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Katie Holmes’ career highs and lows

Katie’s big break was as Joey in the 1997 TV series, Dawson’s Creek alongside (L to R) James Van Der Beek (Dawson), Michelle Williams (Jennifer) and Joshua Jackson (Pacey).

While working on Dawson’s Creek, Katie filmed Disturbing Behavior for which she won Best Breakthrough Female Performance in the 1999 MTV Movie Awards. Then, in 1999, came the edgy and award-winning film Go which saw Katie show a wilder side of her range, alongside actress Sarah Polley.

Katie starred in the controversial teen flick Teaching Mrs. Tingle with 7th Heaven‘s Barry Watson.

Katie was also a popular choice as host for shows such as MTV Movie Awards (pictured with hip-hop star Lil Bow Wow), TRL Live and Saturday Night Live.

Katie Holmes and boyfriend of five years Chris Klein attend “90 Stars for 90 Years” at Paramount Studios in Hollywood — in the same way they appeared at other star-studded events — many of them Katie’s own premieres. The often grinning pair were engaged from December 2003 until March 2005.

Three months later, Katie was engaged to Tom Cruise.

Adding to her growing list of big-name co-stars — including Cate Blanchett, Robert Downey Jr, Michael Douglas, Keanu Reeves, and Hilary Swank — was Colin Farrell in the 2002 film Phone Booth.

In 2003, Katie played alongside her Wonder Boys co-star Robert Downey Jr. in The Singing Detective.

Katie’s string of leading roles continued with First Daughter — pictured with co-stars Amerie and Marc Blucas in 2004.

It’s said that Katie was paid $1 million to star as Rachel Dawes, a childhood friend of Bruce Wayne’s, in Batman Begins. Pictured (L to R): Director Christopher Nolan, actors Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Ken Watanabe and Katie Holmes, and producer Charles Roven.

Katie and Tom were engaged 11 days after the Hollywood premiere of Batman Begins in June 2005. Katie made one more film that year, Thank You For Smoking, and not another until Mad Money this year.

She turned down a reprisal of her Batman role and director Christopher Nolan “wasn’t very happy”.

Katie’s style has certainly become more refined in her older years and especially since marrying Tom — Katie (left) before Tom and Katie (right) with Tom.

Can’t get enough of Hollywood celebs and their babies? Check out our gallery of the genetically-blessed cherub of Angelina and Brad’s,

Shiloh Pitt-Jolie.

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Hungry, hungry kitten

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I traded sex for my daughter’s tuition

My daughter’s private school only gives away a very few places to families on low incomes. My daughter was lucky enough to be given a place when she started year one. Even with the greatly reduced fees, I was still pushing uphill to come up with the money and her uniform costs.

When she was diagnosed with dyslexia half way through the year I was told the only way she could stay on was if I paid for private tutoring. I had no spare cash and worried myself sick how I was going to keep her in her wonderful school.

Then one afternoon at my daughter’s mid-term concert, I started chatting to a lovely fellow. I found out Roger was the year 3 teacher and he also tutored quite a few children after school. It sounded great until I heard how much he charged. I could never come up with that sort of money.

Meanwhile, a couple of the other mothers I didn’t like had noticed me talking to Roger. When I went to collect my daughter that afternoon, they had a word to me, warning me off him. They told me his wife had passed away from cancer six months ago and that I wasn’t to put my claws into him. I was terribly upset they thought just because I was a struggling single mum that I would chase after any man going.

I must admit though, later on that evening when I was reading yet another note from the school telling me I had to get tuition for my daughter, an idea came to me.

I got the phone book out and looked up Roger’s address. Once I found it, I dropped my daughter over to my mum’s for dinner that night, dressed myself up and went for a visit. Shaking with nerves, I knocked on Roger’s front door and asked if I could have a chat.

He looked very surprised when I put my suggestion to him. I told him that I understood he was still mourning his wife, but I also knew how lonely he must be too. I explained how desperate I was to get my daughter some tutoring so she could stay in her wonderful school.

Although he had reservations at first, eventually Roger came around to my suggestion. He agreed that he would tutor my daughter three nights a week after school. In return, I slept with him two nights a week when my daughter visited my mum for dinner.

I was in agony for the first few weeks I did it. I knew it was no different to prostitution, but the weird thing is, Roger and I quickly became wonderful friends. He never made me feel cheap or desperate and I think we both helped ease each other’s loneliness without the expectation of a relationship or the guilt that he was betraying his wife’s memory.

Two years later, and my daughter has just started year four. Roger has taught her amazing ways of dealing with her dyslexia and she is now doing really well at school. Roger and I ended our agreement early last year when he started having feelings for the new pre-primary teacher at the school. We parted as wonderful friends and I was even invited to his Christmas wedding.

I’ll never tell my daughter what I did to keep her at her school as I don’t think she would understand my desperation. It’s not something I’m proud of, but I made a wonderful friend and I’ve given my little girl the best start I can in the only way I could think of.

*All names in this story have been changed.

Picture: Getty Images. Posed by models.*

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You are what you drink — what your coffee says about you

We have all heard the old saying, you are what you eat, but a new survey has revealed that you are also what you drink! Whether it’s a cappuccino, flat white, latte or a long black you’re craving, your coffee choice apparently reflects your personality.

It’s certainly no secret that Australians love their coffee and know how they like to drink it. However, a recent study by Australian coffee chain Hudsons Coffee has now found that the type of coffee you drink could actually say a lot more about you than you may have ever realised.

Take a look at some of the suprising findings when Australia’s top four coffee drinks were compared and see how you measure up!

  • Flick to the gossip and entertainment section of the newspaper

  • Spend Saturday night in a nightclub

  • Listen to dance music

  • Take public transport

  • Live in a shared house with friends or with mum and dad

  • Have between 201-300 friends on Facebook

  • Flick to the sports section of the newspaper

  • Spend Saturday night in front of the TV with a takeaway

  • Listen to pop music

  • Drive a sedan

  • Live by the beach or water

  • Have more than 500 friends on Facebook

  • Flick to the travel section of the newspaper

  • Spend Saturday night on a date

  • Listen to rock music

  • Get around in a taxi

  • Live in an apartment in the CBD

  • Have 1 – 50 friends on Facebook

  • Get their news online

  • Spend Saturday night at the cinema or theatre

  • Listen to classical or acoustic music

  • Drive a 4WD or sportscar

  • Live in a detached house in the suburbs or country

  • Have 1 – 50 friends on Facebook!

As if interstate rivalry needed more fuel on its fire, the national survey also found that which part of Australia you come from has a bearing on which coffee floats your boat. New South Welshmen are apparently most likely to reach for a cappuccino whereas their Victorian counterparts favour the latte, while coffee-lovers in Western Australia opt for the faithful flat white. Coffee-crazy Melbournians had their title challenged as Queenslanders were found to consume the most coffee in Oz while the cappuccino won out overall being named as Australia’s favourite coffee with voters who delight in extra foam and chocolate spinkles.

Australians are also becoming increasingly fussy in their drinking habits according to the Hudsons survey, with 83 percent of people only drinking fresh coffee and giving instant coffee a nudge out of the cupboard. Mark Hawthorne, co-founder of Hudsons Coffee commented, “the results show Australia is now a nation of coffee connoisseurs with more than 40 percent requesting modifications to their coffee when ordering. Whether that’s soy milk, a caramel shot or a double dusting of chocolate sprinkles, Australians certainly know how they like their coffee!”

YOUR SAY: Do you think coffee drinking habits reveal personality types?

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Sperm frozen for 21 years: Meet our little miracle

By Sandra White

In 1987, cancer sufferer Wayne Kuhn froze his sperm — now it’s delivered him a baby daughter.

Little Elouise Kuhn was in such a hurry to get her name in the record books she arrived eight days early — 21 years after her dad’s sperm had been frozen!

With sperm having an expected shelf life of seven years, Elouise’s conception has experts in a spin. A UK fertility specialist is “99.9 per cent certain this is the longest-frozen sperm to result in a baby anywhere in the world”.

As she sleeps at her family’s home in Zadows Landing, on the banks of the Murray River in SA, Elouise’s dad Wayne and mum Kelly tell their remarkable story.

Wayne, now 42, was diagnosed with cancer when he was just 21. After a football accident put him in hospital, doctors discovered he was riddled with the disease. Before they operated, they advised Wayne to freeze some sperm as chemotherapy could end his chances of becoming a father.

The news soon got even worse.

“After a major operation to remove tumours from my lungs, kidneys and a testicle, doctors told me I had only three weeks to three months to live,” Wayne says.

“I began chemotherapy, determined to prove them wrong, so I could have children one day.”

A business liaison manager, Wayne has been cancer-free for 15 years. And all the time he paid $200 a year to keep his sperm in storage in liquid nitrogen …

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale July 7).

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Jamie Oliver’s saving lives

The show that shocked Britain into adopting healthier habits, Eat To Save Your Life, is about to be aired on Network Ten. Its host Jamie Oliver delivers the grim facts.

An autopsy of an obese man is performed on the show. Do you think people need to be shocked into realising how bad the state of our health is?

I certainly found it shocking and so did the guys we had in the studio. I think it’s very easy to just eat and eat and not think about the consequences, but when you actually see the damage that’s done, it makes you think twice.

Thin people can still have poor diets — do you address that issue on the show?

Yeah, we do. We brought together a variety of people with many different diet issues and yes, of course, you can be thin but still have real problems in store for you if you don’t eat a balanced diet.

You are doing a lot of work like this — does it still alarm you how badly we eat?

It does, yes. I’m doing a program at the moment — I hope you’ll see it this year or early next year — and we’ve got people who eat dozens of bags of crisps every day, we’ve got people who have never cooked a decent meal for themselves in their lives because they’ve been living off takeaways and microwave meals.

What do you and your family do to ensure you don’t fall into the obesity trap?

Well, we’re lucky that the girls have always had a wide variety of foods since they were babies, so it’s easy to get them to eat fruit and veg because they’ve always loved it. They have the odd treat, of course, like pizza or something like that, but they’re generally pretty good.

What are the most common mistakes we make about food?

We buy too much and then we throw half of it away. Most people don’t know how to shop any more and particularly now, when money is a bit tight, I think the food shop needs to go further. You can be clever with it — get three meals out of a free-range roast chicken or a kilo of good mince.

As a chef, does it take a lot for you not to stack on weight?

I try to be careful, but I’m also quite active, so I’ve stayed more or less the same weight for the last few years now.

Jamie Oliver’s Eat To Save Your Life airs on Network Ten, Wednesday, July 16 at 9.30pm.

For more of this interview, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale July 7).

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Do you think that shock-tactics will make people adopt better eating habits? Have your say below…

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Katie Holmes’s Broadway disaster

Disappointing ticket sales dash the star’s hopes of reviving her career, and insiders say Tom is to blame.

Katie Holmes is reeling after her big Broadway debut has been dubbed a flop, months before the curtain goes up. The growing buzz about poorer-than-hoped ticket sales follows the failure of her recent big screen role in Mad Money.

Adding salt to the wound, the show’s poor sales are being compared to Nicole Kidman’s sexy Broadway turn in The Blue Room in 1998, which generated a massive $4 million in advance sales.

While Katie’s stage debut in Arthur Miller’s All My Sons isn’t set until September 18, insiders say its producers are already regretting casting the pretty actress in a lead role.

“Katie Holmes might be a nice little actress, but so far she’s not much of a draw say sources involved in the production, who are beginning to fret that ticket sales aren’t as strong as they’d hoped,” wrote New York Post theatre columnist Michael Riedel.

One ticket broker told the newspaper they had yet to sell a single ticket to the performance.

“I bought 1000 tickets to the show … I still have them,” the broker complained.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale July 7).

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Greg Norman’s wedding

The sports stars wed in the Bahamas at sunset on June 28, 2008.

“When I looked at Greg, I realised that I felt he and I were the only ones there,” says Chris.

Chris wore a embroidered Carolina Herrera taffeta sheath.

Chris and Greg took to the dance floor, serenaded by singer Kenny Loggins.

Fit for sports royalty.

Greg and Chris’s Bahamas wedding was held at the exclusive One&Only Ocean Club.

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Megan Gale’s super career.

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Olympic swimmers Stephanie and Eamon stripped bare

By Jenny Brown

In the lead-up to the Olympics, swimming’s golden couple Stephanie Rice and Eamon Sullivan reveal all.

They’ve been compared to Posh and Becks, Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi or a modern-day version of Lisa Curry and Grant Kenny. Aussie swimming’s glamour couple Stephanie Rice and Eamon Sullivan already have high hopes of winning Olympic gold after smashing three world records.

Now the dynamic duo are making very different waves in the fashion world — by lending their faces, and super-fit bodies, to a hot new range of undies. Stephanie and Eamon usually prefer to keep their long-distance romance under wraps, but the chance to make a splash in the cheeky Davenport ad campaign proved too much of a temptation.

“It was something quite different for us and it was a lot of fun,” grins 22-year-old Eamon, whose laid-back nature belies his status as Australia’s fastest-ever swimmer (he currently holds the world record in the 50m freestyle).

“I’m used to standing in front of a lot of people in just my Speedos, but I’m not used to sitting in a make-up chair for 45 minutes. Still, being pampered by a whole lot of women was nice!”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale July 7).

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Susie Maroney’s baby joy: The baby that healed my broken heart

By Jenny Brown

Pictures: David Hahn. Hair and make-up: Deanne Dority. Shot on location at Rydges Cronulla, (02) 9527 3100.

Smiling softly, tenderly cradling her newborn baby, it seems the long years of heartache are finally over for marathon swim star Susie Maroney.

Daughter Paris Seana has healed so many hurts: the tragic death of Susie’s twin brother Sean, the loss of two unborn babies and even the too-recent breakdown of her marriage to banker Rob Daniels. In a life that has already seen wild crests and troughs to rival the surf at her beloved Cronulla, at last Susie has a perfect pink reason to celebrate.

A precious bundle

Her first words after Paris’s arrival on June 19 were, “I love you, I love you, I love you so much.” She can’t stop cuddling her precious bundle, seldom lets her out of her sight and even laughs when the nappy-less bub wees on her foot.

According to Susie’s stalwart mum Pauline, “The hole she’s had in her heart since losing Sean has been filled. All this time she’s been missing him, and suddenly she has someone else to love.”

Yet the greatest joys are too often shadowed with drama for the tight-knit Maroney clan, which was devastated by Susie’s marriage split less than three months ago.

Fate snatched away the former couple’s first baby in a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy, while little Paris’s unborn twin died in the womb beside her — leaving her with only a 50/50 chance of survival…

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale July 7).

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