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*Perfection* by Julie Metz

Download your exclusive first chapter from Perfection by Julie Metz here.

About the author:

Julie Metz is a graphic designer and freelance writer. She lives with her daughter and partner in Brooklyn, NY. She is currently a recipient of a Macdowell Fellowship.

About the book:

A breathtakingly honest, gloriously written memoir about the complexities of forgiveness – the story of a young widow who discovers her husband’s secret life only after his sudden death.

Married to a charismatic, charming writer who adored her, Julie Metz and their young daughter lived in a beautiful home in an idyllic (if somewhat provincial) small town outside New York City. Her husband had just begun work on a food book on the topic of Umami, the Japanese idea of perfection, when he dropped dead on her kitchen floor from an embolism. Widowed at 44, Metz was suddenly a single mother with bills to pay and a daughter to raise on her own.

Then, six months later, still grieving, she discovered that her husband of twelve years had had a string of affairs — including a continuing relationship with a woman whom she considered a close friend. This incredible blow forced her to confront what was underneath the perfect veneer of her life and to question this idea of perfection.

Julie Metz’s memoir is a story of coming to terms with painful truths, and of rebuilding both a life and an identity after betrayal and widowhood. Ultimately, it is a story of rebirth and happiness, if not perfection.


Pay half the recommended retail price for In Her Shoes by Jenifer Weiner, when you present your AWW coupon at any Dymocks store. See page 216 of the July issue of The AWW.

Perfection by Julie Metz, Scribe, $32.95. Your Say: Have you read this book? Share your thoughts below…

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The many faces of Toni Collette

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Toni Collette has come a long way from her difficult 20s. Today, she is a successful actress with a loving husband and beautiful daughter, who has found her true path, as she tells Michael Sheather.

To see more of beautiful Toni throughout her career, click here.

Toni Collette’s smile is practically incandescent. In the grey and shadowy confines of a rooftop office, not far from Sydney’s CBD, Toni, the 36-year-old actress and star of such international hits as Muriel’s Wedding, The Sixth Sense and Little Miss Sunshine, radiates a welcome warmth and brightness on a cold winter’s morning.

No star turns here. She is happy and clearly at ease, full of joie de vivre. And there is no reason why she shouldn’t be. The past few years, she says, are among the happiest and most content – both personally and professionally – of her life.

Since marrying the man she says is the love of her life, former Gelbison drummer Dave Galafassi, in 2003, Toni has not only found a level of personal contentment that in her youth she had found elusive, but has been transformed by the experience of motherhood, with the birth 17 months ago of their daughter, Sage.

Having a child and sharing her life is simply “awesome”, says Toni, her enthusiasm bubbling over. “I never realised the depth of love that was available until Sage came along. It’s a whole other thing, another side of life. I love it, I love her. It’s the best thing ever.”

Just as family is clearly at the heart of Toni’s personal life, it is family that is at the centre of her latest professional offering, the quirky but poignant and captivating comedy United States of Tara, which premieres on ABC1 on July 29.

To read more about Toni Collette, see the July issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly, out now.

Your Say: What do you think of Toni Collette? Tell us below…

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Sonia Kruger: Life after divorce

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When Sonia Kruger’s marriage broke up, she turned to her life-long friend, Todd McKenney, for support. Amazingly, as she tells Wendy Squires, Todd stepped in with not only love and comfort, but a heartfelt offer to father her much-wanted child.

It’s said the true test of a friendship is being there through the tough times, as well as the good. Sonia Kruger discovered this to be true when she separated from her husband of six years, banker James Davies, last November. Aware that there would be fallout in the press, along with unwarranted rumour and innuendo surrounding the 43-year-old’s newly single status, Sonia’s life-long friend, radio partner, Dancing with the Stars co-star and one-time boyfriend Todd McKenney whisked her off on a holiday to Bali.

Todd knew how intense unwanted media attention can be, having been through a highly embarrassing drug incident (the charges were later dropped) only months earlier. Considering it was Sonia who stood by him steadfastly throughout the very public backlash, the opportunity to take her away for some quiet R and R seemed serendipitous.

It was while they were on the Indonesian holiday island that Sonia says she and Todd talked long into the night, having deep discussions about relationships, children and what really matters in life. It was during one of these conversations that Sonia revealed to Todd her deep yearning for a child and her fears that, at 43 and single again, her dream may no longer be a possibility.

“I told him how, when I hold a newborn baby, I get an overwhelming feeling that this is something I don’t want to miss out on,” Sonia reveals in a candid interview with The Weekly. “We talked about how difficult it is for women like me, who have a biological clock ticking loudly, and he was incredibly understanding and supportive. And that’s when he turned to me and offered to father a child for me.”

Aware that his offer may be viewed as controversial to some, Sonia says, “I know Todd would be a great father to any child. He already is to little Charlotte [the two-year-old daughter he fathered with close friend, Anne Wood].

“I have never seen anyone so excited by a child in my life. The thing about Todd is that I know he would be the greatest support to me, which is what you need if you are to go ahead and have children.”

There is no doubt there is a special bond between Sonia and Todd, evident as the couple spark off each other during their breakfast radio show on MIX 106.5 FM on a chilly Sydney morning.

To read more about Sonia’s choice, see the July issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly, out now.

Your Say: Do you think Sonia should have Todd’s baby? Tell us below…

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Celebrity divorces

Their 2001 split saw Nic receive a $4.3 million LA mansion, and a house in Sydney. Tom kept the couple’s $10.5 million estate in Colorado and his three planes.

Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe were Hollywood’s golden couple until something “inexplicably” came between them. But with Reese commanding a cool $20 million compared to his $2.5 million, Ryan walked away with nothing more than his earnings and joint custody of the couple’s two children.

This bitter divorce saw The Shark ordered by the court to hand over cash and assets worth an estimated $300 million to Laura.

Basketball great Michael paid an estimated $168 million to Juanita, his wife of nearly 18 years, in their 2007 split.

Neil gave an estimated $150 million to second wife Marcia Murphey in their 1996 divorce. He later said she was “worth every penny.”

Ivana “don’t get mad, get everything” Trump received $25 million from Donald in their 1992 settlement.

Mick got no satisfaction out of handing over an estimated $15-25 million dollars to Jerry.

Serial divorcee Susan amassed $39 million from wealthy ex-husbands, but walked away from her fourth marriage to Stuart without a cent of his $97 million.

Brad and Jen seemed like a match made in heaven, but along came Angelina, and the pair split soon after. One of Hollywood’s highest profile divorces ever, Jen was reportedly granted a stake in Brad’s Plan B productions worth around $30 million, and the couple’s Beverly Hills home – worth the same as her company shares.

Spielberg’s first marriage ended in 1989 with Amy receiving $100 million — roughly half of his fortune. Steven and Amy are pictured here with Princess Diana, who is also featured in the next slide for her own divorce.

Charles’s settlement with Diana in 1996 was believed to be $32 million.

An estimated $85 million was paid to Harrison’s second wife, Melissa.

Peter Andre and his wife Katie Price were notoriously tacky in marriage, but the pair ended their relationship with a surprisingly low-key touch: Peter has reportedly claimed he doesn’t want a cent of his wife’s $60 million fortune.

Will’s 1995 divorce led to a $900,000 lump sum awarded to Sheree, plus $24,000 per month in alimony and child support.

Michael reportedly had to pay his first wife $45 million, in 1998.

The former Beatle was ordered on Monday, March 17, 2008 to pay his estranged wife $52.3 million after an acrimonious divorce battle.

To happier times … view our photo gallery of some of the best and worst celebrity weddings.

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Passive smoke: Kids’ health at risk

A child passive smoking

Karyn and Richard Shine wish to make a personal plea to Aussie parents who smoke. “Please don’t smoke near your kids. It’s not fair. You have taken up the habit, but your children haven’t.

“If you light up near them, they breathe the smoke as well. You’re putting their health at risk because you choose to do something unhealthy – even deadly.”

Before you think Karyn and Richard must be staunch anti-smokers lecturing about their nicotine-free lives, read on…

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Melissa Seymour: My perfect life is over

Sydney Swans great Brad Seymour’s wife has been transformed from high-flying businesswoman to bed-ridden invalid. She tells Jacqui Lang of her battle.

Until late last year, dynamic Sydney businesswoman, author and mother-of-two Melissa Seymour led a fast and exciting life. The wife of former Sydney Swans star Brad Seymour was running her own busy PR agency and loved entertaining at their Sydney beachfront apartment.

“Mel’s always been a bubbly, go get ’em girl,” says Brad.

But now Melissa, 35, can barely get out of bed and uses morphine daily – “which turns me into a bit of a zombie” – to ease her chronic pain.

“I had a fantastic life until seven months ago, when I just woke up with sharp pain in one side of my face,” Melissa says.

“The pain has not gone away since – except when it’s masked with the use of really strong drugs. My life hasn’t been the same since, nor has Brad’s or our children’s.”

At first, Melissa suspected she had shingles and tried to carry on while taking painkillers.

“Then late last year I had to fly to LA for a weekend with a client. I was in so much pain, it was then I realised how much this condition was wrecking my life.”

After extensive tests, Melissa was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia, a facial nerve disorder affecting one in 15,000 people. The crippling pain means she finds it difficult to care for Saskia, 2, and Jonah, 6, or devote enough time to running her agency.

“Mel still looks fine, but there’s been a big decline in her usual happy disposition,” says Brad, who’s now the family’s chief cook and cleaner.

“Until this happened, I had no idea what chronic pain was; childbirth doesn’t come close,” says Melissa…

Read the full story in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale June 22, 2009.

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My eight-year-old daughter beat lung cancer

Sydney schoolgirl Ruby King is one of just 60 children in the world to be struck with the deadly disease. Phillip Koch meets a special little girl who fought to beat the odds.

When little Ruby King danced in her primary school concert in November, it marked the end of a terrifying seven-month ordeal for her and her family.

For the best part of a year, eight-year-old Ruby’s symptoms had doctors bewildered. Finally, in October last year, she was found to have lung cancer – becoming one of only a handful of children in the world ever diagnosed with the disease.

“It was horrifying,” says her mum Rebecca, from Sydney’s Sutherland Shire. “Ruby started to get sick in March last year but because she was wheezing a lot we thought she had asthma. Then she had a cough that didn’t go away.”

Over the next seven months, Ruby’s mum and dad, Adrian, consulted doctor after doctor to try to discover what was wrong with their little girl, but the medics were puzzled.

“When we were down in Victoria on a family bike ride, Ruby got really sick and started to complain that her chest was hurting – and it just didn’t seem to get better,” says Rebecca.

The family came home, and soon after, Ruby, then seven, started losing a lot of weight and began coughing up blood.

Now Rebecca and Adrian knew their daughter was suffering from something far more serious than asthma.

Ruby was admitted to Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick, for what doctors thought was pneumonia.

A scan showed a blockage to her lungs, but even after exploratory surgery uncovered a large mass, doctors thought it was unlikely to be sinister. Lung cancer was almost unheard of in a child Ruby’s age.

But pathology tests proved the growth was a malignant tumour. The Year Three schoolgirl had a form of cancer which usually only affects adults…

Read the full story in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale June 22, 2009.

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Prince Harry love triangle – who will win his heart?

After a fling with sexy TV presenter Caroline Flack, Harry is now considering a reunion with old flame Chelsy Davy. Get ready for a right royal cat fight, says Lucie Morris.

Let the battle commence! There are now two contenders for Prince Harry’s royal affections – two feisty and headstrong women who aren’t used to taking no for an answer.

British TV host Caroline Flack and law student Chelsy Davy both love a party and a cocktail or two – potentially perfect soul mates for a fun-loving young army officer. But after enjoying some dates with Caroline in London, the 24-year-old Prince has reportedly told her he is pining for his old flame Chelsy – whom he split with in January after five years together.

Harry’s time with Caroline, who hosts the UK version of Gladiators, apparently caused the Prince to appreciate Chelsy more, and he is now said to be considering a reunion.

But Caroline won’t let him go easily, despite embarrassing newspaper reports about alleged high jinks with a string of famous men. Her spokesman confirmed this week she is determined to clear her name and is taking legal advice over the reports – perhaps in a bid to win Harry back.

Caroline is also said to be furious over reports that Harry has dumped her. The UK Sun newspaper claims she flew into a rage in a pub last week, ranting to friends that Chelsy is “not even that pretty”.

Leading royal expert Robert Jobson told Woman’s Day he wouldn’t rule out Harry getting back together with Chelsy.

“My understanding is that Caroline was a fling, if that. I am sure Harry misses Chelsy,” he says, “They enjoyed a long and meaningful relationship. She was his first love and they meant the world to each other.”

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MasterChef’s Geni: I’m off to see my secret lover

As the newly ejected contestant prepares to fly off to her ‘special man’ in Cyprus, Lucy Chesterton reports there could be trouble brewing in her kitchen.

When Brisbane widow Geni Papacostas appeared on MasterChef cooking up endless dishes of delicious Greek food, she was hiding a very personal secret.

The 54-year-old has revealed she spent the “whole time” on the show pining for a secret lover – and worrying he wouldn’t wait for her.

The teaching assistant, who has lifted the lid on the “bitterness and rivalry” behind the scenes on the show, now feels torn between the man she has a relationship with in Queensland and the “special man” who lives in Cyprus.

“I want to go back to Cyprus, because there could be a special something waiting there for me, and I don’t mean olive oil,” she says.

Geni, who wowed judges on the show with her lamb giouvetsi and creamy custards, was eliminated from MasterChef last week after losing a “pressure test” with fellow contestants Poh Ling Yeow and Andre Ursini.

But all along, she was more worried about what was bubbling away in her personal life than the judges’ verdict.

“The man is still waiting for me,” she says. “I really don’t know what I’m doing. He already gave me two months, since April, while I was on the show, so I want to fly as soon as I can to Cyprus.”

She insists she is not a love cheat, but wants to give it a try with her secret man.

“I’m not a two-timer, believe me. I haven’t had a man in my life for a long time,” says Geni, who has three adult children.

“The person that is here, my kids would love me to be with. He is all mixed up and he doesn’t know what might happen in the future. And I am sort of looking at him, thinking, ‘I’ve gotta sort my life out!’ Even if it’s selfish, I would like to take off, leave him behind and give it a try in Cyprus.”

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Roberta Williams: ‘Who’ll do your hair and nails now Judy?’

As Roberta Williams breaks out the bubbly to toast her arch enemy’s troubles, she tells Megan Norris the real story behind Australia’s most vicious family feud.

When bottle blonde Melbourne matriarch Judy Moran hobbled from a court to spend her first night behind bars after being denied bail, her long-time arch enemy Roberta Williams was at home cracking open her finest bottle of bubbly for a toast.

“We did the ching-ching-ching,” Roberta laughs.

The Williams clan were not only cheering the fact that Judy, 64, was refused bail after being charged with being an accessory after the fact in the shooting murder of her brother-in-law Des “Tuppence” Moran. The celebration was also to honour Roberta’s mother-in-law Barbara Williams, whose overdose death last year was the result of her grief over the bitter gangland wars that landed her son Carl in jail for life.

“We opened the bottle of champagne and we said ‘Here’s to Barbara’,” says Roberta.

“If only you were still here to see that cow get charged. But you’re not, so we’re just gonna have to do this for you.”

The following morning, having breakfast in a cafe with her daughters, Danielle, 17, Breanane, 15, and Dhakota, 8, the smile on Roberta’s face was even bigger as she scanned the morning headlines. “Look, Mum, Nanna Judy’s made the papers … again,” quipped Danielle, as she read about arson squad detectives investigating a suspicious fire at Judy’s Melbourne home.

Asked if she has a message for Judy, Roberta was typically blunt – “Go to hell”.

“She will go to hell, and when she passes away we’re going to clink those glasses again.”

Roberta, 40, is clearly relishing how the tables may turn on the matriarch of the notorious Moran crime dynasty, for whom dangerous men, flashy cars and a procession of funerals were commonplace.

“She was wearing sunnies in the police car as she headed to court to face charges. Well she won’t be needing them where she is at the moment – it’s not sunny in Deer Park Prison.”

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