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Cher’s health crisis

There are serious fears for the health of pop legend Cher, who suddenly cancelled a scheduled appearance in LA and flew to Europe to undergo experimental treatment for a mystery stomach ailment.

Following in the footsteps of her close friend Farrah Fawcett — who went to Germany on Cher’s advice for radical cancer therapy not available in the States — it’s believed Cher has checked in to an exclusive homeopathic clinic.

The drama comes amid increasing concern for Cher’s state of mind, with friends revealing she is “beside herself” with worry about her daughter’s dangerous obesity. Chastity Bono’s weight has reportedly ballooned to 148kg…

Read the full story in Woman’s Day (on-sale December 17).

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Shannon Noll’s family Christmas

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Shannon’s family Christmas

The Nolls share their fond memories of Christmas in ‘Condo’ and plans for 2008.

This Christmas, Shannon Noll and his family will return to the grey weatherboard house in Condobolin where they lived before they were touched by fame and fortune.

They’ll arrive in country New South Wales in their smart four-wheel drive with piles of presents in the back, but once inside they’ll breathe that smell of home and revel in the quiet of their old life.

“Condobolin represents switch-off time for me,” Shannon says, tickling his 14-month-old daughter Sienna as he speaks exclusively to Woman’s Day about his plans for the summer. “It’s very relaxing and it reminds me of our life before all this happened.”

Shannon is enjoying time with family before heading off early next year to the United States. It’s clear he and Rochelle are devoted parents to Cody, 6, Blake, 5, and little Sienna. Equally, as they celebrate 10 years together as a couple, the love and affection between them is obvious.

See this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale December 17, 2007) for the full interview. Plus, Shannon and Rochelle tell us whether or not there will be a baby number four!

In pictures:

Shannon’s family Christmas

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Bob and Bindi’s second ‘dad’

Woman’s Day speaks with Steve’s best mate, the man helping to heal the Irwin family’s broken hearts.

He has the same big heart, infectious enthusiasm and larrikin swagger. Wes Mannion, Steve’s “best mate” and the director of Australia Zoo, could almost be Steve Irwin. He’s so close to grieving Terri Irwin and her children Bindi and Bob that US magazines Globe and National Enquirer have controversially called him the kids’ “new dad”.

But now Wes, who’s happily married with a two-year-old son, is speaking out to Woman’s Day about the truth behind his close relationship with the Irwins.

“I love Terri, she is [like] my sister, love her to death. Most importantly, I owe it to Stevie to look after her. I know that if I’d died, Stevie would have been like a lion with my family,” says Wes.

And Wes is one of the main father figures in the lives of Steve’s children, Bindi and Robert, admitting that he is helping Terri raise the kids.

“I’ll never be their dad, you can never replace your father, but I’ll be a father figure and loving uncle,” he says.

Read the full interview in Woman’s Day (on-sale December 17).

More about the Irwin family

Visit the Steve Irwin Day tribute

Your say: When do you think is the right time for Terri to start dating again?

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I pocketed the money for my office Christmas party

I had been working in a dead end office job for about five years. Although I was promised the chance of promotion when I was first interviewed, my position had gone just about nowhere.

As was the case every year, it was left entirely up to me to look after the Christmas party. None of the bosses or even my equivalents offered a helping hand. I was given a budget of $6000 to organise the drinks, decorations, food and entertainment.

Unlike most of my friends who were office workers, I never received so much as a pat on the back for Christmas, let alone a bonus. This bitterness was swirling around in my mind as I began to plan for the Christmas party. It was then I realised that I could get my Christmas bonus another way. The company rarely asked for receipts and I was given an account to draw cash out of … and so I hatched my plan.

I had a good friend Brendan who had DJ equipment and was not a professional but saw it as a hobby. He enjoyed entertaining friends at a few small parties and I knew he would love to do our Christmas party for nothing more than a $100 voucher.

Over the next two weeks I scoured newspapers for specials on cheap beer. I had a friend who worked at a winery and could get bottles of clearskin red and white wine at $2 a bottle.

I knew one thing I couldn’t fake was nice decorations, so I bought them at a party store.

The venue was an outdoor area at work so that would cost me nothing. I’d enlisted three of my friends to waitress for $200 each for the night under strict instructions they were to pretend they didn’t know me.

Finally, I went to the local supermarket and bought all the food. Rather than buying gourmet snacks, I bought everything home brand, which was half the price but no one would notice the difference.

The night of the big party arrived. I decorated the area beautifully. I had all the food and wine in a curtained-off area and instructed my girlfriends/waitresses to top up wine behind the curtain and bring it out on trays, as this way no one would see the clearskin labels. Brendan had set up his DJ equipment and already people were swaying in appreciation of his music.

The whole night had cost me $3000 and therefore $3000 was in my pocket. I felt it was my Christmas bonus, the money I should have received in pay rises over the years.

All was going well until my manager decided to make an announcement. Great, ‘another presentation for an already rich executive’, I thought as he began to speak about what a wonderful employee someone was and how impressed they were with this person’s fantastic integrity and always putting the company first. I was shocked when my name was called to come up to the front to receive a special present. As if in a dream I walked up to my boss, who handed me a black box with a ribbon tied around it. “Open it,” jeered drunken workmates. Inside was an exquisite gold chain which would have cost a fortune.

My boss continued his speech, saying he knew it didn’t always seem like the company appreciated me but that I was a valued member of staff. The company and many of the employees had chipped in for the present as a thank you for the party and all the work I’d done. By this point I was flushed red and almost in tears; people thought I was overwhelmed by the gift.

“Thank you so much” was all I could say, in almost a whisper, as everyone cheered and clapped loudly.

I only lasted another six months at the company. My boss was upset that I was leaving — I told him I’d received a much better job offer and couldn’t refuse it. This wasn’t the case. I was in fact living in shame and couldn’t bear the guilt I carried every day when looking at all my workmates, whom I robbed of a real Christmas party. I had taken money out of their pockets to give a gift to the office girl with “integrity”.

Image: Getty / Picture posed by model

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Christmas food swaps

By Judy Davie

We all like to indulge a little at Christmas time, but when we’re trying to lose weight, the temptations around the festive dinner table can easily knock healthy eating plans off course.

But there’s no need to sweep your diet under the rug until the new year. Here are some great alternatives to the usual high-kilojoule Christmas fare that won’t leave you feeling like you’ve missed out on all the fun.

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Summer fruit and salad meal plan

The clouds are lifting and summer is here — bringing summer fruits into season. Berries, mangos, and fresh apricots are just some of the delicious, naturally sweet, antioxidant foods you can tuck into on a weight loss diet. And when it’s hot outside, salads are the food of plenty.

It’s the season for high energy and good fun and it can be the perfect time of year for you to shed a few kilos!

Day one | Day two | Day three | Day four | Day five | Day six | Day seven

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Morcombe family: learning to heal

For the first time since their son Daniel’s abduction four years ago, the Morcombe family is celebrating Christmas.

From their new home on the Sunshine Coast, Denise, 47, and Bruce, 48, are opening their hearts to Woman’s Day on the fourth anniversary of Daniel’s abduction from a makeshift bus stop on December 7, 2003.

His daylight disappearance at the age of 13 triggered one of Australia’s biggest murder investigations, which is still going on, with police having so far sorted through 20,000 separate items of information from the public.

While her son is never far from her mind, Denise says moving to the new, smaller home at Palmwoods has softened the heartbreak.

“Our first home held too many memories. It’s easier now, not having his bedroom as a constant reminder.”

This year will be the first time Denise and Bruce have celebrated Christmas since Daniel’s disappearance.

“We will be sharing the occasion with Bruce’s parents at our little hideaway in Tasmania. Daniel will be foremost in our thoughts and we will say a special prayer for him,” says Denise.

Read the full interview in Woman’s Day (on-sale December 10).

  • The Queensland state government is offering a $250,000 reward for information about Daniel, last seen on the Nambour Connection Road under the Kiel Mountain Road overpass, Woombye. He was abducted while waiting for a bus to go Christmas shopping. Call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 if you can help. For more on the search for Daniel go to www.danielmorcombe.com.au

  • If you know the whereabouts of a missing person, or are missing yourself and would like to make contact with a loved one, you can make contact anonymously through Woman’s Day.

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In the mag – December 17, 2007

On sale Monday December 10, 2007

Reese and Ryan’s showdown over Aussie actress

Reese Witherspoon has lashed out at ex-hubby Ryan Phillippe’s girlfriend, Aussie actress Abbie Cornish, warning the woman she blames for the collapse of her marriage to stay away from her children.

Depressed Oprah’s two-day binge

Friends fear for Oprah Winfrey’s health after the stressed-out star embarked on a 48-hour eating binge. Nutritionists say the potentially lethal health issues from binge-eating have made her a walking time bomb.

Terri’s shock collapse

Concern is rife for Terri Irwin after she fell ill on an international flight and had to be dramatically removed from the plane in a wheelchair and wearing an oxygen mask.

Daniel Morcombe’s family: learning to heal

Four years after their son Daniel’s abduction on December 7, 2003, Denise and Bruce Morcombe open their hearts to Woman’s Day in an emotional interview, and reveal how they are celebrating Christmas for the first time since their son’s disappearance.

  • ‘I’m scared of Santa’ — Aussie mum’s bizarre phobia

  • “It makes Christmas shopping and the party season very tricky because he’s everywhere and I’m terrified that I’ll bump into him around the next corner,” says Trudie Ferreira.

  • Olympic swim champ Brooke Hanson

  • ‘My spa accident ended my career’

  • Melissa George:

  • ‘I’m ready for kids’

  • Duran Duran — 30 years on

  • Nick Rhodes talks to Woman’s Day about Duran Duran’s latest album — a collaboration with Justin Timberlake.

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Duran Duran – 30 years on

It’s almost 30 years since Nick Rhodes and John Taylor formed the band which became Duran Duran. Their latest album, Red Carpet Massacre, sees them collaborate with Justin Timberlake. Now Nick, 45, talks to Woman’s Day.

Congratulations on the new CD and success of the single Falling Down — is this the most nerve racking time for you when you launch a CD?

I don’t know how nerve wrecking it really is, it’s just one of those things where you don’t know what’s going to happen and you’re a little pensive about it. When you’ve done something and you’re happy it’s the best you could’ve possibly done. There’s nothing else you can really do.

Are you pleased with how it’s been received?

Yes it’s been received really well. It’s early days so you never know but I think we’ve made something really interesting this time. Sometimes you finish and you know you’ve got a couple of good songs on the record, this time I feel it’s a very cohesive album. A complete listening experience, it’s built to listen from the start to the finish. That’s how we made it.

You also did the photography for the CD — what was your inspiration?

We had this fantastic title ‘Red Carpet Massacre’ and that was a gift. There were many ways of interpreting it but I immediately thought about beautiful girls with stiletto heels on. For most things I think about that. It could’ve been called almost anything and I would’ve made it work that way. It seemed very natural; we wanted it to be a little tongue-in-cheek as the title is. We also wanted it to look glamorous and Duran Duran as well.

The video for ‘Falling Down’ is controversial — focussing on the celebrity meltdown/rehab factor — why was that your inspiration?

It’s a real pop culture record and we wanted to reflect the stuff around us. There are two things — the heaviness, the grave situation the world is in with the wars and the dreadful leaders we’ve had to sustain over the last years. Then on the other side there’s reality shows, celebrity meltdowns, red carpets and awards. We made an album on the heavier side which we called ‘Reportage’ which remains unreleased. It’s the last one we did with Andy Taylor. We started working with Timbaland and it changed the sound and it felt fresh, modern and much more uplifting than the album we’d made. So we thought, ‘You know what, this feels right’. People could do with something to lift their spirits, which is where we ended up. A lot of the songs on the album, there are themes and threads throughout, which are really to do with people living their lives in public.

Do you have a favourite track on the album?

I’ve got a few favourites, it varies but I think Skin Divers is my favourite.

Why did you collaborate with Justin Timberlake?

I think he is one of the most talented artists out there right now. He has a fantastic ear for melody. We loved his first album. The band thought it was one of the most perfect pop records we’d heard in a long time. We met him at the MTV Awards and then Justin came to the UK to kindly present us with a Brit award, we were quite touched by that. We talked and said, ‘Let’s do something together.’

You and John Taylor will celebrate 30 years together as founding Duran Duran band members next year — did you think you’d make it this far?

No! We didn’t know if we’d make it 30 hours! You take it in little baby steps. Each record we make, for us, is like making our first album. We don’t ever say, ‘Right. We’ve done all this work so we should do this.’ We look at it more from a point of view of, ‘OK, if we were just starting, what would we do?’

According to your bio there are over 100,000 websites dedicated to Duran Duran — do you ‘Google’ yourself and check them out?

Oh no, I’m far too scared!

You guys are all still looking good — what’s your secret?

I don’t think there really is any secret to whatever you look like. Once you hit 40, I think it’s really sink or swim isn’t it? You just start swimming!

Read more of this interview in Woman’s Day (on-sale December 10).

Red Carpet Massacre is out now through Sony BMG. For information on the V Festival visit www.vfestival.com.au

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