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Who needs fibre?

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

**”How important is fibre if you don’t have any problems with regularity? And what is the difference between soluble and insoluble fibre?”

— Erin**

Fibre is important for many reasons, not just for keeping the body “regular”. Fibre protects the health of the intestinal tract by increasing the bulk of stools and decreasing the time they take to pass through the body. Imagine fibre as an intestinal broom, ensuring that toxic substances do not stick and linger on the intestinal walls. Bowel regularity is linked to a decreased risk of colon cancer, as well as other conditions such as haemorrhoids. A diet high in fibre not only prevents diseases but creates slow and even food absorption from your intestines, therefore keeping insulin levels steady and promoting the use of food for energy rather than being stored as body fat.

There are two types of fibre, soluble and insoluble. Water-soluble fibres are the gums found in grains, eg. oats, flaxseeds, legumes and pectins, which are the edible portion of seeds, vegetables and fruits (particularly apples). Recent research has shown that soluble fibre helps lower cholesterol, possibly by binding to bile acids (made from cholesterol to digest dietary fats) and then excreting them.

Insoluble fibres promote bowel regularity and are found in vegetables such as leafy greens, nuts and seeds and the bran of wheat and other wholegrains. Insoluble fibre is said to help alleviate diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

For a healthy diet, it is recommended that you consume 25-35g of fibre a day. Below is a list of some common foods and their fibre content.

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I married my Aussie toyboy lover

No-one thought their relationship would last, but US mum Karen, 31, and her Aussie teen lover James are proving them wrong as they tie the knot and await their first child together.

With a nervous grin, Perth teenager James Barry exchanged vows with the “older woman” from cyberspace who won his heart — Californian mum Karen Anderson.

Thirty-five friends cheered as James, newly 18, and Karen, heavily pregnant with his child, declared their undying devotion for each other.

Their ceremony was held aboard an historic paddle-steamer on the Swan River, overlooking the city.

“Mummy looks so pretty,” chirped Karen’s four-year-old daughter Amanda, as Karen, whose father is deceased, was led down the “aisle” by James’s best friend, Eddie Parkhouse, 18.

James was a 16-year-old schoolboy when he controversially met and moved in with Karen, who flew from the US to be at his side after months of cyber dating. Defying the critics who said it would never last, the two are now about to formally tie the knot in America. The paddle-steamer ceremony was to have been a formal wedding; but there was a last-minute hitch when Karen’s divorce papers didn’t come through from the US on time. After a few tense discussions, the couple decided to go ahead as planned, and sign the official documents later.

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Party-hard Prince Harry

Snorting vodka and clamping glasses of flaming liquor to his nipples — the young prince’s party antics could prove deadly.

Prince Harry is at it again — happily posing for the cameras as he engages in a potentially lethal drinking game while holidaying in Namibia.

While Harry seemed to be having a great time as he snorted vodka up his nose, laughing and joking as friends cheered him on, outraged health experts and mortified Palace insiders have not seen the funny side.

The shocking video images, recorded late last year by a member of Harry’s party, show the Prince swigging vodka before spitting it into a bottle cap and snorting the liquor up his nose.

Yet another embarrassing video, taken during the same holiday, shows the Prince with wine glasses stuck over his nipples while performing another risky party trick…

Read the full story in this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale October 15)

Your say: Is Prince Harry out of control? Leave your comments below…

Read more about Prince Harry

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In the mag – October 22, 2007

On sale Monday October 15, 2007

Antonia’s husband broke my heart

Debbie Phillips’ daughter is best friends with Antonia Kidman’s … now Debbie admits she had a five-month secret affair with Antonia’s husband, Angus Hawley.

Royal fears for party-hard Prince Harry

Exclusive photos: Prince Harry is at it again — happily posing for the cameras as he engages in a potentially lethal drinking game while holidaying in Namibia.

Hugh’s flirty night

Devastated that his ex-girlfriend Jemima Khan has moved on, scandal-plagued actor Hugh Grant has been spotted on a sleazy bender with a group of star-struck girls young enough to be his daughters.

U.S. mum’s joy: ‘I married my Aussie internet toyboy’

James was a 16-year-old schoolboy when he controversially met and moved in with Karen, who flew from the US to be at his side after months of cyber dating. After recently turning 18, James and Karen, now a 31-year-old who is heavily pregnant with his child, have exchanged vows in a commitment ceremony.

Joey’s singing pretty

Former NSync star Joey Fatone has put his boy-band days behind him and turned his hand to presenting as host of Nine’s The Singing Bee*.

Ange begs: get me into rehab!

Desperately skinny Angelina Jolie has begged Brad Pitt to get her into a recovery centre, after two booze-fuelled collapses and an emotional secret meeting with her estranged father Jon Voight forced her to face her demons.

Forensic investigator tells: ‘I know where Maddie is’

The desperate parents of missing child Madeleine McCann are being helped by a DNA tracking expert dubbed The Locator. Using his invention, which works like a metal detector but tracks DNA traces, he insists he has discovered what happened to Maddie.

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Natalie Gruzlewski — the Network Nine presenter of Farmer Wants A Wife shares her married bliss

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Heartbroken Hugh’s flirty bender

Devastated that his ex-girlfriend Jemima Khan has moved on, scandal-plagued actor Hugh Grant has been spotted on a sleazy bender with a group of star-struck girls young enough to be his daughters.

The 47-year-old star — who’s been drowning his sorrows ever since Jemima was linked to Aussie cricket star Shane Warne — was clearly enjoying being the centre of attention after meeting the female students at the Ma Bells bar in St Andrews, Scotland.

“He has been here a few times,” says a worker at the pub. “He must like it because he keeps coming back.”

But Hugh didn’t stick around for long, with the girls inviting him back to their student digs to carry on their outrageous partying late into the night.

After several rum-and-cokes, Hugh turned his attention to pretty Caroline Hargreaves. The two were caught on camera leaning in for a kiss as several of her friends posed for snaps next to the charming actor. Aged just 20, the international relations student is 27 years Hugh’s junior…

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale October 15)

Your say: Is Hugh getting too old for this sort of thing? Leave your comments below…

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Antonia’s husband broke my heart

Debbie Phillips’ daughter is best friends with Antonia Kidman’s … now Debbie admits she had a five-month secret affair with Antonia’s husband, Angus Hawley.

The first time Angus Hawley kissed Debbie Phillips, she tried to resist. There were so many reasons why an affair shouldn’t happen.

He was the father of her nine-year-old daughter Cassie’s best friend. She knew and liked his wife, TV presenter Antonia Kidman. And she was worried that Angus had recently been treated for anxiety and depression at an exclusive Sydney clinic.

But the boyish 38-year-old businessman swept aside her scruples on their first official date, when he picked her up in a stretch limo stocked with vodka and ice, and took her to watch the rugby on television at a friend’s harbourside unit.

“He snuggled up on the lounge and kissed me,” recalls former model Debbie, who was once the face — and hair — of Décoré shampoo. “I actually stopped him short and said I didn’t want that; it wasn’t right.

“I told him I didn’t want to be the rebound girl he turned to because his marriage to Antonia was in trouble. I told him I wasn’t a casual fling kind of person, and that’s why it was so serious to me.

“But he was holding me and seducing me, and it was quite an intoxicating moment…”

For the full exclusive four-page interview, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale October 15)

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By Judy Davie

**”Is sushi good for you as an alternative fast food meal?”

— Sussan**

Comparing sushi with other fast food, in particular burgers, fried chicken, and even those marketed as healthy sandwich franchises, sushi rates high on the list, especially sushi made with salmon or tuna and avocado.

Unlike other fast food outlets that serve very high-fat, high-sugar meals, sushi is low in saturated fat and is a source of good fats from both the fish and avocado. The essential fatty acid Omega 3 found in oily fish can’t be made by the body and is known to help improve mental performance and reduce symptoms of ADHD. It can also ease inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and irritable bowel. Avocado is a great source of the powerful antioxidant vitamin E. Commercial sushi rice on its own has a high GI, but the sushi making process involving cutting vinegar through the rice while it cools seems to reduce its GI making sushi a satisfying snack that keeps you feeling full long after you’ve eaten it.

And don’t forget the seaweed. The nori used to wrap the sushi is known as the treasure house of the sea. It contains EPA, a non-essential superunsaturated fatty acid, said to be effective in preventing hardening of the arteries, as well as taurine, an amino acid effective in reducing blood pressure.

For maintaining weight, the bottom line is, per 100g, sushi has half the energy and a fraction of the fat of typical fast food and is a good fast alternative. In saying that you must remember all the components that make up a healthy diet — sushi does not give you enough protein, calcium, fibre, good fat, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants found predominantly in fresh fruit and vegetables.

Balance your diet with low fat dairy, lean meat and fish, wholegrains, nuts, seeds, monounsaturated fats and plenty of fruit and vegetables. Collectively they ensure a healthy body and mind. If you are having sushi for lunch, ask for a side serve of edamame beans and take a little bag of chopped carrots and celery to crunch on throughout the day to boost your veggie intake. Eat fruit at breakfast with a wholegrain cereal and skimmed milk or yoghurt and boost your protein at night with some steak, chicken or fish and plenty of veggies.

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‘Puppy fat’

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

**”I am 12 years old and weigh 60 kilos. My friends tell me they only weigh 50 or 55 and I often just say I weigh 55 because I’m embarrassed to say I weigh 60. I have three sisters (aged 22, 20, 18) who have told me they all weighed 60 at my age and when they turned 13 they all started to lose their ‘puppy fat’. I remember seeing them lose this weight and they have been able to keep it off and they still all weigh 60kg. I don’t look like I’m 60kg, in my opinion, but my stomach isn’t flat either. I have my graduation coming up soon (November) and I was wondering if you could tell me, how can I turn my stomach that I have now into a flat one? Also will I lose the weight like my sister did? I walk to school and back everyday and eat three balanced meals. I am a vegetarian. We have a treadmill at my house and I spend 20 minutes before school on it and 20-30 minutes after school on it. Thank you.”

— Claire**

Dear Claire,

When I was your age I weighed 60kg and now, at 44, I weigh 59. It’s easy to say don’t compare yourself to others but I know it’s hard not to. The truth is though we are all different and as long as we’re healthy, eat well, exercise and feel good, no one weight is better than another. Even when you compare girls the same height with the same amount of body fat they will usually have varying weights. Some people have a very slight build, like Kylie Minogue, while others have a larger more voluptuous build, like Beyonce, and both, I’m sure you would agree are equally beautiful in their own way.

While you don’t say how tall you are or describe your frame, I suspect you and your sisters each have strong athletic frames which, regardless of body fat, weigh more than small slight frames. The amount of exercise you do might also mean you have more lean tissue than other girls your age which means you might weigh more as muscle is heavier than fat but look more toned and fit.

Family history is a great guide to probable outcomes and as long as you share similar eating and exercise habits there’s every chance you will lose your ‘puppy fat’ just as your sisters did.

My advice is to relax and enjoy yourself. Exercise and enjoy the activity without worrying about your weight. If you stay active throughout your growing years you’ll be less likely to carry any excess fat into adult life.

As a vegetarian and especially at your age make sure you are eating enough protein. Protein is important for normal growth as your body is developing and growing and will continue to grow up until your mid 20s. It would be great if you could eat some fish, but if not, eggs, tofu, yoghurt, lentils and beans combined with a grain are all a good source of protein. Wholegrain bread, rice and pasta each have more protein than their processed white equivalents and will fill you up for longer too.

And as for the flat stomach, maybe you and your sister can invest in a pilates DVD that specifically targets the abdominal area and exercise together.

There’s a lovely line that many young people hate which goes like this: “I’ve been on this planet longer and I know more.”

When you’re young and all you want is to change something it’s hard to hear the word “wait”.

At 12 you’re only a fraction of the way through your life and your body is changing. It’s the way of nature. Be happy with who you are and wait. A little rounded tummy is no reason to despair. It’ll flatten and there will be plenty more graduations to enjoy. When you accept yourself just as you are now you’ll be much happier today and for all the days to come.

Enjoy your graduation.

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It’s not about bulking up!

By Michaela Ryan

Most women tend to focus way too much on cardiovascular exercise, according to personal trainer Davina Tyquin from Step Into Life. But if you’re serious about shaping up, you really should incorporate resistance training, or weight-bearing exercises, into your regime.

Weight-bearing exercises make your body work against gravity. That includes squats, lunges and push ups, as well as activities like netball, stair-climbing and tennis.

Resistance training is any form of weight-lifting, including dumbbells, barbells and other weight machines you see at the gym.

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