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I caught my fiance’s mum having an affair

I had been with my partner, Dale, for 7 years. We shared everything, told each everything, we trusted each other no matter what. That all changed on one particular weekend.

Dale and I lived with his parents as we were trying to save for our first house deposit. His parents lived in a huge home and we stayed in one of their five spare bedrooms. Even though the house was huge, we always spent most of our time with his parents as Dale was very close to them both.

From the day I met them, I could tell that Dale’s parents had marital problems. Fights and abuse was a regular occurrence in their house. At first I found it really difficult and awkward being around that. I came from a close family and had never witnessed that type of relationship.

Dale was close with both parents but their constant bickering put a lot of strain on his relationship with them. Dale was always trying to mend the rough patches between them and it started to affect our relationship. I know it was wrong of me to think like that, but Dale and I were trying to start our own life without having to worry about his parents.

One weekend, I decided to go out for lunch with friends. I was having a great time and was really enjoying myself. But then I saw something which made my stomach turn and I knew I must have turned totally white with shock. Over at the other restaurant I could see Dale’s mum intimately touching, kissing and holding hands with another man.

She was sneakily tucked away in the back of the restaurant but I could still recognise her. I was dumbfounded. I couldn’t believe my eyes. My mother-in-law was blatantly cheating on Dale’s father and appeared to be having the time of her life.

I excused myself from lunch and told my friends that I was getting a terrible migraine. I rushed home not sure what to do. Dale’s father was home and looked happy for once and felt so terrible about what I just saw.

Dale came home an hour later and I pretended everything was fine. He asked me how lunch was and, at that moment, was about to disclose what I saw when his mum came home and looked so happy. She even gave Dale’s dad a big welcoming cuddle.

I couldn’t bring myself to tell him. As I looked at his parents, actually smiling at each other for once, and then looked at Dale at how relieved he was to see his family happy, I couldn’t do it. I thought that, perhaps, whatever she was doing was taking the pressure off her relationship. Maybe it was doing them some good, and who was I to stick my nose in their business? I told Dale that lunch was OK — apart from my headache.

The next day, Dale’s mum said she had to go to the shops to run some errands and I couldn’t help but wonder what she was really up to. I felt a pang of guilt and started to rethink my decision to hide the truth. But I knew if I mentioned it now, Dale would be so mad at me for not saying anything sooner — not to mention the fact that his parents were finally getting along.

As selfish as it sounds, Dale and I had finally been getting along well again too — there wasn’t the added pressure of his parents fighting all the time with Dale acting as mediator. It was nice to concentrate on our own relationship for once.

It has been six months since I spotted Dale’s mum at lunch and I can’t say that things have improved for his parents. In fact, they are now discussing separation and possibly selling their home. Soon we’ll need to find a place to rent.

I still haven’t mentioned it to Dale and I do feel very guilty about that. I convinced myself that it was better for all of them to withhold the truth, but in fact I was mainly thinking of myself and my situation. The sad thing is, no one knows the actual reason behind the split for Dale’s mum… and me.

Names have been changed. Picture posed by models.

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Two hours of TV per day increases risk of asthma in kids

Sitting your kids down in front of the television could be more harmful than you think, new research shows.

Children who watch more than two hours of television a day have twice as much chance of developing asthma as those who watch less than this. This new research conducted by the Medical Research Council in Britain doesn’t suggest that watching TV actually causes asthma, but rather that a more sedentary lifestyle like watching TV, makes asthma more likely to develop in young children.

More than 3000 children were assessed from birth to the age of 12 to determine a link between a less active lifestyle and the development of asthma-related symptoms. Researchers say that there has been a recent suggestion that breathing patterns associated with a sedentary behavior, like watching TV, could lead to developmental changes in the lungs and wheezing illnesses in children.

Parents were questioned about their children’s symptoms while the study also looked at how much television these children watched. Researchers added that other types of sedentary behaviour like video and computer games weren’t studied because of their lack of popularity in the 1990’s when these children were growing up.

The study discovered that around 6 per cent of children who had no symptoms of asthma growing up had developed the condition by the age of 12 years and that those who watched more than 2 hours of TV per day had a 50 per cent higher risk of getting asthma.

While studies looking into the connection between physical activity and asthma have produced mixed results, Elaine Vickers of Asthma UK told The Guardian newspaper in the UK that “this study is the first to directly link sedentary behavior at a very young age to a higher risk of asthma later in childhood” and that the study “adds to a wealth of evidence linking a lack of exercise and being overweight with an increased risk of asthma.”

On the other hand, some studies have actually suggested an increased chance of asthma in children who spend a lot of time outdoors doing physical activities inhaling certain polutants. So while as many as 30 per cent of children are developing asthma in some countries, according to the World Health Association, further study is obviously required into these types of lifestyle behaviours and the associated risks in developing this life-threatening inflammatory disease.

Your Say: Does your child lead an active life or watch too much TV? Do you think this has a bearing on the likelihood of them developing asthma? Tell us your thoughts below…

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Pauline Hanson’s TV dummy-spit

During the interview which aired last night, Pauline stormed out after reporter Laura Sparks quizzed her on election donations, asking Pauline if she was “in it for the money.”

“What has happened to this money? …in ’98 the AEC returns found that you’d received $75,824 in donations but you only declared $8,000 of them?”

Laura continued her line of questioning, but Pauline rose from her seat, ready to storm out.

“Why do you do it?” Pauline retorted. “Why do we not talk about it any other time except at election?…

“That’s why I hate dealing with the bloody media. They treat me totally different to every other bloody candidate that stands and yes wonder why I bother to go through all of this.”

Pauline stood in 2004 and 2007 as an independent and with her own Pauline United Australia party. During these campaigns she received $413,000 tax free. When questioned what she had done with this money, Pauline refused to answer.

When asked about her plans if elected, Pauline suggested that our freedom to choose is being compromised.

“We are having things forced upon us, we are not being asked, it’s like forced fluoride in water, recycled water, forced amalgamation, I would like to see and I will oppose any privatisation in water because I think that’s where it’s going and infrastructure or anything the government control for the people.”

In 1997, Pauline ruffled feathers and rose to notoriety in Australian politics in her controversial maiden address, in which she claimed Australia was at the risk of “being swamped by Asians”.

When Today Tonight asked Pauline if she still feels this way, Pauline responded: “I delivered that speech in 1997; a lot has changed since then. This is a state campaign. I’m dealing with state issues.”

However, the politician also says that she hasn’t changed from the day she first walked onto parliament in 1996.

Warwick, meanwhile, thinks “politics is fun”.

“I’m doing it for a bit of fun. I think politics is fun,” Warwick told Sunrise, adding that he challenges his opponent Pauline to a cook-off.

“Her fish and chips versus my Warwick Capper-cinos,” he said.

“At least I’m honest,” says Warwick. “I’ll be out there with the leather pants and the Zoo girls.”

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Prevent one third of cancer with a healthier lifestyle

Eating more fruit and vegetables and consuming less red meat and alcohol could prevent thousands of incidences of cancers each year, according to a major new study.

The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) discovered that 12 major types of cancer, including breast, bowel, stomach and pancreatic cancers, could be reduced by 39 per cent simply by adopting a healthier lifestyle.

The report — Policy and Action for Cancer Prevention — was written by 23 leading experts from around the world and found that 43 per cent of bowel cancer, 42 per cent of breast cancer, 67 per cent of cases of mouth, pharynx and larynx cancer, 75 per cent of oesophagus cancer, 19 per cent of kidney cancer, 45 per cent of stomach cancer and 41 per cent of pancreatic cancer could all be reduced by making some simple diet and lifestyle changes.

All of these major types of cancers could benefit from increasing fruit and vegatable intake and some could be avoided by reducing salt (stomach cancer), keeping body weight in check (pancreatic, bowel, kidney and breast cancers), increasing foods that contain folate such as brown rice, green vegetables and fortified cereals (pancreatic cancer), and cutting down on alcohol.

The WCRF suggests that people should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables per day, be active for at least 30 minutes, avoid sugary drinks and cut down on processed foods high in added sugar or fat, or low in fibre. People should also limit red meats (such as beef, pork and lamb) and avoid processed meats (like bacon and hams and some sausages and burgers.). Two standard units of alcohol is the limit for men and women should have no more than one, while everyone should watch their salt intake and supplement their diet with a good multivitamin.

Professor Sir Michael Marmot, chair of the WCRF panel, said: “This report shows that by making relatively straightforward changes, we could significantly reduce the number of cancer cases around the world.” The report suggests that it is on the shoulders of worldwide governments, media, industry, individuals and workplaces to encourage these simple lifestyle changes and healthy eating habits.

Increases in cancer rates seem inevitable within the ageing population with obesity rates hitting all-time highs and people becoming more sedentary and consuming large amounts of junk and processed foods. However Professor Martin Wiseman, project director of the report, said that while estimating the proportion of preventable cancer cases is “complex and challenging”, he added in light of this new research that “the good news is that this is not inevitable and we still have the chance to avert a crisis before it is too late.”

Your Say: Will you be making these simple dietary and lifestyle changes to help keep cancer at bay in light of this new research? Tell us below…

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Teen bride’s court battle: ‘Why I married at 17’

By Jo Knowsley

Pictures: Oscar Kornyei

Lucinda Law made headlines when at 16 she got legal permission to marry.

At first glance, the marriage of Lucinda Law to Glen Ramsay seems like any other charming, garden wedding.

The bride looks radiant in her classic ivory satin dress and soft tulle veil, her bridesmaids are gorgeous in mauve, and the groom beams with delight as the party approaches the little pergola where the couple are to wed.

But the 120 guests are actually watching a small slice of history. For Lucinda is the youngest woman to marry legally in NSW in the past 20 years, and had to seek permission from a court to walk down the aisle.

Glen, 27, an IT expert, is truly Lucinda’s first love. She met him when she was just 10 years old, when he joined Manifold Ministries, an independent Seventh Day Adventist church, where her father Greg is an elder.

Their union has ignited some controversy, but now Lucinda tells Woman’s Day exclusively why she felt so ready to marry so young.

An only child, who has been home-schooled by her parents Greg and Lynelle, Lucinda describes how she met Glen when he joined their church.

“Glen had been a part of the church and our family for quite some time and used to spend quite a bit of time at our house. At first I was just a little girl, but when I was about 15 my parents noticed that I missed Glen when he went away on missionary business.

“My father — who has always been very good at protecting me from the wrong sort of boys — spoke to Glen and found out that he liked me a lot, but he had been holding back because he knew I was so young.”

The couple courted for two years, and did not take a life-long commitment lightly. “We had a discussion and our courtship began, though it was very strict,” says Lucinda. “For the first year, Glen was working in New Zealand and for the second year, when he was back, we were chaperoned and never allowed to be alone together, because we believed in saving ourselves for marriage.” It’s true that Lucinda isn’t your average 16-year-old schoolgirl. She wears no jewellery and even chose not to have a wedding ring, saying, “I don’t need adornment to show that I belong to Greg, as I will always be at his side.”

She doesn’t wear make-up, doesn’t like modern music, and doesn’t drink alcohol.

But before she married Glen, Lucinda had to fulfil his criteria for a wife.

“Before I entered a courtship or marriage, I told Lucinda I had three criteria: I wanted a woman who was a Godly Christian, who was a good cook, and good-looking,” says Glen, quite seriously.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale March 2).

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Jen and Ange: Oscars showdown

After years of antagonism, the two women finally face off in front of millions.

Hollywood’s greatest rivals came face to face at the Oscars last week, with Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie just metres apart at the entertainment industry’s night of nights.

After four years of verbal slights and refusing to appear at the same events, the two women were separated by just four metres, with Angelina and Brad seated in the front row as Jen presented the night’s two animation awards.

“Everyone was craning their necks to see how Brad and Angie watched Jen,” an audience member told Life & Style magazine. “When Jen got up there, it was the moment that everyone had been waiting for.”

The enormity of the night wasn’t lost on Jen’s boyfriend, John Mayer. The couple used the Oscars as their official “coming out” party, with John revealing he was at the red carpet event as “moral support” for his nervous girlfriend.

“You have to really be with someone that you know has your back in that situation, and she did, and it was really great,” he said.

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Prince Harry and Natalie Imbruglia: Shock new romance

Just weeks after splitting with Chelsy Davy, Prince Harry woos Aussie pop star Natalie Imbruglia.

Prince Harry may not be mending his broken heart alone, with royal circles abuzz with the news that the hard-partying Prince has struck up a “close friendship” with Australian pop singer Natalie Imbruglia.

Just weeks after he was dumped by long-time girlfriend Chelsy Davy, Harry, 24, is in frequent contact with London-based Natalie, after becoming acquainted with the stunning singer early last month.

Insiders say the couple have exchanged a series of flirty text messages since hooking up at Natalie’s 34th birthday party on February 6 — two weeks after his split from Chelsy went public.

While Clarence House has refused to comment on the romance, sources say the pair have become virtually inseparable since Harry was a surprise guest of honour at Natalie’s fancy dress birthday bash, held at London’s fashionable Kensington Roof Gardens nightclub.

Dressed as a surgeon, onlookers say Harry slipped into the A-list event unnoticed before spending the night chatting to Natalie, who he met through mutual friend Sam Branson, 23, the son of multi-millionaire Virgin boss Richard Branson.

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Reality star’s tragic decision: ‘I’ll die on TV’

Star Jade Goody has decided to live her last days in the spotlight as she succumbs to cancer.

As the UK’s most famous reality TV star, Jade Goody has lived out many of the most important events of her life on camera. And now in a horrible twist of fate, the once-radiant 27-year-old mother-of-two is capturing her final days on film after being diagnosed with terminal cancer.

In what has become a tragic real-life soap opera that has captivated millions around the world, the former UK Big Brother housemate is documenting her remaining weeks, including her wedding to her jailbird lover as well as her children’s baptisms.

“I’ve lived in front of the cameras. And maybe I’ll die in front of them,” a defiant Jade told the UK’s News Of The World newspaper, defending her decision to reveal her most personal and painful moments to the public.

Jade, whose cervical cancer diagnosis was revealed to her live on camera during her stint on an Indian reality TV show, has been told the disease has spread to her groin, liver and bowel. She insists her motive in offering her final moments to the highest bidder is to provide for her sons’ futures.

“I know some people don’t like what I’m doing. But at this point, I really don’t care what other people think,” she told News Of The World. “And yes, people will say that I’m doing this for the money, and they’re right, I am. But not to buy flash cars or big houses. It’s for my sons’ future if I’m not here.”

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Sonia Kruger’s date with TV boss

The recently separated TV and radio star enjoys a relaxed afternoon with a devoted new man friend.

Sonia Kruger appears to be putting the pain of her recent marriage split behind her, taking her boss — Today Tonight executive producer Craig McPherson — to a romantic movie.

Sonia, 43, and divorced father-of-six Craig spent a lazy Saturday laughing, chatting and enjoying each other’s company during a day away from the Seven studios.

The outing comes just weeks after the glamorous Dancing With The Stars co-host confirmed she had separated from her husband of six years, international banker James Davies.

Her agent Mark Klemens insisted then that there was no third party involved in the split, blaming the pressures of their successful careers and time spent apart for the breakdown of their relationship.

Craig certainly appeared to be enamoured with the TV star, waiting patiently for two hours in a pub while Sonia had her hair coloured at an exclusive salon in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.

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Catriona Rowntree exclusive: My baby surprise

By Angela Mollard

Pictures: David Hahn

The TV star reveals her joy at falling pregnant so quickly, and how this could be the first of six kids.

Catriona Rowntree had been warned about the difficulties of getting pregnant, so when her 95-year-old nan advised her to “get a wriggle on” she promptly obeyed.

What she and her husband James Pettit didn’t expect, however, was to fall pregnant on virtually their first try.

“I feel so blessed because it happened very quickly,” says the mum-to-be. “Everyone said it could take a year and be prepared to wait but we’ve been incredibly fortunate.”

In fact, so enchanted is the Getaway presenter with her baby bump and her husband that she told Woman’s Day exclusively she is considering having a huge brood.

“In a perfect world I would have six children,” she laughs, “We have a large home and we’ve got all these rooms to fill, plus James needs help on the farm. But we’ll be happy with whatever we’re given.”

The couple, who will celebrate their first wedding anniversary next month, were thrilled when they discovered last November that they were expecting.

“When James and I got back from our honeymoon I rang my nan and told her I was ready to rock and roll, but she advised me to make the most of this time with James because life is never the same after you have children. Then six months later she told me to get a wriggle on because I wasn’t getting any younger!”

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