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Stephanie Rice’s big distraction

Stephanie Rice’s chest infection isn’t the only thing disrupting her training for this week’s world titles. She is also stricken with love, writes Sarah Blake.

Looking more like honeymooners than elite swimmers about to compete on the world stage, Stephanie Rice and Ashley Delaney had eyes only for each other as they strolled the streets of Manchester, England.

With arms wrapped tightly around each other, the sporty pair’s super-charged intimacy left onlookers in no doubt about their romance, even within the strict confines of the Australian swim team’s UK training camp.

“It’s long-distance relationship syndrome,” says a team mate. “Back in Australia, where Steph lives in Brisbane and Ash in Canberra, there aren’t a lot of opportunities to spend quality time together. But going overseas on the same swim team … they’ve had a lot of quiet time to just hang out together and be a couple.”

Woman’s Day revealed the new relationship last month, and there is no doubt the romance has gathered steam since then. While they were both slogging it out in Manchester, it wasn’t all hard work. The couple were spotted window shopping, and having coffee at a cafe near their hotel.

“When Ashley and Steph are with the rest of the team, they tend to stand apart from each other. But when they’re alone they’re like any other couple, walking with their arms around each other,” an onlooker said.

With Ashley, 23, on hand to nurse Stephanie, 21, through a persistent respiratory infection, their love affair has provided a welcome distraction from intense pressure in the lead-up to the World Championships.

However, the team member said there were concerns the golden girl would not be able to put her infatuation with the rising backstroke star to one side as she competes at this week’s FINA World Swimming Championships in Rome.

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Julie’s back-to-school lunch tips

She’s the most famous cook in Australia after taking out the MasterChef title, but at home she’s a mum who packs the lunches. Julie Goodwin shares how she keeps her boys happy.

My boys already eat so much that when they’re older I don’t know what I am going to do to feed them all — I think I’m going to have to buy a cow!

Soon I’ll have to give them lunch backpacks, not lunch boxes. The teachers at their school have already asked me to come and help out in the tuckshop, which was funny considering my youngest [Paddy, 10] came home one day after the MasterChef thing had started and said, “My teacher was really excited to see what I had in my lunch box”, and all he had was a Nutella sandwich.

I told him just because I’m on MasterChef doesn’t mean I’m going to start cooking gourmet lunches — it’s just not going to happen.

Lunch isn’t exactly where I have my creative flair, but I do have a few little secrets. When we have leftovers we do exciting things with them, so the boys have an interesting lunch that day.

And at home when we know things are going to be busy during the week, we often make sandwiches at the beginning of the week and put them in the freezer. That way the kids [Joe, 13, Tom, 12 and Paddy] can just help themselves. But there are definitely no special stashes of Mars Bars. I’d be drawn and quartered if I sent them off to school with that.

I’ve always been experimental with cooking, and now after MasterChef, I have more technique to back that up. I’ll hopefully be passing that on to the family, but I also love cooking the old favourites as well.

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Mitchell Johnson: I forgive you mum

The cricket hunk tells Lucie Morris why he is sending a public message of forgiveness to his mother for her attacks on his new fiancée Jessica Bratich.

It’s the sort of upsetting family incident which could cause long-lasting damage — but cricket star Mitchell Johnson is clearly in a forgiving mood.

The 27-year-old fast bowler, who is in England for the Ashes series, has used an exclusive interview with Woman’s Day to issue a personal message to his mother, whose cruel public outburst against his new fiancée Jessica Bratich earlier this month made national headlines. In a shocking rant delivered on Nine’s A Current Affair, Vikki Harber accused karate champion Jessica of effectively stealing her son, saying Jessica was more interested in money than her son’s career. “I believe she self- promotes herself,” Vikki said.

But despite the obvious humiliation and devastation the remarks have caused the couple, Mitchell says he wants to offer an olive branch to his mum.

Speaking from the Royal Garden Hotel, the Australian cricket team base in London’s Kensington, Mitchell took the chance to issue a public message to his mother back home in Coolangatta on the Gold Coast.

“The message I want to say is, hopefully things can work out and be resolved,” Mitchell says.

He also expressed his hope that his mum will be among the 100 close friends and family who will witness the couple’s planned beachside ceremony near Broome in May next year — even though he’s had no contact with her since January.

“Obviously you want both your parents at your wedding — it’s a pretty big deal — so hopefully, when that time comes, everything is fine.

“She’s my mum, so she’s done things for me, and you want family to be there at your wedding. You want everyone to be together.”

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How to find a job in a recession

You may have lost your job or worry that you one day will. There's ways to bounce back from such an unfortunate event.
Women in business attire with city buildings in background, getty images

I HAVE a secret method that I used a few years ago when I was first looking for a job. Given the current state of the job market, there’s never been a better time to start testing my secret method.

**Step 1: Know thyself

** Read the book I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was by Barbara Sher, in which you may discover that there are unconscious self-sabotaging reasons why you’re confused about the type of job you really want to do. If you already know what you want to do and understand why you want to do this job, you can skip this step.

Step 2: Establish there is a job

Having decided what job you want to do and your reasons for doing it, look at employment advertisements and see what is available in the area you’re interested in. If there aren’t any available, consider what skills you have and think about areas where there are jobs available that need your skills. If there aren’t any, it’s time to re-train.

Step 3: Take the initiative

So now you know what type of job you want and that there are openings available in the market, you need to understand something – at least half of all jobs are not advertised. They are often filled internally or by someone the employer knows.

So how do you find these jobs? Use my secret method. First, write a Top 20 list of the places you would love to work. Then you call these companies and ask to speak to their recruitment department. They will either have a human resources person internally or direct you to an external company.

If it is an internal person, they will probably be very impressed that you took the initiative to call them and find out what jobs they have open. And remember, if they pick you, it will save them paying to advertise the job. So, it is in their interests to talk to you.

If your potential employer directs you to an external recruitment company, ask which company it is, what they are looking for in the successful applicant for the job you want and, most importantly, if it’s okay if you mention to the recruitment company that you spoke to your potential employer directly. You then call the recruitment company and tell them that you spoke to the potential employer, and that they told you to call the recruitment company. The recruitment company will take you seriously if they know you have been referred by the employer. Plus you already know what they are looking for in a successful applicant, so you’ll be ahead of everyone else from the start.

This secret method has worked successfully for me. Given that there are now fewer jobs to choose from, it makes sense to try and access the 50 per cent of jobs that are not advertised.

Good luck and happy job hunting!

Virginia Graham is a mortgage broker for Model Mortgages.

Your say: Have you ever lost your job or had to find a new one due to the recession? Email us on [email protected]

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Amazing knickers

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A department store in London is expecting to be inundated with orders for miracle “fat-busting” undies, which it’s selling for £30 ($60).

In May this year, John Lewis’ online store sold out of the knickers within an hour and the company’s London department store sold out in one day. New stock went on sale July 22, and is expected to sell quickly as well, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

The Scala Bio-Fir Anti-Cellulite pants promise to rid wearers of the “orange-peel effect”. The John Lewis company ordered 40,000 pairs and says the knickers have flown off the shelves faster than any other lingerie range this decade.

Fans of the garment reportedly include actress Sienna Miller, who is widely reported to have said in a 2007 interview, “My so-called fabulous shape is due to airbrushing. I have small boobs and cellulite.”

The pants, containing crystals, work by warming up when they come in contact with the skin. The warmth reportedly increases circulation in the hips, thighs and bottom, encouraging fat cells to “melt” into a liquid which is excreted from the body by the liver.

More than 4000 people signed up to receive an e-mail alerting them when the pants were to go on sale again.

Research found that four out of five women who wore the undies every day for a month lost centimetres off their stomach, thighs and hips. The results reportedly last 12 months, pending the wearer eats healthily and exercises regularly, the Daily Mail reported.

After the knickers went on sale in May for £25 ($50), they were soon changing hands on eBay for up to £60 ($121). The new stock is available from John Lewis’ online store for £25 to £30 ($50 to $60).

You can now buy yourself a pair from www.bioshapewear.com.au.

Your say: How much would you pay for a cure for cellulite? Do you have any cellulite reducing tips? Tell us below…

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Jennifer Hawkins Swimsuits

Jennifer Hawkins models the latest stunning collection from her own swimwear brand, Cozi by Jennifer Hawkins, in tropical Fiji.

Items from the Jennifer Hawkins Cozi collection will be available at Myer between July and December 2009. —————————————————————— Jennifer Hawkins: A week in my world In pictures: Jennifer Hawkins’ hot hairstyles True Confession: I pay my lover a wage

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*Don’t Tell Eve* by Airlie Lawson

Download your exclusive first chapter from Don’t Tell Eve by Airlie Lawson here.

About the author:

The desite to write can strike at any age. In the case of Airlie Lawson, who spent the first decade of her life on a farm in South Australia, where she had a horse called Punch, the urge expressed itself at around the age of six, when she wrote her first book, stapling together the pages and proudly presenting it to her mother.

About the book:

Eve is brash, loud, ruthless and dresses like a ballroom dancer. She’s also the new American CEO of an Australian publishing company that’s been taken over. Her first move in this entertaining novel is to sack some very decent people and treat them appallingly. However, someone, somewhere, is plotting their sweet revenge.


Receive $5 off the marked price of this month’s Great Read when you present your AWW coupon at any Dymocks store. See page 250 of the August issue of The AWW.

Don’t Tell Eve by Airlie Lawson, Random House, $32.95. Your Say: Have you read this book? Share your thoughts below…

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Fix age concerns… for less

With a little savvy shopping and some clever beauty tricks you can certainly be beautiful on even the tightest of budgets.

**1. Dark under-eye circles and puffiness

** Fatigue and slackened under-eye skin can lead to pouches and bags. Often this is caused by a build-up of lymph which needs to be regularly drained, and then firmed.

Solution: Garnier Caffeine Eye roll-On, 215ml, $18.

**2. Spots & Discoloration

** Years of exposure to sun and pollution can start to show in brown blotches, discoloration and age spots, which mars your complexion.

Solution: Olay Definity Tone Correcting Anti-ageing Serum, 50ml, $40.

**3. Weakened, Fragile Skin

** As we age, elastin and collagen supplies deteriorate and decrease, compromising the strength and resilience of our skin, leading to fragility.

Solution: Garnier Nutritionist Regenerating Daily Moisturiser, 50ml, $18.

**4. Large, open pores

** Often associated with oily skin, large open pores can also affect mature and ageing skin, and needs exfoliation and targeted ingredients to help reduce them.

Solution: L’Oreal Derma Genesis Cellular-Youth Creating Skincare Pore Minimising Smoother, 50ml, $31.

**5. Clogged pores

** Regardless of age, problem skin can result in blocked pores and bumpy skin texture.

Solution: To help extract the gunk, try a gentle warming treatment such as Biore Refine Self Heating Mask, Pack of 8, $15. Rinse off. Pores should start to clear.

**6. Lacklustre skin

** Dullness is now considered one of the major signs of ageing skin, as environmental aggressors can leave skin looking lacklustre.

Solution: ROC Retin-Ox+ Intensive Anti-Wrinkle Moisturiser, SPF15, 30ml, $48.

**7. Menopausal/Hormonal concerns

** As women reach menopause, and the hormone oestrogen decreases, the skin becomes thin, dry and sensitive.

Solution: L’Oreal Paris Age Perfect Skin Re-Support Day Cream, 50ml, $32.

**8. Sagging Jaw-line

** One of the hardest areas to treat, the neck and jaw-line tend to lose firmness in the late 40s.

Solution: Olay Regenerist Micro-sculpting Cream, 50ml, $50.

Your say: What are your favourite beauty products? How do you keep your skin looking and feeling young? Tell us below…

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Kindred spirits: Rachel Ward & Bryan Brown

Photography by Tim Bauer

Photography by Tim Bauer

They met and fell in love on the set of The Thorn Birds. Today, more than 25 years later, Rachel Ward and Bryan Brown tell Susan Chenery why they were made for each other and why he is happy to let her call most of the shots.

On a distant hill in a still, quiet place, Bryan Brown is making billy tea on a spluttering fire. A plate of lamingtons sits on a rough-hewn wooden table.

Coming towards us through soft rain is Rachel Ward, sitting astride a striking Appaloosa horse. Just as Bryan, with his strong, sharp profile and fierce gaze, seems etched into a rugged outback landscape, so, too, does Rachel seem carved into this Australian pastoral scene at their farm on the New South Wales North Coast.

These tall, striking people met on the set of The Thorn Birds in 1983, where something immediate and molecular happened. “It felt very instant,” recalls Rachel. “I remember meeting him, shaking his hand and feeling this extraordinary sense of relief. I just remember having that incredible feeling of phew, phew. There was a connection very quickly.

I felt that he was the masculine to my feminine, the yin to my yang. “I sensed that he was strong. He knew his mind. He had the right priorities and values that I respected.”

For approximately one second, Bryan was hesitant about getting involved with a co-star he would have to work with in the months to come, and the consequences if it all went wrong.

“He thought he would have no chance of getting away,” explains an amused Rachel, “but actually he bloody knew he didn’t want to get away. And he hasn’t been able to get away ever since, ha, ha.”

Theirs was a lightning attraction. Just a few months after they met, they were married, in the chapel at Cornwell Manor, Oxfordshire, one of Britain’s most beautiful houses, the home where Rachel grew up.

During the nuptials, the brash Antipodean stood in front of Rachel’s aristocratic English family and delivered the alarming news that it was “about time the aristocracy had a bit of convict blood”.

Such colonial audacity was greeted, he says now, by “a loud guffaw” from the Aussies and perhaps a wry smile from the other side of the table. “We had a small wedding, no more than 50 or 60 people, and it was very joyful,” he says. It is now more than a quarter of a century since they found each other and they remain one of Australia’s most enduring celebrity couples, the parents of three children – Rose, 24, Matilda, 22, and Joe, 16.

They are also the consummate working couple and never more so than now, with the release, on August 6, of their collaboration, Beautiful Kate, a movie directed by Rachel that stars Bryan, along with Rachel Griffiths, Ben Mendelsohn and newcomer Sophie Lowe.

To read more about Bryan Brown and Rachel Ward, see the August issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly, out now.

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Foxy lady: Magda Szubanski

Magda Szubanski has done it – the much-loved actress has hit her goal weight of 85 kilos, losing an amazing 36 kilos in the process. Now, as she tells Wendy Squires, not only is she the happiest and most energetic she has ever been, she is also feeling downright foxy.

Magda Szubanski is so excited, she can barely contain herself. ‘Oh. My. God! You have got to see this,” she insists before skipping over to a rack laden with clothes for The Weekly’s photo shoot. “Here it is! Isn’t it just beautiful?” she asks, stroking and hugging a Carla Zampatti silk trench coat. “Wait until you see it on me,” she continues, slipping on the garment, then spinning around, model-like, to catch the view from the back in a full-length mirror.

“You know, I suddenly feel like I’m in Sex and the City,” she says, beaming. “It’s not like I haven’t always liked clothes, there just weren’t any I could fit into, so I resisted and put fashion down as superficial and tended to mistrust it.

“Now, I can see that vanity can be your friend. Used in the right way, it’s a great motivator. It’s fun and, well, I think having things of beauty is good for the soul …”

Although she may sound like every other fashion lover justifying yet another purchase, Magda has every reason to treat herself to a new coat – an entire new wardrobe, in fact. In less than a year, the star of Kath & Kim has lost a whopping 36 kilos. She lost 10 kilos performing in Guys and Dolls, before joining Jenny Craig. Since then, she has lost a further 26 kilos to reach her goal weight of 85 kilos, dropping from a size 26 to a 14, and winding up, for the first time in a long time, “feeling fit and foxy”

To read more about Magda’s journey, see the August issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly, out now.

Your Say: How does Magda inspire you? Tell us below…

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