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I punished my friend’s husband for being cheap

Alison and I have been best friends since primary school. She’s so kind and sweet, but I’ve always worried that she has the worst taste in men.

A few years ago, she met Joe. Joe is good-looking, a bit overweight, and very smooth. Alison was head over heels for him, but I had my suspicions about nice he really was. My suspicions were soon confirmed.

One night, Alison tearfully confessed to me that in their first year of being together, Joe had cheated on her with a mutual friend. Alison said that he only cheated because they had an argument, and he had been angry and upset. I told Alison that nothing she had said to him could excuse his betrayal, but she was convinced it was her fault.

After another year they were married, and that’s when Joe revealed his deepest fault — he is the most ungenerous person on the face of the earth. If my boyfriend and I went to a restaurant with Joe and Alison, Joe would always let my boyfriend pay. If nobody else offered to pick up the bill, Joe would go to the restroom so the bill could be settled without him.

Once, I announced at the beginning that tonight’s dinner would be my treat (we were celebrating my new job), and Joe ordered the most expensive items on the menu. Starters, mains, dessert, cheese and coffee, and a $40 bottle of wine. I was disgusted.

Joe’s meanness is the worst at their home. Alison loves to entertain — she loves to have people over for drinks and nibbles. After she married Joe, the drinks became cask wine, and the nibbles were stale no-name biscuits. They were always stale because any biscuits that weren’t eaten one night were put back in the cupboard and served again the next time company called — even if they’d been sitting out on a plate for hours.

Once I commented that the cheese, a well-known brand, tasted different to normal. Alison went pink, and laughed. “Oh, well, it’s a little past its used-by date. But Joe says it’s perfectly fine,” she said.

“Used-by dates are rubbish,” said Joe, being self-righteous. “I can’t stand food waste. Think of all the starving children in Africa.”

What made me furious was that while I was being served mouldy cheese, there was aged port and gourmet food in the cupboards for Joe once the guests had left. He could be really generous, but only to himself — not even to Alison.

The final straw came at Alison’s annual BBQ. It’s a big event, where she has all her friends and family over. Everyone brings lots of food, we eat too much and have a great time. Alison has some gorgeous nephews and nieces, and the kids were running around having lots of fun. One of Alison’s nieces was trying to win the cat’s affection, and she put her sausage in the cat’s dish. The cat refused to eat it, and we all laughed.

Later, when everyone had left the kitchen and was sitting in the backyard, I went back to the kitchen to make some tea. What I saw next was truly shocking. Joe, thinking that he was alone and unwatched, picked the sausage out of the cat’s dish, brushed off the bits of dried fish and pet meat, and put the sausage back on the serving platter.

My stomach turned over, I thought I would throw up. I almost couldn’t believe what I had seen. I was so mad, knowing that Joe wouldn’t eat the filthy sausage himself but would happily let Alison or her guests eat it.

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Demi and Ashton to cheer on Susan Boyle in person

Demi Moore has been a fan of Britain’s Got Talent contestant Susan Boyle from the start.

Demi’s public support online has been cited as a contributing factor to Susan’s overnight stardom, boosting her popularity with US viewers.

Now Demi and husband Ashton Kutcher plan to fly to the UK to cheer Susan on in person. Britain’s Got Talent judge Amanda Holden sent Demi and Ashton an invitation via Twitter — offering them a lift on fellow judge Simon Cowell‘s private jet.

“[Britain’s Got Talent] final is on the 30th, I’ll speak to Simon- am sure he will let you borrow his plane,” read Amanda’s tweet.

“Well, if he offers the ride…” replied Demi.

In the end, Simon denied use of his plane, but offered Demi and Ashton two first-class plane tickets instead — it’s a tough life!

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10 budgeting ideas

Tweak your family's finances with these cost-effective tips.
, parents with daughter, piggy bank, Getty Images

I recently did a make over for a young family of four (two young children) where they needed to rein in their expenses, or have the mother go back to work early. Their goals were to have their children in private schools for secondary school. They also wanted to possibly move closer to water.

Below is a list of ideas we came up with for them after going over their income and expenses. These ideas many other people might also want to consider.

1. Do tax return now

I suggested they do their tax return now and use baby bonus and other tax refund to pay off their credit card and put excess cash into redraw on home loan to use for emergencies/savings.

2. Centrepay

I suggested they join centrepay- this is where centrelink pays your payment A into your utilities/bills directly and pays you the rest( no fees for this). This is not just for low income households it’s for anyone who receives payment A.

3. Add wife to insurance

I asked the husband to possibly consider joining his wife to his health cover as it often does not cost much more (especially as the kids were already on his cover).

4. Pay cash for a month

I suggested for their whole budget to only pay cash for a month until you they were used to new spending patterns( 2-3 weeks pain max)- and to remember saving can be as addictive as spending so be careful not to go crazy!

5. One car

I also asked them to consider using one car, or one car a lot less.- only buy petrol on Tuesdays, don’t overload car etc to make it cheaper.

6. Groceries-plan meals

I suggested for groceries- to always plan meals first before going shopping. No more bulk buying for now. ( as she was addicted to bulk shopping)Consider not buying brands. I suggested that after the trial cash month is over then if she could share cost with others and it is within her budget to only bulk buy if it’s something that ends up cheaper.

7. One sport per child

I also suggested to just have one kids sport program for each child not two. The father also agreed to take the children running, swimming and bike riding daily.

8. Join a babysitting club

Another suggestion they were quite taken with was for them to join a babysitting club where you can earn points and get babysitters for free.

9. Scholarships

Another possibility for them was to maybe look into scholarships that might be available for the kids. Also to consider the wife working in a private school as employees often get discounts off education. ( She was working in a school already)

10. Move to the central coast

I also told them they could move now to Central Coast if want to be near water as prices are currently comparable to where they were currently. Maybe even move near a private school where the wife can work! See if his job is also available there! They have looked into this I think.

Bonus extra

I also worked out if they could save 500 a month that’s 6000 over 7 years that’s 42000 nearly enough for all three to go to private schools if we save in a high interest account then more than enough. So the family have two choices; they can keep going as they are and just cut out the kids sport cost and be even, or they can cut groceries, going out, entertainment etc, or just stay living on same budget when mum goes back to work and save 500 a month starting in a year. It all adds up.

The family were greatly relived when they realized all the choices they had. Some of these ideas might even give you some more choices. Happy budgeting!

Your say: Do you have any other budgeting ideas? How many of these do you adopt at home? Email us on [email protected]

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Tax time helper

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If you spent money on your child’s education between July 2008 and June 2009 you may be eligible for a tax break on your child’s education expenses.

In fact, the Government Education Tax Refund allows you to claim up to 50 per cent of eligible education-related expenses* for your children. Make the most of your tax refund and purchase Microsoft® Office Home and Student 2007.

Microsoft® Office Home and Student 2007 makes tax time a breeze.

  • Not only does Excel 2007 have online templates, sorting and filtering capabilities and charting tools, it features new templates, such as household budgets, with built-in calculations to save you time.

  • With Live Preview, you can see changes before you commit to them for greater ease when setting budgets.

  • Charts convey much more than numbers alone – just choose a chart style and click to see at a glance where your money is at

  • Write, organise and store information relating to your expenses throughout the year, all in one place, with OneNote® 2007.

  • Save precious time – and headaches – by managing all your notes and information in one, easy-to-use product.

  • For handy templates to help organise your family budget and to take the hassle out of tax time , visit www.parentsplayground.com.au for more details.

“Imagine how much easier life could be with Microsoft Office 2007,” Symantha Perkins. As a working mum with three kids I love anything that makes my day easier. I find that keeping track of my receipts and managing the family budget is so much easier with Microsoft Office 2007, which ultimately saves me time, particularly at the end of the financial year.”

“Not only does Microsoft® Office 2007 help make my life easier, it can help my kids get ahead in school. Don’t forget, you could be eligible for the Government Education Tax Refund at tax time if you purchase Microsoft Office 2007 for your children. Naturally, I want the best for my kids when it comes to education and, if it also means I can boost the family budget at tax time, that’s just good maths!”

For details visit www.parentsplayground.com.au.

  • Makes tax time less painful

  • Simple and easy to use

  • Helps keep track of the family budget


For your chance to win lots of great prizes courtesy of Microsoft® Office 2007, simply head online to www.parentsplayground.com.au.

How to enter

  1. Log on to www.parentsplayground.com.au
  1. Watch a demonstration of Microsoft® Office 2007

  2. Follow the prompts to win!

Terms and Conditions

Competition closes 30 June 2009 (11.59pm AEST). Permit number LTPS/09/03454 and TP 09/01549.

Winners names will be published at http://aww.ninemsn.com.au/microsoft. For full prize details, see http://aww.ninemsn.com.au/microsoft/prizes. Please go to http://aww.ninemsn.com.au/microsoft/tnc for full Terms and Conditions. Promoter is NineMSN, Level 7, 264 – 278, George Street, Sydney 2000. ABN 33 077 753 461.

*This tax refund may be applicable if you meet the official criteria outlined on www.educationtaxrefund.gov.au, and if you purchase before 30 June 2009. The Government’s education tax refund is not exclusive to Microsoft products.

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Sinusitis vs. nasal sprays

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Sinusitis vs. nasal sprays

Got a sinus infection?

You don’t need to use both steroid nasal sprays and antibiotics, says a study from England’s University of Southampton, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Patients in the study were given antibiotic treatment with amoxicillin, an antibiotic often used for bacterial sinus infections, with or without steroid nasal sprays.

After 10 days, patients who only received a placebo were just as likely to be cured as those receiving conventional treatment. Your Say: What are your tips for treating sinus infection? Tell us about below…

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Ayurveda for arthritis

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Ayurveda for arthritis

Nearly half of the Australian population will have a degree of osteoarthritis by age 65.

The good news is that you also have many options for relieving the pain. One of the most exciting new treatments may also be one of the oldest – boswellia (Boswellia serrata), a resin derived from frankincense trees which has been used in the traditional Indian medicine system known as Ayurveda for around 4,000 years.

According to a recent study in the journal Arthritis Research & Therapy, osteoarthritis patients taking either 100 mg or 250 mg of an extract of this herb showed significant reductions in symptoms.

What’s more, they reported this improvement in as little as seven days, and there are no adverse side effects with long-term use.

Your Say: Have you ever tried Ayurvedic medicine? Tell us about your experiences below…

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Crank up your creativity

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Crank up your creativity

When you’re juggling a hectic schedule and never-ending to-do lists, it’s easy to get bogged down. If you could do with a booster shot of creative juice, try these ideas:

  • 1. Write a soap opera

When life is not going according to plan, it’s satisfying to enter a world where you can control what your characters do and say. Keep a notebook or open file on your computer, kick off with the first idea that comes into your mind – then see where it takes you. For example, George Georgeson might have been the boss at work, but he wasn’t at home. Only last week, the rest of the Georgeson clan … or Laura yawned and looked out of her window, across to the abandoned lot next door. A movement in the grass caught her eye …

  • 2. Meditate – with a twist

According to traditional Chinese medicine, if your body’s flow of qi, or energy, is blocked or stagnant, different organs, including the brain, will not function optimally. This harmonising meditation sequence helps rebalance your female (yin) and male (yang) energies. Sit quietly, with your eyes closed. Inhale and imagine that the power of the earth is flowing up through the soles of your feet, like water from an underground spring. This is yin, or feminine energy. Continue to visualise yourself inhaling this cooling, steadying force for 1-2 minutes. Next, visualise the sun overhead and feel its warm rays falling on the top of your head. This is yang, or masculine energy. Imagine the yang energy beaming all the way down your spine, in parallel to the cool yin energy flowing upwards. Hold this image in your mind, continuing to rhythmically breathe in yin and exhale yang for 5 minutes.

  • 3. Peace, by piece

Remember that feeling from childhood of being completely absorbed in something, like building a sandcastle or practising handstands? Many personal growth and life-coaching techniques are based on this idea of focusing attention on one thing, and so allowing yourself to become lost in the present moment, instead of being distracted by some past or future event. The reason that jigsaws are so conducive to finding inspirational solutions to problems is that your conscious mind is completely absorbed in the task of finding the next right-shaped piece. This allows your subconscious mind to range freely on a much deeper level – you will be surprised by the left-field thoughts and ideas that suddenly pop into your head.

  • 4. Bash something

Sign up for a class in an activity that will give you a physical jolt, such as self-defence, kung fu, kick-boxing, wood-chopping or mosaic-making. However flat and jaded you are feeling mentally, there’s something about letting fly physically, whether it’s with a hammer, an axe or your fists, that is intensely liberating – which in turn opens you up to thinking of a different take on any problem.

  • 5. Knit one, pearl (of wisdom) two

Knitting’s calming effects come from the repetitive rhythms of needles, yarn and hands: these all induce the classic ‘relaxation response’ of lowered heart rate and blood pressure, which increase mental alertness and relaxation and help you get in touch with your creative side. If you’re a novice, visit your local craft shop to find out about beginner’s classes or knitting groups. Perhaps most importantly, such groups weave together people from all backgrounds, providing support, ideas and friendship: check out www.ravelry.com.Your Say: How do you get your creative juices flowing? Tell us below…

Your Say: How do you get your creative juices flowing? Tell us below…

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How to knit

How to knit

If you have never knitted before, here’s how to get started…

Click here for a full step by step guide to knitting

A sneak preview

Casting on

1 Wind the yarn around your left index finger to make a circle as shown above. With a knitting needle, pull a loop of the yarn attached to the ball through the circle.

2 Pull both ends of yarn to tighten the slip-knot on the knitting needle. You are now ready to begin.


Knit and purl stitches form the basis of almost all knitted fabrics. The knit stitch is the easiest to learn and is the first stitch you will create. When worked continuously it forms a reversible fabric called garter stitch. You can recognise garter stitch by the horizontal ridges formed at the top of the knitted loops.

1 With the cast-on stitches on the needle in your left hand, insert the right-hand needle from left to right and from front to back through the first cast-on stitch.

2 Take the yarn from the ball on your index finger (the working yarn) around the point of the right-hand needle.

3 Draw the right-hand needle and yarn through the stitch, thus forming a new stitch on the right-hand needle, and at the same time slip the original stitch off the left-hand needle. Repeat these steps until all the stitches from the left-hand needle have been worked. One knit row has now been completed.

& Purl

After the knit stitch you will move on to the purl stitch. If the purl stitch is worked continuously, it forms the same fabric as garter stitch. However, if purl rows and knit rows are worked alternately, they create stocking stitch, which is the most widely used knitted fabric.

1 With the yarn to the front of the work, insert the right-hand needle from the right to the left into the front of the first stitch on the left-hand needle.

2 Then take the yarn from the ball on your index finger (the working yarn) around the point of the right-hand needle.

3 Draw the right-hand needle and the yarn through the stitch, thus forming a new stitch on the right-hand needle, and at the same time slip the original stitch off the left-hand needle. Repeat these steps until all the stitches have been worked. One purl row has now been completed.

Click here for a full step by step guide to knitting

Your Say: Do you knit? Tell us your favourite things to knit below…

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*The White Woman on the Green Bicycle* by Monique Roffey

Download your exclusive first chapter from The White Woman on the Green Bicycle by Monique Roffey here.

About this book:

An epic and strikingly original love story set in hot, steamy Trinidad. British couple George and Sabine arrive there as passionate newly weds. He is seduced by the beauty of the place, she senses the inherent dangers and racial tensions. Secret letters, a brutal attack and George’s last desperate gesture to prove his love have tragic consequences.

The White Woman on the Green Bicycle by Monique Roffey, Viking, $32.95.


Your Say: Have you read this book? Share your thoughts below…

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*Is Anybody There?*

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Michael Cain and co-star Bill Milner arrive at the London premier of Is Anybody There?

Is Anybody There?

Michael Caine, veteren actor and now knight of the realm, has begun to specialize in curmudgeonly old characters with hearts of gold beneath their grim exteriors. He wheels out just such a chap again in Is Anybody There?, a Channel4-style movie, choc-full of trademark British humour with a bleak undercurrent. Though in this case, the bleakness is more of a flood.

Ten-year-old Edward (Bill Milner) lives in an old people’s home run by his distracted and unhappy parents. A loner, he’s bullied at school and endures life with a coterie of demented, eccentric or plain nasty geriatrics by developing an obsession with life after death. In this sense, he’s ideally located to conduct research, which he does by shoving a microphone into the faces of the sick and dying in an attempt to trap their departing spirits for an exclusive interview. When a shambling old bloke named Clarence turns up hauling a truck full of magic paraphernalia, Edward is at first dismissive, but soon, in the way of such films as this, the two become friends. It becomes Clarence’s mission in what life is left him, to help young Edward come to grips with the real world, find real friends and put the supernatural behind him.

Caine is in his element as Clarence and Milner’s Edward has just the right mix of sweet and sour. Set in the 1980s in a seaside town, there’s a touch of Billy Elliott-lite about this but with an overlay of black comedy that would not be out of place in an Ealing Studios film of the 1950s.

Supporting cast are uniformly excellent but it’s Caine and Milner that hold everything together. They make a charming pair and 90 minutes in their company is time well enough spent.

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