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Judy Davie
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Ange confesses: I’m on the verge of collapse

The star confesses her weight loss has gone too far and her romance has suffered.

Angelina Jolie has finally admitted she is dangerously skinny, and has frankly confessed that her sex life with Brad Pitt has been devastated by the pressures of raising four children.

In a remarkable new tell-all interview, Ange lifts the lid on her closely guarded private life and concedes she’s lost a frightening amount of weight recently. But the actress defiantly boasts she has no plans to slow down any time soon.

“Of course I’ve lost weight. Some days are exhausting, only I’m not allowed to collapse,” Ange told French magazine Gala. “I believe in pushing myself to the limits.”

The actress, whose weight has dipped to 43kg, confirms her shock weight loss began following the death of her mother Marcheline Bertrand in January this year. In the months that followed, she says Brad guided her through the grieving process, even though she often shut him out.

“When my mother died, Brad helped me go through all the stages of handling what you have to deal with when someone dies,” she says. “I recognise that there were times when he wanted me to open up, but sometimes it’s difficult to do that.”

While she credits Brad with helping her through her difficult times, the star admits much of the sexual passion has fizzled out of the couple’s relationship as they struggle with the demands of parenthood and busy careers.

“Obviously your intimacy is not the same,” she says. “You are always engrossed and often you collapse with exhaustion in the evening.

“But I am a very lucky woman. Brad is very romantic in his ways. And we talk deeply about how we feel about everything…”

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 17)

Your say: Does Ange need to slow down for the sake of her family? Leave your comments below…

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Goldie Hawn: Why I’ll never marry Kurt

The screen legend speaks candidly about her Hollywood life and gifted family.

Goldie Hawn has been smiling down at audiences for more than 40 years, creating her own brand of girl-next-door charm and delighting movie-goers with her sometimes ditzy roles. And during it all she has raised three children — son Oliver and daughter Kate from her third marriage to Bill Hudson, and son Wyatt from her 24-year relationship with fellow actor Kurt Russell.

Here 61-year-old Goldie tells why she’ll never walk down the aisle with Kurt, and why they have separate bank accounts. She also reflects on the break-up of her daughter’s marriage to Chris Robinson, and what it’s like being a grandmother.

You haven’t been seen on the big screen since The Banger Sisters in 2002 — was this a deliberate decision to step away from the spotlight?

Well, I didn’t see anything I liked. I was reading material and there wasn’t any good, fun and right stuff for me. In addition, at a certain time of your life it becomes less easy with scripts, as there aren’t too many for you out there. The other thing is that at some point during your career you have to grow and change and move and do things that you have never done, like write a book, which I did in 2005 [her memoir, A Lotus Grows In The Mud]. I’ve also been very busy with my institute [The Hawn Institute], which I have created to improve education in America and Canada. But of course I’ve also enjoyed my life tremendously.

You’ve been in the business for 40 years. Would you like to continue acting for a long time yet? Does it still inspire you?

It does inspire me and excites me. I started out entertaining and it’s kind of who I am and what I have been doing all my life and it’s still a lot of fun. But at the same time I am a person who likes to learn new things. So, somehow yes, I like acting, but I am also extremely excited about directing. I mean it’s fine for some people to continue doing what they do until they can’t do it anymore. But for me it’s great to make choices and to see that I have the options and the opportunity to do different things in my life and not the same ones over and over again.

Do you have any dreams left?

Tons of dreams! I have great dreams to achieve something with this learning institute for children. I want to travel the world, go to places where I have never been, meet people across the continents and do a documentary about that. I am also planning to produce a funny, but at the same time important TV series about what happens to and changes for people when they turn 40. I am very excited about doing a play. I also want to write another book. So there is still a lot to do.

You often star in comedies. Are you ever tempted to do more serious films?

No, that doesn’t matter to me. What matters is that the film is good, the story is good, that everything makes sense — because the point is that comedy is drama and in many ways drama is comedy … therefore that doesn’t make too much difference.

Your eldest children Oliver and Kate are both successful and busy actors — do you all make an effort to spend time together?

Well, we all have dinner together quite often. My daughter lives down the street from me, so I see her a lot. Once in a while we also spend holidays together. When I turned 60, Kurt took us all to Tahiti where we had a great time. It’s always so much fun when we all meet up. We are very, very close and see each other as often as we can.

Your daughter Kate Hudson recently went through a divorce. How did the family support her?

We supported both of them [Kate and ex husband Chris] during this difficult time. How can you not when you love both of them? We love our daughter, of course. But we also grew to love Chris very much. We are still very close with him. He lives miles away, but he and Katie are doing wonderfully. The baby [three-year-old Ryder] is very well adjusted. We are all friends and see him very often. We actually stayed a family, it’s just that they both didn’t work out as a couple.

Your next film Ashes To Ashes will also co-star your partner Kurt Russell. What do you like about working together?

The great thing is that it never gets difficult. He’s a very good worker and has great ideas and, in addition, he’s very supportive. I have a lot of respect for his attitude.

You two have been together since 1983. What’s the secret to having an enduring relationship?

I think the secret is to know when to depend on somebody and when not to. It’s important that you are able to hold up your side of the house. I believe that one person can’t bear the whole burden because then their shoulders start getting heavy. The other part is to stay as sexy as you can and make sure you focus on all of those aspects of a healthy relationship — and sexuality is definitely one of them.

What is so special about Kurt?

He is a unique and very gifted person. He is smart, alive and a big character. He’s also a great father … and he is very male!

So why won’t you two head down the aisle?

Because we have done just perfectly without marrying. I already feel devoted and isn’t that what marriage is supposed to do? So as long as my emotional state is in a state of devotion, honesty, caring and loving, then we’re fine.

We both have independent finances, we’re both independently well-off. We have raised our children brilliantly; they are beautiful people. We did a great job there and we didn’t have to get married to do that. I like waking up every day and seeing that he is there and knowing that I have a choice. There is really no reason to marry.

You have spoken candidly about infidelity in the past, but would you forgive Kurt if he cheated on you?

Yes, I probably would. I wouldn’t forgive him for bad behaviour or for being unkind or mean. But mistakes happen and we are all human — so probably I would come to some understanding.

How do you relax when you have days off?

I do relax when I spend time with my family. I also do travel quite a lot, so I relax on airplanes. No phones, no emails, just books. I also love to hike and bicycle. I cycle quite a bit when I am in Europe for example. That’s my big sport.

How do you stay looking so young and fit?

I really don’t know. I do work out, but not like a crazy person. I drink a lot of juices. But the bottom line is that I honestly think that a lot of it is genetic. You can look at your skin for instance. If you have healthy skin, you can do things to make your skin look good. But if you have sick skin, it’s obviously more difficult to do something. So I don’t know if there is any real secret. It’s just sort of what you have to work with. And God was good me. I didn’t get any light skin although I am an absolute blonde. And even now I don’t have to colour my hair at all because I don’t have any grey in it. It’s just amazing. And I am not afraid of getting older. As long as everything holds up, I am fine.

Would you ever consider plastic surgery?

I don’t have a problem with it. If I needed it, I would probably do it. A lot of people have done it. But if you want to feel good about yourself and think that you can achieve that through plastic surgery — then forget about it! Plastic surgery doesn’t make you feel good about yourself. You are who you are. You have to feel good about yourself very differently — very much from your own soul-searching and self-discovery. These are things that put a pretty face on — plastic surgery doesn’t.

For the full interview see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 17)

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Ricki-Lee – My dream wedding

Ricki-Lee Coulter invites Woman’s Day to share the happiest day of her life.

Six years after meeting Jamie Babbington, Ricki-Lee became his wife in a ceremony on the Gold Coast on September 7.

The gorgeous bride pledged during her vows to “cook yummy food and let you watch the rugby … sometimes!”

For Ricki-Lee, 21, and Jamie, 30, the wedding went off without a hitch.

With the formalities over, the fun-loving couple became even more relaxed.

And a spectacular tiered wedding cake.

Reflecting on her wedding bliss, Ricki-Lee truly considers herself the luckiest woman alive. And it’s easy to see why. “There’s nobody that fits me better than Jamie,” she says. “We’re two pieces of a puzzle that nobody else can fit.”

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In the mag – September 24, 2007

On-Sale Monday September 17, 2007

Sarah Murdoch: ‘My baby heartache’

Sarah Murdoch calls them her “miracles” — the two gorgeous, healthy boys she once feared she would never have. For the first time, the glam mum tells Woman’s Day of the huge pain she felt at the prospect of never having children.

Exclusive — Ricki-Lee: ‘My dream wedding’

It brought more joy than any hit single or Australian Idol victory. Six years after meeting Jamie Babbington at the Nerang RSL, Ricki-Lee Coulter became his wife in a ceremony on the Gold Coast.

Angelina: ‘I’m on the verge of collapse’

Angelina Jolie has finally admitted she is dangerously skinny, and has frankly confessed that her sex life with Brad Pitt has been devastated by the pressures of raising four children.

Goldie Hawn: ‘Why I’ll never marry Kurt’

The screen legend speaks candidly to Woman’s Day about her Hollywood life and gifted family.

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Shane and Jemima get cosy

Is Shane Warne back to his old tricks? Tongues have been wagging since the Aussie cricket legend was seen at a Police concert with Jemima Khan, while his partner Simone Callaghan was at home with the couple’s three children, Brooke, Summer and Jackson.

It’s the third time the pair have been seen out together, leaving many onlookers to wonder if Shane and Simone’s attempt to reconcile their marriage has already hit a rough patch.

Shane’s manager James Erskine has tried to downplay the rumours of a new marriage rift, insisting that the couple are still sharing a house in the UK. “Everything’s going well. They’re all living together and I think they’ve had a very happy time in Hampshire,” he says.

However, onlookers noted that Shane and Simone appeared frosty towards each other during their last public appearance together in July.

“You could almost feel the tension between them,” noted one onlooker. “They weren’t a happy couple…” For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 17)

Your say: Who is better for Shane — Jemima or Simone? Leave your comments below…

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Sarah Murdoch’s brave baby battle

The Aussie beauty opens up about the agonising time she thought she might never become a mother.

Sarah Murdoch calls them her “miracles” — the two gorgeous, healthy boys she once feared she would never have.

“Not a day goes by when I don’t think how lucky I am — even on the bad days,” the glam mum tells Woman’s Day, as she reveals for the first time the huge pain she felt at the prospect of never having children.

Despite a successful modelling career and her glittering marriage to media heir Lachlan Murdoch, Sarah spent four agonising years trying to fall pregnant, suffering one heartbreaking miscarriage after another.

As she reveals that she and Lachlan would like to try for a third child — “I keep seeing baby things and I definitely want more” — Sarah says she is speaking out because so much about pregnancy, miscarriage and birth goes undiscussed…

For the full interview, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 17)

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Pasta – not so bad after all

By Judy Davie

**”Is it okay to eat pasta if I’m trying to lose weight?”

— Sally**

Absolutely! The fact that pasta is a source of carbohydrate often fools people into thinking it prevents weight loss. Of course, if you eat too much of any food you’ll take in too many kilojoules, which could lead to weight gain. But by sticking to a sensible portion size and enjoying it in moderation, there’s no reason pasta can’t be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet.

Pasta has a low glycaemic index, which means it releases energy slowly, keeping the body fuller for longer, meaning you’re less likely to still be hungry afterwards.

Wholemeal pasta is an even better choice as it contains more fibre and has an even lower GI. A great pasta meal would include some vegies, protein and a little healthy fat. An average portion size is about one cup of cooked pasta.

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I asked my best friend to seduce my husband

The first time I met my future husband Rob, I took him by storm. Rob was dark blonde with big brown eyes, wide shoulders and an absolutely killer smile. He was also very quiet and painfully shy.

We took every opportunity to talk over the next few weeks. I knew he liked me, but he wouldn’t make a move! I smiled, I hinted, I “accidentally” brushed against him about a hundred times, but nothing. Finally, I knocked him down and told him we were together. The rest is history.

The more I knew about Rob, the more attractive I found him. However, he believed that he was totally unattractive. Rob had been a very shy little boy, overshadowed by two outgoing older brothers. He grew into a lonely, awkward teenager and spent most of his time reading or on the computer. At university, the girl he liked treated him terribly and from then on he was convinced he was unattractive to women.

When we were alone together, Rob was relaxed, charming and funny and it was easy to fall in love with him. But as soon as somebody else was around, Rob would shut down and become the silent, awkward little boy he used to be. It was breaking my heart.

I confided my worries to my best friend Cherie. She lived in Queensland and we would spend hours on the phone together. I often wished she was here with me in person, so we could help each other through our problems like we used to.

One day, Cherie had a big surprise for me — she was coming for a visit! I was ecstatic, knowing she was finally going to meet Rob.

“But he’s still so shy around other people,” I sighed. “He really believes he’s ugly and unlikeable.”

“He knows that you find him attractive,” said Cherie.

“He knows that I’m a bit crazy,” I replied. “He thinks that my attraction to him is proof of my insanity.”

“He needs some other woman to make a move on him and prove it’s not just you who thinks he’s attractive,” said Cherie.

That was a fantastic idea! And I knew Cherie was the one to do it. Cherie was tall and gorgeous, with long legs and red hair. Her looks had kept other women at a distance, but I knew she was a warm, loyal and loving friend. She was also as crazy as me and needed little persuading to throw herself at Rob to boost his self-esteem.

I planned an elaborate welcome dinner for Cherie, with lots of wine. She turned up looking as beautiful as ever, in a tiny black dress and high heels. As soon as we sat down, I kicked her under the table, to remind her of our scheme.

She started straightaway, flirting outrageously with Rob. She tossed her hair, giggled and fluttered her eyelashes like a professional. She even laughed at his jokes and gazed at him like he was a movie star.

Cherie flirted so heavily, I wanted to choke her. The only thing that stopped me was knowing I had asked her to do it! There was no doubt Rob was having a great time, but he still wasn’t responding to Cherie. It was obvious he didn’t understand she was trying to seduce him.

“This isn’t working,” Cherie hissed at me when she helped me carry the plates to the kitchen. “He should be asking me to have his babies by now.”

“Well, you’re just going to have to try harder,” I told her without mercy.

The moment we came back to the lounge room, Cherie turned to me and said “Where’s dessert? I haven’t come all the way from Queensland for no dessert!”

“Okay, I’m getting the cake,” I said, laughing. “It’ll take me a while, you and Rob can chat for a few minutes.” I left for the kitchen, but stopped just outside the lounge room door and peeked through the crack. Cherie wasted no time, sitting down next to Rob on the sofa. She was soon talking and laughing, leaning forward to give Rob a wonderful view of her cleavage. Rob was looking a bit confused. Then Cherie put one hand on his thigh, the other hand around his neck and blew into his ear.

Rob bounced upright, turned brick-red and bolted across the room. I had stuffed my hand in my mouth, desperate not to give myself away behind the door. Finally satisfied, Cherie leaned back on the sofa and gave Rob a smug smile. Rob had definitely got the message that Cherie found him attractive.

“Did you enjoy tonight?” I asked him later, when Cherie had gone.

“Mmm,” he mumbled, hugging me from behind. “Cherie seemed a bit … interested in me.”

“Well, that’s no surprise,” I said sleepily. “If you weren’t so shy, you’d notice a lot of women are interested in you.”

Cherie and I had coffee the next day and nearly killed ourselves laughing about the night before. She agreed that Rob was adorable.

“But I can’t believe he didn’t return my interest,” Cherie said, pouting a little.

“Don’t worry, you’re still as gorgeous as ever,” I laughed. “Rob only has eyes for me.”

Since that night, Rob has a lot more confidence in public. He walks taller and isn’t as shy and because he is friendlier and open, lots of girls talk to him and flirt with him. But I don’t worry at all.

Rob only has eyes for me.

Picture posed by models

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Steely Dan secret wife

“My rock star marriage nearly killed me.”

On the radio, in a lift, at the supermarket, Juanna Fatouros can’t escape painful memories of the rock ‘n’ roll love affair that almost destroyed her life.

Steely Dan’s music is everywhere. But Juanna’s role with the legendary band — as girlfriend, muse, assistant and eventual wife of co-founder Walter Becker — has remained a secret until now.

Juanna’s name doesn’t appear on websites devoted to the ’70s rock icons. She isn’t featured in official histories; nor does she rate a mention in the best-selling band biography Reelin’ In The Years.

Sitting at home in Melbourne, as Steely Dan tours Australia for the first time, Juanna feels like a forgotten woman.

“There’s something about being invisible that’s horrible,” the 54-year-old says wistfully. “It’s like I didn’t exist, didn’t live those three years with Walter. And I was pretty hot back then!

“All I’ve ever wanted is one line of acknowledgement; some thanks for what I did and for the music I inspired. I never wanted to go after Walter for money. The thing that makes me saddest is that we were friends, until he totally cut me off.”

Devastated by the ending of her marriage, Juanna turned to heroin to help dull her grief. It marked a descent into hell; one she feels eternally lucky to have escaped…

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 10)

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