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Horror skydiving accident: My unborn baby saved me

By Brad Hunter

Pictures: Katherine Loffler

When Shayna almost fell to her death it was the little life inside her that kept her going.

As she plummeted towards the ground during a freak skydiving accident, Shayna West had no idea she was carrying a new life inside her ? and that she would one day credit him with saving her from certain death.

After half a dozen jumps, adrenalin junkie Shayna was hooked on skydiving ? and had even started dating Rick, one of the instructors at her local club. But her new hobby turned into a nightmare in October 2005 when her parachute twisted during a jump and she found herself upside down.

Frantic, Shayna tried everything she’d learnt to get out of a fix, but nothing worked.

“I knew I only had one choice left, so I ditched my primary parachute and pulled the cord to my back-up shoot,” recalls Shayna. “But it opened all wrong. I was hanging upside down, my face looking at the fast-approaching ground.”

Travelling at 80km/h, she was suddenly faced with a horrific realisation. “I thought, ‘I’m going to die, I’m done’,” she says.

“My parents didn’t even know I was skydiving. How were they going to take my death? I thought these things in about a minute.”

Then Shayna hit the asphalt surface face first. Her boyfriend ? now husband ? Rick ran over in a panic, screaming her name.

“He thought I was dead, but I could hear him screaming my name and managed to roll over. I even tried to stand up.”

She had broken nearly every bone in her face, five front teeth were gone and her eye sockets were smashed in. Her pelvis was broken in two places and so was her leg.

In hospital, Shayna slipped in and out of consciousness.

“I remember one of the doctors leaning down and saying, ‘You have something to live for, Shayna. You’re going to be a mother’. I’d had no idea I was two weeks pregnant. If I’d known, I never would have gone up that day.

“I knew then it wasn’t a nightmare or a figment of my imagination. I knew I wasn’t dead. This was why I was alive.”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day on sale April 20.

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Anzac special: The woman behind our wartime anthem

By Glen Williams

Pictures: David Hahn

Her name may not be recorded on the honour roles, but Dorothy Stewart’s heartfelt words can still be heard every Anzac Day.

On any given Anzac Day you’ll hear the strains of Now Is The Hour ringing out with gusto from beer-stained bars and RSL Clubs across Australia and New Zealand. The chorus’s pleading refrain, “Oh please remember me,” is often sung through nostalgic tears with voice-cracking emotion.

This wartime anthem was a hopeful soundtrack for the many soldiers, sailors, airmen and women, nurses and service personnel taken away to war.

Made a worldwide smash hit by the likes of Dame Vera Lynn, Bing Crosby and Gracie Fields, Now Is The Hour holds a special place in the hearts of Greg Musgrove and his mother Laurette as it was Laurette’s aunty, Dorothy Stewart, who wrote the lyrics to the song.

“She was a woman well ahead of her time,” says Greg, 39. “Born in Melbourne in 1892, she started playing the piano and acting and realised she wanted to pursue a career in show business. She knew if she was going to make it big she’d have to head to America, so she bit the bullet in the early 1920s and went. She was a real pioneer.”

Dorothy, or Dolly as her family call her, hit the big time in New York. “She was living the dream,” says Laurette, 62. “She had an apartment on Manhattan Island ? a big apartment with a massive picture window, by which she set up a grand piano and started writing songs.

“Pretty soon she became good friends with Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Jack Benny and Bob Hope. They were all nobodies back then, but like Dolly they all had big dreams.”

Dolly began writing songs, and she was also working for Australian theatre producers J.C. Williamson, scouting between Broadway and London’s West End, looking for shows she could buy the rights to and bring to Australia.

“Dolly was responsible for bringing Paint Your Wagon; Annie Get Your Gun; Kiss Me, Kate and Call Me Madam to Australia. She really succeeded in a tough show biz field that was dominated by men. Her talent won out.”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale April 20).

Now is the hour

When we must say goodbye.

Soon you’ll be sailing

Far across the sea.

While you’re away,

Oh please remember me.

When you return,

You’ll find me waiting here.

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Flirty Jen Aniston’s new manhunt

The actress refuses to wallow in self-pity after her latest relationship disaster.

Determined to move on from her heartbreak after splitting with muso John Mayer, Jennifer Aniston has been flirting up a storm on the set of her new movie The Baster.

Last week, a buoyant Jen was seen giggling girlishly with the film’s director, Will Speck, best known for his work co-directing Blades Of Glory.

Onlookers couldn’t help but notice Jen intimately lay her hand on Will’s shoulder as the pair talked intensely. Later, she was seen throwing her head back with laughter as he cracked jokes on the set.

While the pair are not said to be romantically involved, movie insiders say Jen’s flirty dynamic with Will has been instrumental in cheering up the 40-year-old actress, who seems to have a brand new lease on life. After appearing uncharacteristically moody and downcast in the days following her split from 31-year-old John, her smile has now returned.

The positive change in attitude has been welcomed by Jen’s friends, who are delighted that the star is finally moving on from her toxic on-again off-again relationship with John “The Player” Mayer.

But while Jen is determined to find love again, some believe she may be looking further afield than Hollywood, with the star recently telling friends she wants to find “a rich, European boyfriend”.

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Princess Eugenie’s backpacker bender

The young royal blends in with budget tourists in Thailand.

Princess Eugenie has cemented her reputation as royal wild child, after letting down her hair during a boozy night out at a gay-friendly bar in Thailand.

Coming just one day after indiscreet pictures showing the 19-year-old cavorting with a female friend were splashed across the British press, Eugenie has shrugged off any royal decorum by dancing on tables and chugging beers laced with tomato sauce.

“One of her group squirted some ketchup into a glass of beer and challenged her to drink it,” an eyewitness told British newspaper The Sun. “They all fell about laughing as Eugenie swigged it.”

It’s not the first time Eugenie’s wild behaviour has caused headaches at the palace. She surprised patrons at a London gentleman’s club earlier this year when she tried to drunkenly climb up on stage and pole dance.

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How Mel Gibson ruined his 30-year marriage

Aussie star Mel has lost his wife of almost 30 years — and is about to lose half of his fortune.

Mel Gibson looks set to be the loser in what is being billed as Hollywood’s most expensive divorce, with the Aussie star’s long-suffering wife Robyn set to receive a massive $600million payout after finally pulling the plug on their troubled marriage.

Ironically — given that Mel is a devout Catholic who always claimed that divorce was not an option — it was Good Friday when Robyn filed divorce papers citing “irreconcilable differences”.

The divorce will bring to an end the couple’s almost 30-year marriage, although fans were shocked when Mel countered with legal documents alleging they’ve been secretly separated since August 26, 2006.

Insiders say that Robyn — who had allegedly agreed to live a charade for the past two-and-a-half years to protect Mel’s reputation — could no longer take being humiliated by her husband’s reported womanising and heavy drinking. She was said to be devastated after he was photographed kissing a mystery woman — believed to be a Russian beauty named Oksana — on a Costa Rican beach last month.

“They had an unwritten arrangement that he would never allow himself to be publicly caught with other women, or photographed with them,” a well-placed source exclusively tells Woman’s Day.

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Shock reports: Ange pregnant again!

Hollywood is stunned by claims that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are having their seventh baby.

Angelina Jolie is set to welcome her seventh child, according to a shock US report. Insiders have told top-selling American magazine Star — which broke the news of her last two pregnancies and the fact she was carrying twins Knox and Vivienne — that the 33-year-old actress is pregnant with her fourth biological child.

“Yes, Angie’s pregnant,” a family insider told the magazine last week. “They’ve been trying to have another baby for months, but it was still a total shock when she found out. Brad and Ange have been fighting so much lately, it just didn’t seem possible.”

While Brad and Ange had not officially commented on the reports at the time Woman’s Day went to press, sources close to the actress insist that she is about two-and-a-half months along, and is thrilled by the baby news.

“She said she knew she was pregnant before the test confirmed it.”

While the couple had been on the verge of splitting after several weeks of bitter arguments, insiders say the baby news has brought them back from the brink.

The two were barely speaking when Brad flew from New York to New Orleans to oversee his Hurricane Katrina rebuilding project in late March. And while Angelina knew that she was expecting before he left town, she waited until he got back to tell him.

“Ange met him by the front door, looking gorgeous, and told him she was having a baby,” the insider revealed. “Brad was shocked at first — I mean he was just stunned. He literally swept Angelina off her feet and carried her into the house. He was laughing and crying and kissing her. It was very emotional for them both.”

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Tom and Katie in bizarre Scientology marriage counselling

As their differences grow, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes resort to Scientology counselling to get their marriage back on track.

After months of frustration and arguments, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have resorted to Scientology couples therapy — which involves being hooked up to a bizarre machine and questioned about their deepest secrets — in a desperate attempt to put their problems behind them.

The couple have been arguing about everything from having another baby to where to live, and insiders say things have turned so sour that the pair have been forced to turn to Tom’s controversial religion for answers.

“Scientologists often step in when there are problems in a marriage,” a source told US magazine Star. “They teach followers certain communication skills that are supposed to increase problem-solving potential.”

With Scientologists believing that psychiatry is “pseudoscience”, conventional therapy is not a part of church-sanctioned counselling. Instead, the sessions are more like something out of a sci-fi film, with participants hooked up to an E-meter — an electronic device that allegedly measures emotional disturbances in the body, and pinpoints the roots of emotional problems.

If Katie was expecting a warm and fuzzy approach to counselling, she was in for a shock — with one official church website coldly explaining that Scientology-approved couples counselling “is an exact technology for alleviating marital problems”.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale April 20).

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Help! I’ve lost my job

— with financial expert Adrian Raftery

One consequence of a slowing economy is that more people are likely to be made redundant. It’s a stressful event, but if it happens to you, there are ways you can reduce its impact.

Your legal rights

Employers must follow strict guidelines when dismissing an employee due to redundancy. If you feel you’ve been unlawfully dismissed, for example, due to your sex, race or sexual preference, the Australian Industrial Relations Commission can intervene. Claims must be lodged within 21 days of receiving notice.

Get the tax right

Redundancy payments provide many people with a welcome lump sum, and bona fide payments receive special tax treatment. The tax-free limit is currently $7350 plus a further $3676 for each completed year of service. Anything in excess is treated as an “employment termination payment” (ETP). The first $145,000 of an ETP is taxed at 16.5% if you’re over 55, or 31.5% if under 55. Anything over that is taxed at 46.5%.

Spend wisely

As a redundancy payment may be the last pay cheque you receive for some time, it’s important to make sure it’s put to good use. When money is tight, it’s time to reassess the difference between needs and wants. Budgeting can be a chore, so why not approach it as a game? Get the family involved, and you’ll be surprised where you can find savings. Don’t treat your situation as all doom and gloom. Decide now how the family will celebrate when things get back to normal.

Manage debt

Talking to your lenders from the start will give them the greatest opportunity to help you. Good financial advice is crucial at this time, so get in touch with your adviser or bank manager as soon as possible.


Many companies provide employees with outplacement assistance to help them find a new job. Make the most of any offers. This is a chance to review your career path, try a new direction or start your own business.

Get support

Redundancy results from events beyond individual control, but it’s still easy to feel a sense of personal rejection. In addition to support from your family, it’s important to seek help to deal with the emotional upheaval that can occur at this time. Stressful as redundancy is, it can be a great opportunity. Many people emerge from the redundancy experience with fresh motivation, happily embracing a new career.

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Healthy eating at the Royal Show

**We usually resign ourselves to the idea that any carnival visit will involve eating junk food!

But Food Coach Judy Davie offers some suggestions for healthy eating at Sydney’s Royal Easter Show — many of which will also come in handy at other carnivals around Australia during the school holidays.**

There’s no excuse not to eat healthily at Sydney’s Royal Easter Show. Sure, you will still find dagwood dogs and cheese on a stick, but a few years ago these were the only kinds of choices available.

Today, it’s acknowledged that greasy, highly-processed, manufactured foods contribute to the kids turning feral at the end of a long day out, so if you’re sensible — you want to have a happy, tantrum-free carnival experience — you will steer the children (and yourself) away from the junk food and straight to the healthier choices available.

Inside the Woolworths Fresh Food Dome you can find:

  • Fresh sushi

  • Yoghurt with muesli and fruit

  • Fresh fruit smoothies

  • Organic juices

  • A range of nuts and seeds

  • Washed and ready to eat vegetable and fruit snack packs, such as chopped carrot sticks, baby tomatoes, apples and grapes

  • Organic coffee and herbal teas

  • Biodynamic chemical free natural ice cream

  • Vege chips

  • Fresh seafood

  • Freshly made pasta (just be sure to choose a tomato-based sauce instead of a creamy option)

But there are traps to avoid. While nuts are a healthy choice, their health attributes are negated when they are roasted in sugar and oil, so don’t kid yourself — even though they do smell tempting! A better option would be to buy from the stall that sells dried fruit and nuts. There is also lots of ice cream to sample, so if you must have some ask for the lower fat fruit-based gelato instead of the full fat ice-cream.

Also look out for:

  • Fresh strawberries and/or mixed berries

  • Sweet corn on the cob (avoid the chicken salt, and have plain salt and cracked pepper instead, and very little or no butter)

  • Fresh pressed apple juice

  • The Sydney Royal Deli — they have ready-made hampers which you can sit down and enjoy in the sunshine

  • Meals such as steak sandwiches and grilled barramundi at several cafes around the show

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The real story of Christian the lion

By Katherine Chatfield

Pictures: David Hahn

The story of two Aussie blokes and their pet lion has captured the hearts of the world…

When John Rendall and Anthony “Ace” Bourke laid eyes on the huge lion bounding across the African plains towards them, they were far from scared. As the lion ran up to them, laid its huge paws on their shoulders and licked them, they knew he remembered them as friends — even though he’d been in the wild for a year.

“The joy of the greeting surprised us,” smiles Ace, recalling the 1971 reunion with Christian the lion. “But we were never in any doubt that Christian would remember us — we just didn’t know he’d be so pleased to see us again.”

Their memories of the scene were revived when an unknown person posted a video clip of it on YouTube.

“I got sent the clip by a friend,” says John. “He knew I used to have a pet lion and asked if I’d seen this video. I clicked on it, and saw it was me and Ace!”

It’s no wonder the clip has received more than 60 million hits so far — the story of John, Ace and Christian is incredible.

In 1970, the young Aussies travelled to London after finishing university. Amid the buzz of living on “swinging” Kings Road and working in antique shop Sophisticat, the friends found a lion cub for sale in upmarket department store Harrods. They bought him and took him back to Sophisticat, where he became their much-loved pet.

A Lion Called Christian by John and Ace, Bantam Press, rrp $35.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale April 13).

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