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Jack on life, death and everything in between

Facing his own mortality even put Hollywood’s oldest playboy off women (briefly!).

Legendary Lothario Jack Nicholson had a major wake-up call while filming his latest movie, The Bucket List, in which he plays a filthy rich bachelor facing death.

Admitted to hospital just before the shoot, the actor who once boasted he made love seven times a night suddenly found himself facing his mortality after urgent surgery to remove a stone from his salivary gland.

Jack, who’s previously been involved with actresses Anjelica Huston, Rebecca Broussard and Lara Flynn Boyle, reveals how even his most beautiful lady-friends failed to ignite his passion while he fought in a hospital bed for two months to regain his health. Recovered from his brush with death, 70-year-old Jack counts his blessings while puffing on a Camel cigarette …

Who visited you when you were in hospital?

I can’t tell you that! I’ll tell you one thing, though — the last thing on my mind when my attractive lady friends may have come bringing me flowers was … I mean, I wasn’t thinking, “Come on, get over here among the tubes and oxygen tanks with me”!

What has got better with age for you?

I’ve certainly learned focus. That’s improved. I prioritise more. Without an innate system you’re kind of weaving your way through life. I’m more in touch with the idea this could be the last time. It’s more a part of your life at a certain stage in life. I have had many older friends in life who have since passed on and so on. It’s enriching. I knew through my teenage children, I knew — which I didn’t necessarily know through my first child — that this would be a boon in my life. I knew this so therefore it enriched my life in a more relaxed way. Striving minimises as you get older. People say ‘Oh you’re a risk-taker!’ and I always say ‘Risk taker? What are they going to do to me? Yell at me?!’ Where’s the risk? ‘Say you’re suddenly no good? Or you’re a swine?’ So you become informed, and you probably become blinder, and you probably become more accurate in your observations. Hopefully, my character has improved basically — not so much because of the striving — but because of life; it takes away certain alternatives as you move through it. You can’t be as vain in the mirror if you can’t see the mirror!

And your daughter Lorraine is off to university this year. How do you feel about that after visiting several campuses with her?

Well, first of all I did not go to college so I felt like a moron. What I will always remember is when Lorraine turned to me and said, ‘Look. I know that it’s only possible for me to go to these wonderful colleges that we’re visiting, because I worked hard in high school’. And I thought, you know, actors will never really be happy about themselves but this kind of honest self-appraisal on the up-side. But it was one of those great moments. Oh Thank God! Yes, I’m supportive, but it’s so wonderful that they’ve got their own point of view about it and it’s not all ‘Ooh, what’s wrong with me?’

Do you have a favourite joke?

Yes. A woman standing in front of the mirror says ‘God, my breasts are down to my waist, my stomach’s sliding and my ass.’ She turns to her husband and says ‘Jeez, I’m getting so depressed here, hubby? Is there anything you can say to me? I need to be cheered up?’ and he says ‘Well, certainly nothing wrong with your eyesight!’ I don’t like jokes as a rule cause Freud told me they’re seduction. And some people, once they start, they won’t stop. That’s it — they joke until you’re ready to kill yourself.

Can you relate to death being funny, like in this movie?

Only in a Fellini movie. Gallows humour makes us all laugh, so I guess it’s funny. And you can bet that the last thing on earth that you want to do will be the last thing on earth that you do.

Are you religious?

I resist all beliefs just like my character says it. I think beliefs take you out of the now. If you believe something it keeps you from experiencing what actually is. As the character says — I envy people who are totally convinced that there’s life after death and that there’s this and that and the other thing. But I’m too empirical about life. When I used to run, I definitely know I was praying also and I know I was thinking ‘up’ so I think everybody has what I call that ‘God sense’. Call it superstition. Call it what you will. But I’m also not going to waste my time saying that it doesn’t exist because I equally do not know that. But my main philosophy is to live in the now which is very difficult to do. Don’t leave something that you really want to do undone.

That’s surprising. The public doesn’t perceive you as a philosophical kind of guy?

It’s true. I’m not very Zen. But I’m not as tough as people think. I’m not a fighter. I’d just as soon go home.

What are your thoughts on Heath Ledger’s death given he will reprise your role as The Joker this year?

That’s awful. I warned him. I warn them about Ambien. I don’t take sleeping pills, but somebody said, ‘Take this, it’s mild.’ I then got a call in the middle of the night, an emergency, and almost drove off a cliff 50 yards from my house up in the mountains in Aspen.

Read more of this interview in Woman’s Day (on-sale February 11, 2008)

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Kate: Motherhood and my ex

By Gill Pringle

The actress opens up about raising her son, being happily single and why she still sees so much of her ex.

Kate Hudson has emerged radiant and beautiful, having survived the most tumultuous 18 months of her life. During that time she ended her five-year marriage to rocker Chris Robinson, father of their four-year-old son Ryder, and embarked on a rocky love affair with Owen Wilson, who later attempted suicide. Since then she’s enjoyed a brief romance with comedian Dax Shepard, although she is currently single.

But, like her mother Goldie Hawn, Hudson is a born survivor. Even in the wake of the tragic death of her friend and The Four Feathers co-star Heath Ledger, the 28-year-old actress manages to put a sunny smile on her face.

Sporting a new look — platinum blonde extensions with sexy bangs — Kate talks about single motherhood, love, loss and Australia.

You filmed Fool’s Gold on the Gold Coast. What did you like about Australia?

What don’t I like about Australia? I really love Australia. One of my favourite places is Bill’s in Sydney. Bill Granger is such a great chef. Bill’s does the best breakfast. Australian people are just so easy and fun and we had a great crew and everybody just worked so hard and we were all sharing everything. We were on boats — couldn’t leave the boat all day. So we’re all just hanging out and everybody’s working for everybody and helping everybody. And lifting things on and off boats. And to do that with an Australian crew was the most fun, because they’re just a blast.

You had poisonous spiders in your house in Australia?

I think it was one of those funnel spiders. I just stayed away until the landlord came over and took it down.

Were you frightened?

Initially, but by the time I left Australia, I was like an Australian with the attitude: ‘If you don’t bother it, it’s not going to bother you.’ Everybody there has that kind of attitude. I wasn’t like that when I first got there. I was like — can somebody write down and send us pictures of what can kill you, because everybody says, ‘Look out for this, and look out for that …’ Of course, nobody ever did. But by about a month in, we were sitting outside and winding down at night-time and we heard this insane sound of an animal right outside where we were staying. And somebody says, ‘What was that?’ And I was like, ‘I dunno’. So we kept going and then we started to laugh because it could have been like anything, but we were already so used to wildlife by that time because we were in the rainforest and going deep-sea diving and this sound could have been some deadly animal and we all don’t even think twice about it at this stage. We just didn’t care!

And you saw a giant manta ray while you were underwater?

It was pretty scary because at the time I was only just getting certified and behind me was a manta ray. And it’s like the size of a dining table! At the time I wasn’t really sure what it was because I’m at the bottom of the ocean and it was murky. It looked like a whale. And when I signalled to my diving instructor Michelle, she was like, ‘Calm down, calm down.’ And then she kind of went back and was like, ‘Whoa.’ And then we went up. And I think the exact words out of my mouth was: ‘What the f*** was that?!’ And then of course everyone was just so excited to see a manatee.

Did you have any concerns about going out in the ocean?

I just don’t like sharks so I was really kind of freaked out about seeing what was under the water. But once I got under the water — and you have all these amazing people that are helping you — I felt pretty comfortable. Because working underwater is not really like normal stunts where you feel like you might have some control. But when you’re working in an underwater element, you don’t have that. You know you have to be pretty, like, on-point. You cant f*** around! You can’t because otherwise you’re dead. Your lungs will expand … so you really are, when you’re going down under, you kind of all look at each other, and you all know that once you’re down there, that you’re really focussed. Scuba diving is one of those situations where you have to learn to trust one another in an environment where you really need to trust somebody the most. It was a great bonding experience with the other actors. I did a lot of emergency procedures and I got really good at them, which was really fun because now I feel great going in the ocean and scuba diving.

And you agreed to get certified as a scuba diver as part of your contract?

Yes, but I thought it was going to be easier than it was. When I had my first real dive, I was terrified to get into the water, but the marine crew and all the dive masters were amazing. And once you get down there, it’s just incredible. I mean, to be able to do my first dive on the Great Barrier Reef is mind-blowing. The sea life is phenomenal. It was like being in a whole other world. Now I’m in love with diving; I can’t wait to get back in the water.

And despite your new-found confidence in the ocean, you had initial concerns?

Yes but after going through intensive training, you get to know how to breathe and kind of like relax your body. I think the best thing about what I do is that I get to do all these things I would never have done otherwise. I would never have gone scuba diving. I would never have wanted to know what was in there. It freaks me out!

Did you teach Ryder to swim while you were on the Gold Coast?

Yeah. Ryder’s like a little fish now. He’s swimming up a storm. He was learning how to swim there but then he got a little timid for a while. I took him on a surf board in Byron Bay. I asked him, ‘Do you want to go on a surf board?’ And he said ‘Yeah’. And I took him in very shallow water with his little wings on and stuff, and put him on the surf board, and it kind of freaked him out. And so he got very timid for about two months but now it’s gone, and now he’s just swimming all the time.

So does Ryder wake very early? Like at 5am in the morning?

Oh yeah. Totally. Although today I beat him. Today he was out cold. I was getting ready for work which is always absolutely super cute because that’s always one of my favourite times — watching him sleep. I think parents love to watch their kids sleep. The older they get, and the more active they get, when they’re finally asleep, you can just stare at them forever. It’s also my favourite time to talk with him when he’s really tired because we’ll lay down together and we’ll just talk and talk and talk. And he’ll be so concentrated and so happy to talk because he doesn’t really want to go to sleep but he knows he has to, so he’s very focussed on the conversation which I love. Imagination and kids, it’s so amazing. They see so many things that, as adults, we don’t see.

Has Ryder already started pre-school now?

Oh yeah. He loves it. Unfortunately he’s not there today because he got a little sick. But he loves it. He’s a good little schoolboy. I’m actually kinda shocked although he did say once, ‘You know, Mummy, I don’t like school. Its too much work and not enough toys!’ I loved that!

Does he spend more time with you than with Chris?

Chris and I spend a lot of time together but I think that’s kind of the way it ends up cause Ryder’s too young really right now really to go on tour, but I’m sure by the time he’s about eight or older he’ll start going on tour more with Chris because then it’ll be a little easier and he can help out with stuff and be a part of everything. He’s too little to be on the road right now.

And there’s too much trouble for him to get into on the road?

No, because they’re old guys now. They’re no trouble any more.

No! I mean more like all the heavy equipment and electrical gear on stage!?

Oh yeah! I don’t want him getting run over by road cases! Totally! I thought you meant like rock’n’roll excess! But they’re getting old now. The Black Crowes are no longer in their 20s! They’ve calmed down now. They’re all parents now.

Your Fool’s Gold co-star Matthew McConnaughey recently found out he’s going to be a father. He says it was a surprise. Was it the same for you when you discovered you were pregnant with Ryder?

Yes! That’s exactly how I felt about Ryder. It was, like, not planned but definitely not not being planned.

And you were glowing after you had Ryder, saying how it was just the greatest thing?

It is! It’s still the greatest thing in the world. Now though he’s at that age where I can’t wait to have more! Can’t wait. Yeah! He’s just the best thing ever.

Do you have any parenting advice for Matthew?

One thing I can’t stand is advice. I don’t want anybody telling me what to do. But if somebody wants it, and asks for it, I’m more than happy to offer whatever it is I have experience with. With parenting, there are no real answers. Instinctually you probably do the right thing. Especially, with the mother, instinctually it all just happens the way it’s supposed to happen. And then you make some mistakes or you discover things that are more difficult for you than maybe they were for your friends, and vice versa, things that are less difficult. It’s such an on-going journey. The one thing that’s amazing is that it’s just, that’s it, that’s all your life ever wants to be, is to be with your child. And now that he’s communicating and talking, and he’s sensitive and has all these ideas. I’m writing everything down because the things he says are just amazing. And you know it’s not going to last very long — it’s like this window of three-and-a-half to four-and-half years old.

What do you think about how they’ve made your boobs bigger on the publicity posters for Fool’s Gold?

Yeah! My breasts?! I mean, I love them! I wish I had them.

So you’ve no complaints? You’re not going to sue the film company?

No. If I ever was going to get my boobs done, I’d take this photograph to the doctors. They look great!

This is the second time you’ve worked with Matthew in a romantic comedy, first pairing up five years ago in How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days. You have amazing on-screen chemistry despite the fact Fool’s Gold director Andy Tennant claims you’re totally incompatible in real life…

That’s true. That’s very true. I am a very serious, organised person who needs to know exactly what’s going on. I also got that after I had Ryder.

You may be incompatible but it’s obvious you like Matthew?

Yes. I have a total soft spot for him. He’s so endearing; there’s not a mean bone in his body. We can goof around and have a great time, but we also know how to push each other’s buttons perfectly. We both have a little bit of a competitive nature and throw little jabs at each other.

But you have to be organised as a mother?

Oh yeah, I’ve got a baby on my hip and I want to know where this is going; I want to know if I’m going to make it home in time to cook dinner. So there’s a little bit of that in me that I think probably shifted since Matthew and I worked together last…

For more of this interview, see Woman’s Day (on-sale February 11, 2008)

Fool’s Gold is screening in cinemas now.

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John Blackman’s miracle survival

The former Hey Hey It’s Saturday funnyman survives a brain tumour the size of a golf ball.

There was a blinding flash of light, a choking feeling and a bizarre sensation, as if someone was pulling him off his chair.

On Christmas Eve morning, John Blackman genuinely thought he was dying. It wasn’t so bad, but he hadn’t stuffed the turkey for his wife Cecile; he hadn’t said goodbye to his daughter Tiffany. What a bugger of a time to go …

Then the Hey Hey It’s Saturday star saw nothing but blackness.

Busy downstairs, Cecile heard a strange yell, followed by a thump. Instantly realising something was very wrong, she raced up to John’s home office. Where was he? Not at his desk? What was going on? Suddenly she spotted her husband of 36 years lying on the floor beside his desk. “He was completely stiff and frothing at the mouth, struggling to breathe,” she recalls…

For the full interview, see Woman’s Day (on-sale February 11, 2008)

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Nicole: My baby secrets

The glowing Aussie star reveals her exciting plans for her long-awaited baby.

Mum-to-be Nicole Kidman proudly showed off her growing baby bump to friends during a recent girls’ get-together in the Sydney suburb of Woollahra.

Later, chatting over lunch about her exciting plans for her first-born, an elated Nicole told her sister and her closest girlfriends of her extravagant shopping list and how she wants to decorate the lavish nursery.

But shopping for the baby is only half the fun for Nicole — who says she is loving every moment of her pregnancy, and can’t wait to gain a few more curves.

“Being pregnant, I’ll have bigger boobs,” she laughs. “That’s one of the many good things I can think of that will come of it!”

Read the full story in Woman’s Day (on-sale February 11, 2008)

Read more about Nicole Kidman

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Aussies take Manhattan!

The Aussies have taken a bite out of the Big Apple this week with our largest department store, Myer, making a big splash in downtown Manhattan.
Jennifer Hawkins, Carson Kressly and Sonia Kruger

The Aussies have taken a bite out of the Big Apple this week with our largest department store, Myer, making a big splash in downtown Manhattan.

It’s certainly no secret that the Australian flavour is all the

rage in New York at the moment…just put a G’day in front of

anything and you’ll be the toast of the town! But New York Fashion

Week has seen a spate of real talent coming from down-under with

Aussie design duo Sass & Bide leading the way with their

inspirational runway show, ‘Rainbows for Kate’. Jayson

Brunsdon and Kit Willow Podgornik also presented their

autumn/winter collections to crowds of New York’s social and

fashion industry elite.

Sauntering to a somewhat different tune down the fashion runways

however, was Australia’s largest department store, Myer, who

injected another taste of Australian chic into the world of New

York couture this weekend by showcasing its star designers at an

uber-cool cocktail party at the chic Gramercy Park hotel in


Myer wowed guests with an installation of garments from

favourite Australian designers including; Jayson

Brunsdon, New York resident Josh Goot, Camilla and Marc,

Charlie Brown and Leona Edmiston – who are all taking on the best

in the fashion world.

Jennifer Hawkins joined Carson Kressley and a host of

international and Australian celebrities at the hip Myer party

which launched the ‘New York in Myer’ retail initiative that is set

to take Australia by storm later this year. The Australia first

retail concept will see the five downtown stores of “Melbourne,

Sydney City, Adelaide City, Perth City and Brisbane City (all

being) transformed into mini Manhattans”, said Myer Director of

Apparel, Judy Coomber.

Myer Director, Marketing and Creative, Paul Bonnici said; “It

will be a fusion of fashion and lifestyle, of New York culture,

retail theatre and constant surprises which will revolutionize

Australian retail.”

But can Australia really cut it on the global fashion scene?

Coomber said; “Myer as a world class department store is on the

pulse when it comes to established and emerging designers in

Australia and across the world. New York Fashion week is the

perfect time to promote our Myer designers overseas but also to

bring back the best of the best into our stores.”

‘New York in Myer’ will be launched with a massive party on the

12 May and will run through until 31 May. Stay tuned right here for

coverage of the event!

Your Say: Can Australian designers really cut it on the international catwalks?

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Jayson Brunsdon

Although it may seem that Jayson Brunsdon’s overnight success has been just that, for the man behind these stunning designs, his rise to fame on the international fashion stage has been 20 years in the making.

Brunsdon has been an illustrator, fashion editor, and more recently the creative director for Australian brand Morrissey. He has styled superstar rock group INXS and has a glittering client list including HRH Crown Princess Mary of Denmark, Linda Evangelista and Naomi Watts.

As an undoubted veteran of the industry, Brunsdon had the benefit of experience when he decided to go it alone in the cut-throat fashion arena saying;

“When I started the label I looked around Australia and thought there wasn’t really much on offer that was for a sophisticated woman who didn’t want really girly girly, and didn’t want too revealing, and that was when I started to think OK well let’s do something for a more sophisticated woman.”

(www.ninemsn.com.au – Small Business).

Influenced by the likes of classic film stars such as Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly, and his mother, Dorothy Brunsdon, the 41 year-old says of his designs;

“The label is aimed at women who take an emotive pleasure in the appreciation of modern elegance with a whiff of cinematic drama. Taking inspiration from the lives and looks of iconic women of great individual style, the label encompasses day and evening wear creating an aura of contemporary glamour.”


Understated glamour is a key feature of the Jayson Brunsdon collections, effortlessly blending day into evening. He focuses on both the wearable and the beautiful taking key shapes and transforming them with feminine detailing. Brunsdon is also renowned for his innovation with wool and has been integral in raising the profile of Australian Merino Wool around the world.

So while the crème de la crème of Australian designers are cutting a quiet swathe through the big brands on the New York fashion scene this year, designers such as Jayson Brunsdon are proving that Australia has the talent to compete at the high-end of the market and on an international level. The success of his designs in Australia shows that there is in fact a market for such a sophisticated look back on our more relaxed home soil. The growth in demand for this type of product in Australia means that Australian designers are now, more than ever posing a threat to their haute-couture counterparts in Europe. Watch our Dior and Versace…

Jayson Brunsdon’s collections are available in more than ten countries around the world, including David Jones, Selfridges and Far Eastern Department stores. In November 2005, Jayson opened his first flagship boutique in Sydney and plans to open more stores in Australia and Singapore.

Your Say: Is there a market for haute-couture designs in Australia like there is in the US and Europe? Tell us what you think below…

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Aussies take Manhattan!

Jennifer Hawkins, Carson Kressly and Sonia Kruger

The Aussies have taken a bite out of the Big Apple this week with our largest department store, Myer, making a big splash in downtown Manhattan.

It’s certainly no secret that the Australian flavour is all the rage in New York at the moment…just put a G’day in front of anything and you’ll be the toast of the town! But New York Fashion Week has seen a spate of real talent coming from down-under with Aussie design duo Sass & Bide leading the way with their inspirational runway show, ‘Rainbows for Kate’. Jayson Brunsdon and Kit Willow Podgornik also presented their autumn/winter collections to crowds of New York’s social and fashion industry elite.

Sauntering to a somewhat different tune down the fashion runways however, was Australia’s largest department store, Myer, who injected another taste of Australian chic into the world of New York couture this weekend by showcasing its star designers at an uber-cool cocktail party at the chic Gramercy Park hotel in Manhattan.

Myer wowed guests with an installation of garments from favourite Australian designers including; Jayson Brunsdon, New York resident Josh Goot, Camilla and Marc, Charlie Brown and Leona Edmiston – who are all taking on the best in the fashion world.

Jennifer Hawkins joined Carson Kressley and a host of international and Australian celebrities at the hip Myer party which launched the ‘New York in Myer’ retail initiative that is set to take Australia by storm later this year. The Australia first retail concept will see the five downtown stores of “Melbourne, Sydney City, Adelaide City, Perth City and Brisbane City (all being) transformed into mini Manhattans”, said Myer Director of Apparel, Judy Coomber.

Myer Director, Marketing and Creative, Paul Bonnici said; “It will be a fusion of fashion and lifestyle, of New York culture, retail theatre and constant surprises which will revolutionize Australian retail.”

But can Australia really cut it on the global fashion scene? Coomber said; “Myer as a world class department store is on the pulse when it comes to established and emerging designers in Australia and across the world. New York Fashion week is the perfect time to promote our Myer designers overseas but also to bring back the best of the best into our stores.”

‘New York in Myer’ will be launched with a massive party on the 12 May and will run through until 31 May. Stay tuned right here for coverage of the event!

Your Say: Can Australian designers really cut it on the international catwalks?

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Centrefold cats

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Fasting for weight loss

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

**”I was thinking of going on a two-day fast to detoxify the body and kick start my weight-loss diet. Do you think it’s safe to do that and if so, how do you recommend I approach this?”

— Gillian**

While fasting is a tradition with many religions and, properly managed, does not present any long term health risks to our bodies, it is not necessarily the best approach for weight loss. You may lose a kilo or so during a fast but most of it will be from fluid and then there’s the tendency to return to old eating habits as soon as the fast is over.

Our bodies have a natural mechanism to detoxify every day. The function of many of the body’s organs is the process of detoxification and each day we eliminate waste through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph glands and skin. Having said that, if you over-burden the liver it may become sluggish and unable to fully detoxify so a partial fast to give the liver a rest is a terrific compromise.

Breakfast is the meal that ‘breaks the fast’ between the last meal of the day and the first meal of the new day. Eating late at night just before going to bed is one of the worst things you can do for weight loss, digestion and aiding a good night’s sleep. In contrast, the earlier you eat and the more hours you allow between eating and sleep, the better it is for weight loss, digestion and a good night’s sleep. Most people have great success with weight loss when they have their main meal later in the afternoon and either eat nothing or have a light soup no later than 5pm in the evening.

Instead of not eating anything for two days why don’t you try a purer diet for seven days?

This eating plan in not suitable for pregnant and lactating women and should not be used for more than seven days.

Between 6 and 7am

On rising drink a glass of warm water with fresh lemon juice

Between 7 and 8am

Large glass of fresh vegetable juice slightly sweetened with green apple

Between 8 and 9am

Large bowl of fresh fruit with 2 tbsp LSA (mixture of ground linseeds, sunflower seeds and almonds which can be bought from a health food store)

Drink filtered water or herbal teas during the day

Between 11am and midday

Two to three rice cakes with sliced avocado and lemon juice

Between 2 and 4pm

Lunch: large salad made with rocket, snow peas, cucumber, sprouts, sliced fennel, celery, mixed with steamed beans, kidney beans or lentils. Add ½ cup brown rice with ½ tsp ground sesame seeds and 150g steamed chicken or white fish, served with a lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil dressing (1 dessert spoon of oil only)

No later than 6pm

Bowl of miso soup

After seven days, slowly return to more normal eating habits, increasing your fiber and protein intake with each meal but maintaining small portions. If you can continue to eat only small meals in the early evening, all the better for your health and your weight.

What you must not do is return to rollercoaster eating habits — eating excessively one day and like a mouse the next. Eating modestly every day is a guarantee for healthy weight maintenance. When we are easy on our digestive system and lighten its load by cutting back on the amount we eat, our body can divert its attention from the digestive system and focus on improving metabolism and the immune system. Eating less is known to extend life and promote good health but there’s a vast difference between under-nutrition and malnutrition. Therefore it’s important to always make sure whenever you eat, you eat well.

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Grapefruit diets

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

**”Is it beneficial when on a diet to eat grapefruit?”

— Patricia**

Dear Patricia,

Yes and no …

Yes, because grapefruit is a low energy food that’s rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and soluble fibre. It also helps to detoxify the body and, when eaten with a small meal, may slow down the breakdown of food to provide longer periods of satiety. But for all these reasons grapefruit is a good food for everyone* whether they’re on a diet or not.

No, because contrary to old school thinking, grapefruit does not eat up fat or prevent fat absorption. Grapefruit was first introduced as a diet food in 1930 with the famous Hollywood diet, which claimed it had fat burning properties when eaten with small amounts of other foods. It was widely criticised by experts due to the extremely low and potentially dangerous energy intake. More recently some scientists have suggested it may be useful in conjunction with an energy reduced “three meal a day” plan, but in fact every energy-reduced food plan will help with weight loss regardless of the grapefruit.

*Caution: grapefruit and medication

The legacy of the grapefruit diet has left many people in their 50s still believing that grapefruit assists in weight loss. And while eating three half grapefruits a day won’t do a healthy person any harm, to those on permanent medication for a heart condition it may. Grapefruit contains a compound called naringenin, which slows metabolic processes in the intestine and liver and the breakdown of drugs. It is a contraindication for anyone on heart medication. It’s interesting that some food chemicals in grapefruit will naturally reduce cholesterol, but on medication for the same condition, grapefruit will impair the effectiveness of the drug.

Provided you are healthy and not on medication and you enjoy grapefruit on its own without adding sugar there’s no reason why you shouldn’t add grapefruit to your daily diet, but one a day is sufficient. Too much grapefruit and any other fruit or fruit juice can wear away the enamel of your teeth. At the end of the day, and I’m sorry to be a crashing old bore with the same old message, but unless you eat a balanced, energy-reduced diet, no amount of grapefruit will help you to lose weight.

Cut out all the unnecessary foods first (such as alcohol, sweet foods, processed carbohydrates and fatty meats) and increase the necessary foods (such as lean protein, vegetables and fruit, wholegrains, good fats and of course exercise) and you will reap the rewards of your efforts by losing weight — grapefruit or no grapefruit!

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