spring officially upon us — even if it’s not that hot outside — it’s worth implementing some healthy weight loss practices before you start peeling off layers for summer. Detoxing is not just about weight loss either; by winter’s end most of us feel tired and sluggish and are sometimes unable to muster up enough energy to take on another thing. If you want to be out and about looking and feeling amazing in summer then this meal plan is designed to get you there.

After a week you’ll have some spring in your step, two weeks — a little bounce, three — some more, and who knows where you’ll be taking off to after four!

And of course, some sacrifice is involved, but cutting out caffeine, alcohol, sugar and wheat products will seem a very small price for the rewards you’ll reap at the end.

Make sure you keep the fluid intake up and of course don’t forget to exercise.

In this food plan, days are interchangeable but meals are not.

Day one | Day two | Day three | Day four | Day five | Day six | Day seven

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Breakfast on the run

By Judy Davie

**”I’m always rushed in the mornings and often don’t have time for breakfast. Can you suggest a quick and healthy breakfast that I can eat on the run? I don’t have time to cook.”

— Amanda**

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day and ideally we should all sit down to a long and leisurely breakfast providing more kilojoules than any other meal in the day. Given our lifestyles, however, this is rarely practical, especially since eating when we’re rushed and stressed is bad for the digestive system. The compromise is to find some quick and healthy choices to fill us up for most of the morning.

The five-star no-cook breakfast, in my opinion, is natural muesli (no added sugar) with fresh fruit and low-fat natural yoghurt. It’s a meal that has it all; fibre and low-GI carbohydrates from the whole grains; low-fat protein from the yoghurt; good fats from nuts and seeds; and antioxidants from the fruit. Yet while it may be quick to prepare, the whole grains make it a meal that takes time to eat, so if you are pushed for time you might be better packing your breakfast in an airtight container to enjoy once you get to work.

To tide you over before then, you could buy a small fresh juice, made from carrot, celery, ginger, beetroot and apple, en route to the office. While low in fibre, it will give you a quick energy boost, kick start the metabolism and provide some antioxidants to protect your system.

  • Wholegrain toast and tahini with tomato

  • Wholegrain toast and avocado with tomato

  • Wholegrain toast and cottage cheese with tomato and cucumber

  • Low-fat yoghurt smoothie with fruit and added fibre

  • Muffin

  • Commercial muesli bar

  • Turkish toast and vegemite or jam

  • White/wholemeal toast and jam

  • Large fresh juice (made from fruit only)

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Smokey eye shadow

Smoky eyes


Woman’s Day Beauty Editor, Mary Zavaglia answers your beauty questions.

  • Start by concealing the eye area with a reflecting concealer.

  • Using an eye shadow brush, sweep a small amount of shadow over the eye socket, then blend shadow up and out with a blending brush to soften.

  • Apply eye pencil in a deeper shade of the same colour as the shadow, close to eyelashes for further definition.

  • To enlarge eyes, add white eyeliner in the inner rim and finish off with lengthening mascara.

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