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Shake your morning fog

Not a morning person? These 10 ideas from Pamela Allardice will have you out of bed pronto and feeling perkier once you’re up.

1 First things first. You’ll feel awful in the morning if you don’t get enough sleep. Going to bed five minutes earlier each night for two weeks will increase your shut-eye time by an hour.

2 Wind down after dinner. Meditate, listen to relaxing music, take a bath, drink chamomile tea. If you feel unsettled, fill a hot water bottle and put it on your tummy. Avoid sleep saboteurs, like chocolate, action movies, bill-paying and arguments.

3 Dim the lights. This stimulates the release of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Put a night-light in your bathroom – switching on a bright light at night makes it difficult to get back to sleep.

4 Wake with awareness. Don’t jump out of bed. Spend a minute becoming aware of how you feel. Then stand up slowly, clasp your hands and say a simple affirmation, such as “Today I will try to do the best I can.”

5 See the light. Stepping outside in the early light raises your body temperature and cues your brain to stop producing melatonin. If you can’t get out, bring the light and fresh air in. Open a window to let in the sounds and smells of a new day. If you get up while it’s dark, try an alarm clock that gradually gets brighter.

6 Unkink your spine. Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees bent, hands on hips. Take a deep breath, arch your back, tilt your chin up and take your elbows back. Now exhale, reversing the movement, bringing your elbows forward, dropping your head and curving your spine into a ‘C’ shape. Repeat 5 times.

7 Practise power breathing. Lying still causes carbon dioxide to build up in your blood, making you feel sleepy. ‘Bellows breathing’ – where the length of the inhalation equals that of the exhalation – increases circulation and sends freshly oxygenated blood to the brain. Begin with 5 slow breaths, then build up to a faster pace. Repeat 5 times.

8 Sip citrus. Starting the day with a glass of warm water and the juice of a lemon triggers peristalsis, the contractions that move food through your digestive tract, telling your body it’s time to get a move on. Plus, the zingy scent boosts your mood.

9 Treat yourself. Always have the ingredients you need for your favourite breakfast, even if it’s just fresh fruit and yoghurt for a quick smoothie. If you start the day eating something you like, your whole day is filtered through a contented mood.

10 Have something to get out of bed for. Planning a morning activity that makes you happy sets you up for a great day. Meet a friend for a walk or breakfast, play with your pet, cuddle your kids, spend a minute contemplating your garden, or listen to a talking book by your favourite author before work.

Your say: Do you have any great tips for getting up in the morning? Tell us below…

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I lost my sister’s scholarship application!

During the summer of 2006, my older sister Eleanor had finally finished school and had just about finished applying for her entries into her tertiary choices at university. My parents were moderately financially secure but the one university that Eleanor really wanted to attend was private and very expensive.

As hard as my parents worked, they made a few unfortunate business decisions which meant they could not afford to send her to that college. So Eleanor decided to apply for a full scholarship as it was the only way she could do the degree she wanted there.

Eleanor had also organised a trip abroad with her friends instead of doing the Schoolies thing, so she had a tight deadline to get her scholarship application submitted. In the final weeks of completing the application and finalising her travel plans, things got very busy and stressful.

On the second-last day before Eleanor was to leave, she asked me if I could do her a favour and post her application off for her. She was so busy and needed to pack, confirm flights, make last calls etc and needed help to get everything done. I agreed. I could handle the task of posting a letter! How hard could it be? She stressed the importance of the letter to me several times that night and I assured her all would be fine.

The next day, the day before Eleanor was to leave, I left for work early to post her application and also do some shopping at the mall. I loved my shopping. I was addicted to clothes and this is where Eleanor and I differed. Eleanor was very responsible and saved all her money, whereas I would indulge in spending my disposable income on clothes and going out.

I dropped into one of my favourite stores and noticed that they were having a massive sale on some of the items that I had been eyeing off for months. I was so excited and immediately started picking clothes off the rack to try on. I had a handful of clothes and was taking some time trying them all on. I started to rush as I wasn’t going to be able to try all the clothes before work. I quickly made my decisions and made some bargain purchases. I was so excited and happy with my new items. I then started towards work.

I got to work without a care in the world and clocked on. It wasn’t until a couple of hours later that I realised I hadn’t posted the letter. I asked my boss if I could take a ten minute break so I could stop off at the post. I went to get the letter out of my bag… and couldn’t find it. That’s when it hit me — I had left my sister’s most important scholarship application at the store earlier that morning.

I bolted to the store. I was so panicked that I made no sense to the sales assistant. I ran into every change room but could not find the letter. I explained what I had done but they could not remember seeing anything like that. They advised me to go to centre management as someone may have handed it in as lost property. But it wasn’t there.

I felt so sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. What was I going to do? I couldn’t tell Eleanor as she would never trust me to do anything again — and rightly so. I couldn’t believe I had stuffed up.

I thought to call Eleanor and explain what happened, but I knew there wasn’t enough time to finish another application. And if she couldn’t submit her application, I knew her holiday would be ruined, all because of me.

I went back to work, thinking a couple of hours of hard work would clear my mind. After I clocked off I was no closer to a decision. I went home and hoped that Eleanor was not there. As soon as I saw her,I knew what my decision was. I couldn’t tell her. She was so happy. I walked away and ignored the niggling hole that was eating up my insides.

While Eleanor was away she called up to fill us in on her travels and never stopped asking about her application. She did have other letters come through, however none from her most desired one. Towards the end of her trip, Eleanor was getting so upset that I started to regret not telling her what I had done. Her trip was slowly getting ruined from her stressing about not receiving a reply.

Eleanor arrived four days later and couldn’t believe that she had received letters of acceptance from other institutions, but not the one that she really wanted. So she called the university’s administration and asked about the progress of her application. They informed her that they had not received an application from her.

Eleanor went off on the phone, explaining that it had been sent weeks ago. She gave me a glaring stare and I tried to act calm and confirm that it was sent. I knew I should have confessed what had happened, but I couldn’t now that I had lied for so long.

Also, I thought that if she explained that it had been sent and perhaps went missing in the post, she could be allowed to resubmit her application. Unfortunately, the university had already made its selection. But they said she could reapply next semester. Eleanor was so upset — she really wanted to start her studies right after her travels. She ended up selecting her second preference and seems to be doing really well. I had single-headedly changed the course of my sister’s career.

I know what I did was pitiful and horrible. I look back now and realise how immature and selfish I was for not confessing. Instead of being honest and giving my sister a real chance I lied to cover myself. I feel so guilty and will never be dishonest again. I have to live with this forever.

*All names in this story have been changed.

Picture: Getty Images.*

Your say: Have your say about this true confession below…

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Scrumptious slimming soups meal plan

By Judy Davie

“Arghhhh why didn’t I control myself and eat less?!” is the common cry of many people who peel their winter clothes off to find a few extra kilos that weren’t there four months before.

In nature, bears and squirrels stock up with food to provide warmth before tucking themselves away to hibernate for winter. While most of us would like to take a long nap during the colder months as well, our daily demands are no different to any other time of the year. Yet, many of us barely have enough energy to get through the list of “must dos” let alone the list of “need to dos”.

If you really need to lose weight, it’s not worth putting it off until spring. Our scrumptious soup weight loss diet is designed to give you more energy, keep you feeling warm, nourished and satisfied without too much extra work.

The beauty of soup is that it tastes better the day after making; therefore our diet plan is planned with meals rolled over from one day to the next. There’s less work and more taste — a double bonus! Soups are either eaten for lunch or dinner and there are plenty of other simple meals to give you enough variety so you won’t get bored.

With exercise thrown in, depending on how much weight you have to lose in the first place, there’s no reason why you can’t be 4kg down in 4 weeks’ time.

Note: Make sure you have plenty of soup containers if you have to take your soup to work or store it in batches in the fridge.

Day one | Day two | Day three | Day four | Day five | Day six | Day seven

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Aussie parents’ heartbreak: Our twins’ rare cancer battle

**By Jackie Brygel

Mum and Dad’s pain as Connor and Jared become only the second set of twins in the world to fight rare cancer…**

With their huge blue eyes and angelic faces, identical twins Connor and Jared McCartin are undeniably gorgeous. They light up a room as they play, and never stray far from each other’s sides.

But the 19-month-olds are also united by an unbelievably sad bond. They are believed to be only the second set of identical twins in the world to be diagnosed with an extremely rare form of cancer — juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia.

Textbook babies

The toddlers now face the fight of their lives, with specialists at The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne preparing to give them stem-cell transplants. For their parents, Christine and Scott, it will be an agonising wait.

“These boys have brought so much to our life,” says Christine, her eyes moistening. “They’ve been wonderful little boys and you feel so helpless.

“You look at their innocence and think, ‘Why do they have to go through this?’ And we can’t explain it to them.”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale July 14).

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J.Lo gets her body back!

The superstar mum regains her famous figure just four months after the birth of her twins…

Hollywood beauty Jennifer Lopez has reclaimed her famous curves — as well as the sizzling romance in her four-year marriage to singer Marc Anthony — just four months after having twins.

Loved-up Jen, who turns 39 on July 24, and Marc, 39, have enjoyed the sights of the Italian Riviera while on holidays at the home of fashion designer Stefano Gabbana.

Let’s get proud

The trip wasn’t all rest and relaxation for J.Lo, who has been working hard to shed the last of her baby weight with daily swims, gym workouts and exhausting treks through Italy’s Cinque Terre national park.

But the effort has clearly been worth it. After taking an extended dip in the balmy Mediterranean, the star showed off her fabulous bikini body as she climbed onto a private yacht with the help of her adoring husband.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale July 14).

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Prince Harry lends a hand

The young royal spends time in Africa helping disabled kids…

Prince Harry is following in the footsteps of his late mother, Diana, by putting aside his hard-partying ways to pursue charity work in Africa.

The 23-year-old royal has been working up a sweat as he helps renovate the only school for disabled kids in the tiny African mountain kingdom of Lesotho.

When asked if his mother would be proud of his efforts, Harry said simply, “I hope so.”

At present the Thuso Community Centre is home to 43 children with profound physical and intellectual disabilities, but when the renovations are complete, it will house up to 80 youngsters.

“This is the only school for the mentally handicapped in Lesotho, and once the project is finished we hope to make another in the centre and one in the south,” says Harry.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale July 14).

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Gordon Ramsay: Here’s health!

By Josephine Agostino

Pictures: Lisa Barber

He may be a celebrity but Gordon Ramsay will never go on a diet — he just swears by a few healthy recipes!

One look at Gordon Ramsay’s résumé would make anyone wonder what on earth he’s got to be angry about.

He has 12 Michelin stars to his name, an OBE from the Queen and a $150 million-a-year business empire that includes top-rating TV shows Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares, Hell’s Kitchen and The F Word.

And when the 41-year-old returns from one of his dozens of restaurants around the world to his luxury London home, it’s to his beautiful wife Tana, 33 (who is herself a domestic goddess), and their children Megan, 10, twins Holly and Jack, 7, and Matilda, 6.

So taking a bite out of Gordon reveals those f-bombs aren’t really sources of anger at all. They’re explosions of culinary passion.

While his mouth has arguably made him famous, it’s his food — most recently in his new book Gordon Ramsay’s Healthy Appetite — that speaks loudest of all about who the man really is.

What are your favourite recipes from Healthy Appetites?

I would say the fish recipes are amazing. Cooking fish for me is a lot more exciting than cooking meat. There’s only one temperature in terms of rare, medium or well done, there’s just exact. And I like the soups, the one with chorizo sausage and butter beans. We don’t eat enough pulses. Things move very fast in this country on the back of trends and what we are trying to do is not become trendy and make it part of a staple diet.

What do you think of Australian cuisine?

I like the lightness here. Australian cuisine is very connected to California style, light, vibrant foods. We don’t have that in UK. So every time I travel, I pick up and steal new ideas. I had the most amazing lunch at Bondi Icebergs last time we were here. The perfect salad — fennel, poached salmon, pink grapefruit, fresh basil. You could eat that any day, it was amazing.

Is there any food you don’t like?

Ladies’ fingers — okra. As a vegetable, I can’t stand it. I know how important it is in terms of ethnic cooking but I find it unappealing and very bland, very slimy.

What inspires you?

Perfection. It’s high-energy. It’s exciting. So staying ahead of it and keeping six months in front of your customers is the toughest call.

Who is the most memorable person you’ve cooked for?

On Tuesday we’re cooking for Nelson Mandela’s 90th birthday at Hyde Park, an open dinner for 500 guests at £100,000 [$206,000] a table. It’s a big dinner. We’re doing South African lamb, a chilled asparagus, pea and mint soup, then for dessert, we’re doing a summer berry parfait. I suppose one of the most enjoyable lunches ever was cooking for Lady Di at Aubergine. [I’ve done] The Queen, President Putin and Tony Blair.

Do you still cook in your restaurants?

I’ll be back in Chelsea at Royal Hospital Road [his top-rated restaurant] after this. I wouldn’t maintain three Michelin stars unless I was still hands-on. Of course I’m not at the stove 16 hours a day running the meat section. I bring it together like air traffic control. We wouldn’t be where we are today if I wasn’t. And secondly, I’m a control freak.

We know you hate dinner parties, but who would you invite to one?

I’m s–t at dinner parties! I had dinner with her recently at her house — The Body, Elle. Opposite her would be Liz Hurley. Um, then Dannii Minogue. No I’m joking. [Laughs] Just a table of three — intimate and vibrant.

Can your wife cook a meal without you putting in your five cents worth?

Sometimes. She’s not as fast as I am so it gets a bit difficult. I’m really impatient, handling 200 [customers] a night, so you get agitated when someone’s doing something and you can do it 10 times as fast. So trying to put your 10 pence worth in, you get a kick in the bollocks and you get told to keep out. So the stress is relieved because we have two kitchens.

What are your favourite cookbooks?

The Silver Spoon is lovely, an amazing book, it’s like a passport to Italian cookery. [UK chef] Nigel Slater is amazing, as is Alain Ducasse. I’ve got over 3500 books at home, we’re always buying them. Do I use them? Not really.

What would your last meal be?

I would start off with the most amazing chilled tomato consomme served with bocconcini and laced with golden caviar taken from an albino sturgeon. For main course, I’d have to go for a classic roast, something done with baby Pyrenees lamb. Beautiful. Then for dessert a chocolate fondant with vanilla ice-cream, something yummy, that would you need to go to bed after eating.

With all your success, are there still things you want to achieve?

Truthfully? Before I lay my apron to rest, I want three [Michelin] stars in Paris. To go back and stick it up the French would give me great joy. So, head down, listen to the biggest critics who are my customers and the one bigger critic on top of them and that’s me. I work hard at pushing the boundaries and we’ve only just started. I am no way, by any means finished and ready to go. No way, jose!

  • Gordon Ramsay’s Healthy Appetite (Quadrille/Hardie Grant, rrp $45), features 125 mouth-watering recipes with fresh ingredients, all cooked in a healthy way for maximum flavour. It’s the latest fantastic cookbook from Gordon’s TV series The F Word. You’ll find it at all good bookstores.

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Katie: ‘Yes, I’m pregnant again!’

Happy family news breaks a run of bad luck for beleaguered Katie Holmes…

Katie Holmes has revealed to friends and family that she’s pregnant again to husband Tom Cruise, and she can’t hide her excitement about her big news.

Proudly showing off a rounded belly in a midriff-baring top as she and Tom, 46, joined neighbours during July 4 celebrations near their Colorado ranch, Katie, 29, seemed over the moon — and she’s not alone.

“Tom has wanted another baby since their daughter Suri was born two years ago,” an insider tells Life&Style magazine. “He’s hoping for a boy.”

Well-placed sources say they planned to expand their family after Katie’s turn on Broadway in September, but then doctors reassured them that Katie would still be able to work comfortably during her second trimester.

“Katie is in peak condition and she’s still under 30, so doctors are happy that she can continue to work,” says one source.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale July 14).

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In the mag – July 21, 2008

On sale Monday July 14, 2008

Katie: ‘Yes, I’m pregnant again!’

Happy family news breaks a run of bad luck for beleaguered Katie Holmes.

Nic and Keith: Our miracle daughter

The couple are thrilled with their new daughter — even as Nicole’s adopted children are kept from her side.

J.Lo gets her body back!

The superstar mum regains her famous figure just four months after the birth of her twins.

Gordon Ramsay: Here’s health!

He may be a celebrity but Gordon Ramsay will never go on a diet — he just swears by a few healthy recipes…

Prince Harry lends a hand

The young royal spends time in Africa helping disabled kids.

True life: Aussie parents’ heartbreak, “Our twins’ rare cancer battle”

Mum and Dad’s pain as Connor and Jared become only the second set of twins in the world to fight rare cancer.

From the food pages…

  • Gordon Ramsay and wife Tana’s IVF struggle: ‘Our baby battle’

He’s the most adored man on television, with a fortune of more than $150 million, but Gordon Ramsay and his wife Tana have revealed they felt like failures when they realised IVF was the only way they’d fulfil their dream of having a family. Now proud parents of four young children, three of them conceived through IVF, Gordon and Tana speak out about their difficulties in order to give other people hope. In this week’s Woman’s Day the couple talk about their role as parents and their surprise when Tana conceived naturally in 2001 after years of struggling to conceive naturally.

  • Exclusive: Bert Newton’s 70th Birthday

The TV icon looks back on his amazing life, from a breakdown in his twenties, to his TV triumphs and a truly ‘wonderful marriage’.

  • Exclusive: Don Lane’s son on ‘The truth about Dad’s health battle’

Putting rumours to rest, the entertainer’s son says his dad’s days are far from numbered.

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Nic and Keith: Our miracle daughter

The couple are thrilled with their new daughter — even as Nicole’s adopted children are kept from her side…

Glowing mum Nicole Kidman is overwhelmed with joy after achieving her lifelong dream of having a baby, welcoming daughter Sunday Rose Kidman Urban into the world early last week.

But despite sharing the happy arrival with family members — who flew from Australia to Nashville to be with her during the birth — the star’s adopted children, Isabella, 15, and Connor, 13, were banned from being at the hospital when Nicole gave birth to their new baby sister. Instead, they stayed with their father Tom Cruise and his wife Katie Holmes in Colorado.

Refusing to let anything detract from the couple’s happy moment, proud dad Keith Urban, 41, announced the 2.94kg arrival with a personal message on his website shortly after his daughter was born just before midnight last Monday.

“Earlier this morning, Nic gave birth to our beautiful baby girl,” the excited first-time dad wrote.

“We want to thank everybody that has kept us in their thoughts and prayers. We feel very blessed and grateful that we can share this joy with all of you today.”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale July 14).

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