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Help make young diabetics’ lives easier

Watching an energetic Ruby and Hunter Doyle happy at play, you wouldn’t imagine the youngsters are suffering a potentially fatal illness. But the fact is, both of them have Type 1 diabetes.

As if managing diabetes isn’t difficult enough, many young sufferers have also been left traumatised with having to face up to five insulin injections a day.

And when you have a genuine phobia for needles, as many young people do, that’s a lot of fear to endure on a daily basis.

But it need not happen again. Now, thanks to a revolutionary insulin pump, the pain of daily needles has been taken away. Certainly, Ruby and Hunter’s daily experience has improved since they were given a pump, “It has completely changed our lives,” says the kids’ mum, Lisa.

Woman’s Day thought it would Make The Day of the Sydney Children’s Hospital Endocrinology Department, by donating a pump worth $8000.

The Department, with its ever increasing number of young diabetic patients, will give the pump to a special kiddie who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford the life-changing device.

In simple terms, the pump removes any need for insulin to be injected with a needle, as it works by delivering insulin directly into the body via a tube. The insulin is delivered in doses during the day. Whenever the diabetic eats food containing carbs, the pump can calculate the amount of insulin the body needs. This is achieved by entering information into the pump each time the patient eats, or when their blood-glucose levels are high. Nurses help patients learn just how to do this.

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Old soles

Dr Chris Brown answers your pet questions ? submit your own or browse our archives.

“Recently, I have noticed that when my 13-year-old German shepherd Hogan walks, he almost drags his back feet on the ground. Is he getting lazy in his old age?”

? Tamara.

Rather than him being lazy, this is actually a case of miscommunication within his own body. You see, to walk normally there is a constant flow of information between your legs and your brain, to tell you when and where to move your legs. This is called “proprioception”.

However, when age starts to take its toll on the body, it’s a lot like a house with old electrical wiring. Messages either don’t get through as quickly, or sometimes don’t even get through at all, and this proprioception begins to fail.

In Hogan’s case, it means he doesn’t really know where his legs are, so quite often he drags them. This old-age condition of dogs is called a “peripheral neuropathy”, with the classic sign being scuffed and worn-down toenails on his back feet. I would also have Hogan checked for any signs of arthritis (which is treatable), as it can also make moving those creaky old joints a lot more difficult.

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I got my partner sacked

I met my partner, Greg, when I started work as a secretary at a large shopping centre. He was one of the shopping centre handymen, responsible for fixing anything that went wrong and helping out when the different shops had new fit-outs done. He was great at his job and a happy, genuine guy. As soon as we met it was instant attraction and it didn’t take long for us to realise it was love. He moved in with me three months later.

Our relationship was fantastic and I loved my job. The only problem was that Greg wasn’t happy at work. He dreamt of opening his own handyman business and working for himself, but he didn’t believe in himself enough to actually do it. With his friendly personality and the way he could fix anything, I knew his business would be successful.

I tried to convince Greg to give notice and start his business at every opportunity but Greg wasn’t convinced. Although he really wanted to work for himself, he just didn’t have the confidence in himself.

It didn’t help that the other shopping centre handyman, Terry, was lazy and always made sure Greg was blamed for anything that went wrong. Greg regularly came home and told me he’d been told off for some sloppy work that Terry had done. Greg was getting more and more upset with his job, but he still didn’t believe he could make his own business work. It got me so upset seeing my wonderful partner so unhappy and losing confidence by the day.

Then, Greg came home and told me the Operations Manager position was vacant and both he and Terry were applying. When I found out at work that Terry had got the promotion, I snapped. Terry was rude to work with, mean and such a terrible tradesman. I just couldn’t believe he had been promoted ahead of Greg.

Still, Greg wouldn’t quit. So I finally took things into my own hands. I knew the only way Greg was going to leave his job was if he was sacked, so I decided I’d make sure it happened.

Greg and Terry had been helping with a shop fit-out and had gone home for the day. I was doing some overtime in the office late one night. I snuck out of the office when the centre manager was on the phone and went to where the guys had been doing their work. I grabbed some of their expensive tools and equipment and dragged them to the outside of the shopping centre so it looked like the tools hadn’t been put away.

I had half of them out, when the centre manager came up behind me unexpectedly. He was furious and I thought in that instant that the only person being fired would be me! I was so lucky. The centre manager immediately assumed I’d been trying to drag the tools back inside the shopping centre and that I was trying to cover up the fact that Greg or Terry hadn’t locked their work tools away so they couldn’t be stolen. The manager was furious and gave me a real telling-off for trying to protect the men.

The next morning, the manager called Greg and Terry into his office to ask them to explain their carelessness. Terry immediately put all the blame on Greg and said he knew nothing about the tools being left outside. It was finally too much for Greg. He was so furious that, once again, he was going to take the blame for something he didn’t do. So he quit on the spot and walked out.

As soon as I got home from work that day, I found Greg at home on the phone organising business cards and a leaflet drop in our community to advertise his new handyman business.

It’s now been six months and Greg’s business has taken off and he’s doing really well. The customers have been really pleased with the quality of his work and love having him around for a bit of a chat too! Greg is the happiest I’ve ever known him and he’s so successful now that I’ve quit my job at the shopping centre as well and I now work for Greg.

Although I’d never tell him the truth, I know getting Greg sacked was the best thing I have ever done for him. He’s happy, confident and it’s done no harm to his bank account either!

Picture: Getty Images. Posed by model.

Your say: Would you meddle with your partner’s job if it was for his/her own good? Have your say about this true confession below…

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Baby Montana kidnap horror

How the family is coping three years on…

By Megan Norris

Pictures: Matt Deller

Just three weeks old, baby Montana was snatched from her mother and later left for dead in a derelict building. She was returned to her family with a shaved head, which the kidnappers had done to hide her identity — but for her mother Anita Ciancio the nightmare was far from over. Anita talks exclusively to Woman’s Day about the aftermath.

Young mum Anita Ciancio wakes in a cold sweat, trapped in the recurring nightmare that has invaded her dreams for the past three-and-a-half years.

“It’s always the same awful dream and it’s so real, it leaves me shaking and gasping for air,” says the 30-year-old Melbourne mother of two. “I hear bathwater and see my new baby screaming for me. Then I see giant, filthy, men’s hands — a stranger’s hands — washing my baby. And the screaming gets louder and louder until I wake up sobbing.”

Anita’s terrifying dreams started back in August 2004, when her three-week-old baby daughter, Montana, was snatched from her capsule in a Melbourne shopping centre car park.

Initially thought to be a mob-related payback — Montana’s dad is drug trafficker Guiseppe (Joe) Barbaro — the kidnapping sparked a massive police hunt and made headlines around the country. Although Anita was reunited with her little girl, who was found abandoned in a derelict house 40 hours later, the agony of those missing days still haunts her.

In February this year, jailed kidnappers Cheryl McEachran and her husband Mark were each ordered to pay the mother of Montana, now 3, and Sienna, 5, $10,000 in compensation. But that has done nothing to lessen Anita’s anger towards them.

“It was a callous crime that robbed my two little girls of their mother and turned me into a reclusive, suicidal mess,” Anita tells Woman’s Day in her first interview since the hearing.

“What’s worse is that while Mark McEachran will pay a lump sum of $10,000 from assets seized by authorities [when his nine-year jail term is up], his wife will be forced to compensate me in instalments beginning six months after her [eight-year] jail sentence ends.

“So while they invaded my life once, this ruling means they’ll be in it for years to come. I’ll never be able to move on.”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale March 31).

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Brad and Ange: already married?

The Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie rumour mill went into overdrive last week amid reports the couple had secretly married.

But despite the claims they formalised their union in an intimate ceremony in New Orleans, the rumours were met with numerous denials from family and friends.

News of the nuptials surfaced after a US magazine reported that the couple wed at the French Quarter Wedding Chapel in New Orleans, in a small, family-only ceremony — despite competing claims that they were in Texas at the time.

While sources close to the Hollywood couple furiously denied the numerous reports, speculation was reignited late last week after Brad was seen wearing a ring on his wedding finger.

Friends have repeatedly tried to hose down claims of a secret wedding, but Brad’s rep remained tight-lipped when pressed on the couple’s marriage status.

“I have no idea,” claimed Cindy Guagenti. “I have nothing to do with any of this.”

Family-only affair

Insiders say ultra-private Brad and Ange — who tiptoed around officially revealing their romance for more than a year — would be unlikely to confirm their wedding, especially in light of Brad’s previous claim that he would not marry Ange unless gays were also legally allowed to wed in the US. “Ange and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able,” he told US magazine Esquire in 2006.

But it is believed that growing pressure from eldest son Maddox, 6, and an increasing desire to formalise their union before Ange gives birth to twins in June, are making them reconsider.

The couple have long talked of having a low-key ceremony, with Ange telling Brad that if they were going to wed, there would be none of the extravagance that accompanied his 2000 wedding to Jennifer Aniston.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale April 7).


Read more about Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt or Jennifer Aniston.

Your say:

Do you think Ange and Brad should be married?

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In the mag – April 14, 2008

On sale Monday April 7, 2008

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Tom Cruise has warned his emotionally fragile wife Katie Holmes he’ll take their daughter Suri if the troubled actress can’t withstand the demands of their celebrity lifestyle.

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Tom tells Katie: ‘I’m taking Suri’

Tom Cruise has warned his emotionally fragile wife Katie Holmes he’ll take their daughter Suri if the troubled actress can’t withstand the demands of their celebrity lifestyle.

Struggling under the intense pressure of being Mrs Tom Cruise, an increasingly gaunt and confused Katie has recently been plagued by blinding headaches and frightening fainting spells.

With her emotional torment threatening to overwhelm her, Tom has laid down the law — telling his wife to shape up or risk being sidelined as a mum.

“Tom has been patient with Katie, supportive of her feelings and how she needed to get used to her new life. But he feels enough is enough,” says a source.

Katie’s attempts to revive her career — and her independence — by taking a part in the Broadway show All My Sons already appear to be coming unstuck, with Tom warning that the six-nights-a-week commitment will mean less time with Suri.

“If Katie takes on a huge commitment like that it means that they would be leading separate lives for an extended period,” says a source.

“He is taking control back from Katie the only way he knows how — by telling her that if she doesn’t pull herself together, their marriage is doomed. He has even gone as far as to warn Katie: ‘I’m taking Suri with me if our marriage falls apart’.”

Frail and confused

Katie’s role in little Suri’s life has come under increasing scrutiny in recent months, with mother and daughter not seen in public together since mid-January. While Katie is reported to be struggling with her child’s behaviour, a relaxed Tom was last week seen taking his daughter — who turns two next week — to an LA park, with Katie nowhere in sight.

“With Katie’s frail state, Suri is just too much to handle,” a source told US magazine Star.

Katie’s fragility has become increasingly apparent of late. When the actress lunched at one of her favourite restaurants, Joan’s On Third, on March 17 it was obvious that something was terribly wrong. She seemed exhausted, her skin was pale, and she looked feeble and emaciated.

Around the time of her episode at Joan’s, she fainted as she got out of her car at the Scientology Celebrity Center, says a source. To make matters worse, “She has done the Fat Flush — which involves drinking a lot of pure cranberry juice — several times,” the source told Star. “She’s obsessed with being thin no matter the cost. When she goes out to eat, you see her only picking at her food.”

Small triumph

Compounding the pressure is the fact that Tom, 45, regularly goes off on his own for days at a time, leaving Katie, 29, and Suri in the hands of Scientology minders, says a source. Katie even revealed in a recent interview that Tom “works for 48 hours straight [and then] comes home”.

An already-fragile Katie is only adding to her frustration by looking for small ways to fight A-list excesses. She’s said to have refused Tom’s idea of a $550,000 party for Suri’s 2nd birthday on April 18 — complete with a Cirque du Soleil performance — in favour of a smaller affair.

Despite all the advantages of marriage to a multimillionaire like Tom, Katie has found they can’t buy true happiness — especially as she contemplates a shrinking role in Suri’s life.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale April 7).


Read more about Katie Holmes.

Your say:

Do you think Tom has gone too far?

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