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60 seconds with Bill Granger

Photography by Petrina Tislay

Leading food writer, chef and restaurant owner extraordinaire, Bill Granger, talks to The Weekly about his new book Holiday in our 60 second celebrity grill!

Your new cookbook, Holiday, is filled with lots of fuss-free recipes. Do you think most Australians are too busy to spend hours over a hot stove?

Absolutely, although hours over a barbecue never seem half as strenuous!

What’s your favourite recipe from Holiday?

Pork meatballs with curry sauce, a reinvention of the curried sausages my mother use to make me as a child.

On your new DVD, you invite us to your family Christmas in Sydney. What’s on the menu at the Granger household this Christmas?

I’m normally too busy to plan Christmas and tend to rely on my own books. This year we’ll be serving prawn and lemon cocktails with chilli coriander mayonnaise, then hoisin and plum glazed lamb, followed by fresh mango and macadamia trifles with lime syrup.

How would you define the Aussie palate?

We tend to love flavours that are fresh, bold, clean and spicy – a bit like our personalities.

Lots of people are daunted when it comes to cooking? What’s the easiest way for novice cooks to get started?

Eat out at a variety of restaurants to explore new and interesting flavours and cooking from books creates satisfying results whilst teaching you the basics to cook on your own.

What’s your golden tip for dinner parties when you don’t have time for a lengthy session in the kitchen?

To save time, try and purchase good quality ready-made elements for your meal. The other night I cooked lamb cutlets on the barbecue and served them with tomato and cucumber salad along with bough flat bread, harissa, hummus, olives and yoghurt – a great success with almost no effort.

You’re a father of three beautiful girls. What’s the best way to inspire children to experiment with different flavours and develop their palate?

Praise them for trying food even if they don’t like it. Encourage them to help out in the kitchen and treat them to eat our in restaurants – this creates an interest in food that will be life long.

What’s one ingredient that every budding cook should have in their kitchen?

Someone to help with the dishes!

What’s one flavour that you can’t live without?

Lemon juice – I just love the zing this adds to endless dishes.

I hear you’re opening a new restaurant in London and Tokyo? Can you tell us more about this?

I’m very excited to be opening a Bills in Shichirigahama in greater Tokyo next year. This is the Japanese equivalent of the Hamptons or Palm Beach – and is set to open in March 2008. We’re currently finalising details for London, so will keep you posted on this!

The Weekly’s special feature on Bill Granger and recipes from his new book, Holiday, can be foudn in the November 2007 issue of the magazine.

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Jemima fights for Imran

The British socialite is being credited with saving her ex-husband as he is suddenly released from detention.

Jemima Khan’s brave fight to help free her former husband Imran from the hell of detention in Pakistan appears to have paid off — with the cricketing legend dramatically released after her determined protests on his behalf.

Terrified for Imran’s safety and worried that her sons Suleiman, 11, and Qasim, 8, could grow up without a father as political unrest continues in Pakistan, Jemima took to the streets in London to draw attention to his plight.

The former cricket star — who was arrested and detained for a week under anti-terrorism laws after attending a pro-democracy rally — was inexplicably released despite government statements that no-one who’d been charged would be released “any time soon”.

Read the full story in Woman’s Day (on-sale November 26).

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The truth about Tom and those gay rumours

After years of gossip and innuendo, the truth about Tom Cruise’s sex life has finally been uncovered by a Hollywood private eye.

Despite being married three times, Tom has been plagued by persistent rumours that he is gay — leading him to twice sue over claims he had affairs with men.

But after thorough scrutiny of the star’s private life — including interviews with three men who allegedly claimed they had romped with the star — private investigator Paul Barresi reveals the truth about Tom’s sexuality…

Read it in Woman’s Day (on-sale November 26)

More about Tom Cruise

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Dr Phil’s wife: Oprah ruined my marriage

Oprah Winfrey has unwittingly been labelled the “other woman” as her growing dependence on TV psychologist Dr Phil McGraw puts further strain on his already fragile marriage.

Still reeling from the abuse scandal in her South African school — an event she describes as “one of the most devastating experiences of my life” — Oprah has turned to Dr Phil for emotional support. They have been burning up the phone line for hours-at-a-time counselling sessions.

“I think she was absolutely devastated by what took place there. It absolutely destroyed her,” Dr Phil has confirmed.

But friends say Oprah’s constant neediness has caused Dr Phil’s exasperated wife, Robin, to liken her to the “other woman” in their marriage.

“It seems like when Phil isn’t working, he’s on the phone to her,” she told friends.

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Toni Pearen’s star-studded wedding

Toni Pearen’s wedding to Will Osmond was a three-day-long affair which for some of the special guests kick-started at Sydney airport.

Pictured: Noah Tishby, Toni Pearen, Kym Wilson.

The day before the nuptials a charter flight containing the VIP guests flew from Sydney to Moree.

Pictured: Noah Tishby, Rachel Coopes.

The flight was jokingly dubbed the ‘Buddy Holly’ flight by Andrew G due to the 36 entertainment industry guests aboard.

Pictured: Andrew G, Kym Wilson, Noah Tishby

As the wedding guests alighted the plane at Moree a brass band began to play and champagne was served.

They were then whisked off to Will’s family home for a pre-wedding BBQ feast.

Pictured: Toni Pearen, her fiancé Will Osmond, Lady Sonia McMahon and friend.

Will’s brother Toby Osmond with Erica Heynatz.

Lisa Hewitt and David Campbell.

Andrew G and his fiancée Noah Tishby

Guests washed away the Moree heat with Corona beer, and Aeroguard was the fragrance du jour to keep persistent flies at bay.

An enthusiastic game of cricket then took place in the open expanse across the road from the Osmond home…

…with Andrew G putting in a stellar performance and David Campbell becoming all too familiar with a local hazard — catheads — thanks to a thong blowout in hot pursuit of the ball.

A late afternoon downpour cooled things down…

Pictured: Andrew G, Kym Wilson and her boyfriend Sean.

The rain did nothing to dampen Toni’s excitement about the big day.

The change of weather signalled the time for guests to leave and experience the famous hot artesian spa pools. Despite the energy-sapping qualities of the artesian water, many guests kicked on into the night at The Royal Hotel in town before retiring in the early hours to their rooms at The Burke and Wills Motel, which was conveniently opposite the wedding venue of the Osmond home.

Pictured: David Campbell, Will Osmond.

Toni and Will on the big day.

See more of Toni’s wedding photos in this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale November 26).

See more of Toni’s wedding photos in this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale November 26).

See more of Toni’s wedding photos in this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale November 26).

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Young Divas: The truth about Ricki-Lee

The Young Divas speak out against the gossip and rumours that have plagued them.

In recent months it seems the Young Divas have been living up to their name. With reports of infighting, the exit of Ricki-Lee Coulter and then the news that the other three girls had failed to make it to her wedding, it seemed the hugely successful group was falling apart.

Fortunately, they’re back with former Australian Idol finalist Jessica Mauboy stepping in to replace Ricki-Lee. As far as Kate DeAraugo is concerned they’re sounding “better and stronger” than ever.

As the Divas launch their new album, Kate and Jessica, along with fellow members Paulini Curuenavuli and Emily Williams, talk exclusively to Woman’s Day about the loss of Ricki-Lee, why they didn’t make it to her wedding and about their own shaky love-lives.

There’s been a lot of speculation about why Ricki-Lee left with rumours that some of you were envious of her popularity and solo success. So what is the truth?

Kate: (laughing) That’s right, I was green, green with envy! The story has been blown out of proportion. Honestly, I have nothing to be envious of. I’ve had great success in my career and I wish Ricki-Lee all the best with hers. It was hard when she left but we picked ourselves up, brushed ourselves off and moved on.

Paulini: That’s right — it did hurt for a short time because we got on with her really well but you can’t hold onto stuff like that. You’ve got to build a bridge and get over it.

Ricki-Lee left to get married and concentrate on her solo career. Was it hard for the three of you to re-group after she left?

Emily: Ricki-Lee went overseas to do her album and when she came back she left the group. It was a shock and for a week or so we were confused but then we got Jessica on board and she brings lots of energy and happiness.

Kate: Ricki-Lee had other things on her mind and she became half-hearted. The rest of us put our hearts and souls into the Divas and for whatever reason she wasn’t prepared to do that so it’s better that’s she’s moved on to what’s next in her life and career. That said, we’re still in touch. She texted me today to wish me a happy birthday for last week. It’s all good.

Paulini: We do miss having her around sometimes.

So why didn’t any of you go to her recent wedding when you were invited?

Paulini: She’d asked me to sing at her wedding but unfortunately I’d already committed to an event in the Hunter Valley raising money for the Watoto children [orphans in Uganda cared for by the Watoto Childcare Ministries].

Emily: I was in New Zealand doing a TV show.

Kate: I couldn’t go because I was on a family holiday in Thailand. I hadn’t had any time off since I won Idol three years ago so I needed a break.

So has it been hard to re-group and move on?

Kate: The three of us were stronger and tighter immediately afterwards but we’re at peace. We’ve got Jessica now and we’re really excited about our new album and single.

Paulini: Jess has just gelled with us. She’s an incredible singer and a great spirit to have around. We call her bubba because she’s only 18.

Jessica, did you have any reservations about stepping into someone else’s shoes?

Jessica: No, it was really unexpected but I didn’t have to think — I just said yes. It’s such a fantastic experience.

Girl bands — the Spice Girls for instance — are notorious for bitching and petty jealousies. How do you deal with issues to ensure that doesn’t happen?

Emily: We have a simple rule that we talk about everything. We look each other straight in the eye and deal with stuff — no more sideways glances.

Paulini: I may not be as loud as everyone else but …

Emily: If she’s got something to say she says it.

Kate: We’re not really a girl band because we all do our own solo slots within the Divas so we share it evenly. If there are issues we sort them out and don’t gossip behind each other’s backs.

Some of you have had tumultuous love lives — how are things now, especially for you Paulini? There’s been a lot of speculation about your on-off romance with footy star Wes Naiqama.

Paulini: I’ve been single for three weeks now and I’ve accepted that relationships don’t always work out. In this business you’ve got to find someone who will understand what you do but right now I’m loving my life.

Kate: Paulini has come out of everything she experienced as a stronger and better person. I’m in a beautiful relationship with someone I’ve been seeing for a year. He works behind the scenes with bands and we met on tour. He’s completely supportive.

Emily: I’m single and I haven’t been this happy ever. (Emily split from her daughter’s father Richie Lio four months ago). Last time we split up I was a mess and we got back together but this time I’m much stronger. My parents help look after my four-year-old daughter Asia so I’m very lucky.

Jessica: No, I’m not with anybody…

Emily: She’s far too young for that.

Some of you received criticism of your bodies during Australian Idol. How important is body image and how do you cope with the scrutiny?

Paulini: We’re not going to lie about it — it is an issue. I got criticised on Idol for wearing that gold dress. It really hurt me but these days I’m totally comfortable with my body. I train every day but I eat a lot too. You have to decide whether you want to be silly and starve yourself or have a healthy life.

Kate: I’ve got down about the criticism but I don’t think it’s healthy for young girls to feel that they’re not accepted unless they’re thin. I’ve had messages from fans who say we’ve made them feel worthy and taught them to love themselves.

Emily: Our fans come in different shapes and sizes so we’re just the same as them.

Finally, how will you feel if you go head-to-head with Ricki-Lee in the charts?

Emily: I’m sure we will be.

Kate: What’s the difference between being head-to-head with Ricki-Lee or Madonna?

The new Young Divas album New Attitude is out now on Sony BMG.

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Meet the real Mrs Robinson

By Jacqui Lang

At 61, British grandma Wendy Salisbury has been bedding a stream of toy boys over the past 20 years — and shows no signs of slowing down. Now the glamorous antiques dealer reveals some of her intimate adventures in her sensational book, The Toyboy Diaries. She talks exclusively to Woman’s Day about why young men are more fun.

Wendy, how many young chaps have you seduced in the past two decades?

At least as many as have seduced me! I’ve met young men in the local café, at gigs, there was even a strapping young policeman who came to my door after I was mugged. I prefer not to be predatory, though some need a little encouragement.

Dating anyone right now?

Yes, two guys in their 30s. Until last week, there was a third one, but I dropped him!

What’s so great about a toy boy?

(Laughs) Isn’t it obvious? They have firm, fit bodies. And it’s a great ego boost for me — they’ve chosen me over a woman half my age. Nothing beats being intimate with a gorgeous young hunk. Men my age have generally let themselves go and while they may be great as friends, that’s all they’ll ever be. I like bedroom antics, not bedroom antiques!

And you get good feedback from your toyboys?

Oh yes. Some are quite awestruck! If I like them enough, they get the whole seduction experience: log fire, scented candles, music, champagne … and intelligent conversation. Not every young woman at the bar can provide that.

So what’s the downside to an affair with a toyboy?

Well, you have to be aware that these young men may not stick around for too long. They know they’re not going to reproduce with an older woman, so of course it won’t last forever. They’re there to enjoy the experience and go on their way all the better for it.

Ever been hurt after they leave?

Sure, I’m a woman and I think with my heart as well as my head! I often try to think like a man and not get emotionally involved, but no, of course I’ve been hurt.

But it’s worth the pain?

Absolutely. If you embark on anything risky, you need the support of friends and family to help pick up the pieces if it all goes wrong. Having said that, I wouldn’t have missed my toyboy adventures for the world!

Most of your liaisons are short-term, but you did have a seven-year relationship with a much younger man?

Yes, it was great while it lasted but heartbreaking when we split up. Although I sort of ended it, it was frightening being alone again at 56 and having to start over. Thankfully I began dating again after a period of ‘bereavement’!

And why did you write your tell-all book?

Because I believe my story can inspire other women … all the highs, all the lows, some funny, some tragic, plus I wanted to motivate older women to know that no matter their age, they can still be fabulous and sexy.

You make fun of yourself at times in the book?

Yes, I thought it was important to tell my adventures honestly. I got myself into some embarrassing situations but I tried to keep my sense of humour. Life is as exciting as you make it and the good times must outweigh the bad.

Did any of the men mentioned in your book get annoyed that you wrote about your romances with them?

Not that I know of. But when The Toyboy Diaries first came out, one guy I was seeing couldn’t handle it. He thought I’d made an error of judgment putting my private life in the public arena. He just wasn’t man enough to cope with it and dumped me.

What about if you go out with a man now and he’s seen your book?

If he doesn’t like it, that’s his problem. I’m not ashamed of anything I’ve done. Sometimes a man will say, “Are you using me for research?” and I’ll answer: “Only if you’re good enough!” If he can’t handle it…bring on the next one!

Are you more confident now than when you were younger?

Very much so. In my early 40s, I was divorced for the second time and feeling pretty low. I went on a ski holiday with my daughter and ended up being seduced by a 19-year-old. That’s when my toyboy adventures began. I realized how much fun there was to be had out there.

What’s different about sex with a younger man?

Not having had it off with an older man, I can’t really compare! But young men have stamina, energy, a willingness to learn, and no need for Viagra! Plus they all look cute and tousled in the morning — it’s hard to look tousled when you have no hair.

What would your advice be to women of a certain age who are newly separated and wanting to get out there again?

First, start feeling good about yourself again. Work on self-esteem, body image, fitness, and buy some new clothes. Dress appropriately, no short skirts or tacky tops showing too much cleavage. Men like a bit of a mystery and like a woman to be a lady. If you feel confident, you send out a more positive energy. Perhaps go out with some close girlfriends just for a laugh, and see what comes up.

And where does she go?

Anywhere and everywhere. Do an evening course, expand a hobby, or join an online dating service. Each day is an opportunity to meet new people. At the weekend, if you’re alone, go to a gallery or museum — even if you’re lonely or miserable, that should lift your spirits. Maybe strike up a conversation about a painting or a piece of art. You just have to be brave, and the rewards can be fantastic. Put good energy out there and see what comes back.

At 61, you look terrific. Do you work hard at it?

Thanks, yes I do look after myself. I do yoga, walk a lot, and I watch what I eat. People often ask me if I’ve had plastic surgery and the answer is no. But having said that, I recently had a little facial filler injected for the first time.

Should women lie about their age?

I used to knock 10 years off but I don’t any more. People need re-educating that it’s not about numbers. It’s tempting for a woman to think, I’ll lower my age or nobody is going to approach me. That’s not true. I’m listed as 61 on the www.toyboywarehouse.com dating website and the reaction I get all the time is “Wow!” We have to remind the world that just because we’re a certain age, we’re not prepared to disappear into gardening, knitting and dying! This is a very important topic. It’s a pity the media are youth-obsessed.

What’s your motto?

“A man should be an accessory in your life — not your entire wardrobe.” And don’t neglect your career, family and friends for the sake of a man. Keep your independence.

Will you still be dating toyboys in 20 years time?

(Chuckles) Why not? I’m not looking too far ahead. I’m just enjoying each day. Writing this book has changed my life. I’ve had so much good feedback. Women are telling me I’m an inspiration. And this gives me great joy.

How do you go about seducing them?

I think it’s pretty obvious if there’s a spark there, from the first eye contact. Chemistry is easy to pick up on; after that, body language takes over. If I see a guy I like, say, in a wine bar and I know he has noticed me, I’ll give a subtle smile — just a flash of interest in his direction. If I’ve been formally introduced, an extra squeeze of the hand will do the trick. Touching someone’s arm during conversation to stress a point is another way. And laughing at their jokes, even if they’re not that funny. I like a long, slow foreplay and I’d never kiss a man first. I like them to do the chasing until I catch them…

Would you ever ‘do it’ on the first date?

It has been known! With toyboys, you have to seize the moment — you may never see them again… Life is hard and fast today, and you have to take your opportunities for fun where and when you can. We could all be dead tomorrow!

The Toyboy Diaries, (Harper Collins) is out on December 1.

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Surviving the party season!

As the festive season fast approaches, many of us are left wondering how we will make it through the season with our heels still on and jewels still in tact.

The AWW Fashion team has put together a mini survival guide to help you stay fabulous for your busy party season ahead.

Plan ahead

One of the most stressful things for party go-ers is not being able to decide on the perfect outfit for the night, having to make a decision minutes before walking out the door can lead to regrettable choices.

Put some thought into what you want to wear, and make a point of having a dress rehersal, what you wore last year might not be what you are looking for this year, or may not look the same on you.

Once you have tried some outfits on your can decide if you need to go looking for some new additions to your wardrobe, and it’s always nice to treat yourself to a glamorous new outfit or accessory to update your evening look.

Planning what you need will also reduce those dreaded impulse buys, and the “What was I thinking” moments.

Fashion Fixers

The dedicated party enthusiast knows the importance of having a mini fashion kit on hand, a few style-saving trinkets could rescue you from a fashion disaster.

Specially designed double-sided tape, called Hollywood tape (www.hollywoodfashiontape.com), can secure deep necklines, stop straps and wide neck tops from falling off your shoulders, temporarily keep fallen hems up…the list goes on.

To keep sling back straps on your heels in the right place, Shoo Sticks (www.shoosticks.com) are the perfect solution, they are a strong double sided adhesive that will stop you having to fix your strap every couple of steps.

Another handy item to have on hand are Stopits (www.theucsco.com ), these stick-on cotton liners give you instant protection against perspiration stains going on the underarms of your delicate fabrics even on the hottest summer nights.

A needle with some black and white thread is also great to have around for an unexpected button pop!

Comfortable heels

A lot of festive celebrations carry on from day-to-night, and as much as we like the idea of wearing those fabulous sky-high heels the whole time our feet just can’t handle it.

Wear shoes you are comfortable in, there are lots of great kitten heel options around that give you a little bit of height without putting your soles through too much pain.

Also try to avoid heels that are very thin, as these don’t provide enough stability if you are wearing them for long periods of time. If you are only wearing the shoes at a night event you can wear your higher heels without too much discomfort. Dr Scholls (www.drsholls.com) makes a great range of inserts for your shoes that reduce the pain for your insole and the balls of your feet.

Bare essentials

Try to minimize what you pack in your bag, just a lippy, compact, keys, phone, money and some fashion fixers are all you need.

Refine your wallet down to just the essential items you need that you can put in a smaller coin purse, instead of carrying around 2 years worth of receipts in a bulky wallet.

You don’t want to be carrying around a heavy handbag all night, as you may be standing up most of the time, so opt for a small chic clutch.

A clutch that has the option of a strap is perfect, carrying a clutch in your hand all night can get a bit tiresome and shoulder strap can come as a welcome relief.

Have fun

Feeling confident in what you are wearing is the essential ingredient to having a fantastic time.

Treat yourself to a new bag or some jewels, get a manicure and really enjoy getting frocked up. It only comes around once a year so take advantage of the festive season as an excuse indulge and look glamorous.

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Shawls to the rescue!

A shawl is an excellent option as an evening cover-up in the warmer weather; they can be relatively inexpensive so you are able to buy a couple to match various outfits.

Look for glamorous details and luxurious fabrics, either opt for a colour that matches the colour of your outfit or try a contrasting colour, metallics like gold and silver are also great options as they match most colours.

Shawls are also much easier than a jacket to hang over your handbag or hold onto when you aren’t wearing them during the night, they look as good off as they do on.

In winter you can give your shawl a new life by using it as a cosy scarf to brighten up your winter wardrobe.

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