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Friends and family tell Britney: Get help

The tragic star’s family prepare an intervention to save her from herself and protect her children.

Britney Spears’ parents are planning an emergency intervention in a bid to force the troubled star into “long-term care” after a judge accused her of drug and alcohol abuse, and ordered her to submit to random blood tests if she wants to keep her two young sons.

Lynne and Jamie Spears — who are estranged — are desperate to convince Brit she needs to go back to rehab and seek more treatment for her emotional problems and alleged substance abuse.

Agreeing to put aside their differences to help their daughter, they have rallied together everyone who has been a major part of their daughter’s life over the past two years — including her ex-husband Kevin Federline — to stage a “super intervention”…

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 24)

Your say: Will rehab help Britney? Leave your comments below…

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Brad’s obsession with Jen

Angelina bans Brad from talking to Jennifer after a blazing argument.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have had an explosive row over the actor’s obsession with his ex-wife Jennifer Aniston, amid mounting anxiety over Ange not yet conceiving another child.

The pair — who have been arguing for some time over Angelina’s plummeting weight — suffered the worst fight of their two-year relationship after Ange caught Brad admiring pictures of a healthy and happy-looking Jen enjoying a beach holiday in Hawaii.

“Angelina walked in and saw him ogling pictures of Jennifer looking great in a bikini,” confirms a source. “She hit the roof — it was the last thing she needed to see after all she has been through recently.

“They had a screaming row and Brad was horrified — he’s never seen her lose it like that…”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 24)

Your say: Who is better for Brad — Ange or Jen? Leave your comments below…

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Naomi: Love, babies and my best mate Nic

As she prepares to turn 39 this week, Naomi Watts is counting her blessings. She is head over heels in love with the men in her life — two-month-old Alexander Pete and fiancé Liev Schreiber, 39 — and for the first time, she has the freedom to relax and enjoy the moment.

“I could just spend hours gazing at him,” Naomi says of Alexander. “[Motherhood] is such a powerful thing. Life has changed dramatically. It’s all about the baby.”

Now, as she’s set to star in the action/thriller Eastern Promises, the UK-born Aussie actress reveals how she almost gave up on her life’s dream and how best pal Nicole Kidman kept it alive for her.

Eastern Promises is a very emotional movie. Did you feel worn down by it, given your life is so busy at the moment?

No, I actually felt the opposite. I felt refreshed in a weird sort of way. A couple of years later, I think I’m still recovering from doing King Kong. [Laughs.] That film was so physically draining. I mean, it was eight months of 14-hour days filled with jumping, running, being punched, pushed and pulled. So, this film was a luxury. I mean, the emotional aspect is exhausting, but we had time to do it right.

So, are you in love these days?

[Laughs.] I’m very happy.

Will you be having time off to be with Alexander?

I believe I’ve put so much into my work for such a long time that I’ve earned some time off. I feel so sated that I won’t be needing to rush back to it so quickly. The notion of exploring other things is too exciting for me at this point.

You’re best friends with Nicole Kidman. Did her success prepare you for fame?

In a way, because I’ve known Nicole from before her success, and I’ve known her all through it. I’ve experienced it with her. When you’re a friend, you watch and you learn. But, it’s not something you sit down and ask for advice or pointers about.

Was there jealousy when Nicole’s career took off?

Not at all. There was nothing but sheer happiness seeing her getting to do what she really wanted to do. Every time either of us got a great role, we would celebrate and wish each other the best of luck. I was never jealous. And Nic would often go out of her way to make sure I didn’t lose hope or any momentum in pursuing my acting dreams. Her success was such an inspiration to me. It gave me that extra push to keep pushing ahead…

For the full interview see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 24)

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In the mag – October 1, 2007

On-Sale Monday September 24, 2007

Brad’s obsession with Jen

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have had a huge row over the actor’s obsession with his ex-wife Jennifer Aniston. In this week’s issue, it’s not hard to see why, as we reveal exclusive pictures of Jen’s hot new curves!

True Life — “My kids were frozen for 17 years”

After an agonising struggle to conceive, Sally and Andrew Woods defied the odds.

Friends and family tell Britney: Get help

The tragic star’s family prepare an intervention to save her from herself and protect her children.

Interview: Naomi Watts — “Love, babies and my best mate Nic”

As she prepares to turn 39 this week, Naomi Watts is counting her blessings. She is head over heels in love with the men in her life — two-month-old Alexander Pete and her fiancé Liev Schreiber, 39. Now, as she’s set to star in the action/thriller Eastern Promises, the UK-born Aussie actress reveals how she almost gave up on her life’s dream and how best pal Nicole Kidman kept it alive for her.

  • Exclusive! Jason Donovan’s tell-all book

  • Woman’s Day brings you an exclusive extract of Jason Donovan’s no-holds-barred, yet to be released book, Between The Lines. In this 5-page special, Jason reveals the explosive truth about him and Kylie Minogue, his affair with Erica Baxter, and how his kids Jemma and Zac saved him from drugs.

  • Exclusive! Rock throw victim Nicole Miller — “My miracle survival”

  • It’s probably a blessing Nicole doesn’t recall the moment a jagged-edged rock, hurled from the side of a New South Wales south coast overpass, exploded through the rear passenger window of the car she was travelling in. In this exclusive interview, Nicole talks to Woman’s Day about the horrifying moment that changed her life for ever.

  • Interview: Alyce Platt — “I got married twice in a year”

  • As Sale Of The Century‘s hostess with the mostest, Alyce Platt was the “It” girl of TV’s quiz-show world. In this interview, the star opens up about screen sex with Daniel Macpherson, her two marriages to the same man, and becoming stepmother to her own goddaughter.

  • Footy Finals Food

  • AFL or NRL? No matter what your code, one thing unites us all at football finals time … food!

  • Emmys 2006 — All the frocks and parties gossip


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Jason: Drugs, Kylie and my crazy life

Jason Donovan’s tell-all book

Woman’s Day brings you an exclusive extract of Jason Donovan’s no-holds-barred, yet to be released book, Between The Lines.

In this 5-page special, Jason reveals the explosive truth about him and Kylie Minogue, his affair with Erica Baxter, and how his kids Jemma and Zac saved him from drugs.

Read it in this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 24)

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Fake a tan for autumn

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The entertainer’s meal plan

The weather is warming up, the days are getting longer — it’s time to clean down the barbecue, refill the gas bottle and dust off the stubby holders. It’s also a great time of year to invite friends and family over and share a few laughs together.

But for those with weight to lose, there’s a risk of slipping on a few extra kilos by eating and drinking more than usual. It’s easy to get into the bad habit of snacking on chips and dips before the main meal is served or drinking a couple more glasses of wine than you might otherwise.

This meal plan takes into account the season and our need to gather with friends and family.

You can entertain and lose weight!

The meal plan below is calculated on an energy consumption of between 6500 and 7500 kilojoules a day.

If you want to drink during the week, you will have to factor in some exercise to negate the energy consumed through alcohol.

The following is a guide to the exercise you’d need to do to be able to drink and lose weight too.

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Applying blush


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I scared off my sister-in-law’s boyfriend

My sister In-Law, Mandy, has never been a great judge of character when it comes to men. She’s had a string of rocky relationships owing to the fact (in my opinion) that she tends to go for ‘bad-boys’. My wife, Sian (Mandy’s older Sister) has always been protective of Mandy and she hates seeing her get hurt time and again. Sian tries not to interfere but recently it all became a little too much to handle when Mandy introduced us to her latest boyfriend, Dillon. As usual the relationship had rocketed along at a hundred miles an hour and Mandy had already moved in with the boy.

Dillon was certainly what most would deem ‘tall, dark and handsome’ and he seemed nice at first but that soon changed. We first started noticing things weren’t right when Sian called Mandy one day on her mobile and Dillon answered. He sounded gruff and annoyed as though he were just arguing with Mandy and he was really rude to my wife, basically hanging up on her mid-sentence.

The next time we noticed something was amiss was during a night out we’d organised with just Sian, myself, Mandy and Dillon. In fact it was Mandy who wanted to get us all together as when Sian mentioned the abrupt phone call in passing, Mandy said that we should get to know Dillon as he was nothing like her other boyfriends.

The evening started out okay and we chatted over our starters happily at first. Mandy took a little while choosing a glass of wine to have with her main and Dillon was clearly annoyed. “Just order something!” he snapped after huffing and puffing for a while, Mandy just seemed oblivious to the outburst.

As the night progressed and more wine was consumed, Dillon’s true colours were revealed in sickening clarity. He started belittling Mandy at every turn, telling little stories about Mandy with the sole purpose of making her look stupid. Sian and I went into damage control and tried to be positive when all we wanted to do was to tell the guy he was a jerk. Mandy had begged Sian and I to be nice to Dillon and in hindsight I don’t know how we bit our tongues all night.

Sian and I got home that night and decided that we couldn’t sit back and let Mandy fall victim to this guy. She had become acclimatised to these types over the years and her self esteem was at an all-time low. We talked for half the night about what we could do. After hours of planning and scheming we came up with something devious but effective.

In Sian’s family, everyone has the keys to everyone else’s homes in case of emergency. I work at night so during the early afternoon (when I knew no one would be home at Mandy and Dillon’s) I snuck in and left the bomb-shell that I knew would see Dillon running for the hills. It was just a piece of paper with some information on it that Sian and I had compiled together. I left the document on the kitchen bench as I knew that Dillon would get home before Mandy and he would undoubtedly head to the kitchen for a snack as most blokes do. I left the apartment and hoped for the best.

Mandy called Sian later that night in tears as Dillon had apparently packed his bags and left without explanation. Sian went over to comfort Mandy and she later told me that she had to search high and low for our document but found it in the garbage bin in the kitchen.

Sian used to work as a nurse so it was no problem getting her hands on paper with a medical centre letter head. I typed up a sufficiently official looking set of ‘test results’ for Mandy including not one, but two, sexually transmitted diseases which Dillon clearly took exception to.

We never heard from him again and to this day Mandy doesn’t know about our deception. She’s with a boy who treats her with compassion and respect now and she’s a lot happier.

Meddling is not usually our thing but in this instance it worked a treat.

Picture posed by models

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