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Jennifer Aniston: ‘Why I’ve given up on men’

The 40-year-old star is stinging after her ex John Mayer’s latest outburst.

Jennifer Aniston is once again facing heartbreak as her failed relationship with musician John Mayer looks set to turn toxic. The singer has reportedly humiliated Jen by debuting a new song that is being widely seen as an attack on the unlucky-in-love actress.

Featuring the bitter lyrics “It’s miserable being around someone who’s negative / If you want more love why don’t you say so?”, the scathing song has Jennifer asking why her romances end in disaster.

Here, the 40-year-old star talks about her love life, ageing in Hollywood and fulfilling her desire to become a mother.

What do you do first when you break up with someone?

In my case, [at first] I don’t eat much. But then I head straight to the fridge and then go straight to my friends and not in that order. There’s nothing like having your girlfriends one phone call away.

Do you understand this fascination people have with your break-ups?

No, not at all. It fascinates me. This fascination really amazes me, and for me it makes no sense. But I know that it will pass and there will come a time in which people will lose interest and they’ll talk about more important things. Given the current situation, it doesn’t surprise me that people seek to escape with these types of things.

Words: Holly Patrick/Famous

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Palace plot to destroy Kate Middleton

Just like Diana and Fergie before her, royal-in-waiting Kate is afraid dark forces are out to harm her.

Following a series of negative media reports directed at her, Kate Middleton fears that conniving palace insiders are deliberately trying to oust her from Prince William’s life.

William’s girlfriend was left mortified last week after sordid revelations in the UK press about the business activities of her pal Emma Sayle, who runs an underground sex club called Killing Kittens.

Last week The Sun newspaper linked Kate to the sleazy business, in a shocking exposé of the parties — which cater mainly for attractive, well-to-do young women.

In a damaging story headlined “Inside the sex club run by Wills’ girlfriend’s best pal”, the paper described in graphic detail the kind of hedonistic behaviour that happens at the hush-hush parties.

While there is no suggestion Kate is personally involved in the club or has ever visited it — and indeed the two women have not been seen publically together since training for a dragon boat race last year — sources say the mere fact that Kate has links to Emma is enough to do tremendous damage to the young royal-in-waiting’s reputation.

The timing of the revelations about the club — first aired in establishment newspaper The Times — could not be worse, with respected French magazine Point De Vue reporting that an engagement announcement for Kate and Prince William is being prepared by the palace.

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Madonna’s adoption uproar

The superstar attracts a barrage of criticism in her bid to adopt a little sister for her Malawian son.

Madonna has been branded a manipulator, a kidnapper and a bully as her adoption of three-year-old Malawian orphan Mercy James attracts criticism from charity and humanitarian organisations around the world.

All eyes have been on the 50-year-old double-divorcee since she landed in the tiny African nation last week with her children Lourdes, 12, Rocco, 8, and Malawian son David Banda, 3, with critics accusing the star of using her superstar status to bypass strict adoption laws to quickly snatch the child away from her culture.

Adding fuel to the controversy, Madonna’s first adopted child, David, was reunited with his father Yohane during a short visit, but the young boy could not recognise his dad and found it impossible to relate to his traditional lifestyle. The father and son had to communicate though an interpreter.

“He asked me in English who I was and what I do,” Yohane said after the meeting. “When I told him ‘I am your daddy’, he looked surprised.

“He asked whether I ride horses but I told him horses are for the rich. He asked me why I am poor.”

British newspaper The Sun revealed that Madonna had enlisted the help of two powerful politicians to bolster her bid to adopt Mercy James.

“We feel Madonna is behaving like a bully,” said the chairman of Malawi’s Human Rights Consultative Committee Undule Mwakasungula. “She has the money and the status to use her profile to manipulate, to fast-track the process.”

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Exclusive: Reggie’s bittersweet baby news

By Monique Butterworth

Pictures: Paul Broben. Hair and Make-up: Christian Alexander.

The star we fell in love with on Big Brother is thrilled she’s pregnant against the odds, but in a tragic turn, her vision is fading fast.

As their little two-year-old daughter Mia excitedly blows out the candles on her Wiggles birthday cake, Regina “Reggie” Sorensen and husband Dale have double reason to celebrate.

The popular 2003 Big Brother winner is pregnant with their second baby, a miracle the couple feared may never happen after Reggie suffered a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy just over 12 months ago.

But their smiles are bittersweet, as the baby who’s bringing the family such joy appears to be making Reggie’s remaining vision deteriorate rapidly. “I feel my eyes are getting worse. I’m not sure if it’s the hormones but they’re getting worse,” says Reggie, who suffers from retinitis pigmentosa.

Now legally blind with the degenerative eye condition, she can no longer drive a car, has no peripheral vision and is completely blind at night.

“I do worry more and more about how I am going to be in the future,” she says. “I’m beginning to think I’m definitely going to be blind sooner than I think.”

It’s a fear shared by Reggie’s devoted husband Dale.

“After the pregnancy with Mia, Regina’s eyes got worse, and now it’s happening again,” reveals the 36-year-old fire-fighter. “During the day, Regina can’t see Mia sometimes when she’s standing right next to her. She says ‘Where’s Mia gone?’ And she’ll be literally right next to her. And it’s a little bit of a worry what it’ll be like for her carrying the new baby around because Mia leaves toys everywhere and Regina is constantly tripping over them.”

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Johanna Griggs: My baby battle

By Phillip Koch

The much-loved TV star seems to have it all — but one thing is missing from her dream life…

TV’s golden girl Johanna Griggs is haunted by the fear she will never have the baby she so desperately wants.

Johanna and her husband Todd Huggins have been battling to have a baby together since they got married in November 2006. But their desire to hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet has so far only been met with disappointment.

Joh, who had a disastrous first marriage to actor Gary Sweet, is open about her devotion to Todd and their desire to have a child.

She said months ago, “It’s definitely what we both want. It gets you excited about what could be around the corner and you just feel like anything’s possible.”

But that excitement has slowly turned into heartache, and the couple are now believed to be considering all possible options in their quest to have a child.

“You just have to see her around kids to understand her maternal side and to know how frustrated she is about not getting pregnant,” says one of her TV colleagues.

“Johanna is the ultimate professional in front of the camera, but any time a baby comes on set she practically runs to be first one in line for a cuddle. She just melts — especially if it’s a girl.

“It’s obvious to everyone around her that she feels destined to be a mum for a third time. Sadly it just hasn’t happened yet — but you do get the feeling she thinks time might be running out.”

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I punished my daughter’s bully

A few years ago, my 11-year-old daughter was being picked on at school by a girl in her class who was stealing her lunch every day.

I noticed that my daughter was losing weight rapidly, and always seemed to come home from school hungry. When I approached my daughter about what had happened to her lunch, she simply said that she had shared it with another girl.

After this had been going on for a few weeks, I demanded to know what was going on. My daughter eventually broke down and confessed that a girl in her class was stealing it every day. When pressed for details, she admitted that it was one of her friends. Every day, a girl — whose parents were dentists — was stealing anything and everything that had sugar in it from my daughter’s lunchbox.

Immediately concerned — not only for my own daughter, but also for the other child — I rang the other child’s mother. Formerly a close friend, I was anxious to report to her that her daughter was doing the wrong thing. I was glad that this matter would be settled in an adult way at last.

Upon calling, however, I was greeted with accusations of lying. The mother, so firmly in denial about the delinquency of her daughter, insulted both myself and my daughter a few times, accused me once more of lying, and hung up on me.

My daughter had expected me to fix everything with one magical phone call and was waiting for me to tell her everything was going to be fine now. I didn’t want to lie to her, however, so I just said to tell me how it went the next day.

The next day was much the same, only worse. Angry that my daughter had ‘tattled’ on her, the other child had progressed to hitting my daughter in order to get the food she wanted. After seeing my daughter come home with bruises up and down her arms, and in tears again, I decided it was time for more drastic action.

A short trip to the chemist later, I was armed with every parent’s worst nightmare — a packet of chocolate laxatives. I instructed my daughter, very specifically, not to eat them, but only to let the other child to steal them, and sent her off to school.

Picking my daughter up that day, she was mysteriously silent. Asking her how her day was, a giant grin spread across her face. Practically gushing, she told me about the other girl’s accident.

Laughing hysterically, she recounted how she had tried to talk the girl out of stealing her lunch, but in the end, the girl had snatched the chocolate out her hands and eaten it right in front of her. It wasn’t until after lunch that the other girl had begun to get sick.

“Oh mum, you should have seen it,” my daughter said. “The teacher asked what she’d had to eat, but all she said was that she’d had some chocolate that I gave her. I swear mum, right there in the classroom! She just pooped! And pooped and pooped and pooped.”

I smiled, glad that things had been settled once and for all.

“Oh, but mum,” said my daughter, piping up from the backseat. “The teacher says that next time I share chocolate, I have to bring enough for the whole class. Can I bring some more tomorrow?”

Picture posed by models.

Your say: Did this mother go too far or did this bully need a lesson? Have your say about this true confession below…

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Antidepressants made my daughter crazy

By Angela Mollard

Pictures: Gina Milicia.

After following a doctor’s advice, Hannah Mulcahy was thrown into a nightmare that almost ended in tragedy.

It’s a sweltering day in Melbourne, but Hannah Mulcahy is wearing long sleeves. Her friends are cooling off at the pool or the beach, but the thought of joining them and exposing her badly scarred arms is too painful for the teenager.

The thick, red, raised marks are the horrific results of 17-year-old Hannah taking antidepressants, prescribed by her GP for period pain and sleepless nights.

“I hate the scars. They’re a constant reminder of what happened to me,” she says.

As new statistics reveal that around 30,000 Aussie children aged 18 and under were prescribed antidepressants last year, Hannah’s story serves as a shocking example of what can go horribly wrong.

Hannah was 16 and suffering from severe period pains, headaches and sleeplessness when she went to see her GP in September 2007. After a 15-minute consultation the teenager was prescribed the antidepressant Zoloft, a contraceptive pill to regulate her hormones, and Valium to help her sleep. The doctor gave her some sample packs so she could start on them straight away, but they didn’t come with any patient information.

“The doctor never said, ‘I’m putting your daughter on antidepressants’. She just said they were approved as the safest drugs for kids,” says Hannah’s mum, Nicola.

The doctor told Hannah to take just half the dose at first, and then the full dose five days later. But she never got to the fifth day.

“After four days, everything exploded,” remembers Hannah. “I’d been feeling really agitated and irritable since taking the drugs, and suddenly I was kicking things for no reason. I was throwing books around the study.”

For more information about the Australian Consumer Patient Rights group, visit www.acpr.com.au

Should kids be prescribed antidepressants in any circumstances? Have your say below…

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Brave Jade Goody’s legacy (1981-2009)

Friends and fans pay tribute as the star loses her very public struggle to live.

Reality TV star Jade Goody succumbed to cancer last week knowing she had provided for her two young sons’ futures — and that she’d lived her unconventional life exactly as she’d wanted to.

Shooting to fame with her often uncouth outbursts on the UK version of Big Brother, then spinning her notoriety into a career as a celebrity, Jade was unapologetic until the end.

“I want to be remembered for being the mouthy bird off the box. The one who irritated and entertained people in equal measure,” the 27-year-old told a British magazine before her death from cervical cancer.

“But I also want to be remembered as the girl who put up a fight and would never let herself get beaten down.”

There’s no doubt she was remembered by people from all walks of life, with tributes after her March 22 death coming from British PM Gordon Brown and American Idol host Simon Cowell. Comedian Stephen Fry described her as “a kind of Princess Di from the wrong side of the tracks”.

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Kate Middleton’s new family shame

Princess-in-waiting Kate Middleton is horrified by the latest scandal to engulf her. Royal writer Phil Dampier reports.

Just as speculation mounts that Prince William is finally set to propose, Kate Middleton has been left red-faced by suggestions that her family have been cashing in on talk of her impending royal wedding.

An embarrassed Kate — who has long suffered snide suggestions in the British press that her family are social climbers — last week returned from a secret skiing holiday with William in the French Alps, to find lurid newspaper headlines criticising her role as a “saleswoman” for the Middletons’ party-planning firm.

Kate’s face is prominently displayed on the website of her parents’ multi-million dollar business, which sells children’s party items. Mum Carole, 54, and dad Michael, 59, are promoting a staggering 84 princess-themed products, from tiaras and ball gowns to castles and fairytale stagecoaches. Most expensive is a pink princess trike at $524.

“This is plainly cashing in on palace connections and the royals aren’t going to like it,” a courtier exclusively told me.

“Kate is a famous woman only because of William and it’s clear to see that any product she endorses with a regal connection will sell. There’s a very real concern that what she’s doing trivialises the name of the British monarchy.”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale March 30).

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Brad Pitt storms out

A fed-up Brad storms out on Angelina as he struggles to raise their six kids alone while she’s at work.

Brad Pitt has threatened to call it quits on his manic life with Angelina Jolie, storming out on the star after their biggest argument ever.

Fed up with his out-of-control home life, a frustrated Brad has issued Angelina a warning following another row over the couple’s six children.

After their most recent confrontation, a weary Brad turned to Angelina and yelled, “You wanted all of these kids, you take care of them!”, before storming out of their Washington home and racing off on his motorbike.

Insiders say the couple, who no longer share a bedroom, have been increasingly at odds as Brad, 45, struggles to care for six children under seven years of age while Angelina films the movie Salt in the US capital.

The household is severely understaffed since Ange fired a female nanny amid fears she was undermining her authority and bonding too closely with Brad and the kids.

Being the devoted father, Brad quickly stepped in to pick up the pieces, but playing Mr Mum has proved too much for the actor, who adores his kids but has never really been able to discipline them.

“They run wild, play tricks and pranks on him — like shooting him with potato guns — and turn the house upside down,” an insider says.

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