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Amy Winehouse’s dad: ‘Divorce Blake, you stupid girl!’

Troubled singer Amy Winehouse apparently plans to meet up with estranged husband Blake Fielder-Civil so she can resolve their issues. Meanwhile Blake — who was released from prison in February after serving a 15 month sentence for assault and trial-fixing — wants to see Amy too… along with £5 million (AU$10.6 million) of her money.

But Amy’s dad, taxi driver Mitch, won’t have a bar of it.

“Does he think we’re idiots?” Mitch told the magazine Closer. “His mum’s saying: ‘He’s had such a hard time, and now someone has to compensate and support him’ — it’ll be Amy.”

Sadly, says Mitch, it’s Amy’s heart that’s clouding her judgement.

“Amy wants to resolve the situation. She’s guilty of loving him, stupid girl!” Mitch is quoted widely in UK press. “I’m not saying she’s going back to him, she just wants to talk.

“I want her to get divorced. I want Blake and his family out of our lives. I just hope Amy can stay away from him. It’s the only chance she has.

“Blake’s a destructive influence on her life. And he’s a liar. This is the man who openly admitted he introduced Amy to Class A drugs. Amy nearly ended up dead thanks to him.”

Amy split from Blake last November and, says her father Mitch, the only way she’ll return to her true calling is to stay away from her bad-news ex.

“Amy’s a musical talent, but since she’s been with Blake she’s barely been able to perform on stage, let alone make a record. All I want is for Amy to get well and to watch her sing again.”

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Calcium meal plan: The weight-loss mineral

Calcium meal plan: The weight-loss mineral

By Judy Davie

Studies have found that a diet with increased amounts of the mineral calcium are effective for weight loss. With that in mind, this energy-reduced meal plan focuses on calcium found largely in milk, cheese and yoghurt, canned salmon (with the bones) almonds, sesame seeds, and fortified soy products.

Day one | Day two | Day three | Day four | Day five | Day six | Day seven

Calcium guide

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Jennifer Hawkins talks fashion and beauty

Jennifer Hawkins talks fashion and beauty

As MYER lanched their Autumn/Winter 2009 collections at Melbourne’s Whitehouse Institute of Design in glam style last night — The Weekly’s Online Editor Yvette Le Grew, talks to the stunning face of MYER, Jennifer Hawkins.

See Jen on the catwalk at the MYER Autumn/Winter collections launch

Who are your favourite Australian designers?

I love Camilla and Marc and I love Yeojin Bae. Manning Cartell — they’ve got some great pieces out there on the catwalk — there’s a few! (laughs)

What’s your favourite outfit that you’ll be wearing at tonight’s MYER Autumn/Winter 2009 launch?

It’s hard to choose because they’re all completely different looks. Nicola Finetti is the first one (of the show) it’s a beautiful classic white dress with ruffles, but they’ve totally made it funky with these Japanese gloves — it’s a bit different but I love it. The Wayne Cooper dress is quite sexy — it’s pink and strapless and a bit dramatic.

How would you describe your own personal fashion style?

I think for Winter, it’ll be lots of layers, a great heel, some jackets, maybe some longer some vests and lots of layers.

Would you say your style is feminine or sexy?

I prefer the casual, chic, sexy look. I always like to feel a little bit sexy.

Are you more comfortable in jeans or dressing up?

I don’t know — both. If I do jeans, I love to make it an outfit with boots or heels. I think it’s nice to make an ‘outfit’ whether it’s casual or dressy.

What would you say is your favourite item of clothing?

At the moment, these things that I’m wearing — they’re Camilla and Marc leggings.

Are you a shoes and handbag kind of girl?

I am – but I mean, who isn’t? More shoes than handbags. I mean, I love handbags but you sort of tend to get one and throw everything in — so definitely more shoes.

How many pairs of shoes do you think you have? Dare you count?

I eye off everyone’s shoes, I’m terrible.

Who do you admire for their sense of style?

I like Cameron Diaz. I think she’s got fun, sexy but chic sort of style. She always puts colour in there and I like that. Like on the red carpet recently she had this pink Dior dress that looked great but she had this like beach hair like with regrowth – I love that.

Now onto a bit of beauty — what is the product that you can’t live with out.

Dermalogica face resurfaces. Those little exfoliating pods.

How often would you use those?

Every second day.

What do you say is your secret to looking good?

Healthy food, lots of water because I can really tell the difference with my skin when I eat healthy. Exercise! Everyone gets a glow when they do exercise — it’s pretty much a cliché those things but I know when I exercise I feel better, I feel more confident.

How much exercise do you do to get your great body?

I walk maybe 4-5 times a week and I do joint Pilates and yoga.

You’ve got gorgeous long hair, how do you keep that in shape?

I’m pretty pedantic about my hair. Using so many blow-dryers and curlers…I always use the same people — I want them to be gentle. You only get one set of locks! I use Terax I think that’s a beauty secret, it’s cheap but it works. It’s good as a conditioner and as an actual treatment if you leave it on.

Beauty wise, how would you describe your style?

I’m pretty full on with my skincare regime, but that’s not necessarily make up. If I go out I love dressing up and wearing different make up — I mean, I do work for Covergirl! I like a casual look for my hair… I either like it straight or a bit curly or disheveled — a bit of a rocker look — I don’t really like too formal a hair do.

Who do you admire for their beauty looks, rather than their style?

Jessica Biel, she’s very athletic — she’s got that whole aura about her.

Do you ever leave home without makeup?

If I go for a walk, or I’m exercising then I do definitely. Or if I’m just hanging out with my girlfriends and things like that. But I always love to put on a bit of colour, like on my cheeks and because I’m blonde you have to put a bit of mascara on or you look like you have no eyes!

Overall, what’s your favourite feature about yourself?

My hair!

Is there anything you don’t like about yourself?

Yeah, there are different things but I’m not going to point them out! (laughs) There are different things but you get over it, one day could be a bad day and then the next day you’re like ‘whatever’!

What is your best beauty tip after a big night out?

Water. Caffeine isn’t the best, but I do coffee. I don’t know what can you do — sleep!

Do you have any makeup tricks after a big night out?

Put some tan on your face…but maybe not the night of though — when you’ve had a few drinks because you’ll wake up the next day and you’ll be orange!

Do you go for facials…

No, I’ve done it before and it doesn’t work for me it just makes me break out — so I just have my own routine.

What is your routine?

Wash and cleanse my face and I use these little vitamin capsules by Dermalogica I think they’re great. And I exfoliate and a bit of tan sometimes, and eye cream.

Do you ever go in the sun?

I do, but I always wear sun cream but not that much anymore…I never sun bake — only if I’m going in the water.

See Jen on the catwalk at the MYER Autumn/Winter collections launch

Your Say: What do you think of Jennifer Hawkins? Tell us below…

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Super gran special: I won gold at 77

By Katherine Chatfield

Chronic asthmatic Lola Virgin took up swimming at 45 ? now she’s taking out first place.

As Lola Virgin splashes through the water, she can hear the cheers of her family echoing down from the spectator stands.

Ignoring the tightness in her chest, she forces her tired and aching arms to keep going, determined to reach the end of the race no matter how much it hurts.

Finally she touches the end of the pool, struggling for breath as screams of “You’ve won!” reach her from the crowds.

Barely able to believe it, Lola looks up to check her time. It’s true. At the age of 77, she’s won a gold medal in the NSW State Swimming Championships in the 75- to 79-year-old age category.

“I’m very proud of what I’ve achieved,” says the grandmother of 24, and great grandma to 20. “Although, I don’t really understand why everyone makes such a fuss about it.”

Perhaps the reason Lola’s swimming achievements are particularly impressive is because she’s a chronic asthmatic who once found it difficult to catch her breath when simply walking down the street.

“I’d always been frightened of water because I thought I wouldn’t be able to breathe if I swam,” she says. “But one day I had a premonition I was going to become a swimmer. So even though I’d never set foot in the water, I decided I was going to start swimming lessons.”

For the full story, and more super grans, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale March 16).

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Prince Harry’s new love

Chelsy who? Harry’s healed his heart with a girl who shares his love of a good time.

Bouncing back after being dumped in January by longtime love Chelsy Davy, Prince Harry has fallen for a well-to-do blonde “party animal” who observers say may be his perfect match.

Harry, 24, who was recently linked to Aussie singer Natalie Imbruglia, was spotted hitting some of London’s upmarket nightclubs last week with 27-year-old Astrid Harbord.

The couple shared a few tipples with friends at the hip Whisky Mist club in the Park Lane Hilton, and then a few hours later they were seen joking together at Raffles nightclub in nearby Chelsea.

“The two of them were all over each other,” a witness told London’s The Sun newspaper, adding that they ended up together at the end of the evening.

“There was certainly a connection there and they seemed to be having a great time. Then around 3am, as the place closed, they left with Harry’s minders in tow and got into the royal car.”

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Isla Fisher tells: ‘How I lost 30kg!’

By Lucy O’Loughlin/Bang Media

The Aussie star reveals how she struggled to get her “ruined” body back after the birth of her daughter Olive.

Isla Fisher now boasts a picture-perfect figure, but the 33-year-old actress says when she scored the lead role in Confessions Of A Shopaholic she had her personal trainer close to tears as she attempted to lose almost 30kg following the birth of daughter Olive. Here the former Home And Away star talks about sneaking snacks, her marriage plans with Borat funnyman Sacha Baron Cohen and why she’s the world’s worst shopper.

You put on a lot of weight when you were pregnant with Olive. How did you lose it all so quickly?

Jerry Bruckheimer, the Confessions Of A Shopaholic producer, hired a personal trainer to help me get rid of the 30kg I put on during pregnancy. He said I was lucky I was blessed with good genes because I had a really bad attitude towards exercise — like stopping when it hurt or got boring, and having a cup of tea and a slice of cake. Apparently you are not supposed to do that in Hollywood.

Did you feel pressure to lose the weight quickly?

My trainer was all about lifestyle, and he had this list of things I wasn’t allowed to eat. It was so long, there was hardly anything left I could eat! He came around to my house three days a week, so I had to lead this double life where I pretended to be really good but secretly had cakes stuffed into all my pockets. As soon as he looked the other way, I’d shove them in my mouth. One time I’d eaten a hamburger and fries and I was feeling guilty, so I confessed to eating a bread roll and he nearly burst into tears. Imagine if he knew everything else I’d eaten!

How do you feel about your body since giving birth?

I definitely feel sexier after having Olive because even though everything’s going south and is essentially ruined, I feel like a real woman now. I’m a mum. I love being a mum … just love it.

Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery?

Being proud of who we are as people is more important than cutting into ourselves to create this false idea of beauty. I think there is nothing sexier than laughter lines. I haven’t done the white teeth — I haven’t really Americanised my look. But we will see what happens when you interview me in five years. Maybe I’ll be looking permanently surprised through Botox!

You and Sacha have been engaged for nearly five years. Are you ever going to walk down the aisle?

We are going to get married, now more than ever. We have been talking about it and been very close, but it has been difficult to plan. It is very important to me to have a beautiful ritual celebrated with all my family and friends, and to feel part of a community. When you are in the public eye, to make that happen and keep that private is really difficult.

Is Sacha a good father?

He is a wonderful father. He’s very attentive, constantly amusing and really hands-on. He’s better than 10 out of 10. Olive’s only 17 months old and he already makes her shriek with laughter.

You and Sacha have very busy schedules. How do you keep things spicy in the bedroom?

I think there is nothing sexier than a handlebar moustache. We have a spare one at home — and I wear it!

You are converting to Judaism for Sacha. Are you fluent in Hebrew yet?

That would be pushing it! I know a bit.

Do you ever discuss film roles with Sacha?

He was the reason I got into comedy. I was auditioning for dramatic roles without any success. I was losing confidence in my abilities when he suggested comedy. He always felt I was really funny, so if someone as funny as him recommends that, I listen. I auditioned for Wedding Crashers, which turned out to be my big break.

Would you ever consider doing a movie with him?

I would love to work with Sacha — I think he’s the funniest man in the world — but not right now. At the moment I’m not working and I don’t feel like working. I’m really lucky to be in the position that I am.

Is it true you only agreed to do Confessions Of A Shopaholic if you were allowed to wear 12cm stilettos?

I did. There’s something very funny about a shopaholic wearing ridiculously high heels and tottering everywhere. I thought it’d be amusing. It was less amusing, of course, when I was actually doing it every day.

Are you a shopaholic?

I have never been a good shopper. I shop very rarely and very poorly. I don’t really enjoy it. I find that when I buy things, I buy the same thing over and over again. It will be a specific kind of bright top, and I never have what you call basics, so it doesn’t really go with anything. I wouldn’t describe myself as a fashionista but I am definitely not as shy about dressing as I used to be. I have learnt a lot.

Were you surprised to be cast in the film?

I was sent an early draft of the script but I didn’t really think about it. The next thing I know, the producer is on the phone wanting to meet with me. I was six months pregnant and I could barely walk. I had already put on about 50 pounds [25kg], which is a lot for me because I’m so tiny. I waddled into the meeting and pitched a lot of jokes and a lot of them ended up being in the movie. Normally, you pitch all the funny ideas and then they give the part to somebody else, but in this case they picked me!

What was the last thing you bought on a credit card?

I love going out for dinner. I bought some magazines at the airport because I don’t carry cash.

Have you ever been in debt?

I am sure I have, but I am not owning up to it! That is very Rebecca Bloomwood of me! I would love to tell you but unfortunately I can’t!

Did you have any embarrassing moments on set?

It is interesting because when I am in character I don’t really feel embarrassed. In real life I am a lot shyer, but once I am on set and in costume, I am hidden behind the person I am playing and I feel quite free to experiment.

Do you think the film sends out a positive message, considering the current economic crisis?

Yes I do. I think the message is about consumption and it is something we are all learning about at the moment. Obviously, the movie was set in a different economic period but it is a redemption story and I think she learns her lesson.

There seems to be a lot of films lately that focus on women’s relationship with shopping. Why do you think that is?

Men like to shop too!

You play a journalist in the movie — what research did you do?

My girlfriend from high school is a journalist so I spoke with her. I also researched the shopping end of the character by visiting some over-spender under-earner groups, who, essentially, are shopaholics. Rather sadly, their lives have become unmanageable because of their shopping addiction. But I don’t want to focus on that side, this movie is supposed to be escapist fun.

You started your career on Home And Away — how does that compare to starring in your own film?

You do feel the difference when you have a trailer and it is warm and it has television — compared to when you are getting changed in the back of a Winnebago.

Did you enjoy working with Sex And The City stylist Patricia Field?

She is incredibly imaginative — she isn’t married to any designer. She is fun and open-minded. Every single look told a story. I really enjoyed working with her. I am not a fashionista and I don’t have much experience in that world, but I was educated by the end. And I feel even my own fashion style is more brave. I enjoy dressing a lot more now.

What did Patricia teach you about fashion?

I used to think you had to match things like your shoes to your belt or your bag with your shoes, but Patricia doesn’t believe in any of that. She just mixes and matches colours. It is all about contrast with her. I learned a lot. I learned to be braver.

Did you get to keep any of you outfits from the film?

I didn’t keep anything. I loved wearing the costumes, but at the end they are Rebecca Bloomwood’s costumes and I felt like her in them. I don’t know how I would have felt in my everyday life in those heels.

Do you have any money saving tips?

Put your credit card in ice. Put it in the freezer like Rebecca does!

That’s a great scene in the movie — when Rebecca is trying to get her credit card out of the block of ice. Was it fun to film?

It was surprisingly difficult. I was excited when I was given the stiletto heel and the block of ice, but I was less excited a couple of hours later when I was handed a hairdryer and I had the hot air blowing on it.

What is your guilty pleasure when you go shopping?

I love buying books, more recently cookbooks. I think it is wish fulfillment too, as I never have time to cook. I just look through the books and imagine the dishes I would make if I wasn’t going out for a business dinner. If I do ever get to cook, I like to make Italian dishes or French ones.

Sophie Kinsella’s Shopaholic novels have a lot of fans — were you worried about what they would think of your portrayal of Rebecca?

Yes. I was extremely worried about this role because Rebecca Bloomwood has such a huge fan base. When you are the lead in a movie you are more responsible for the tone of the film. There was also the added pressure of taking on such a beloved character. But I was fortunate because I was truly the biggest fan of Sophie Kinsella’s books. This is going to sound pretentious but I had felt the vibrations of this character since I read the books. She really captured my imagination. The moment I got the role I just thought about her every day. If I was driving my car, if I was cooking, I was thinking about Rebecca and what she would think.

What was it like working with Hugh Dancy?

Hugh did such a great job. He really grounded the movie in reality. And, of course, Hugh has those gorgeous blue eyes. He did a great job.

What are you working on next?

I am working on an animated movie called Rango with Johnny Depp. That is going to be fun and I’m really looking forward to it.

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Magda Szubanski: ‘My diet battle’

The funny lady takes her weight-loss war to the streets as she relocates to Sydney.

Magda Szubanski’s inspiring quest to lose 40kg is continuing, and last week the star shed new light on just how challenging a task it is.

The much loved comedian revealed she was overcome with emotion when she started filming her first TV ad for Jenny Craig — the weight-loss company which is helping her slim down.

“I teared up,” she told the Sunday Telegraph Magazine. “I was 121kg and I had moments of real sadness.

“The tears were partly because I realised how out of control I was, and I knew people were worried about me — I was worried about myself — but also because I was starting to see there was hope.”

It’s a tough ask to change the habits of a lifetime, but Magda showed no signs of giving up her fight when she hit the streets of Bondi with some friends last week.

The trio favoured foot-power as they wandered around local shops, picking out healthy fare, then enjoyed a light lunch of poached eggs and salad at a cafe.

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Baby no. 3 for Princess Mary

Danish newspapers all but confirm the royal couple are expecting their third child.

Denmark is celebrating following reports that Crown Princess Mary is pregnant again.

Danish magazine Billed Bladet has revealed that Mary, 37, and Crown Prince Frederik, 40, have made a number of secret visits to their obstetrician in recent weeks, arriving via a secret underground tunnel.

The magazine reports Mary and Fred arrived at the Riget hospital — where Christian and Isabella were born — at around 6am and headed straight to the offices of Dr Morten Hedegaard, the princess’s obstetrician.

Despite their attempts to keep their visit under wraps, the couple were spotted leaving the hospital smiling and hand-in-hand. The good news helped to cheer up devoted dad and sportsman Fred, who is facing six weeks in plaster after fracturing his leg while sleigh riding.

The palace has so far refused to comment on the talk. “We do not speak about royal pregnancies before it is official,” royal court communications manager Lene Balleby told Billed Bladet.

It is expected that Mary will wait until she is further along in the pregnancy before the couple make an official announcement. Mary was well into her second trimester with Christian in 2005, and 14 weeks pregnant with Isabella in 2006, before confirming the good news.

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Katie’s joy: The man making her smile again

The actress’s down-to-earth co-star has her beaming from ear to ear.

Katie Holmes finally has reason to smile again — and it’s all due to her fun new leading man and an exciting job out of her husband’s shadow.

After weeks of appearing worn down by her high-flying life with megastar Tom Cruise, our exclusive pictures show the 30-year-old brunette appears to be well and truly out of the doldrums and vibrant once again.

Bringing back memories of the fresh-faced beauty who first caught Tom’s eye, a relaxed Katie has been lighting up the set of her new film The Extra Man in New York. She’s often seen laughing and joking with friends, including her attractive co-star Alex Burns, and is said to be overjoyed to be back at work and doing what she loves best after accompanying Tom around the world on a hectic tour to promote his film Valkyrie.

While shooting outside the famed Russian Tea Room in Manhattan, the on-set chemistry between Katie and colleague Alex, 31, was obvious, as the up-and-coming actor put his arm around her in a chivalrous bid to shield her from the cold winter chill.

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I cheated on my wife to save my son’s life

When I met Katie, my current wife, I had already been married before and had a young son. While the marriage had not worked out, the subsequent estrangement from 1-year-old Dave was an unbearable consequence of the divorce. I was adamant that I did not want any more children if I could not be a proper and present father to the child I already had.

When I told Katie about this — many, many months before I asked her to marry me — she was clearly heartbroken, and I thought that it may just be the end of our otherwise perfect relationship. But we talked through it, and Katie was finally able to agree that our love was worth it, no matter what. Our part-time custody of little Dave would be enough, she said, as long as she still had me.

When Katie and I got married it truly was the happiest day of my life, and occasionally I considered how selfish I was being, and wondered if I could give her the baby she craved — create our own little family. But every time I had to hand Dave back over to his mother, I remembered the pain of everything I was missing. I had missed Dave’ first steps, first proper words — first everything. I couldn’t and wouldn’t go through that again.

Katie was wonderful with my son, and every weekend I realised how unfair I was being. But knowing my reasons for not wanting more children, my beautiful, selfless wife never said a word after we were married — though I’m sure she shed many tears in private.

Around the time that Katie and I shared our fifth wedding anniversary, my son turned eight and suddenly got very, very sick. My little boy was diagnosed with a rare type of leukaemia. He needed a bone marrow transplant or he would die.

My ex-wife, Maria, and I were not a match, and there was no match on the national donor register either. Our best chance, we were told, was to provide a sibling for Dave. I asked if Katie and I had a baby what the chances would be that he or she would be a match, only to be informed that with a different mother, statistically, the chance of it being a match would be the same as if it were a complete stranger. I was glad that Katie wasn’t at the doctor’s office to find out how close I had come to making her a mother — but if it wasn’t going to help Dave, what was the point?

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