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Princess Mary’s fun in the sun

A relaxed Mary and her family welcome an Aussie friend — and the northern summer — to Denmark.

Two-year-old Prince Christian tried desperately to keep his ice-cream away from the prying nose of the family collie Ziggy, during a sunny Sunday outing with his mum Princess Mary and her friends — including Amber Petty and Countess Marina of Rosenborg.

Dressed in a checked shirt, shorts and floppy hat, skin-cancer-awareness crusader Mary looked much more like a down-to-earth Tasmanian girl than the Crown Princess of Denmark as she wandered about the grounds of Fredensborg Palace. No doubt Mary and Amber — who’d flown to Copenhagen for Prince Frederik’s 40th birthday party last month —were kept busy reminiscing about their days together in Australia.

Baby rumours

The 37-year-old Adelaide radio host, who was Mary’s bridesmaid, has sparked pregnancy gossip since being spotted with a rounder-than-usual tummy — though it’s not been confirmed if there’s a little playmate for Princess Isabella on the way.

It is likely Mary and Amber will do more catching up later this year, when the 36-year-old princess visits Tasmania in August, along with Fred, Christian and one-year-old Isabella.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 16).

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Three ways to turn a fight around

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I sabotaged my brother’s relationship

Having always been close to my older brother Sean, the day I looked forward to the most in my life was the day he was due to arrive home from his long working holiday in the UK.

I’d only been 17 when he’d left, so now I was almost 20 we would get to do everything we’d talked about growing up: going out to pubs, travelling together, and I even wanted him to set me up with some of his friends!

But I was even more excited when Sean arrived home a surprise fiancée. None of us had even imagined! And now, not only would I have my beloved brother back, but the sister I’d always wanted as well. I thought it could well be the most memorable day of my life.

As it turned out, I was right — but for all the wrong reasons.

It quickly became obvious to me that Anne might not be the girl Sean thought she was — she was bossy, sullen, and nothing that Sean ever did was good enough. And he did everything she wanted!

He changed industries because she wasn’t happy with the money he made, moved suburbs because she didn’t want to live near us, and bought a new car because his old one was too old. She was so conceited. Sean was her slave, never doing anything without her approval.

So much for awaiting his return! Within three months of his being back in Australia, I spoke to him less than when he’d been overseas. I never, ever saw him — she made sure of that.

English Anne wanted to stay in Australia so, for the time being at least, there was little chance that he would actually leave for good. But as the months went by, I realised that he could be on another planet and I’d probably feel closer to him.

As the wedding drew near, with Sean barely having even a say in his own special day, I knew it was time to take action. Sean was head-over-heels, so he just didn’t see what was happening. I had to save him from himself and find a way to get rid of Anne!

As it happened, not long after that, one of my best friends had a hen’s party. It was one of those boozy affairs with lots of nightclubs and flirting with lots of different men, and it gave me an idea.

I quickly suggested to Anne that, as her future sister-in-law, I should throw her a hen’s party of her own. Anne was quite enthusiastic about the idea, and I promised to organise the whole thing. I just didn’t tell her what I was organising.

Through my network of friends, I found out where the sleaziest nightclubs were and planned our night. I also invited as many single male friends as I could trust, telling them of my secret plan: I was going to get them all to seduce Anne! Considering how conceited she was, with a little bit of alcohol I was hoping she wouldn’t be able to resist all of the attention.

On the night of the party, I was buying Anne drinks constantly. Anne loved being the centre of so much male attention that she didn’t even seem to care how drunk she was getting.

By the time we arrived at the pub where all the boys were supposed to be, she was really drunk. She was also quite attractive, and the men really did go for her. A swarm of handsome young men crowded around Anne as soon as we reached the dance floor, and I quickly got out my phone and made the call — Sean needed to come and pick his fiancée up; she was behaving disgracefully. Sean said he would be right down.

Anne was so drunk by this stage she wasn’t even choosy: the first guy who tried to pick her up quickly found himself in a passionate embrace, and then she moved onto another one, and Sean walked through the door only a few seconds later.

Needless to say, he was crushed, and it was a bad break up. I almost felt bad for what I had done, until I remembered what I had actually saved Sean from. 18 months later, Anne is now back in the UK and Sean is seeing someone he met at work. He’s truly happier with her than he ever was with Anne.

He’s never suspected my involvement in his break-up. I still hope he never finds out that I deliberately set up his fiancée.

Picture: Getty Images. Posed by models.

Your say: Have your say about this true confession below…

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An over-retrieving dog

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To hell and back with Gordon Ramsay

Chef Gordon Ramsay may breathe fire in his restaurants’ kitchens and have a new book and TV show, and a restaurant planned for Melbourne, but, as he tells Celia Dodd, he swears by the simple life and a faith that has sustained him.

It’s no accident that Gordon Ramsay’s latest cookbook, Healthy Appetite, kicks off with porridge. It’s a reminder of his tough Glaswegian roots and his father’s view that “only poofs” add sugar rather than salt.

Gordon learned about healthy living the hard way, from his father, who died of a heart attack at 53, while his mother, who cooked healthily but smoked heavily, had a quadruple bypass two years ago. “I get so frustrated today when everyone blames children for eating badly,” he says. “It’s not kids, it’s parents. They should be fined for letting their children get out of control because it’s our discipline, our standards that they follow.”

Intriguingly, Gordon, 41, as famous for his foul language as for his 12 Michelin stars, doesn’t emphasise this point by swearing. Indeed, he uses only a smattering of F-words in our two-hour conversation, which ranges from his battle with his weight and his old-fashioned views on parenting, to addiction — his brother’s to heroin and his own to perfection — and the religious faith that has seen him through his struggle with infertility and the premature birth of his twins, now aged eight.

Gordon’s language gets a tad fruity only when he has a pop at fellow British foodie Delia Smith. One look at Delia’s How to Cheat at Cooking was enough. “I was horrified,” he says. “I’m embarrassed for her. I don’t expect cooking from tins and frozen food from one of the nation’s most precious individuals, who gave so much hope and security to domestic cooks. I’m bitterly disappointed, but more importantly, concerned that, as a nation, we’re going backwards and people will continue being lazy.”

It could be that Gordon’s language is tempered because we’re talking in the front room of his home in Wandsworth, South London, with giant fur-covered beanbags and a cosy domestic hum in the background. Words fly out of his mouth in a breathtaking stream of consciousness, but there is no hint of the martinet who makes mincemeat of American chefs in the Nine Network’s Kitchen Nightmares USA or the UK’s provincial ones in Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares, also on Nine. Another TV show, Hell’s Kitchen, hit our screens in April.

For the full story on Gordon Ramsay, pick up a copy of the June issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly — out now!

Share your thoughts on Gordon Ramsay below…

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Stevia: The ultimate no-kilojoule sweetener?

Judy Davie

**Dear Judy,

What is the caloric value of the natural plant sweetener Stevia?

— Jenny**

Dear Jenny,

Stevia contains no kilojoules at all. It is a native herb of South America, with leaves a hundred times sweeter than sugar!

While it can be used as a natural energy-free sweetener, it is so intensively sweet it takes a lot of practise to work out how little you need to achieve the same sweetness as sugar.

Stevia has not been approved by FDA and FSANZ (the American and Australian New Zealand food regulatory boards) and is therefore not found in manufactured diet foods. It is however an approved dietary supplement and is available from health food stores.

The South American native tribes have been using stevia for generations with no known adverse consequences. It has no effect on blood sugar levels and contains a number of protecting and disease-preventing phytochemicals.

— Judy

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Woman’s Day Carer of the Year Award

Do you know someone who spends their days and nights caring selflessly for a loved one who needs their constant help? Isn’t it time Australian carers got something back?

When her fiancé suffered a debilitating brain tumour, Tania Hayes became his full-time carer. Here she shares her story and explains why she’s getting behind our Carer of the Year competition…

Tania Hayes’ life as a carer began when her fiancé Warren suffered a brain tumour in 1997. The tennis ball sized tumour was tangled around Warren’s brain stem and the operation to remove it left him with severe disabilities, including paralysis of his right side, loss of hearing in his left ear and loss of swallowing reflexes and facial and eye functions.

But the easy option — to walk away — never occurred to Tania, who married Warren and became his full-time carer.

Since meeting her last year in our Make My Day pages, when we treated her to a makeover, Tania has won a prestigious prize for being a full-time carer, and published her experiences in a book. She is now lending her support to the first Woman’s Day Carer of the Year Awards.

“I am excited and proud to be supporting the Woman’s Day Carer of the Year Awards,” says Tania, author of Love Has No Limits. “This award is a great way to acknowledge the unsung heroes in our society.

“Carers in Australia rarely receive the recognition they deserve for the important role they play, silently sacrificing their lives to give their loved ones a life worth living. That’s why it’s great to see Woman’s Day being proud to get behind carers and acknowledge the important role these special people play.”

Today the happy couple have a two-year-old son Joshua. But with a combined income of Warren’s disability pension and Tania’s carer allowance totalling just $23,000 a year, Tania knows how important it is to acknowledge the work that she and her fellow 2.6 million carers in Australia do every day.

“Speak to any carer and they’ll tell you they love what they do. But we should remember that carers save the Government something like $30.5billion a year. If we could just increase the carer pension, that would help reward them. As it stands, most carers can barely pay their bills. They certainly can’t afford to go out and enjoy a bit of life. It’s as if they’re being punished for being selfless.”

Tania met Warren when she was just 19. Falling in love on their first date they were the perfect couple and Warren proposed on Valentine’s Day three years later.

“All we could talk about was our beautiful future,” Tania says. “Warren said he wanted to work seven days a week so he could set us up in a home to raise a family. He spoiled me, he was my protector.”

But after his operation, it was Tania who needed to be there for Warren. Now, each day, Tania lifts his 100kg frame out of bed and into his chair. Washing, feeding, toileting, dressing and administering his medication all fall to Tania, plus helping him with his exercises which include stretching and walking with the assistance of an overhead harness device.

Warren, 40, admits it hurts when people misjudge him.

“Just because my body doesn’t work any more, doesn’t mean mentally I’m not the same person,” he says. “It’s frustrating for me, because I remember how I was — so fit and active.”

Happily, Tania and Warren still make time to enjoy romance.

“We try and go out for dinner often. But we’ll also do simple things like cuddling on the couch. Warren spends most of his days in a chair that supports him, but every couple of weeks I’ll say, ‘Come over here and sit on the lounge with me. Come and sit with me and be normal.’ Because he is normal. Simple things like a cuddle on the couch mean the world to us.”

  • $2000 cash

  • One night’s accommodation for the winner and a guest in the Four Points by Sheraton at Darling Harbour in Sydney, including breakfast

  • Return flights for two to Sydney and airport transfers (if required)

  • A Woman’s Day pamper package including a beauty treatment of choice to the value of $300

Plus, 4 runners-up win a $100 pamper package.

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Pregnant man update: Three weeks to go

Just weeks before he gives birth, pregnant man Thomas Beatie shows no sign of slowing down.

Hiding his baby bump under a T-shirt that reads “Define Normal”, the world’s first pregnant man is showing no signs of putting his feet up, tending to his lawn just weeks out from his due date.

Despite saying he’s “always feeling bloated” and is suffering from aching feet and hips, Thomas Beatie has been spotted by his neighbours carrying out “manly” chores at his Bend, Oregon, home, such as taking out the garbage and mowing the lawn, while wife Nancy has been busy preparing their new arrival’s nursery, decked out in yellow.

“I often see him taking out the rubbish. These things have to be done and Thomas is happy to do them,” neighbour Mitch Kahle told Closer magazine in the UK.

“They are just like any other couple expecting a child. Thomas likes to keep busy, and if that means doing tasks around the house, that’s what he has to do.”

Thomas shocked the world when he announced in March this year that he was pregnant. Born Tracy LaGondino, he is now legally a man after a partial sex-change operation 10 years ago, but he was able to fall pregnant because he kept his reproductive organs.

“Ironically, being pregnant doesn’t make me feel any more female or feminine,” Thomas told Oprah Winfrey in what’s believed to have been a million-dollar deal between the talk-show host and People magazine in April. “Having this baby doesn’t make me less of a man. Wanting a child is a human desire. So I decided just to have a chest reconstruction and testosterone therapy, keeping my womb intact. The only thing different about me is that I won’t be able to breastfeed.”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 9).

Your say:

Is Thomas doing the right thing by being male and pregnant? How do you think it will affect the child? Have your say below…

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Kelly Rowland’s seen the daylight!

By Alex Needs

She’s sexy, soulful and loving the solo life. One third of Destiny’s Child, Kelly Rowland is a woman in control, with a killer sense of humour. Woman’s Day caught up with the 27-year-old Texan during her recent trip to Australia.

Your new song Daylight is about staying up all night. Do you ever get a chance to do that?

I did once, maybe twice, stayed out till daylight. The thing is, it gets so light and you don’t realise it. I had a date and we literally stayed up all night talking. Those were the days… Where did they go?!

You’ve collaborated with a lot of people — Nelly, Eve, Travis from Gym Class Heroes. Is there anyone you’d like to work with still?

Will.i.am. He’s working with a lot of people, but I’d love to work with him.

What motivates you to keep going?

I guess I still love it. I love mouthing off in interviews, performing when you know it’s going to be a fun show. You know…

How different is it performing on your own than with Destiny’s Child?

Completely. By myself, I feel like you can just do you. And with Destiny’s Child you do Destiny’s Child. They’re both beautiful, though.

Labels you love?

YSL. I was so sad to hear he’d passed. Dolce and Gabbana too, and Stella McCartney, Dianne von Furstenberg and Ralph Lauren. He’s the man for American classic fashion.

Would you ever start your own label?

No. I’d really just rather buy the clothes. It’s not my passion. I’m passionate about working with children.

You’re ambassador for the MTV Staying Alive Foundation focusing on AIDS education.

Yes, I’m really excited about this. I’ve sat down with the CEO of MTV and he explained the numbers. They’re not drastically rising, but they’re rising, and we need to keep educating people. HIV is rising among African American women, so we need to keep sewing the seeds of education to make people realise we’re not invincible. And it’s important they know they’re not, that the threat is real and that things could happen to you if you don’t use protection.

For more of this intervew, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 9).

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Angelina Jolie birth exclusive

Woman’s Day reveals all the details about the arrival of Brad and Ange’s twins.

When reports spread on May 30 that Angelina Jolie had given birth to twins — reports the couple have strenuously denied — she wasn’t annoyed. In fact, she and partner Brad Pitt laughed about the growing confusion, says an insider.

“Brad and Ange are doing everything they can to keep the birth of the twins top secret,” says the source.

But while an early birth has been discounted, the actress has been under close medical observation. US magazine In Touch reports that after collapsing on May 24 an exhausted Angelina was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia — a condition characterised by high-blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine, which needs to be monitored closely.

“It’s very common for women who are expecting twins to experience pre-eclampsia or gestational diabetes,” explains obstetrician Dr Christiane Northrup.

The low-down

Doctors are believed to have advised extended bed rest, and Ange hasn’t been seen in public for days.

This week’s Woman’s Day exclusively sets the record straight about the reports and rumours surrounding the birth of the twins…

For the full story, as well as all the goss from Ange’s Vanity Fair interview, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 9).

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