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In the mag – June 16, 2008

On sale Monday June 9, 2008

Angelina Jolie birth exclusive

Woman’s Day reveals all the details about the arrival of Brad and Ange’s twins.

Bec and Lleyton’s public meltdown

Bec and Lleyton openly exchange angry words in France.

Jason Donovan’s surprise Bali wedding

The star popped the question and said ‘I Do’ all within 48 hours.

Kellie Hoggart’s whirlwind wedding

The Hi-5 star pulled off her stunning wedding in record time.

Kelly Rowland’s seen the daylight!

She’s sexy, soulful and loving the solo life. One third of Destiny’s Child, Kelly Rowland is a woman in control, with a killer sense of humour.

True life: Pregnant man has three weeks to go

Just weeks before he gives birth, pregnant man Thomas Beatie shows no sign of slowing down.

  • Melanie Griffiths’ fury at flirty Antonio Banderas

Busted! Antonio is caught out again — this time with Cameron Diaz!

  • True life: sleazy cop demands, “Sex or I’ll book you”

Running late and still only minutes away from home, Corrine Fyffe was driving down the highway when a police car pulled her over. With only two points left on her licence, this was a disaster. But worse was in store for Corrine, who was on her way to help an elderly widower. The man she was about to meet was not your average law-abiding policeman, but a sleazy, cold-blooded predator.

  • 50 cheap and chic ways to make over your home

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Jason Donovan’s wedding

In the space of two days, Jason surprised his partner of 10 years, Angela Malloch, with a proposal… and the wedding itself!

Jason and Angela with their children Zac and Jemma (front right), and family friend Rebecca Steinman (front left).

Rebecca and Jemma were poised young ladies in beautiful saris.

It’s not every day that someone springs a wedding on you!

It was a joy-filled day for Jason and his loved ones.

Jason and Angela celebrate in beautiful, natural surroundings.

As Jason tells Woman’s Day, “With a beautiful wife, two amazing kids — why shouldn’t I be happy?”

View our photo gallery of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban covering their marriage, Nic’s pregnancy and the latest secret love child scandal.

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Kellie Hoggart’s wedding

Kellie prepares to walk down the aisle with her mum Sonjie and dad Dennis.

Addam couldn’t have got through his big day without the help of best man Fraser Kerr (left) and Dan Aulich.

Kellie and Addam sign the register.

The happy couple pose for their official wedding pics.

Kellie was thrilled when Addam bought a ticket for her best friend Catherine Ormandy and daughter Keira.

The happy couple.

Addam asked for Kellie’s hand in marriage and that’s what he received.

Kellie’s Hi-5 mates were united in the celebrations — (L-R) Stevie Nicholson, Sun Park, Kellie, Charli Delaney and Kathleen deLeon.

Sun and her fiancé Nathan who’ll take the plunge themselves next year.

Charli and husband Brent loved the wedding and were delighted to see Kellie so happy.

Kathleen and husband, former Savage Garden member Daniel Jones, were all smiles.

The bridal waltz was an intimate affair indeed.

Changed and ready to party, the pair head back into town to enjoy their first night as husband and wife.

Want more? View our photo gallery of the best and worst celebrity weddings.

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Kellie Hoggart’s whirlwind wedding

By Jenny Brown

Pictures: David Hahn

The Hi-5 star pulled off her stunning wedding in record time.

Vivacious Hi-5 star Kellie Hoggart likes to move fast — so when she and fiancé Addam Crawford decided to get married, they gave themselves just 10 weeks to plan their wedding from start to finish!

“If someone says it can’t be done, it can,” laughs the bubbly entertainer, who seized the day once she was given rare time off from the much-loved children’s group. Kellie had a date, May 23, and was determined to get to the church on time. The event was organised even faster than the couple’s whirlwind romance behind the scenes on a Hi-5 tour.

“Everything fell into place so easily. We’ve been really blessed,” she smiles. “Addam and I are both pretty impatient, that’s one reason why we come together so well, and we didn’t want to wait.

“Knowing I had months of touring ahead, we really had to get going. And May is a good time for us; it’s my birthday on May 1.”

Surprise guest

That’s when production manager Addam sprang a surprise to outshine even his romantic proposal. He knew Kellie was upset that her best friend, former Hi-5 choreographer Catherine Ormandy, was living in the UK and couldn’t attend their big day. Cue the big-hearted groom to organise a flight for Catherine and seven-month-old bub Keira.

“It was my best birthday present ever,” says Kellie.

“My mum cried when she heard what Addam had done and my dad just asked, ‘How can we top that? You’re spoiling her.’ Addam always surprises me.”

With the guest list finalised — and 80 family and friends bused to the wedding venue — the only thing left was to Celebrate, just like the Hi-5 hit.

L.O.V.E. was certainly in the air when 34-year-old Kellie made her grand entrance in a stunning off-the-shoulder ivory crushed taffeta gown, embellished with pearls and appliqué flowers, by Sydney couturier Hilde Heim.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 9).

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Jason Donovan’s surprise Bali wedding

By Alex Needs

The star popped the question and said ‘I Do’ all within 48 hours.

It’s 6:15am and Jason Donovan has been up for more than an hour. He’s just returned to London from Bali where, while celebrating his 40th birthday, he popped the question and married his partner of 10 years, Angela Malloch, in front of their two children, Jemma, 8, Zac, 7, and 18 friends.

Jason could, therefore, be forgiven for feeling a little jet-lagged. But it’s the excitement of a new day that’s led to his early rising. By the time we speak he’s already been hard at work singing and writing songs for his new record. Now married, 40, and a father-of-two, Jason never imagined he’d be in such a settled position. Having spent so long battling and conquering his demons, the singer and actor has a newfound zeal and purpose. And, as he says, “With a beautiful wife, two amazing kids — why shouldn’t I be happy?” Here, Jason reflects on his surprise wedding and how it couldn’t have come at a better time …

Congratulations! Why did you decide to get married on your 40th birthday?

Thanks. It was really spontaneous. I always thought we would get married in this kind of way, but you never really know until you settle into a holiday where you think it could potentially become the right time. Timing is everything in life and I think Ange deserved a commitment from me after 10 years, too. It was just the right time at the end of the day.

Did Angela have any idea this was going to happen?

None whatsoever.

Did you? Was it something you’d already considered?

I had a little bit of a feeling that if I was going to do it, this was the time for me to do it. It was a great opportunity as my direct family were there for my 40th. My sisters and my closest friend, James Maguire, weren’t there, but you can’t have everything. The invite was open to a few close friends.

For the full interview, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 9).

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Bec and Lleyton’s public meltdown

Bec and Lleyton exchange angry words in France.

Displaying a rare show of public emotion, Bec Hewitt let her tennis pro husband have it as they walked in Paris recently.

The couple had a heated argument as they headed down a busy shopping street — just days before Lleyton was knocked out of the French Open. Bec, a showbiz veteran who rarely lets down her guard in public, lost her sunny smile as the normally affectionate pair had what looked like a bitter row.

The strain turned to fury when Lleyton took a call on his mobile while Bec was speaking to him. Their feud was still obvious later on as Bec pushed two-year-old Mia’s stroller at a distance from her glowering husband.

In a radio interview in Sydney last month, Bec claimed to love being on tour with her husband because it meant her little family was kept together and, true to form, she packed up the family once again to be with Lleyton, 27, as he trained hard to win a place on the European claycourt circuit.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 9).

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Smarter problem-solving

Are you a “fixer”? That’s a person who feels they have to change other people’s behaviours, alter situations, make things better and do it all within a certain time-frame.

Focusing on a problem that has to be fixed, even when it is beyond your control, is a shortcut to stress. Next time you find yourself fretting, try one — or all — of these seven ideas instead.

  1. Acknowledge that it’s not what you wanted. Saying out loud, “Well, I didn’t expect that to happen” is a simple way to defuse the problem’s initial impact. It liberates you from the idea that you should have somehow anticipated every possible scenario, which is, of course, impossible. The only reason a problem is a problem is because you hadn’t planned for it. It’s just a different outcome.
  1. Take time out. Instead of reacting immediately, sit back, shut your eyes and wait, even if it’s just for a minute. Say to yourself, “I can…” as you inhale and “…solve this” as you exhale. Open your eyes. Chances are you’ll do and say something much smarter.
  1. Roll with the punches. You are more likely to solve a problem if you adopt a flexible attitude. Train yourself to see that whatever is happening, good or bad, is just information; life is not a static experience and so it follows that this information will constantly change. If one plan isn’t working, switch to another rather than trying to force the original idea through.
  1. Think ‘white’ thoughts. Problems tend to trigger “red thoughts” that inflame your emotions and angry thoughts, such as “I’ll get him for creating this mess for me to clean up”. Practise “white” alternatives, such as, “I will find another way to help him see things as I do.”
  1. See it happen. Athletes are trained to envisage their goals, to actually see themselves touching the pool wall first, or scoring a goal. Before you tackle a problem, visualise yourself achieving a successful outcome; hold the feeling as you start working towards a solution.
  1. Listen to your inner voice. As you process the problem, different options will come to mind. Let your intuition guide you towards the one that feels right. If it’s a surprising choice, so much the better; the logical answer is not always the best one.
  1. Write it down. “Face your mind’s demons and they become nothing but shadows,” is a traditional samurai proverb. There’s something about committing problems to paper or to a computer file that makes them more manageable, rather than malevolent “demons”. Writing it all down in a journal or diary is also a fluid, evolving approach: if you don’t solve a problem right away, it doesn’t matter. Simply getting it out of your head is progress and helps you to feel calmer. Your journal is a safe place, one where you can scream and complain and gather the strength you need in order to go back out into the world again tomorrow.

YOUR SAY: Do you get stressed out from trying to “fix” things? Tell us below…

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Women and heart disease

**Have you ever thought you might die of a heart attack? No? Why not?

It’s true that most of us think of heart disease as an “old man’s” health issue, but the tragic fact is that heart disease is the number one killer of Australian women.**

Four times as many women die from a heart condition, as from breast cancer.

This lack of awareness is what’s prompted a Heart Foundation campaign called Go Red for Women.

“Women’s level of awareness is low so, by staging this campaign, we can alert them to be as vigilant about heart disease as breast health,” says the Heart Foundation’s Julie-Anne Mitchell, the Chair of the Go Red for Women Campaign.

Julie-Anne says the first step towards better heart health, should be an appointment with your GP.

“We’re good at getting our partners to a doctor, but we don’t focus so much on our own health,” she says. “So get him there … but make an appointment for yourself too!”

Julie-Anne explains that unless a woman is checked and assessed regularly, she can be oblivious to the early signs of heart disease — which is a build-up of fatty plaques in the vessels that supply the heart.

“Unfortunately for some women, their first indication of heart disease can be something as life threatening as a heart attack,” she says. “A regular check-up with your doctor or GP can put your mind at rest. And if something abnormal is picked up, it can be treated early through medication or changes to your lifestyle.”

While the experts know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for women, they don’t know much about why … yet.

“What is known is that women usually present with heart disease much later in life,” says Julie-Anne. “We know a woman’s natural hormones like oestrogen can be a protective against heart disease, but once she goes through menopause her oestrogen levels are lower and to a large extent that protection is gone.”

  • Regular heart checks

See your doctor regularly for an assessment of your cardiovascular health.

  • Know your numbers.

Become familiar with your cholesterol, blood pressure and waist girth (realistic long-term goals are 88cm for women and 102cm for men). These are all indicators of heart disease risk.

  • Go smoke-free.

Smoking is one of the major risk factors of heart disease. If you stop smoking today, within one year you’ll have halved your risk of heart disease. Avoid passive smoking too.

  • Healthy eating

That means enjoying a wide variety of foods and making small positive and sustainable changes to your diet.

  • Be active every day

Do at least 30 minutes of activity a day. This can be in 10-minute bursts and as simple as walking.

  • Central chest pain — common, but not always present in women.

  • Severe pain into the jaw, neck, shoulder. Tingling down one side of the body.

  • Extreme sense of fatigue. Not just feeling bit tired, but a bone-numbing sense of absolute exhaustion.

Call 000 if you experience any of these signs of a heart attack!

“The faster you get to hospital, the greater the survival rates are,” Julie-Anne explains. “So don’t call your GP, or ask a friend, or be too embarrassed in case it’s indigestion — call 000 because every minute counts.”

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Yves Saint Laurent: A tribute to the king of fashion

One of the greatest and most innovative fashion designers of the 20th century, Yves Saint Laurent, has died in Paris following a long-standing illness.

Saint Laurent passed away on Sunday evening in the French capital; his death announced shortly afterwards by the Pierre-Berge-Saint Laurent Foundation with exact details of his illness yet to be made clear. It was widely known that Saint Laurent’s health had been suffering since his retirement in 2002, which marked the end of a hugely successful career on the international fashion stage.

Considered by many as one of the world’s most ground-breaking and inspirational fashion designers, Yves Saint Laurent has been attributed with changing the face of fashion with his creativity and pioneering designs that reflected women’s changing roles in society. His womenswear encouraged a new-found confidence and liberation both personally and professionally among females throughout the world, and of particular note are his beautifully-cut trouser suits, brightly coloured ethnic prints and designs inspired by the art world.

At 17, Saint Laurent left home to work for the French designer Christian Dior who, on passing away in 1957, left young Yves, then 22, in charge of rescuing the Dior fashion house from financial ruin. It was a challenge the young designer rose to, and he saw the revival of the Dior fashion empire through with great success.

Shortly afterwards Yves Saint Laurent was conscripted to serve in the French army, where he was subjected to ridicule and abuse by fellow soldiers for his sexuality and which ultimately led to a nervous breakdown. Consequently, Saint Laurent was institutionalised in a French mental hospital to be treated with psychiatric therapy, however was later released and went on to begin his own label, YSL with partner Pierre Bergé.

YOUR SAY: Share your thoughts on Yves Saint Laurent below…

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*Sex and the City*: fashion Bible or manifesto for life?

Manolos? Check. Cosmopolitans? Check. Fabulous girlfriends? Check. Impossibly glamorous designer wardrobe? Check. Hit sitcom-turned-blockbuster-movie Sex and the City is more than just a style guide for women all over the world — it is a manifesto for life.

While fans overseas indulged in the box-office smash weeks ago, Australian audiences had to hold their killer heels back from cinemas until the release of the movie recently. While the flick, which has been touted as a movie-length final episode of the hit series, promises to deliver more pink drinks, sexual fantasies and fashion-forward dressing than any SATC fan could handle, we take a look at the legacy of the SATC phenomenon and just what this pop-cult hit has meant to women the world over.

The phenomenal success of the HBO hit series and the worldwide wave of eagerness for the release of the film is testament to the universal appeal of SATC. What is it that has struck such a chord with audiences? Is it just good old-fashioned escapism for viewers, all packaged in a modern-day designer wrapper? Or is there something more behind the glitz, glam and sexual confidence of these four women that has drawn in audiences far and wide?

For starters, SATC bands together four somewhat contradictory women, who, outside the show, seem unlikely friends, but who support each other through relationship crises, wardrobe malfunctions, illness, children, marriage and much more. The stark differences between the characters of Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha give viewers some point of individual identification with the show, while on a universal level, SATC centres around a fundamental truth for all women everywhere — that of friendship. As Carrie so succinctly says, “No matter who breaks your heart and how long it takes to get over it, you’ll never get through it without your friends.”

The SATC theme of femme-power is also one that has struck a chord with modern working women, who may have prioritised career or single life over the traditional values of marriage and family. SATC depicts singledom in such a glamorous way that men are almost side-dishes to the four girls’ fun and exciting lives full of art openings, the “It” bars of Manhattan, egg-white omelettes and designer shoes. SATC embraces the power of friendship, but interestingly, achieved higher ratings when the girls were in relationships on the show. This is testament to the notion that most single women, however satisfied, still maintain the hope that a meaningful relationship can happen to them, too.

While the more serious subjects of friendship, love and life were a major drawcard for SATC, the sizzling and often confronting sex and the glorious Cinderella-like fashion were what made SATC into a Cosmopolitan-infused success around the world.

A unanimous gasp could be heard every time Carrie stepped out of her Manhattan one-bedroom in the latest outfit from the show’s stylist Patricia Field. It appeared that, no matter what heartaches the girls were enduring, there was nothing a new pair of Jimmy Choos couldn’t fix. Fashion was often the armoury used by the foursome when the more serious and painful side of life took over. Field is now renowned the world over for her unique SATC styles, looks that Manolo Blahnik told the UK Sunday Times are “sexy, quirky and fresh, without being threatening. Women liked that”.

SATC offered women a measuring stick for their sex lives and while the sexually charged Samantha campaigned for the more extreme notions of casual, no-strings-attached sex, SATC confronted the full spectrum of sexuality and sexual issues, and challenged and empowered female audiences to embrace and question their sex lives.

SATC is an ingenious blend of fantasy and reality that provides serious life advice and fabulous fun for women everywhere. So, with the much-anticipated release of the SATC movie happening this week in Australian cinemas, put on your best pair of heels, grab an entourage of friends and escape to a world where wardrobes expand by the day, cocktails flow freely and sex is everything it is meant to be, while you ponder life’s more serious questions of love, health, relationships and career — over a Cosmopolitan, of course!

YOUR SAY: Who’s your favourite star of Sex and the City, and what did you think of the hit TV series? Share your thoughts on Sex and the City below…

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