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My secret love child

A few months ago I moved to the city from a small town. I’d only been here two weeks when I decided to get out and see the nightlife. While I was out, I ran into an old friend who I hadn’t seen in 12 years. He told me that he was married and had a young daughter and was in town for work. We filled each other in on what we’d been doing for the past 12 years and as the night went on he started becoming friendlier.

I knew what his intentions were and even though he was married I’d been infatuated with him since I was 10 so I didn’t put up a fight. I ended up taking him home that night and continued to have an affair with him for two months.

He told me he loved me and that he was going to leave his wife to be with me. We discussed having children and eventually getting married. We were never too safe when it came to being intimate but we discussed what would happen if I fell pregnant before he and his wife separated.

After our wonderful two months together he was being transferred again for work. We spoke every day and he even planned how he was going to tell his wife. Then one day, he e-mailed me saying he couldn’t go through with it for risk of losing his daughter. That he needed some time to sort it all out. Needless to say, he broke my heart.

Two weeks later I found out I was pregnant. He had asked me to promise I would tell him if this happened. I’m now seven weeks pregnant and I’m going to have my child. I have not told this man and I plan never to tell him. I don’t see the point in putting him back in that position and making things harder on him. He loves his daughter too much and I don’t want him to lose her.

I know that my child will ask about its father one day and when that happens I don’t know what I’ll say. Some of my friends have asked why I would deprive my child of the love its father would give, but as far as I’m concerned, my child doesn’t know of the love it will be missing. His daughter will. And that wouldn’t be fair on her or him.

Image: Getty. Picture posed by model.

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Celine’s taking a chance

After almost half a decade performing in the desert Celine Dion is back with a brand new album.

Celine Dion is holed up at the plush Ritz Carlton hotel near her home in Vegas Lakes, Las Vegas. Celebrating the final few weeks of her $110 million-plus contract at the famed Caesar’s Palace, which ends December 15, and with the release of a new album Taking Chances, and an upcoming world tour, this 39-year-old chanteuse, shows absolutely no signs of slowing down.

Wearing a beige, studded Fendi mini-dress, black stockings and black Christian Louboutin heels, the Quebec-born singer is even more glamorous in person than you might imagine. Surprisingly down-to-earth and candid in spite of her celebrity status, Celine is more than happy to talk about the two men in her life, hubby and manager René Angélil, 65, and her precious six-year-old son René-Charles, as well as her hopes to extend her family and why the best is yet to come.

How do you feel about leaving Las Vegas? What do you think you’ll miss most about it?

Well, it’s been my home for the last five years. We consider ourselves Las Vegans now. [Laughs]. We’re going to keep our house here because my son was one-and-a-half when we moved here and he made memories here. It’s his home. We’ve celebrated six birthdays here, so we’re going to keep this house although we’re building our new house in Florida.

René said you’d like to have more kids after the tour ends?

Well I would love to. It’s a miracle child that we have. I thought at one point I was not going to be able to have a child. I’m not going to be greedy. I’m going to push my luck. I hope we’ll be blessed again. If not, we will be cherishing every moment we have with our son.

Is there anything you’d do differently the second time around?

No. What I never do is regret. I don’t regret anything. And I know for sure, this is something that I’m so sure of myself. In the business, I’m not sure of anything but I have to say as a mother, I might have done things wrong, some things right, hopefully more right than wrong.

You’ll be turning 40 next March. In this youth obsessed culture, is that something that worries you?

Oh, gosh no, I can’t wait! My twenties were spent proving to myself that I could do this career. My thirties were still turning around a little. Then I became a mom and I had meaning in my life. It feels to me that as time passed, I have become more grounded. I started in the clouds and I’m coming down the ladder. My feet are definitely more grounded than before. I’m holding onto my life. I’m so centered in feeling great about me, that I can give great things to my son and my husband and my family. I see clearer and clearer now. Thank God there’s something positive about getting older. Something other than wrinkles and gravity and ageing.

You have an Australian tour coming up. What can audiences expect?

A brand new show. It’s very modern, very fresh, dynamic [snaps fingers]. Very up-tempo. Uplifting. Edgy. Let’s put it this way, same Celine — I will be singing my previous repertoire that’s for sure, but I also have my new album called Taking Chances, and those songs are very powerful. Definitely a lot more edgy. I will be performing both old and new songs. I can’t wait. I’m very thrilled. And I love your country.

What’s your best memory of Australia?

Every time I went to Australia it felt like home. And I think it’s a compliment because there’s no place like home. And if you are away from home and you feel at home, it’s amazing. The people are very extraordinary. You’re lucky because you have beaches there. I remember playing golf a couple of times. Perth was an amazing journey. I think I played golf in Melbourne. I went to the beach in Sydney. We never stayed long enough to do so much. My mom and my son and my husband will be there next year. And I’m sure we’re going to have time to visit and appreciate more of your country.

What do you never leave home without?

My son. Sometimes my husband has to stay for business stuff, but most of the time, my husband and my son.

Lets talk about the album title Taking Chances. Do you consider yourself a big risk-taker?

Risk-taker? No. Do I take chances? Yes, for sure, that’s all I do. I have to. The best proof that I can give you is how my career started. My husband mortgaged his house to make my first album. Did he take a chance? Yes. He took a risk. It turned out OK for us, thank God. But that’s what I do in my life. I take chances in what I believe.

How do you stay grounded?

You try no to be part of the show business world. I do not want to know the record sales and the numbers and the popularity and how much it’s going to sell. When the curtain falls down, it’s over. I go home and I have an extraordinary life with very extraordinary people and I want to preserve that. I certainly don’t have any awards or gold records in my house. Q Why not? A I don’t want to be connected with show business. And please don’t get me wrong, I love what I do and it’s a fun thing. I love the spotlight. I love what I’m doing. But when I’m home, that is when I can be the true me. I’m most likely in bare feet, pyjamas … whatever.

Is it hard for you to be one of the world’s beauty icons, to look good and keep in shape ?

I don’t feel that pressure, no. First of all, my shape. I’m lucky I don’t have to do anything for it! I know it’s not fair, but it’s the truth. I’m always trying, like most women, to look as good as we can for ourselves. I have a husband I want to please him. I want to feel good. I want to know that I’m sexy and beautiful. But when I’m in pyjamas at home and I’m being a great mother, that’s beauty. It’s not about makeup and hair and high heels and all that. That’s image. But beauty, as you know, comes from within.

What’s the secret to your successful marriage?

Communication. I wish there were recipes. Everybody would follow the book or the recipe. But the rules that are good for you are not necessarily good for me. And that’s the same thing as with raising children. What the neighbours do with their children is for them and I don’t judge that. I respect, and I’m expecting from them to accept my own decisions. But in a couple it’s about communication and respect. René and I are different. We share different opinions. And that can be very hard when your husband is your manager!

How do you separate the husband and the manager?

I think it’s harder for him to separate it than for me to separate my artist life and the wife. When I’m home it’s very difficult for me to sign an autograph or watch myself on television. My husband, however, always remains my manager. That’s the thing I have the most difficulty with. That’s what he doesn’t understand. When I see myself on TV I say to him, “Record it and you can watch it tonight after we have had some family time”. I don’t like to have Celine Dion on TV taking over my family time! That is the worst thing for me. I’m my worst enemy.

René said you were an AC/DC fan?

Yeah, whenever we set the stage, I have them turn on “Thunderstruck” to get the adrenaline pumping for the show. I have no idea how it came about! [Laughs]

And I hear René-Charles is a big High School Musical fan?

[Laughs] Yes! And Hanna Montana, whoo! He’s got the video iPod of them, its crazy. But it’s so nice to see him express himself through music, too. Anything he decides to do in life, I will be supportive, but music doesn’t have to be it. One night a couple of weeks ago, he took his keyboard that has recorded songs in and he goes, ‘Mum, do you want to sing?’ I go to myself, ‘This is the last thing I want to do after every night for five years straight’, but this is my son. I said, ‘Of course.’ I said ‘What do you want me to sing?’ And he starts the music from Titanic. And I’m trying to follow the keyboard, a very techno version. But accompanied by my son, it was very special.

Celine’s new album Taking Chances is out now on SonyBMG

More celebrity interviews in Woman’s Day

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The night Michael died

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Jen’s secret meeting with Brad and Shiloh

Jen finally holds Brad’s daughter during an emotional reunion with her former husband.

A tearful Jennifer Aniston has revealed she at last feels ready to move forward with her life, after a secret meeting with her ex husband Brad Pitt — and his baby daughter Shiloh.

In a move that is likely to have incensed Angelina Jolie, the estranged former couple have held secret peace talks at a mutual friend’s Malibu compound to put an end to their mounting war of words in the press, and to mend their fractured friendship.

“Brad got in contact with Jennifer and told her it was time to finally sort things out,” says a source. “She reluctantly agreed, thinking it would just be the two of them. She had no idea he was going to turn up with Shiloh.

“When she saw that baby in his arms it was a very confronting moment for her.”

The emotionally charged meeting comes just weeks after Jen reportedly told a mutual friend that she was “really upset” with Brad following claims he said she needed to “move on with her life”…

Read the full story in Woman’s Day (on-sale November 12).

Your say: Do you think Jen will ever get over Brad? Leave your comments below…

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Michael Hutchence – His life in pictures

Born in Sydney in 1960, Michael met his bandmates —, Garry Beers, Kirk Pengilly, and brothers Andrew, Jon and Tim Farriss — at high school in the late seventies. They formed the band The Farriss Brothers, which would ultimately become INXS.

Leader singer Michael became the main spokesperson for the band, and gained a reputation as a confident, sexy frontman, although his close friends and family always maintained he was much more introverted than his on-stage persona.

INXS hit the world music stage in 1988 with their breakthrough album Kick, which sold nine million copies and gave them the hit singles Never Tear Us Apart, Need You Tonight and New Sensation.

Following several successful albums, Michael starred in the Australian movie Dogs in Space directed by INXS music video collaborator, Richard Lowenstein.

Richard later described Michael as “the kid that played air guitar in front of the mirror … the sex machine rock star all the girls loved … a guy that encompassed the feminine and the masculine sides of sexuality in one cat-like package.”

In 1989 Michael started a relationship with Kylie Minogue — then a fresh faced 21-year-old singer who’d only recently left the set of Neighbours to launch her music career. Michael joked at the time that his favourite hobby was “corrupting Kylie” and he wrote the INXS song Suicide Blonde in reference to her.

In the early nineties Michael teamed up with supermodel Helena Christensen. The high-profile couple attracted a lot of media attention and were often photographed out and about. They lived together for a number of years before going their separate ways.

In 1993 Michael was involved in a fight with a Danish taxi driver. A blow to the head caused him to lose his sense of smell and taste.

Michael met Paula Yates in 1995 when she interviewed him on British TV show The Big Breakfast. Paula soon split from her husband Bob Geldof, sparking a bitter custody battle over the couple’s three children Fifi Trixibelle, Peaches Honeyblossom and Little Pixie.

In 1996 Paula gave birth to Michael’s only child, Heavenly Hiraani Tigerlily Hutchence. Michael described his daughter as “just what we ordered”.

Just 16 months after his daughter’s birth, Michael was found dead in his room at the Ritz-Carlton in Sydney. He was 37 years old. The New South Wales Coroner initially determined that his death was a suicide, but has since conceded that Michael may have died from autoerotic asphyxiation (self-strangulation during a sex act).

At his funeral, Michael’s coffin was carried out of St. Andrews Cathedral by his younger brother Rhett and the remaining members of INXS as Never Tear Us Apart was played in the background. The song is now regarded by many fans as his anthem.

Paula Yates (pictured here with their daughter Tigerlily at Michael’s funeral) died of a heroin overdose just three years later in September 2000.

Michael’s former girlfriend Kym Wilson was the last person to see him alive. In Woman’s Day’s exclusive interview with Kym, she finally sets the record straight on the rumours surrounding her connection with his death. (Issue on-sale November 12).

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In the mag – November 19, 2007

On sale Monday November 12, 2007

Jen’s secret meeting with Brad and Shiloh

A tearful Jennifer Aniston has revealed she at last feels ready to move forward with her life, after a secret meeting with her ex-husband Brad Pitt and his baby daughter Shiloh.

‘What really happened the night Michael died’

In an exclusive tell-all with Woman’s Day, actress Kym Wilson talks about her last hours with Michael Hutchence and finally sets the record straight on what really happened that terrible night 10 years ago.

Trevor’s million dollar baby boy

Trevor Butler, Big Brother‘s million-dollar man, has a brand new housemate — his tiny baby son.

Sir Paul flaunts his new love

Sir Paul McCartney has shown off his new girlfriend, just days after ex-wife Heather Mills launched yet another blistering attack on the former Beatle.

Celine’s taking a chance

After almost half a decade performing in the desert, Celine Dion is back with a brand new album.

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Paul flaunts his new love

Sir Paul McCartney has shown off his new girlfriend, just days after ex-wife Heather Mills launched yet another blistering attack on the former Beatle.

Despite his recent troubles, Paul appeared carefree as he spent three days wining and dining wealthy American businesswoman Nancy Shevell. The pair were in the Hamptons, the exclusive holiday town near New York, where both have homes.

He and Nancy appeared engrossed in each other’s company as they walked along a windswept beach together, oblivious to onlookers curious about the former Beatle’s new love.

The couple later shared a tender kiss, as Paul, 65, dropped Nancy off at her home, before she jumped in her car and followed him back to his East Hampton estate…

See photos of the new lovebirds and find out more about Nancy in this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale November 12).

Read more about Paul McCartney

Your say: Do you think Paul would marry again? Leave your comments below…

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60 seconds with Jennifer Hawkins

Jennifer Hawkins talks fashion and beauty

Former Miss Universe and the face of MYER, Jen Hawkins talks to The Weekly in the MYER marquee at the Spring Racing Carnival.

Q: How long did it take you to get ready this morning for the races?

Without breakfast, one hour.

Q: What’s your favourite thing about going to the races in Melbourne?

There’s heaps of excitement about the races, so I love the preparation before hand and the actual days are fun when you’re dressing up and I love the parties, the people and Melbourne in general because I get the chance to stay for week and hang out on my days off in between. Melbourne has such a great vibe around Cup time so it’s lots of fun.

Q: What’s your secret for staying in such great shape?

There’s no secret. Exercise, healthy food, two litres of water a day. And, let yourself have a few sweets every now and then.

Q: Do you ever have ‘fat days’?


Q: What’s the one thing that always cheers you up when you’re having a bad day?

Exercise — usually a run or yoga.

Q: What’s your motto in life?

Find the fun in everything. And, treat others how you’d like to be treated.

Q: Favourite thing to do on a lazy Sunday morning?

My perfect Sunday would be sleeping in, having a late breakfast while reading some magazines, followed by a walk along the coastline, dinner, then the movies.

Q: How do you switch off after a big day?

Go for a walk, do some pilates, read a book or wine with dinner.

Q: What is your favourite AWW memory or cover?

I love the Christmas covers.

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I paid to have sex with a gorgeous young man

My husband, Terry and I have been married for 13 years and we have three little boys aged 8, 10 and 12 years. We are by no means rich, but we are not poor either; we have just enough money to pay our bills, and then some. Our three boys are happy and carefree, and Terry is a deeply caring, attentive husband and father. I know that I am a very, very lucky woman.

However, ever since our first boy was born twelve years ago, Terry gradually lost interest in making love. We have not made love since the youngest was conceived over eight years ago. It is not as if Terry has another woman or anything like that. He just isn’t interested in sex at all. It seems that our three boys are all Terry ever really wanted out of our marriage, and now his world is utterly complete and he doesn’t want for anything more.

He is such a wonderful father that for the sake of our boys I’d rather not rock the boat. Besides, I want to feel wanted and desired as a woman. Simply telling Terry how I feel seems pointless if he’s not interested in making love anyway. I’m sure he just assumes that I am not interested in sex either and that everything’s just fine.

So about a year ago, I decided I needed to find a solution — a simple, no-strings attached solution that wouldn’t risk my marriage or hurt and embarrass Terry and the boys in any way. We live in a small town and I didn’t want any rumours finding their way back to my family.

One weekend, when Terry and the boys were away on a camping trip, I was at the local hairdressers for my weekly shampoo and blow-dry. I was browsing through one of their magazines and spotted a small, intriguing advertisement: “Discreet male escorts, available for dinners, parties or anything.” I quickly checked no one was looking, tore out the advertisement and slipped it into my purse.

That evening, I dialled the advertised number. A deep, sexy male voice answered. He was called Andre. We arranged to meet in an hour at a nearby hotel. He gave me a room number and said he would be there waiting for me.

At the hotel, a gorgeous, dark-haired young man greeted me at the door, elegantly robed in a luxurious, red silk kimono. The room was softly aglow with candlelight, sensual Spanish guitar music played in the background. Andre smiled into my eyes and handed me a glass of chilled pink champagne. He was absolutely gorgeous!

Together we toasted the evening then Andre gently put my glass down on the table, took my hand and led me into an enormous, marble bathroom, where a steaming, bubbling spa bath awaited us. For starters, I was massaged and bathed in exotic scented oils … and I’ll never forget the rest! For one night only, I was a cherished and desirable woman.

When I first married Terry, I never thought I would be the kind of wife who would pay to have sex with a man, especially a man so much younger than me. But I do know that I am more content and a better wife and mother because of that one special night.

Image: Getty. Picture posed by model.

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