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Sexy lingerie launch

Sophie Falkiner and Samantha Brett

Hosted by Berlei Ambassador Sophie Falkiner, (pictured with Samantha Brett) the evening was full of glamour, with a sunset fashion parade to showcase the new range.

Lingerie models wearing new Undetectable range

Lingerie models showcasing the new Undetectable range by Berlei.

Sunny Burns, Assia Benmedjdoub, Chris Urankar

There were plenty of model pouts and smiles from the journalists: Sunny Burns, Sydney Star Observer; Assia Benmedjdoub, Ragtrader and Chris Urankar, Wentworth Courier.

Martin and Michelle Walsh

Martin and Michelle Walsh.

Tim McGann and Georgia Coleman

Seasoned rugby player Tim McGann and Chic model Georgia Coleman.

Invisible lace and liquid satin are blended together with seam-and-stitch-free technology.

Sarah Bonett and Lotta Backlund

Cosmopolitan‘s fashion editor Sarah Bonett and fashion assistant Lotta Backlund.

Belinda Miller and Lou Perrot

Belinda Miller and Lou Perrot.

Hollywood’s Hottest Dads

After looking at this bevy of pouting beauties, you may be in need of some male eye-candy. Feast your eyes on our very own Hugh Jackman and other celebrities including Brad Pitt in our Hollywood’s Hottest Dads photo gallery.

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Johnny Depp tries to wake girl from coma

He may be the man of many a woman’s dreams, but now superstar Johnny Depp is trying to wake one girl up.

In the voice of Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, the actor has recorded a message for Sophie Wilkinson — a 17-year-old who is lying in a coma in Southampton General Hospital — UK paper Express reports.

“We are looking for the key to wake her up, so we wrote to Johnny and he said he would do the recording in the voice of Jack Sparrow,” Sophie’s father, Andrew tells.

Sophie has been comatose for five months, following an accident in which a truck collided with the car she was travelling in. Determined to do everything they can to awaken their daughter, Sophie’s parents appealed to the actor to lend them his Captain Jack voice — Sophie’s favourite Johnny Depp character — for her to listen to.

Johnny was so moved by their letter, he also said he’d try to visit Sophie in hospital.

“After the accident, we were told she wouldn’t make it through the night, but she has fought on and we know she is still in there,” says Andrew.

“Only this week, Sophie moved her right leg which she has never done before. When we got home, my wife and I were jumping for joy.”

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Heather returns to court?

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Meet the Woman’s Day wallaby

By Glen Williams

Thanks to the eagle eye of a Woman’s Day reader, this pretty wallaby — once thought to be extinct — is now being protected. But its fight for survival isn’t over…

They don’t come much cuter than the beautiful bridled nailtail wallaby, and it’s hard to imagine that this inquisitive, furry little creature was once thought to be extinct.

For more than 30 years these wallabies were believed to have been totally wiped out — victims to predators such as cats and foxes. The last sighting of one was in 1937.

It may have stayed that way, had it not been for the keen observations of a Woman’s Day reader back in 1973. After reading an article in our magazine called “Our Rare Ones”, about Australia’s extinct species — including the bridled nailtail wallaby — a fencing contractor saw what he believed to be a population of the wallabies on a property in central Queensland.

Still in danger

Armed with his copy of Woman’s Day, which had a detailed drawing of the assumed extinct animal, he reported his sighting to Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service. Researchers confirmed the fencer’s remarkable discovery, and the property was converted into a national park.

But these endearing creatures were far from safe. With the remaining few constantly under threat from predators, they continued to be faced with extinction. In New South Wales, where they once flourished, they are still listed as extinct.

Getting them back

Woman’s Day is now helping to ensure this wallaby’s survival by throwing its support behind an endangered mammal recovery project being undertaken by Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC).

At the AWC’s Scotia Wildlife Sanctuary in western outback New South Wales, miracles are taking place. Here, in this red-earthed paradise, six endangered species are coming back from the brink of extinction in a fenced 8000 hectare feral-free enclosure.

Among the scrubby mallee woodlands, where the temperature can soar into the low 50s in summer, our nailtail wallaby is beginning to thrive.

Acclaimed naturalist Sir David Attenborough has described the Scotia Endangered Mammal Recovery Project as “vitally important for Australia and the planet” as it involves the establishment of the largest predator- and feral animal-free area on mainland Australia.

“Our aim is to get these populations back,” says Dr Joss Bentley, an ecologist with the Scotia project.

“All of Australia is going through an extinction crisis. It’s heartbreaking. To have large, fenced feral-free areas like Scotia is the only way we are going to be able to bring these animals back.

“This is not a zoo. Inside is a natural habitat. We just don’t have the foxes and cats. The animals survive here because there are no predators.

“The thing is, ultimately we would really like to get them outside the fence, but we can’t do that until we have an effective way of controlling foxes and cats.”

It’s at night that the true impact of the Scotia team’s conservation work can be seen. As darkness comes creeping, the place comes to life, teeming with stick-nest rats, burrowing bettongs, woylies, bilbies and, of course, our cheeky wallaby. The happy sight of joeys in pouches proves the population is on the increase.

Life returns

“This is what the Australian landscape should be like at night,” Joss whispers.

“It makes you realise how dead the rest of Australia is. The bush shouldn’t be a quiet place where occasionally you hear a little rustle in the trees.

“If it’s quiet, it means there’s nothing there. It should be like this — noisy with life. That’s how the early explorers described it.”

Joss admits her heart melts every time she lays eyes on the wallaby. “To think we thought they were extinct,” she says.

“You can’t help but fall in love with them. They each have their own little personality. I can watch them for hours. They’re just so fascinating, just beautiful.”

Pictures: Grant Turner.

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In the mag – March 31, 2008

The green issue — on sale Monday March 24, 2008

Rove and Tasma first official pics: ‘We’re very happy’

The very private star can no longer hide his feelings for his girlfriend.

Terri Irwin’s fury: ‘We’re not leaving’

She may not be selling Australia Zoo, but Steve’s widow has confirmed dramatic plans that will change it for ever.

Reggie’s pregnancy nightmare: ‘I almost died’

What the Big Brother winner thought was bad period pain turned out to be life-threatening.

Exclusive: Fitzy’s footy wedding

TV and radio star Ryan “Fitzy” Fitzgerald ties the knot in the holiest place of all — Adelaide Oval. Plus, don’t miss the exclusive photo gallery!

Video: Meet the Woman’s Day wallaby

The beautiful bridled nailtail wallaby — once thought to be extinct — is now being protected. But its fight for survival isn’t over. Watch rare footage of this endangered species and find out how you can help.

The Woman’s Day green family challenge

Two Aussie families, one big prize. Which family can turn their home green in just six weeks?

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Ryan ‘Fitzy’ Fitzgerald’s wedding

Ryan “Fitzy” Fitzgerald was determined to make a mark when he married the love of his life, Belinda “BJ” Irons on a sweltering autumn day.

Belinda’s brother Brad walked her down the ‘aisle’ — a wide red carpet out on the field.

Fitzy kisses his bride after their vows: “I promise to love you through good times and bad, with all I have to give and all I feel inside, in the only way I know how; completely and for ever.”

The party moves across the green to the reception in the Clem Hill Stand.

Fitzy and groomsmen — best man Matt Semple and groomsmen Matt Ericson and John Kindstrom — strike a pose beneath his customised scoreboard!

Belinda and her bridesmaids — Nikki Irons, Abby Peckover and Tracy Bache — cosy up among the gorgeous flowers.

At just over 2m tall, Fitzy towered over his dainty bride BJ, who looked stunning in her silk-satin gown by local designer Alexia George.

Party time for the whole family.

The newlyweds with TV host Tom Williams and his girlfriend Kylie Speer.

Reception hosts, radio comedians Merrick Watts (right with wife Georgie) and Tim Ross (left with wife Michelle) kept the party laughing.

The reception was a lovely indoor-outdoor set-up, with plenty of treats for guests…

…including a chocolate fountain!

And the wedding cake was a tower of delicious chocolate mousses.

Fitzy waltzes the Aussie way — in thongs!

Guests hit the field for an impromptu game with their commemorative footballs — “Ryan and Belinda: we couldn’t have done it without our teammates.”

Fitzy marks BJ’s kick — what a team!

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Exclusive: Fitzy’s footy wedding

By Jenny Brown.

The TV and radio star ties the knot in the holiest place of all — Adelaide Oval.

The hallowed turf of Adelaide Oval had never seen anything like it: a shirtless bridegroom playing touch footy with a flock of Sydney Swans and Adelaide Crows AFL stars; his beautiful bride kicking off her shoes to join in; a TV chef acting as celebrant and blessing the ceremony with fine Jamaican rum.

As weddings go, this one broke all the boundaries. But Ryan “Fitzy” Fitzgerald was determined to make a mark when he married the love of his life, Belinda “BJ” Irons on a sweltering autumn day.

Somehow the loveable larrikin, who swapped AFL and Big Brother fame for a hit career in TV and radio, persuaded custodians of the historic cricket ground to let him stage his wedding on the pitch itself.

So the famous scoreboard — more used to heralding the exploits of Bradman, Warne or the Chappells — proudly displayed the legend, “Ryan and Belinda Fitzgerald, March 15, 2008.”

What’s more, curators switched on the floodlights for an impromptu kick-around once night had fallen over the newlyweds’ celebrity-filled reception in the Clem Hill Stand.

It’s not every day that Gladiators host Tom Williams and his girlfriend Kylie Speer play ball with radio funnymen Merrick and Rosso, Big Brother’s Bree Amer and Bodie Czeladka, or AFL players like Mark Ricciuto, Simon Goodwin, Brent Reilly, Brett Burton, Michael Doughty, Michael O’Loughlin, Jude Bolton, Ben Matthews, Heath James and Dean Brogan!

Pictures by Ross Coffey.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale March 24).

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Reggie’s pregnancy nightmare: ‘I almost died’

What she thought was bad period pain turned out to be life-threatening.

Waking at 3am, bleeding and in excruciating pain, Regina “Reggie” Sorensen (née Bird), didn’t realise that her laid-back nature was on the verge of killing her. Thinking she was suffering a painful period, Reggie took two pain-killers and tried to go back to sleep.

Less than 48 hours later, she was rushed to hospital and had emergency surgery for an ectopic pregnancy which almost ended her life.

“I was in agony,” says Reggie, 34. “I saw blood and thought, ‘Oh, my period has come’. I’d been waiting for it to come but I thought, ‘Geez, I’ve never had one this bad!’ It was so painful.”

When she got up at 6am to tend to daughter Mia, who turns one on March 31, Reggie realised the bleeding had become worse.

“I said to Dale, ‘I’m not sure what’s going on — I’ve never had anything like this before’,” says the popular winner of the 2003 Big Brother series.

An emergency

“By the afternoon I realised something was really wrong. There was so much pain inside. I wasn’t feeling well, either. I ended up lying on the couch for most of the day. I tried to get in to see one of the local doctors and I couldn’t,” Reggie explains.

Her husband Dale, 35, called an after-hours doctor, who came to their Gold Coast home at 9.30pm.

“She thought I’d had a miscarriage but I told her I didn’t think I was pregnant.

“Dale mentioned an ectopic pregnancy because the pain was so concentrated on my left side, around the area where the ovary is — but we had no idea.”

The following morning, still in unrelenting pain, Reggie went to her local doctor’s surgery at 8am.

“He did a urine test and he told me it was coming up ‘positive’ for pregnancy. But he said, ‘Something’s not right’, and sent me straight to Pindara Hospital for an emergency scan. “The doctor doing my scan asked if I’d ever had endometriosis and I said no. He then went to speak to another doctor in the emergency department and I was sent straight there.

“The doctor did another urine test and this time it came back negative,” Reggie says. “He said, ‘We don’t think you’re pregnant. Are you sure the first test was positive?’

“So then they called in a gynaecologist and he looked at the scans and straight away they prepped me for surgery.”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale March 24).

Search: Read more about Reggie.

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Terri Irwin’s fury: ‘We’re not leaving’

She may not be selling Australia Zoo, but Steve’s widow has confirmed dramatic plans that will change it for ever.

Embattled Terri Irwin has lashed out at claims she’s tarnishing the legacy of her late husband Steve Irwin with her plans to overhaul Australia Zoo — and she has denied reports she is moving their children to the US.

Last week newspapers reported that Terri was in negotiations to sell the wildlife park to US cable TV network Animal Planet. While those claims have been rejected, Terri has confirmed rumours she is planning to turn the zoo into an extravagant Disney-style tourist attraction.

“We want it to be ‘Destination Australia’ — kind of like a Disney feel, where a lot of Australians go and see Disneyland and then ask, ‘What else is there to do?'” she announced at a VIP breakfast late last week.

Zoo insiders have reportedly alleged that the plans have sparked a bitter rift between Terri and Steve’s father Bob, who resigned from the wildlife park earlier this month.

Steve’s dream

Adding fuel to the controversy, Bob said in a statement that he had stepped down from the zoo in order to “keep his son’s dream alive”.

“Steve’s ultimate passion, even from a young boy, was always for the conservation of Australian wildlife and its habitat. When Judy [Bob’s wife] and I move into our new property we intend to carry on with wildlife rehabilitation and conservation projects. You can rest assured that Judy and I will continue with Steve’s dream, with the passion and commitment he would expect.”

A distraught Terri has hit out at the claims, insisting that there are no plans to sell off the zoo, or relocate permanently to the US.

“Australia Zoo has not been sold to Animal Planet, and Terri Irwin is not moving to America,” a spokesperson for the zoo says. “Terri Irwin loves calling Australia home, and is a great tourism ambassador for Australia.”

American-born Terri last week told A Current Affair of her deep affection for her husband’s native country, and that she hopes Bindi will eventually take over the running of the zoo.

“We’ll never leave. We love Australia. We gotta get some red dirt up our nose and go bush every now and then,” she said. “I think Bindi will be the brains and she’ll be running the zoo and she’ll just tell Robert what to jump on and they’ll be a great team.”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale March 24).


Read more about Terri Irwin.

In pictures: Remembering Steve.

Your say:

Do you think Terri’s proposed “Disney feel” would be good for Australia Zoo? Have your say below…

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Rove and Tasma: ‘We’re very happy’

The very private star can no longer hide his feelings for his girlfriend …

Proudly showing off their love at their first official public engagement together, at a Melbourne Comedy Festival event last week, Rove McManus and Tasma Walton looked on top of the world.

With Tasma’s arm draped affectionately around Rove’s shoulder as they posed together in the Green Room, the beaming pair’s intense body language was unmistakable.

An onlooker backstage at Gala: The Arena Spectacular exclusively tells Woman’s Day that the couple appeared finally ready to share their private joy with the world.

“Tasma arrived separately with friends, but came backstage to see Rove in the interval,” the onlooker reveals.

The photos coincide with Rove finally opening up about his commitment to his new love, revealing that he’s so happy again. Even though they’ve been dating since last October, it’s only now that the TV WEEK Gold Logie winner has publicly revealed how his life’s changed since he fell in love with Tasma.

“It’s going well,” the comedian told Sydney newspaper The Daily Telegraph about his relationship with the former Blue Heelers star.

“We are very happy, and I am very happy and it is a nice time and place to be in.”

‘We’re doing well’

Speaking of the intense public interest in the relationship from the beginning, Rove told Adelaide’s The Advertiser. “It’s not conducive to helping a relationship find its feet, it puts a lot of pressure … but we’re doing well, we’re doing well.”

Rove’s career is also enjoying new highs. Not only has he just taken to the stage for a national stand-up tour, he remains one of Australia’s top personalities and his popular show Rove Live is slated for a March 30 return to TV.

Looking happy, fitter and more relaxed than ever after a recent trip to Britain with Tasma, Rove is a far cry from that lonely figure seen after the devastating death of his wife, Belinda Emmett, in November 2006.

For the full story, and the exclusive first official photos of Rove and Tasma, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale March 24).


Read more about Rove.

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