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Beat the arvo slump

Photos by Getty Images

Afternoon cravings can easily unravel all the good work you’ve completed on your morning power walk, healthy breakfast and lunch. Instead of heading for the chocolate fix to boost energy levels and prevent the afternoon slump, check out these alternatives:

Nut it out

Even though nuts are high in ‘good’ fat, they are also high in fibre and protein and offer appetite satisfaction in a small serve size. Research shows that portion controlled nuts can be successfully included in weight loss diets.

Get the nut habit:

  • Pour some nuts into a small Tupperware container and snack on them throughout the day. Make sure it’s a small container to hold just a handful of nuts – this way you won’t over eat!

  • Many sandwich shops are now making sandwiches which include nuts. Try it for a crunchy take on the normal sanga!

  • If you’re going to a business lunch, look for menu items which include nuts, you’ll be surprised at the innovative ways nuts can be used

  • Share some nuts with your work colleagues for meetings and tea breaks rather than pastries/ biscuits

Yummy yogurt

New research published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, showed that a higher dairy consumption was associated with greater weight loss and a greater decrease in waist circumference. The study supports previous clinical trials which showed that the inclusion of three daily serves of dairy in a weight-reducing diet leads to substantially more weight and body fat loss than a similar diet that only includes one daily serve of dairy. The low glycemic index and protein content of yogurt makes it a particularly good afternoon snack.

Boost your yogurt intake:

  • Snack on fat free yogurt or low fat yogurt drinks between meals

  • Dollop low fat natural Greek style yogurt on kebabs, curries and tagines

  • Add yogurt and fruit to breakfast cereal

  • Use vanilla, creamy yogurt as an alternative to cream in meringues and healthier desserts.

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*Certain Girls*

Certain Girls by Jennifer Weiner

Exclusive extract from Certain Girls by Jennifer Weiner.

When I was a kid, our small-town paper published wedding announcements, with descriptions of the ceremonies and dresses and pictures of the brides. Two of the disc jockeys on one of the local radio stations would spend Monday morning picking through the photographs and nominating the Bow-Wow Bride, the woman they deemed the ugliest of all the ladies who’s taken their vows in the Philadelphia region over the weekend. The grand prize was a case of Alpo. I heard the disc jockeys doing this on my way home from the dentist’s office one morning — “Uh-oh, bottom of page J-6, and yes…yes, I think we have a contender!” Jockey One said, and his companion snickered and replied, “There’s not a veil big enough to hide that mess.” “Wide bride! Wide bride!” Jockey One chanted before my mother changed the station back to NPR with an angry flick of her wrist. After that, I became more than a little obsessed with the contest. I would pore over the black-and-white head shots each Sunday morning as if I’d been quizzed on them later. Was the one in the middle ugly? Worse than the one in the upper-right-hand corner? Were the blondes always prettier than the brunettes? Did being fat automatically mean you were ugly? I’d rate the pictures and fume about how unfair it was, how just being born with a certain face or body could turn you into a punch line. Then I’d worry for the winner. Was then dog food actually delivered to the couple’s door? Would they return from the honeymoon and find it there, or would a well-meaning parent or friend try to hide it? How would the bride feel when she saw that she’d won? How would her husband feel, knowing that he’d chosen the ugliest girl in Philadelphia on any given weekend, to love and to cherish, until death did them part?

I wasn’t sure of much back then, but I knew that when — if — I got married, there was no I’d put a picture in the paper. I was pretty certain, at thirteen, that I had more in common with the bow-wows than the beautiful brides, and I was positive that the worst thing that could happen to any woman would be winning that contest.

Now, of course, I know better. The worst thing would be not be a couple of superannuated pranksters on a ratings-challenged radio station oinking at your picture and depositing dog food at your door. The worst thing would be if they did it to your daughter.

I’m exaggerating, of course. And I’m not really worried. I looked across the room at the dance floor, just beginning to get crowded as the b’nai mitzvah guests dropped off their coats, feeling my heart lift at the sight of my daughter, my beautiful girl, dancing the hora in a circle of his friends. Joy will turn thirteen in May and is, in my own modest and completely unbiased opinion, the loveliest girl ever born. She inherited the best things I had to offer – my olive skin, which stays tan from early spring straight through December, and my green eyes. She also has my ex-boyfriend’s good looks: his straight nose and full lips, his dirty-blond hair, which, on Joy, came out as ringlets the deep gold of clover honey. My chest plus my ex-boyfriend Bruce’s skinny hips and lean legs combined to create the kind of body I always figured available only thanks to divine or surgical intervention.

I walked to one of the three bars set along the edges of the room and ordered a vodka and cranberry juice from the bartender, a handsome young man looking miserable in a ruffled pale blue polyester tuxedo shirt and bell-bottoms. At least he didn’t look as tormented as the waitress beside him, in a mermaid costume, with seashells and fake kelp in her hair. Todd had wanted a retro ‘seventies’ theme for the party celebrating his entry into Jewish adulthood. His twin sister, Tamsin, an aspiring marine biologist, hadn’t wanted a theme at all and had grudgingly muttered the word “ocean” the eleventh time her mother had asked her. In between preparty visits to Dr. Hammermesh to have her breasts enlarged, her thighs reduced, and the millimeters of excess flesh between her eyes eliminated, Shari Marmer, the twin’s mom, had come up with a compromise. On this icy night in January, Shari and her husband, Scott, were hosting three hundred of her nearest and dearest at the National Constitution Center to celebrate at Studio 54 Under the Sea.

I passed beneath a doorway draped with fake seaweed and strands of dark blue beads and wandered towards the table at the room’s entrance. My place card had my name stenciled in elaborate script on the back of scallop shell. Said shell contained a T&T medallion, for Tasmin and Todd. I squinted at the shell and learned that my husband, Peter, and I would be sitting at Donna Summer. Joy hadn’t picked up her shell yet. I peered at the whirling mass of coltish girls until I saw Joy in her knee-length dark blue dress, performing some kind of complicated line dance, hands clapping, hips rocking. As I watched, a boy detached himself from a cluster of his friends, crossed the room with his hands shoved in his pockets, and said something to my daughter. Joy nodded and let him take her hand as he led her underneath the strobe that cast cool bubbles of bluish light. My Joy, I thought as the boy shifted him weight from foot to foot, looking like he was in desperate need of the bathroom. It isn’t politically correct to say so, but in the real world good looks function as a get-out-of-everything-free card. Beauty clears your path, it smoothes the way, it holds the door open, it makes people forgive you when your homework’s late or you bring the car home with the gas gauge on E. Joy’s adolescence would be so much easier than mine.

Except… except.

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Madonna at 50

Photo by Getty Images

On the eve of her 50th birthday and the launch of a new album, the enduring pop diva is as busy, formidable and focused as ever, writes J. Randy Taraborrelli in the May issue of The Weekly.

Take a look at Madonna throughout her fabulous career and life here.

She’s made it not by being good at one or two things, but by excelling at just about everything. She’s sold millions of records. She’s performed around the world in record-breaking concert tours. She’s made movies. She’s appeared in theatre. She’s written a series of children’s books. She even made her directorial debut with the recently released Filth and Wisdom. In fact, Forbes magazine recently placed her at number one on their list of the highest grossing female musicians, noting that last year she raked in $79million. And she’s not done yet.

Last year, she signed a $137.5million deal with concert promotion company Live Nation, not just for concerts and tour merchandising, but also for future recordings. It’s one of the biggest contracts in the history of the entertainment business. In April, she released her 11th studio album, Hard Candy, produced by Justin Timberlake and hip-hop stars Timbaland and Pharrell Williams. She also plans to embark on yet another major concert tour before the end of the year.

Somewhere in the midst of all her professional achievements, Madonna also managed to attain balance in her life. She married twice – the second time a success – and became a mother. And – believe it or not – she turns 50 on August 16. Indeed, if ever a woman could stake a claim to having done it all by the time she reaches that milestone in life, it would have to be this one.

So, how does she do it? “It’s simple, but it’s not easy,” she once said.

For the full story on Madonna, pick up a copy of the May issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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Audrey Tautou: the new face of Chanel

French darling Audrey Tautou has been announced as the new face of Chanel No. 5, one of the great fashion house’s most iconic scents.

Chanel has a history of high-profile, expensive ad campaigns and if Baz Lurhman’s efforts have set any kind of precedent, then great things are expected of this next No. 5 commercial for Chanel which will be shot by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, the man who directed Tautou in her oscar nominated role in the film Amelie.

Chanel has long been associated with iconic women such as Marilyn Monroe, Catherine Deneuve, Carol Bouquet, Candice Bergen, Vanessa Paradis, Nicole Kidman, Claudia Schiffer, Kate Moss and recently, English rose Keira Knightly to front Coco Mademoiselle.

Chanel and movie fans alike will be waiting with bated breath to catch a glimpse of popular French actress Audrey Tautou in the new No. 5 collaboration between Chanel and Jeunet. The commercial makes its debut in 2009.

As the first and most famous signature scent of Coco Chanel, No. 5 was introduced to the world in 1921 and was internationally popular with women of high society. Supposedly, her famous perfume was a result of Coco’s superstitions as she was scheduled to show her collection on the fifth day of the fifth month. We certainly pay thanks to those superstitions with women (and men) all around the world delighting in her iconic frangrance. The composition of Chanel No. 5 is :

  • Top notes : Neroli from Grasse (flower of the bitter orange tree), Ylang-Ylang from the Comoros, Aldehydes.

  • Middle notes : Grasse Jasmine, May Rose.

  • Base notes : Sandalwood note, Vetiver from Réunion, Vanilla from Réunion (Bourbon Vanilla).

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60 seconds with Sami Lukis

Sami Lukis is one busy lady! Debuting as a weather girl on The Today Show, Sami moved to presenting on Ten’s Totally Wild, before switching to radio to join Merrick and Rosso on Nova 96.9FM. These days, Sami is back in her home town of Brisbane, working on Triple M’s The Cage. Here, she gives The Weekly a 60-second insight into her loves, loathes and her exciting new job.

You have just become the face of Optimal Skin care. How did this come about and what are your favourite products?

A: I discovered Optimal at a skincare launch about 12 months ago and fell it love with the products from the moment I started using them. When the company heard that I was a genuine fan of the product, they approached me to help promote the brand. My favourite products are the Optimal Skin Cream – it keeps my face hydrated and moisturised all day – even after applying it at 4am before I go to work. The Optimal Eye Cream is the best I’ve ever used. It actually does help to smooth out those cheeky little wrinkles that start appearing in your 30s.

Three things that make you tick?

A: My dog Lolli — She’s my angel, and she makes me laugh every single day. Work — I absolutely love the challenge of my job and I adore the people I work with. Good coffee — I can’t live without it.

What are your favourite Aussie fashion labels?

A: Eileen Kirby does great frocks … Jayson Brunsdon for full on glam … Neil Grigg milliner for the most beautiful hats & fascinators … Lorna Jane for gymwear …

With all your radio experience you’re definitely in the know about the latest and greatest in music. What’s on high rotation in your CD player/IPod right now?

A: Shock Value, Timbaland … Justin Timberlake, Future Sex/Love SoundsAlbertine, Brooke Fraser … The Dutchess, Fergie.

You never leave home without…?

A: My mobile. I left my mobile in the Qantas club a few weeks ago enroute to Sydney and being without it for 24 hours felt like I’d moved to a distant planet.

What’s your motto(s) in life?

A: Life’s too short to drink bad champagne or wear bad shoes.

Book that changed your life?

A: In my early 20s, it was A Guide for the Advanced Soul — a book of inspirational quotes. One of my favourites was : ” You cannot discover new oceans until you have courage to lose sight of the shore”. More recently it was a book called Marley and Me — it’s such an emotional read! You MUST read this book if you’re a dog owner or dog lover. I’m not sure it would have had the same impact on me before Lolli came into my life. But at the end of this book I was sobbing so hard, I couldnt’ see the words on the page through my tears.

What do you wish you had more time to do?

A: Travel. There’s nothing better than seeing the world !

Food you allow yourself to indulge in?

A: It would probably be wine and champagne rather than food. I’m a sucker for great NZ Sav Blancs & French Champagne … always.

Favourite thing to do on a lazy Sunday?

A: When I’m in Sydney I really enjoy spending Sunday afternoons at North Bondi Italian having a rowdy lunch with a big table of friends.

Most memorable career point to date?

A:The highlight of my career would have to be the time I spent on The Today Show — travelling the country presenting the weather from all kinds of weird and wonderful places. I saw so much of our beautiful country and I thoroughly enjoyed every single moment in that job!

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Cat bite

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A garden for free

Photo: Getty Images

A gorgeous garden costs money – or does it? All our garden plants once grew wild – and managed to create new plants all by themselves.

Some of today’s plants are hybrids – if you collect their seed they won’t grow like their parents. But a surprising number of common garden plants are veryeasy to grow – and a great way to

a. have fun and,

b. fill your garden with flowers and greenery for nothing.

How to find the plants you need:

Ask! Most gardeners love giving away seeds and cuttings. Even gardeners tending public gardens will often give away prunings in winter, especially rose prunings, which will grow if you stick them in the ground. One batch of prunings can give you a dozen glorious rose bushes!

Or… have a go. At the most you’ll lose a few minutes work. But at best you’ll end up with a fascinating hobby, healthy exercise – and a garden that gives you fulfilment and joy.

Helpful hints


This is the easiest way of all to grow new plants. You just take a bit of plant, put it in the ground, and wait for it to grow – in fact, many times it will be just that simple. Plants like geraniums (pelargoniums), wormwood, santolina and lavender rarely fail. Other times you will need to know what time of year to put the cutting in.

If you can, take cuttings on a cool, wet or overcast day; this way they’ll lose less moisture. Plant them as soon as you can. If you’re not going to plant straightaway, put the cuttings in a plastic bag and place it in the refrigerator, wrap the ends in damp newspaper, or put cuttings in a vase of water. Any plant with a milky sap, though, like figs, frangipanis and cacti, should be left to dry for a couple of days to minimise the risk of rotting. Use a sharp knife if possible or cut the end straight before planting the cutting in a pot of potting mix or clean sand, as loose bits can rot.

An easy way of planting cuttings is to press the cutting against the edge of a flowerpot, then pour in sand. This way the cutting is held firmly, and the hard edge of the pot and the earth outside help to stimulate root development.

Collecting seed from annual flowers:

This is simple. Wait until the flowers on a bush are dying, then either tie a paper bag around them to catch the seed. You can pull dying annual flowers out by the roots, then tie them up in a sheltered spot (like a shed or veranda) with a paper bag round the flower to collect the seed as it falls.

There are a few common trees and shrubs to try. Here are few easy ways to grow some common garden plants – without spending any money.


Divide clumps in spring or when the bamboo is sprouting (this can happen after rain rather than in spring) so that each clump has at least one new shoot. The outside growth – furthest from the centre – is usually the most vigorous. Warning: make sure your bamboo is a non-invasive species – not one that will become a pest!


Most Banksia cones have to be heated to release the seeds. Leave them in the oven at 120°C for an hour or till the seeds are ejected. Cover pots with glass or plastic till they germinate. Try not to disturb the roots of the young seedlings.

Birch (Betula sp):

Collect seed in autumn and sow at once in sandy soil. Don’t cover the seeds deeply- they are fine and papery. Keep them moist, preferably covered with a glass jar in semi shade or in a greenhouse.


Take cuttings in summer and early autumn of new growth with a heel- a hunk of stem. Trim them back to about 200cm. Plant them as deeply as you can in shady soil in semi shade under an inverted jar.


Take cuttings should be of last year’s growth with a small heel in early to mid winter. Place a little sand at the bottom of each hole and plant out in the garden. Pinch out the top in spring to encourage them to bush out.


Pick the ‘seed heads’ – the dead flowers that have dried out on the bush. Open them up and you’ll find the seed.


Sow camellia seed as soon as the pod slits; sow in sandy soil in semi shade covered with an inverted. Camellia Japonica grows easily from cuttings. Take cuttings from the ends of the branches, about as long as your hand, in late summer. A rooting powder will help them take, but isn’t essential. Place in sandy soil or one part sand to one of peat moss.

Callistemon (Bottlebrush):

These grow easily from seed. Leave the seed capsules in a warm place to open. Sow in sandy soil.

Canna Lily:

Canna lilies tolerate light frost. Dig up the rapidly spreading rhizomes or roots in winter; cut into several pieces, each with at least one bud, and replant the pieces.

Chilean Bell Flower (Lapageria):

Collect seed in late autumn. Keep it in the fridge and plant in spring. It should germinate in a couple of weeks.

Christmas Rose (Hellebores):

Christmas rose does best in cool to temperate climates with plenty or organic matter in the soil. They survive drought wonderfully. Collect ripe seed; this often sows itself. The varieties cross easily unless you protect them from cross-pollination, which can be great fun, as you’ll end up with interesting variations. Large clumps can also be divided in autumn or spring.


Chrysanthemums sucker. Dig them out in winter and divide up the clumps. They can also be grown from cuttings, which is useful if you want to take a small piece from a friend’s garden.

Cuttings produce new, vigorous root systems and often have a better display of flowers than divided plants. Take cuttings, about 70 mm long, in spring, from the tips of stems. Remove the bottom leaves and plant the cutting up to halfway in sandy soil, or a mixture of half sand and half potting mix or peat.


Take cuttings in late summer with at least three nodes- those bumpy bits. Cover cuttings with a big glass, to help keep them moist. Keep in shade.


Dahlias can be grown from seed, tubers or cuttings. Collect the dead flower heads in autumn and dry them then shake out the seed. Sow the seed in spring. It should germinate in 1 to 2 weeks.

Tubers can be separated in late winter or early spring, and replanted. You can also take dahlia cuttings. Take these from new growth in spring, with a bit of the last season’s stalk. Cuttings without stalk will grow for one season, but probably won’t produce a tuber and reappear in the next year. Shake dead dahlia heads in autumn to collect the dahlia seed.

Warning: tall, single dahlias grown from seed may become a weed, and wind blown seedlings will come up everywhere. Avoid near bushland.


Daphne usually doesn’t set seed. If it does, plant it.

Daphne cuttings have a reputation for being hard to strike. Make sure they are taken at the right time- mid summer, from new growth that can just be snapped rather than bent. They should be about 75 mm long and cut just below a node. Place them as deep as you can in two parts sand to one of good soil or peat moss; water and cover with an inverted jar. Don’t let them dry out. They should start to root within six weeks.

Figs (Ficus sp):

Take cuttings of young branches. Some figs sucker, and these can be uprooted.


Collect seed about six months after flowering.

Geranium (Pelargonium) and true geraniums:

Geraniums and pelargoniums are incredibly easy to grow from cuttings. Leave the cuttings in water at any time to root or place them in a pot of soil and within days new roots will form, as long as they aren’t subjected to intense heat or cold. Seed often sets, though seedlings may vary from their parents, but this is a good way to increase your range of plants.

Ginger Lily (Hedychium):

Divide the rhizomes in early spring.


Place a paper bag over the green capsules – seeds quickly drop when the capsules turn brown. Seed is often scarce and may not germinate well.


Take cuttings from the tips, about 50-70mm long from spring to mid summer. Plant in sandy soil in semi shade, preferably with an inverted glass cover or in a shade house. Keep moist: a spray several times a day is best. They should root in three weeks.

Larger cuttings can be taken in winter. They strike readily but are slower growing than tip cuttings.


Take cuttings of new wood than can just be snapped, about as long as your hand. Cut them just below a node.

Honeysuckle (Loniceras):

Cut stems into lengths with at least two nodes in late autumn early winter; plant deeply; then watch it invade the neighbourhood. (Suitable only for pots on patios, well away from bushland!)


Take cuttings of evergreen hibiscus in spring of firm snappable wood. The deciduous hibiscuses should be cut in winter, with a heel.


Take cuttings in winter, with a heel; place some sand at the bottom of each hole and plant in the garden in semi shade. Keep moist. Semi mature cuttings can be taken in mid summer. Cut off all but the top two leaves. Plant in sandy soil, keep in the semi shade.


Cuttings can be taken at any time of the year, though autumn cuttings take best. Cut sections of the stems so that they have at least two nodes. Plant them deeply. They strike very easily. Warning: most jasmines become a pest. They’re best only grown in pots on patios.

Knifophera, red-hot pokers:

These grow from division or seed. Warning: avoid the big red old fashioned varieties, as they can produce self sown seedlings that soon become weeds, both in the garden and near bushland, especially in wet years. Older plants are more likely to produce viable seed.

Leptospermum (Tea tree):

Collect the seeds as soon as the capsules ripen. The seeds are very fine and may have to be collected in a paper bag placed over the ripening fruit. Most cultivated leptospermums are hybrids and won’t come true to type.

Take cuttings in late summer or autumn. Take short growth with a hee – a bit of stem – about 50 mm long, and plant in sandy soil under a glass jar.

Lilies (Lilium):

All lilies grow easily from seed, which must be sown when very fresh. Lilies hybridise and seedlings may not be true-to-type. More accurate reproduction is by planting the scales from the bulbs; do this as soon as you can after they flower.

Warning: avoid liliums near bushland especially in high rainfall areas, as they can become a weed. ANY lilium may become a weed near rainforest or wet or swampy areas.

Magnolia (Magnolia sp):

Take cuttings 10cm long in late winter and root in humid conditions – moist soil with a plastic bag over it.

Marguerite Daisy (Chrysanthemum):

Marguerite daisy grows easily – just snap off a bit of wood and plant. If it won’t snap, just bends, then find a bit of thicker wood on the bush that will snap. This is best done in autumn, winter or spring, but summer cuttings often take too.


Collect seed in late autumn; plant in spring. Most seed germinates in a week or two, and seedlings flower after two or three years.


Palms are usually grown from seed. These must be as fresh as possible. Place in sandy soil, one to a pot- palm seedlings shouldn’t be disturbed. Keep them moist and warm. Coconuts are also palm seeds; dates can be grown from fresh date seed. You need warm soil for seed to germinate.

Philadelphus (mock orange):

Winter is the best timer to take cuttings, but they will probably take at any time. Cuttings can be quite large, especially in winter, and can be planted straight into the ground.


Take cuttings about 100cm long in late summer/early autumn, with a small heel. They should take in ordinary soil, but you can improve their chances with rooting powder and sprayed with water every day.


Collect seeds from the open pine cones. Plant seed in spring.


Collect seeds from very ripe fruit; remove the seeds and keep them in the fridge till spring. Cuttings from deciduous prunus should be taken in winter, about 200mm long. Plant into sand.


Take cuttings in later summer/early autumn, about the size of your hand, taken from the top of strongly growing branches. Cut just below a bud. Keep moist and well drained; mist spray every day. Some proteas take better than others. They may also be grown from seed.

Rhododendrons and azaleas:

Collect the seedpods when they start to turn brown. Sow the following spring, preferably on peat moss or hummus rich soil. Keep moist and in semi shade, especially after the seeds have germinated.

Most varieties will grow from cuttings in late summer or early autumn. Take tip growth- about 30 cm- with or without a heel. Keep moist- preferably spray them several times a day. Keep in semi shade. They may take three months to root.


The easiest way to grow roses is from cuttings. They will also grow from seed. Roses don’t breed true from seed- though you may get interesting variations. They may take many years to flower, but some may bloom in two or three years. Miniature roses however come reasonably true to type and can flower the first year. Packets of rose seed are sometimes commercially available; otherwise take mature rose hips, chop them and soak them till they ferment and the seeds rise to the surface. Sow in spring.

Most roses take very easily from cuttings. A half sand half potting mix is the best soil combination, though a friend does well with cuttings in pure sand- and the prunings I just stick in the ground under the apple trees seem to take almost as well. Hybrid teas, especially yellow hybrid teas, are not supposed to form sturdy root systems from cuttings, but I have never found this a problem. Old fashioned and rambling roses give almost 100 percent success from cuttings, as do miniatures. The latter may flower in the first year.

Cuttings should be about as long as you’re hand- or as long as your finger for miniatures. Trim the cuttings to a leaf bud, dip in hormone powder if you want to, remove lower leaves and thorns, keeping two leaves or leaf buds at least, then bury two thirds of it, just up to the first leaf. Keep the cuttings out of direct sunlight. Don’t transplant them for at least a year.

Breeding a new rose:

This is fun, even if you don’t get a show specimen. First choose a seed parent and a pollen parent. Choose roses whose characteristics you’d like to keep. Now choose a rose on your seed plant that is half open. Remove all the petals, pick off the anthers with a pair of tweezers, and wrap a paper bag over what’s left of the flower.

The next day cut a rose from the other parent; pull off the petals; brush the anthers against the stigmas then put the paper bag back. Take the paper bag off after a fortnight. Wait for the hip to ripen in autumn- don’t wait till they are shrivelled. Bury them in moist potting mix in pot and leave out in the frost over winter.

Bring the pot inside in early spring; dig up the seeds and squeeze them into a saucer of water. The ones that float are infertile. Sow the ones at the bottom. Some of these will flower the first year. Get rid of any spindly plants or ones with poor flowers. You can either let the good ones grow or bud them onto other roses.


Rub seeds with sand before sowing- and be prepared to wait a year. Take cuttings of the side shoots in mid summer; plant in 5 parts sand to one part compost or peat moss; keep moist under a glass jar.

Waratahs (Telopea):

Sow seed in spring; one to a pot as they can easily be killed if the roots are disturbed when transplanting. Use a sandy soil. The seedlings are prone to damping off. Add sand to potting mix; keep in an airy non-humid spot.

Wattle (Acacia):

Sow seeds in spring. Rub seeds between sandpaper for a few minutes first to scratch their hard coating. Wattle seeds can also be heated in a non-oiled frying pan till a couple burst; then plant the rest. Soaking in warm water over night speeds up the germination. Wait about three weeks for seeds to germinate.


Collect seed in late autumn/ early winter. Soak in hot water for three days before sowing in early spring. Seedlings take about 4 years to flower. Take cuttings in late spring from short laterals on the bottom of the vine. Keep moist and in semi shade and mist spray every day.

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The world’s most evil mums

Losing a child is the worst nightmare for most mothers … but a few, such as Karen Matthews, have sacrificed their kids for so-called ‘love’.

Until last week, Karen Matthews was one of the most pitied mums in the UK. Now she’s easily the most hated.

Karen, 32, had the entire nation behind her after she tearfully declared her daughter Shannon was missing.

Shannon, 9, had last been seen after a school swimming trip on February 19, near her family’s home in modest Dewsbury Moor, a suburb of the town of Dewsbury in west Yorkshire.

As the weeks rolled on, Karen became a household name as she continually begged the public to look out for her child. Meanwhile, her supporters prayed for young Shannon, fearing the worst.

Not since the hunt for mass killer the Yorkshire Ripper in the 1970s had local police mounted such a massive search. More than 6000 people were interviewed in an operation costing more than $2 million.

With the disappearance of toddler Madeleine McCann, who vanished in Portugal a year earlier, still scarring the nation’s psyche, millions hoped poor Shannon would be found alive.

Finally, after a harrowing 24 days, those prayers were answered. Shannon was found, alive, trapped in a drawer under a bed at the home of family friend, Michael Donovan, less than two kilometres from her home. Donovan, 39, is the uncle of Karen Matthews’ live-in boyfriend Craig Meehan, 22.

While the nation breathed a collective sigh of relief, the police were still hard at work to get to the bottom of the investigation. What they found has made news around the world.

Craig Meehan was arrested after child pornography was found on his home computer — and Karen was also arrested by the police and accused of concocting the ordeal and knowing where her “missing” child was the entire time.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale April 21).

Save our kids:

Sign the Woman’s Day petition against child abuse.

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60 years of celebs: Then and now

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

For some, stardom is fleeting. But others go the distance — we get to see them grow and change across the decades. So how much have they changed? How enduring is their image? You be the judge in our gallery of celebs then and now.

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David Beckham’s birthday

David Robert Joseph Beckham was born May 2, 1975, in Leytonstone, England.

In the 1996/97 season when he played for Manchester United, he famously scored a goal from the halfway line. It wasn’t long before he became a household name. Becks began his career at age 11 when he attended soccer school where he impressed coaches with his natural ability.

He has also impressed many with his athletic physique.

David impressed one person in particular — Victoria Adams, now Beckham. The couple that became known affectionately as “Posh and Becks” are pictured here in October 1999 as fresh-faced newlyweds. Together they built an empire.

Like his fashionista wife, Becks is known for his trend-setting. The white suit, such as this one he wore to the 2003 MTV Movie Awards, became a signature look for him.

With cutting-edge outfits and hairstyles changing more often than Posh’s, Becks was one of the first “metrosexuals”.

Becoming captain of England’s World Cup football team was a highlight of Becks’ career.

Everyone wanted a piece of Becks, including Pepsi. This ad was set in the mystical underworld of Hong Kong, and was dubbed “the most explosive Pepsi commercial ever”. It also starred singers J.Lo and Beyoncé.

Posh and Becks enthusiasts were all watching what Becks would do with his hair next.

A father of three boys, Becks is also known as a devoted dad. Here, David celebrates with Brooklyn, Cruz and Romeo after his team Real Madrid won Primera Liga title 2007.

Celebrating a Manchester United championship victory with little Brooklyn.

Posh and Becks pose with Bob Geldof at “Live 8 London” in July 2005. The concerts preceded the G8 summit raising awareness for MAKEpovertyHISTORY.

At the time they relocated to Los Angeles, the Beckhams were the most famous British ex-pats. David, Victoria, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz left for the US on July 12, 2007.

Becks started his LA Galaxy team, as well as an LA branch of The David Beckham Academy — a new football school focusing on the development of young players.

Posh and Becks have another celebrity couple keeping them company in LA — Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise.

Brooklyn, David and Romeo Beckham have become regulars at LA Lakers basketball games.

Victoria Beckham is one fashionista who isn’t afraid to step out in bright colours — not to mention a pair of sky-high heels!

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