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I can’t have babies of my own so I make them

After years of trying to have a child, Eve Newsom decided to make a baby herself — piece by piece.

Like every woman, Eve Newsom is proud when strangers say how beautiful her baby is. For her, it happens all the time.

“The other day I was out shopping with my baby in a pram and a girl walked up to me and asked how old my daughter was.

“That’s when I looked at her and said, ‘She’s not real. She’s fake’.”

The fact is, Eve spends most of her time making babies — in the oven!

As a little girl, Eve dreamt of becoming a mum. One of seven children herself, she never imagined it would be a problem.

Within one month of marrying her first husband, Eve, then 20, was overjoyed to find out she was pregnant. But three months later she suffered a miscarriage.

“I was heartbroken, but friends told me not to dwell on it, that it would happen when the time was right.”

Devastating news

Months passed and the strain of trying to get pregnant again caused Eve’s marriage to break down. The couple soon split.

Five years later her hopes of being a mum were renewed when she married again, but three miscarriages followed, leaving her devastated.

“I couldn’t understand why it kept happening,” says Eve.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 2).

Your say:

Would you buy one of Eve’s lifelike baby dolls in place of a real one? Have your say below…

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Brad and Ange finally wed

After three years together the couple make their union official with a wedding in France.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have at last agreed to wed, with a private ceremony set to take place in the south of France any time now.

The globe-trotting stars have finally put down roots in the French countryside after finding their new $65 million home, and are at last free to wed after legalities in France and the US have cleared the way.

“It’s on!” a friend confirmed to respected UK magazine Grazia. “Brad and Ange are planning a small wedding to be held within weeks and that means having it in France. Ange is finally convinced that marrying Brad is the right thing to do and he thinks it is the perfect time to do it.”

As the wedding buzz grows, Today show entertainment reporter Richard Reid revealed that Angelina was spotted shopping for a wedding gown in the south of France.

Under French law a couple must reside in the country for more than 40 days before marrying. Brad and Ange arrived in Cannes on April 30, so the wedding could legally take place as early as June 9.

For the full story — including details on Brad and Ange’s flash new French abode — see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 2).

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Nicole’s heartache: Keith’s love child scandal

The pregnant star is upset over rumours her husband has a secret daughter.

Nicole Kidman is devastated over cruel claims that her husband Keith Urban is the father of a secret love child.

The heavily pregnant star, who should be enjoying her final trimester instead of deflecting hurtful allegations about her husband’s past, has been left distressed by claims allegedly made by two LA-based Australian women that their sister had a daughter with the singer in 1994. It’s claimed that the little girl was given up for adoption.

At the time the pregnancy was supposed to have taken place, Keith was with former fiancée Laura Sigler, who says the music star had affairs during their eight-year relationship.

“He had numerous flings while we were together,” Laura told the UK’s The Mail On Sunday.

“He is very attractive and when he talks the talk, he can be very seductive.”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 2).

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In the mag – June 9, 2008

On sale Monday June 2, 2008

Nicole’s heartache: Keith’s love child scandal

The pregnant star is upset over rumours her husband has a secret daughter.

Brad and Ange: Wedding at last!

After three years together the couple make their union official with a wedding in France.

Simone Warne exclusive: ‘Shane wants me back’

Mum-of-three Simone Callahan tells how her ex-husband is begging to come back to her.

Kate Ritchie’s new man

One week after announcing she’s single again, the Aussie star moves on with her ex’s former rugby team-mate.

Sexy Sarah Jessica Parker: ‘I’m really a dag!’

The Sex And The City star talks about fashion, her figure and her two families.

Plus: Our interview with SJP’s co-star Cynthia Nixon.

I can’t have babies of my own so I make them

After years of trying to have a child, Eve Newsom decided to make a baby herself — piece by piece.

  • Jane Hall and Kym Valentine feud over Vince Colosimo

The love triangle gets nasty as the women wage war on the home and work fronts.

  • Julia Roberts’ family bliss

The star can’t hide her joy over being a mum.

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Cynthia Nixon: ‘I’ve found the one’

Miranda may have the designer wardrobe, but Cynthia Nixon wouldn’t swap lives with her for anything.

How important are friendships to you?

They’re very important to me. I grew up in New York, so I’m in the place where I grew up with people I went to elementary and high school. I feel the same way with the women on the show. We would do whatever we needed to do — whether it’s lending each other money or helping each other move or sitting for each other’s kids. One of my oldest best friends was in the delivery room when my kids were born and it was tremendously great to have her there.

How is the movie different from the series?

Well, we’re older and we’re much more … when the film starts two of us are married, the way we were at the end of the show. Charlotte has a daughter and Carrie is with Mr Big and Samantha is with her guy, and even though we all come together, there’s something that happens when you get older — we’re more racked up with our men and our lives so we’re kind of four queens in our queendom. We don’t have the same kind of freedom to just drop everything and get together for a cocktail or shopping.

What do you say about rumours that there was on-set feuding?

I don’t feel that there was. You work with people and you have disagreements and you move on. I think people have ideas, they have preconceptions and biases, that women together are supposed to get catty.

Now that you’re older, are you more reluctant to do nude scenes like the ones you did in the movie?

There is some nudity, and I think that we were somewhat more reluctant. I have to treat it like a bandaid — just ripping it off. There’s no tequila first. My nude scene is with David Eigenberg, and I know him very well. We’ve done a lot of nude scenes together, but of course it is a little nerve-wracking.

What do you think of the men the three of you — Charlotte, Samantha and your own character — ended up with?

They were all not who we would have expected to be with. Charlotte tried so hard to picture the perfect pretty country club pedigree guy, and she got the opposite. You never know who you’ll end up with or what will end up appealing to you. We need to be more open.

How does your daughter deal with your Sex and the City fame?

I think she gets embarrassed a little bit at school with her friends, but she’s kind of used to it. I think she’s also proud of it.

Now that you’re in your forties are you more settled down in your life?

Yes, and I have forced myself to slow down and I’m not always accomplishing things. I’m taking more down time.

How does Christine cope with your fame? Is it harder for you because you’re in a relationship with a woman?

When you live in New York there are so many different kinds of people that it’s really a non-issue. We think about it. We might go and visit where my grandmother is from, in Missouri. We thought about that and what that might be like (laughs). We were just in Jamaica and we were at the airport leaving, and there was a huge front page of the newspaper about some gay bashing and gay murders. There were some splinter groups that wanted to march and the main group was concerned it might cause more violence, so I’m very aware that in other places it’s very different and unpleasant and even dangerous, but in New York it’s a whole other thing.

Did you have a crisis when you turned 40?

No, I had a big party and I feel like, for me, 40 was a real turning point. I really felt I had reached some kind of plateau and I was very happy with where I was in my life. Sometimes it’s hard to turn those milestones when you’re not happy with where you are, but I was.

For more of this interview, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 2).

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Sexy Sarah: ‘I’m really a dag!’

The Sex And The City star talks about fashion, her figure and her two families.

There are few women who wouldn’t give their right leg to step into Sarah Jessica Parker’s designer heels. The world’s fashion elite stand in line to have their clothes adorn her petite, muscular body and none other than Mr Manolo Blahnik named a shoe after her.

It’s a far cry from her humble beginnings. Growing up as one of eight children, she was lucky to receive two pairs of shoes in a year. Despite her newfound riches, the 43-year-old actress is determined to give her six-year-old son James with husband Matthew Broderick the same simple upbringing … albeit in a palatial New York townhouse.

As her alter ego Carrie Bradshaw hits the big screen in Sex And The City: The Movie after a four-year wait, SJP quashes a few behind-the-scenes rumours.

What do you think is a big style faux pas?

Tanning. I look at my skin and I think, ‘Why didn’t I ever listen?’ I used to think I looked so much healthier with a tan but I was just completely damaging my skin. I can’t stand fake tan — people don’t stop until they go orange.

What are your other favourite buys?

The other thing I can never get enough of is vintage, vintage and more vintage. But so much of this is what I want for the woman I think I should be, but the woman I really am is sadly going less and less to the shops.

Did you feel pressure to lose the baby weight straight away?

I hate the fact that now pregnant women are expected to get straight back into shape after having had their babies. It’s just mad. It’s wonderful that Victoria Beckham can lose weight so quickly, but then, she has the money and the privilege to pay for a nanny to look after her baby and a trainer to look after her. What is expected of people in this way shouldn’t be expected by everybody. No disrespect to Victoria, but it’s just not real. We’ve all got so unrealistic; the average woman has to work, bring up kids, clean their own houses and run their own and a lot of other people’s lives. And on top of this there is this expectation to be perfect and glamorous and thinner than thin.

After 10 years of marriage, have your feelings toward Matthew changed at all?

This morning I was staring at him as he was walking around the bedroom. He looked so beautiful and so young. He’s got one of those faces like Paul McCartney that just never seems to age — except his is even more so than Paul McCartney’s. I kept telling him how handsome he is. He hates that. I say it to him all the time and he gets really embarrassed. You know my husband has the most amazing skin. It’s like my son’s — all fresh, perfect and sort of doughy. It’s so annoying because he never washes his face or uses any skincare product and I religiously do all those things and then I see him and he looks so amazing!

Does he return the compliment?

He’s a bit stricter about telling me I look lovely. He says it a lot less, but then I guess it means so much more than when I say it all the time.

How does your relationship with Matthew compare with Carrie and Big’s?

Carrie has defied convention in her relationship with Big and they are a very modern couple — much more modern than I am. I can’t handle that kind of disappointment; I don’t like being thrown a bone every now and then. They have made choices about how they want to live their life. But in her desire to be the person she thinks she wants to be, she is denying this involuntary DNA about a big dress and a big wedding.

What’s next for you? Are there any plans for a movie sequel?

We haven’t discussed a sequel. I would be honoured to star in a play in London. It just hasn’t worked out scheduling wise, but I would love to. It’s sort of a destination point for an actor, isn’t it?

For more of this interview, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 2).

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Kate’s new footy lover

One week after announcing she’s single again, the Aussie star moves on with her ex’s former rugby team-mate.

Kate Ritchie has thrown herself into a new romance with a football player just weeks after splitting with skateboarder Corbin Harris.

The actress-turned-radio-host was spotted in an intimate embrace aboard a cruise boat on Sydney Harbour with a man believed to be St George Illawarra Dragons star Stuart Webb.

Kate, who last month won the TV Week Gold Logie for a second year running, appeared smitten with Stuart as she cruised around the harbour with friends.

Wearing a sexy, off-the-shoulder cream dress, she sipped champagne and giggled with the hunky footballer.

“It was obvious Kate was really into him. She was flirting like mad and cuddled up to him, resting her head on his shoulder,” says one observer.

Playing the field

Having just announced the end of her year-long relationship with Corbin, Kate, 29, has wasted no time getting close to Stuart, 27, who last year stripped off to model in the Naked Rugby League charity calendar to raise money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation of Australia.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 2).


Read more about Kate Ritchie.

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Simone tells: ‘Shane wants me back’

Mum-of-three Simone Callahan tells Woman’s Day how her ex-husband is begging to come back to her.

While all the talk about Shane Warne over the past couple of weeks has been about him perhaps coming out of retirement to play for Australia in next year’s Ashes series, that’s not the only comeback that cricket’s legendary leg-spinner has been working on recently.

Ex-wife Simone has been busy making a killing in the real estate market, buying, demolishing, building and re-selling her dream home and walking away with more than $500,000 in profit.

In the midst of this, Shane has been quietly trying to convince Simone to give their life together one more go.

The former model is reluctant to talk about the recent attempts Shane has made to reunite with her, but clearly from her confident, relaxed appearance, Simone is now happier than she has been in years.

Simone, 38, admits Shane has raised the possibility of them getting back together.

Staying single

“We’ve had those conversations,” she says. “But I don’t think it’s fair on the kids. You’ve got to have trust. You’ve got to have honesty, and I don’t have that with Shane.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 2).

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Tuning in to your Intuition

Learn to tune in to your Intuition

One of the most common questions I receive is “How do I tune in to my intuition and cut out all the noise that stops me from hearing it?” This ‘noise’ is the product of the multitude of voices that reside within us, all fighting for our attention, all insisting they are right. They belong to our fears, old beliefs, past experiences, family, friends, society, and even science has now proven, cellular memory belonging to our parents and grandparents!

Somewhere deep among that mix is the quiet voice of our true self, our intuition, filled to the brim with wisdom yet constantly overshadowed by all that lies on top of it.

  1. Be aware that the ‘noise’ channels exist. Pay attention to any thoughts that don’t make you feel good — and train yourself to change the channel.

  2. Keep your awareness in the ‘now’ moment. This links you directly to your true self.

  3. Worrying about the past or future bends your antennae. Focus on your breath to get clear and present.

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Six ways to whinge less

When women get together there’s a tendency to whinge about other people. It can get a bit draining after awhile. So if you’d like to shake things up in your circle of gal pals, here are some ideas.

  • “So is there anything you can do to turn this situation around?”

  • “Is this something you genuinely want to change? What are you willing to do to change it?”

  • “If there were no limitations on you, what would you do next?”

Your say: Do you think you and your girlfriends whinge too much?

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