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I set my flatmate up for a robbery to get her out of my house!

When I bought my first house, I was thrilled to finally be out of not only the renting game, but the share-house game. I had found more often than not the experience of sharing with complete strangers to be a nightmare. Countless times throughout my twenties, I’d answer a “room for rent” ad in the paper, or a bookshop window.

My new housemates and I would spend the first few days toasting to new friendships, and three weeks later I’d find myself really living with psychotic control freaks or the world’s biggest slobs! Buying my own place seemed like the perfect solution to end the merry-go-round of freaky flatmates.

Unfortunately, not long after I’d bought, interest rates started to sky-rocket, and I realised I was going to have to take in a border. I knew I couldn’t accept just anyone, it had to be the right person. And that person seemed to be Danielle.

Danielle was bubbly and sweet and fun. She seemed perfect. I quickly contacted references, and excitedly rang her within a few hours to tell her the room was hers. My doubts about getting a border quickly melted away as she handed me a cheque! On her first night in the flat, we bought a bottle of cheap champagne, and sat around laughing as we tried to outdo each other with our flatmate stories from hell. I was sure this was going to be the perfect arrangement for us both.

How wrong I was. Within just a few days it became apparent that Danielle was not all that she seemed. She was going to be the worst flatmate of all!

A couple of days after she’d moved in, I came home late one Friday night to find the flat reeking of booze and cigarettes. I was horrified that every corner of my home seemed to have been tainted by the foul odour. I opened every window in the house, and went to bed, tossing and turning. I didn’t want smokers in the house; I’d specifically advertised the place as a “non-smoking” apartment. She was going to have to live by this, or leave. It was as simple as that. Or so I thought.

Danielle made a huge song and dance about how she had the right to do whatever she wanted in the room she was paying for. I tried to get her to compromise, to smoke outside in the courtyard, but she refused — and also refused to move out. I didn’t know what to do. I had no idea how to force her out. I knew enough from my renting days that she had rights as a renter, that would probably mean I’d have to give her months of notice, and I didn’t want her in there another minute!

I gave her three months’ notice, and got my solicitor to organise an eviction notice, but it seemed that since my confrontation she was smoking nearly everyday, often with many of her friends. My flat began to smell like a cheap pub! If she’d just smoked outside, I wouldn’t have even cared but I couldn’t stand coming home to the pungent aroma of stale nicotine. It made my head spin, and I felt sick. My perfect home had suddenly become a place I didn’t even want to be around anymore. I knew I had to drive Danielle out, and as quickly as possible. But how?

Friday nights seemed to be party night for Danielle and her friends. I felt like I was literally living in a hotel, there were so many empty beer and wine glasses lying around. Then there was her boyfriend. Joe was the stereotypical crim if ever I’d seen one. No job, tats from head to toe, foul language pouring out of his mouth. He looked exactly like the people I saw on the crime stoppers posters at the local train station.

And that’s what gave me the idea: what if I set him up to look as though he’d done something wrong? I already knew that Danielle had given her thug boyfriend a key. All I had to do was wait for them both to be out of the house. I would rob it myself!

A few weeks later, the opportunity presented itself. I knew that while I was at work, Danielle had a job interview and Joe had mentioned he was going to see some mates. I quickly doubled back and, making sure no one was home, grabbed the television, some CDs and a few pieces of jewellery (all mine) and stuffed them into the car. Then I continued on to work, a little late, but with the perfect alibi. Then, when I got home, I rang the police to report the “burglary”!

I was disappointed to find that Joe didn’t have a criminal record, but he also didn’t have a very good alibi — the friend he was visiting was well known to the local police. Whilst no one was very keen to charge Joe, I firmly insisted that I believed he was responsible, and told Danielle that if she didn’t move out and take all her nasty friends with her, I would at least pursue civil action for my stolen property. Danielle agreed to leave almost immediately. It turns out she wasn’t so sure that Joe hadn’t done it anyway! The flat was soon all mine once again.

Without a border, I felt the pinch financially, but it was a small sacrifice if it meant having my home back. A few months later, my new partner moved in and at last I’d found the perfect flatmate. But I still tell him what I’m capable of, just to keep him on his toes!

Picture: Getty Images.

Your say: Justified or malicious? Have your say about this true confession below…

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Camilla — is she the next queen of England?

AAP Images

Recent reports from the UK indicate that Prince Charles is planning to make his wife, Camilla Parker-Bowles the queen of England when he becomes king — despite concerns amidst the royal family that the reputation of the British monarch could be at stake.

According to British newspaper reports, the Prince of Wales has met with a number of senior aides to discuss the Duchess of Cornwall’s status once he ascends the throne, and believes firmly that his wife should be elevated to a higher standing than “princess consort”, the title which Clarence House has previously indicated Camilla would take.

The subject has reportedly been a point of contention within the walls of Buckingham Palace for some time, with the Queen fearful of the damage Camilla’s elevation would cause to the royal family’s reputation. However, opinion polls in the UK have shown the British public to be warming to Camilla, and indeed the idea of her becoming queen seems far more accepted now than at the time of their wedding announcement in 2005.

In the early stages of the couple’s reunion (Camilla and the Prince of Wales dated first back in 1970), Camilla endured years of hatred by much of the British public who were protective of their beloved Diana.

Charles’ affair with Camilla, which he confirmed in a televised interview, shocked the nation back in 1994 and it has taken more than a decade for people to accept that the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall are very much in love and desirous to stand side by side in life when the Queen abdicates.

YOUR SAY: Is it right for Camilla to take on the title of Queen? Tell us your thoughts below!

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Dad faked his death and Mum knew all along

When Mark and Anthony’s father was lost at sea they hid their own heartbreak to support their grieving mother. But when John turned up almost six years later, the boys’ world began to unravel…

As they huddled together at the beach on a cold, blustery day for their father’s memorial ceremony, the hearts of brothers Mark and Anthony Darwin went out to their mother Anne, whose grief still seemed to overwhelm her a year after losing her husband of almost three decades.

Never in their wildest dreams, however, could Mark or Anthony have contemplated the possibility that the man who had raised them was now watching his own service from a window of the family home.

Yet while Mark and Anthony, now 32 and 29, struggled to come to terms with the disappearance at sea 12 months earlier of their father John Darwin, the 58-year-old British prison officer and former teacher was celebrating the fact that he and his wife had successfully faked his death to claim more than $500,000 in insurance and pension funds…

Words: Mail On Sunday

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale September 15, 2008).

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Young royals: What do they do?

The Queen has ordered the younger royals to shape up and do something with their lives, but are her concerns warranted?

Her Majesty has issued a stern warning to Kate Middleton and other members of the royal “brat pack” to get a job or become involved in charity work, in order to protect the family image.

Fed up with seeing photos of her grandchildren and their partners stumbling out of nightclubs around the world, the monarch has demanded they stop taking their wealth and privilege for granted, and do something meaningful with their lives.

Since she was a teenager, the Queen has been heavily involved in community and charity work, and she has passed on the importance of doing this work to her children. But she fears this quality has been lost on the next generation of royals.

The Queen’s concerns come amid criticism that the royal household is becoming a bunch of pleasure-seeking layabouts. So, are they?

To find out how Wills, Harry, Kate, Chelsy, Bea and Eugenie spend their days, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale September 15).

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Ange’s meltdown: ‘I can’t cope!’

With Brad away again, Angelina is struggling to cope with looking after six kids alone…

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Delta Goodrem: ‘My spring body blitz’

The superstar shares her keep-fit secrets for spring.

Clean and healthy living is paramount for Delta Goodrem. The singing sensation knows more than most just how important it is to take care of oneself. With her jet-set lifestyle and constant performing, the 23-year-old is faced with a unique set of challenges when it comes to keeping fit. Here, the new face of So Good takes time out from her hectic life to share her spring body secrets.

How do you stay fit with your crazy lifestyle?

When I am in Australia, I try to find a window within my schedule to work out with my trainer. We do lots of cross-training and I also play with my local basketball team whenever possible. Recently I got to be a guest reporter for Getaway and managed to ski, which is one of my favourite sports [Getaway airs on Nine Network 7.30pm, Thursday September 18]. When I am in America, I work out at the gym with my musical director, Rich.

What foods do you like and which do you avoid?

I eat a balanced diet, which includes seafood, a small amount of meat and lots of salad, vegetables and fruit. I don’t eat chicken. I believe everything in moderation, so that means enjoying some treats too.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale September 15).

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Shannon tells: ‘My family saved me from drugs’

**By Angela Mollard

The Idol’s family brought him from back from breaking point and saved his career.**

His is the ultimate rags to riches story — a farm boy catapulted to mega success thanks to his talent and devotion to his music.

But the pressures of fame and life in the spotlight have almost cost Shannon Noll his career. Hurtful reports about his personal life, long periods away from his family and the drive to maintain his own high standards have put so much pressure on the singer that he has considered giving it all up.

Speaking exclusively for the first time about the dark period, the father of three reveals that front-page headlines alleging he was a drug user tipped him over the edge.

Sitting with his wife Rochelle by his side, Shannon reveals, “I was devastated about the drug story. I sat up all night stressing. I knew the impact it would have on my family, that they would be the ones to suffer, and I just couldn’t bear that thought.”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale September 15).

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Demanding role

With radiant skin and slim, tanned legs, the smiling star showed no signs of a lingering baby body — nor the ravages of constantly disturbed sleep…

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale September 15).

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