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Our first date was a lie!

When I was 21, I fell in love with Eric Lee. A friend of a friend, Eric was intelligent, funny, charming — basically, everything a girl could have wanted. The only thing he wasn’t was interested in me!

A very shy person, I spent the frequent times we met awkwardly trying to make conversation while he nodded and smiled politely. I knew he was probably checking out all the other girls at the various parties we met up in, and it tore my heart out, but I just couldn’t get the confidence up to ask Eric out.

This went on for two years, during which time Eric had a lot of girlfriends — none of them very serious — and I secretly pined for him. By this time, I was working for an accounting firm in the city; our university days were behind us, as were the university parties, so I didn’t see him nearly as much. But this had its advantages — I had pretty much accepted that I had no chance, so the times we did meet were far less awkward — although I still didn’t have the courage to ask the guy out.

When the annual company ball was announced, I felt sick. All my friends were asking their partners and people they liked, but I was too busy silently yearning for a guy who barely knew I was alive. It wasn’t until I opened up to my best friend May that I found with a solution: pretend I needed a date to impress the big bosses.

May convinced me to approach Eric with the idea that I was going for a promotion, and needed to give the impression that I was serious and stable. I didn’t know if it would work, but I was willing to give it a try. Surely he’d say yes if free alcohol was involved, and it didn’t actually mean anything…?

Nervous to the core, I needed a stiff drink before I even picked up the phone, but once I’d dialled the number, the lie came out easily enough.

“Hi Eric,” I stammered. “I’ve got a work ball on Friday night, and I need to pretend I have a boyfriend, or I have no chance at getting a promotion.”

Surprisingly, Eric was totally open to the scheme. He thought it would be fun to pretend we’d been madly in love for ages, and promised he’d spend the whole night looking lovingly into my eyes. This part made me sick with nerves, but there was no going back. The fake date was going ahead.

Eric and I played our parts so well that every single person in the room was fooled. Even my closest friends expressed their surprise that I’d never mentioned I had a boyfriend. I should have felt elated, but I just felt sad and unfulfilled. I’d finally had my dream date with my dream man, and it wasn’t even real.

We’d had such a good time too — chatting and laughing. Because it was all a sham, I’d quickly lost my reserve, and felt I could talk to Eric easily. But now the evening was over, and I knew I’d probably never speak to him like that again — I’d just have to wait for the next nervous small talk at someone’s housewarming or barbeque.

So you can’t imagine my shock when, the following day, the phone rang. It was Eric! He’d had such a nice time, he said. He couldn’t believe he didn’t know me after all these years and wanted to catch up for coffee. I was elated. A real date! Coffee quickly led to dinner, which led to other dates. Before I knew it, we were a proper item, and my lie had become the real thing.

Several years have passed, and Eric and I recently celebrated our second wedding anniversary. We laugh about the way we got together but, although he knows our first date wasn’t real, Eric has no idea that I lied about needing a boyfriend, because that was the only way I could ask him out!

Names in this story have been changed. Picture posed by models.

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Valentine’s Day special: We’re the world’s oldest married couple

**By Jo Knowsley

They’ve seen the world change beyond recognition, but through 72 years of marriage, Pat and Arthur Pullin knew they could always depend on each other…**

It was 1936, and a warm evening in the rural Victorian town of Korumburra. But Beatrice — or Pat, as she prefers to be called — was still working, stitching the final touches onto the white satin and lace gown that heralded the start of her new life.

Pat, her fiancé Arthur Pullin and their families had endured the Great Depression and were about to see their country engulfed by the Second World War.

But Pat, a talented seamstress who was making her own elegant bridal outfit, as well as dresses for her two bridesmaids, could only think that within hours she was to marry the man she loved.

Arthur, on the other hand, recalls that long-ago wedding day with dry humour.

“We were both 30 and I think we were relieved we weren’t going to be left on the shelf,” he quips. “I had met her at a dance and I wasn’t smitten immediately.

“But we were both Poms. We’d emigrated from England with our families — me when I was five and Pat when she was 12 — and we’d sort of stuck to and grown together.

“We liked the same things. Getting married seemed like a good idea.”

Today, 72 years later, he admits it was a good match. He and Pat are now both 103, and the world’s oldest married couple — though not the longest-married. It’s a thought that Arthur, a plumber, tank maker and inventive metalworker before he retired, finds amusing.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale February 9).

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George Clooney scrubs up again

Hold on to your heart monitors… “Gorgeous George” is back as Dr Ross!

He may now be an Oscar-winning movie star, but George Clooney is set to make surgical scrubs sexy once again, after agreeing to return to ER — the TV show that made him famous.

The actor-director is filming a cameo role as Dr Doug Ross in the 15th and final season of the Nine Network medical drama.

Producers of the show tried desperately to keep George’s return a secret, even insisting that he work on a closed set on the Warner Bros lot. But as these exclusive photos show, the 47-year-old heart-throb is clearly relaxed and delighted to be back in such familiar territory.

No details have been revealed about the plot — but insiders say Dr Ross will be reunited with his former love Carol Hathaway, played by Julianna Margulies, who was also wooed back.

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Michelle Obama: My life as a White House mum

The “mum-in-chief” reveals her excitement about her family’s future, as pregnancy talk grows…

Michelle Obama is facing the unenviable task of juggling her hectic life in the White House with her roles as wife to the world’s most powerful man, US President Barack Obama, and mum to two young daughters.

“Now we get to be together under one roof,” says a clearly thrilled Michelle of her family’s big move. “There will be moments of deep seriousness and times of great focus. But we will be together doing that. And that gives me reason to be very excited. I think it’s important for people to get to know us as a family.”

Already earning the respect and admiration of Washington insiders and White House staff alike with her effortless style and warm, motherly manner, graceful Michelle has quickly developed a First Lady mystique not seen since the days of Jackie Kennedy.

The buzz of excitement surrounding Michelle has only gathered pace amid mounting talk that — just like Jackie — she has begun her tenure in the White House with a baby on the way.

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In the mag – February 16, 2009

Issue on sale Monday February 9, 2009

Michelle Obama: My life as a White House mum

The “mum-in-chief” reveals her excitement about her family’s future, as pregnancy talk grows…

Matthew Hayden exclusive: I quit for love

The Aussie cricketing legend opens up about his decision to retire from the game, and his admiration for his wife…

Bankrupt Mimi Macpherson exclusive: ‘I’ve never taken a handout from Elle’

She may be broke, but Mimi wouldn’t swap with Elle for all the money in the world…

Thorpie crushed over gay claims

The swimmer is reeling over claims about his sexuality and attacks on his physique…

George Clooney scrubs up again

Hold on to your heart monitors… “Gorgeous George” is back as Dr Ross in TV’s ER!

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Thorpie crushed over gay claims

The swimmer is reeling over claims about his sexuality and attacks on his physique…

Taking time out amid renewed speculation about his private life, Olympic hero Ian Thorpe last week took to the water near his Sydney home with a close friend.

Following a week that saw his only high-profile ex-girlfriend — US swimming champion Amanda Beard —emphatically deny they ever dated, Ian enjoyed the water with a buff, blond companion believed to be a long-time pal named Christian.

Shirtless and showing off a deep tan — reportedly the legacy of his second holiday in Brazil in 12 months with flatmate Daniel Mendes — the 26-year-old retired sports legend paddled away the blues as a firestorm of newspaper gossip and innuendo raged around him.

With the rigours of daily training now behind him, Ian is enjoying a more leisurely pace, sparking cruel headlines in some British newspapers about his less athletic physique.

The Daily Mail sniped that “Thorpie’s waist has noticeably expanded”, while The Sun reported he is “not exactly the Thorpedo he was”.

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Mimi Macpherson exclusive: ‘I’ve never taken a handout from Elle’

**By Phil Koch

She may be broke, but Mimi wouldn’t swap with Elle for all the money in the world…**

A freckle-faced teen stops and almost falls over her own feet as she stares at the beautiful brunette posing on Noosa Beach. Her eyes quickly light up in excitement, fast followed by confusion. “Can you help me?” she pleads, squinting into the sun, “but is that Elle Macpherson?”

The woman in her sights is actually Mimi Macpherson — and it is this striking family resemblance which is both a blessing and a curse for Mimi.

The comparisons became downright cruel when award-winning businesswoman Mimi was forced into bankruptcy a few days before Christmas. Her bank balance stood at just $8, while Elle is estimated to be worth a whopping $75million.

Everyone was soon asking why Elle hadn’t bailed her little sister out of her financial black hole.

“I was the one who signed the personal guarantees for the property developments, not Elle Macpherson,” explains Mimi. “What I have done — successfully or not — is not a product of Elle Macpherson.”

Mimi was also quick to point out that it was never a case of Elle refusing to help her out of her financial nightmare, but rather that she did not ask her super-rich supermodel sister for help to repay creditors after her property development ventures soured.

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Matthew Hayden exclusive: I quit for love

By Julie Hayne

Pictures: Paul Broben

The Aussie cricketing legend opens up about his decision to retire from the game, and his admiration for his wife…

Cricketing legend Matthew Hayden makes no bones about the driving force in his life since he quit the game that made him world famous.

“You should write a love story,” says Matthew. “My wife Kellie has been such an amazing woman throughout my whole career. People talk about heroes, but to me, my wife is a true hero.”

Australia’s most successful opening batsman clearly has no regrets about hanging up the baggy green to spend more time with the love of his life.

“While I absolutely loved playing cricket, and while the whole journey has enriched my life, it definitely was hard to be away from home so much during the kids’ formative years,” says the father of three.

“The reality is you’re away from home about 10 months of the year. It’s a different thing listening to your partner telling you what the kids did over the phone than actually being there, which was definitely tough because you know you can’t ever get those times back.”

Thankfully those days of pining for his family are behind him. Looking tanned and fit after spending some much-needed relaxation time at the couple’s holiday home, Matthew is in his element discussing his family: wife Kellie, daughter Gracie, 6, Joshua, 3 — who is obsessed with frogs and proudly brandishes one upon our arrival — and the youngest, 20-month-old Thomas.

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Australia’s worst ever bushfires: Show your support

These are the worst bushfires our nation has ever seen. While the devastation is overwhelming, a kind word can go a long way.

Show the survivors and those working tirelessly in the field that Australia is thinking of them — leave a message of condolence and support for all to see.

Have your say: Leave your comments in the fields below.

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Australia’s worst ever bushfires: Share your story

Are you a survivor from one of the many towns in Victoria that’s been destroyed by bushfires?

What was your town like before the disasters? What remains of your community? Have you been inspired by a volunteer or fellow survivor?

Whether it’s a tale of grief or heroism, we want to hear your story.

Have your say: Leave your comments in the fields below.

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