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In the mag – June 2, 2008

On sale Monday May 26, 2008

Celebrity kids in therapy

In Hollywood, kids are never too young to see a therapist — more and more are getting the help of counsellors to deal with their problems.

Guy Sebastian’s wedding joy

The Australian Idol takes the plunge and marries his childhood sweetheart Jules Egan.

Hat’s terrible, Bea!

Princess Beatrice almost upstages the bride at her cousin’s wedding, while her mum Fergie slams cruel jibes.

Huey’s 10th anniversary special menu

TV chef Iain Hewitson talks about his family and career, and shares his favourite recipes.

Alan Dale’s life is cruisy

He’s had roles in The OC, 24, and Ugly Betty, but TV star Alan Dale couldn’t resist coming back to Australia play a bad guy on Sea Patrol II: The Coup.

True life baby special

We look at three extraordinary stories: ‘My big bouncing babe’, ‘My miracle babies saved my life … twice!’, and ‘My baby looked pregnant’.

  • Inside brave Lauren Huxley’s battle: ‘I was determined to live’

Lauren Huxley cherishes every minute, every hour, and every day of her second chance at life. Two-and-a-half years ago, Lauren was comatose in intensive care, the victim of a savage assault with no apparent motive. She’s not only survived, but has now recovered enough to pass her driving test at the first attempt!

  • Britney’s beach break

A sign that she may be on the road to recovery, Britney Spears looked refreshingly happy and relaxed as she spent time with family and friends at the Costa Rican home of actor Mel Gibson and his wife Robyn. While Britney’s rounded tummy continued to fuel pregnancy rumours, the star looked otherwise fit and healthy as she frolicked in a skimpy bikini.

  • Shannon Noll’s island getaway

The hardworking rocker takes his family on a much-needed break in the sun.

  • Cash crisis? Ditch your debt stress today!

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Siham Elmawey’s latest dazzling collection for C/MEO

Straight from Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia.
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Living your best life

Dana Mrkich
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Kidney Health Week

By Annette Campbell

Two million Australians have kidney disease and probably don’t even know it!

This week is Kidney Health Week and the theme for this year’s event is ‘No Warning Signs’ — because kidney health remains a silent killer. Did you know you can lose 90 percent of your kidney function, without any symptoms?

There’s so much more we should all know about our kidneys, so — with the help of Dr Tim Mathew, medical director of Kidney Health Australia — we’ve compiled a guide of (almost) everything you need to know about your kidneys, and how to keep them healthy.

“Kidney failure is increasing in Australia, by eight percent every year. The number of people on dialysis has doubled in the last 11 years,” says Dr Mathew.

“The only way we can make a significant difference to these statistics is to find kidney disease early and put into place appropriate management,” he says. “I strongly recommend those in the high-risk category should see their doctor for regular kidney checks.”

  • diabetic

  • have high blood pressure

  • have a family history of the disease

  • aged over 50

  • obese

  • of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent

“Anyone on this list should see their doctor at least once a year for simple blood and urine tests to detect kidney disease,” Dr Mathew advises.

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Angelina, a modern day Super-mum

Angelina Jolie has hinted that she would like even more children after the birth of her twins, following a comment made to a journalist during the Cannes Film Festival recently.

The Hollywood beauty is already mother to Maddox, six, Pax, four, Zahara, three and 23 month old biological daughter Shiloh, and amidst these new suggestions of increasing the Jolie-Pitt clan even further, many fear she may be taking on too much.

There have been serious concerns surrounding the Hollywood A-lister’s health since pictures began appearing in the press of a pale Angelina looking increasingly thin and exhausted. However the super-mum continues to see to her public duties both on and off the red carpet with partner Brad Pitt and is seemingly more content than ever.

As the Jolie-Pitt family continues to grow, Angelina’s responsibilities outside of family life also seem unwavering. Angelina’s humanitarian work has been a huge focus over the past few years alongside her successful film career.

While filming Tomb Raider in 2001, the Hollywood actress had her first insight into the crises in poverty-stricken Cambodia and was deeply moved by what she saw. In the following months Angelina visited refugee camps around the world to educate herself about the conditions of these areas. Her efforts sparked an interest from the United Nations and in August 2001, impressed by her level of commitment to the Asian nation, the UN named her a Goodwill Ambassador. Since then, Angelina has supported humanitarian projects around the world, setting up schools and rebuilding villages in some of Asia’s poorest areas.

At just 32, Angelina has achieved a great deal in her life and in honour of her much anticipated and imminent birth, and in dedication to her humanitarian work, we take a look back in pictures at Angelina’s journey from party-girl rebel to modern day super-mum.

YOUR SAY: Is Angelina taking on too much? Tell us your thoughts below…

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I lied to the police

My son Adam had always been a bit of a tear-away. When he was young, he constantly got detention in school for various misdemeanours like talking back to the teacher, not doing his homework or playing practical jokes on the other kids.

But as he grew older, Adam’s misdemeanours turned more serious. He shoplifted computer games and clothes, and he would go out on Saturday nights and come home drunk. I always returned anything I found stolen, but I’m sure there were a lot of things I never knew about.

I tried confronting him but he turned sullen and wouldn’t speak to me. I tried cajoling and even bribing him to talk to me, to tell me why he was doing these things, but he wouldn’t. I could see him on a downward spiral and I was at my wit’s end over what to do with him.

Then one day, the local police came round to our place. They said Adam was suspected of being involved in a raid on a shop that had left the attendant injured. I was shocked. Although he’d done some terrible things, Adam had never been violent. I didn’t believe them and told them Adam had been with me all night. Adam meekly agreed.

When they showed us the video evidence of a youth dressed in exactly the same hooded top as Adam’s, I thought it was him. And when he wouldn’t look at me, I was sure of it. But still I lied to the police.

When they left, I confronted Adam. I was so angry I could barely speak. Then he did something I’ll never forget. He cried. He told me it had got out of hand, that the crowd he was hanging out with had become violent and, although he didn’t like it, he didn’t know how to stop. He’d become scared of what they’d do next and asked me to help him to distance himself from the group.

What could I do? He was my son and he needed me. So I got him to burn his hooded top, then I grounded him. Whenever a friend from that group called, I told them Adam had left town. Adam went along with this plan and never tried to contact anyone from his old gang again.

He returned to school, got a new group of friends — ones who preferred to study than steal. And he got a job working at a petrol station. Half of the money he earned went into the bank and the other half went to assist the victim of his crime with repaying the medical and other debts incurred because of Adam’s actions.

We never speak of that awful time, but I don’t regret what I did. The way I see it, I saved my son from jail and a life of crime.

Picture: Getty Images. Posed by model.

Your say: Should this mother regret lying to the police? Have your say about this true confession below…

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The top 6 relationship killers

By Annette Campbell

Being in a committed, long-term, happy and healthy relationship doesn’t just happen. There’s a lot of work involved to attain such domestic bliss!

And while it’s important to know skills and tips for making a relationship work, we should also be aware of what will absolutely kill it.

Anne Hollonds, the CEO of Relationships Australia NSW, shares her expert insight into the issues that are recipes for relationship disaster.

  • Schedule time for each other.

  • Talk. Communicate about the things that matter and agree on goals for your future together.

  • Look out for the other’s needs, not just your own. Support each other.

  • Learn how to resolve disagreements without letting them damage your partnership. This includes negotiating on important things as well as letting some things go.

  • Have fun! “This is really important and so important for sexual intimacy too,” Anne explains. “Be playful and have fun and create the time and emotional energy for each other. To do that, you really do need to look after yourself enough to be in that ‘space’ — especially for women.”

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Low-energy food swaps for cooler weather

Winter is a time where many of us crave fattier foods to keep us “warm” and sugar for extra energy on dreary days. But come springtime, we often end up regretting having those croissants for brekkie or hot chips as snacks.

Fortunately, Food Coach Judy Davie has come to our rescue with some simple swaps that will sate your craving for warming food, or satisfy that sweet tooth, while making sure the only insulation you install this winter is on your home — not your hips!

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I had two sex changes

Seven years after becoming a woman, Charles realised he’d made a massive mistake.

Ladies’ man Charles Kane never fails to charm women. The sporty multi-millionaire property developer, who owns a luxury home and a yacht, seems to tick all the right boxes. However, his secret past means he’s struggling to find true love.

Charles was born a man, but underwent sex-change surgery to become a woman. Incredibly, seven years later, he realised he’d made a mistake — and now, after spending more than $200,000 on painful operations, Charles has made history by becoming the first person in the UK to have two sex changes, and now lives as a man again.

A lonely journey

But Charles reveals he still hasn’t found happiness and is desperate to settle down with a woman.

“When I tell women about my past, it puts them off,” admits 48-year-old Charles. “I’d make the perfect boyfriend, because I can really understand women — I used to be one — but I struggle with relationships.”

Born Sam Hashimi, Charles married in 1985. He and his wife had two children, but she left him for another man 12 years later. Feeling lonely, Charles — who’d experimented with his sexuality before marrying — began visiting gay clubs.

Text: Lisa Woollard/Closer. Pictures: Nick Strugnell/Closer.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale May 19).

Your say:

Would you date a man who’s had two sex changes? Have your say below…

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Helen Hunt’s big-screen baby

By Josephine Agostino

Helen Hunt still isn’t sure what women want. But at 44, the Oscar-winning actress knows she has all she needs. She and her partner of seven years, screenwriter Matthew Carnahan, have happily made a life for themselves away from the spotlight of Hollywood, with their daughter Makena’lei and Matthew’s son Emmett.

Major movie roles alongside Mel Gibson and Jack Nicholson, and million-dollar-an-episode pay cheques for sitcom Mad About You meant Helen could focus on her family — until her next “baby” came along — the film she’s written, directed and starred in, Then She Found Me.

What do you love to do with your daughter?

Well, she’s never seen any TV in her life, so that leaves lots of time for other things. She and her father garden, we go to the park, we bake bread, that kind of thing. She goes to a school that encourages that, so her friends won’t be seeing me on a late-night TV talk show or anything.

Do you have a TV in your home?

Her father and I watch a bit of TV before we go to bed, but we don’t have it on when the kids are around.

You were a child actor from the age of nine. How did you avoid going off the rails?

I was lucky enough not to be in any successful show or movie back then. I did a lot of little things like an after-school activity. I had a normal life. I can’t think of many people who have huge success as kids who go on to have careers.

How did Salman Rushdie come to play the character of a gynaecologist in Then She Found Me?

There’s a scene where people are praying and I wanted this character to be Indian, so you wouldn’t know which God they were praying to. I auditioned actors and approached him and he was interested, so that’s how it happened. He could not have been more professional, he did a terrific job.

Are you just as comfortable being a director as you are playing the lead role?

There wasn’t much of a separation between the two. I just did whatever needed to be done; it felt like all like one job.

Does your daughter show any qualities of an actress?

I would never begin to imagine what she’s going to be. She’s three years old and she’s become herself very quickly. She’s very funny and expresses herself when she doesn’t like something, which makes me very happy. I’m glad when she says, “I don’t like it”.

How would you describe the type of mother you are?

It’s important for my daughter to feel like there’s someone in charge of the day, it makes her more secure, that I have a plan.

How did winning an Oscar change your life?

I don’t know that it did. It was an exciting, stressful night, but there’s theories it could go either way. I have no idea what it did for my career.

What was the Mad About You experience like from the inside? It was such a huge show around the world.

I was very lucky, because that gave me the financial freedom not to have take jobs that I didn’t like. On a daily basis it was the hardest work I’d ever done, it was like standing at the bottom of a tidal wave. Paul [Reiser] and I are still friends, so I feel very fortunate and I was old enough to appreciate it.

Would you consider returning to TV?

Absolutely I would.

What is your favourite show at the moment?

Californication with David Duchovny. I love it. I’d like that job!

For more of this interview, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale May 19).

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