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‘Octomum’ finally admits: “It was a mistake!”

Single mother Nadya Suleman shocked the world earlier this year by giving birth to eight babies after deliberately having multiple embryos implanted — despite not having a job, a partner or even a home of her own.

After initially brushing off criticism of her choice to do so, now the mother of 14 has confessed that it was “a mistake”.

In a stunning Australian exclusive interview, Nadya talks in detail about her feelings of guilt over bringing kids into the world without a father figure, her despair at not feeling able to give enough time to each of her children, and her loneliness in the face of her realisation that she might now never find a partner.

Nadya says she is tortured by fears that she isn’t providing enough individual attention to each of her 14 kids: Elijah, 8; Amerah, 6; Joshua, 5; Aidan, 4; twins Calyssa and Caleb, 2; and octuplets Josiah, Makai, Jeremiah, Nariyah, Jonah, Noah, Maliyah and Isaiah.

She also reveals her mind-boggling daily routine, and what it takes to keep her enormous brood of children fed, clean and happy.

Feeling forced by money worries to put her kids in a reality TV show, she insists they will not be exploited.

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*Rafters* star Allison Cratchley’s real life baby surprise

The actress was all ready to leave for LA when news of baby Diesel changed her mind. She talks to Jacqui Lang.

A prosthetic belly wasn’t required when Allison Cratchley agreed to play a pregnant lesbian on Packed To The Rafters.

By happy coincidence, Allison really was pregnant. And on May 9 — a few weeks after she completed filming her guest role in the Seven Network smash hit — little Diesel Alexander John Williams made his big entrance into the world.

“He’s the most wonderful baby,” Allison, 38, coos as she cradles him at her Sydney home.

Proud dad Paul Williams, Allison’s husband of nearly six years, is also delighted, and in more ways than one.

“It’s good to have another male in the house,” he says. “As much as I love our little girl, it will be great to have someone to kick the footy around with!”

Yes, but what about the name? Allison and Paul only came up with the moniker the night before Diesel’s scheduled caesarean birth.

“We just couldn’t agree on anything,” she says. “Then we were out at dinner, I looked at the writing on Paul’s shirt and said, ‘What about that? Diesel?'”

Problem solved.

“The rest of the family is still getting used to it,” she says. “My 94-year-old grandfather, a former diesel engineer, was a bit taken aback. He said, ‘A boy named after an engine?’ But they’re all slowly coming around.”

Allison readily admits Diesel was a “complete surprise”. She learnt she was pregnant as she prepared for a move to the US to try her luck in Tinseltown.

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Would you pay $1500 for a date with this man?

As former AFL star Warwick Capper launches his new career as a male escort, Jo Knowsley finds out just what his $1500 fee covers.

He’s as famous for his eccentric off-field antics as his AFL talent. Now Warwick Capper — freshly Botoxed — is entering a new arena: becoming a $1500-a-night escort.

“Usually it’s groups who hire me. But if it’s one woman, for a dinner, why not? I’ll make sure she has a good time.

I think it’s a good use of my talents. I like helping people to have fun.”

Warwick has posed for Australian Penthouse, was famously ejected from Celebrity Big Brother for full frontal exposure, worked as a scantily-clad Gold Coast “meter man”, and more recently created a 69-minute porn movie with a 26-year-old stripper girlfriend.

Today he’s dressed for a date — in an Ed Hardy T-shirt featuring the words “True Love”, and dazzling silver trainers.

His face is surprisingly line-free thanks to Botox injections and $10,000 worth of surgical enhancement, including an operation to remove fat from his eyelids and liposuction under his chin.

He rolls up his sleeve to show off his biceps. “It’s pretty good for 46, huh? Someone said the other day I looked 38. I work out five days a week. What do you think?”

Warwick’s nightmare date, he confides, would be one of the drunk girls he sees on hens’ nights “falling down and spewing up”. His dream would be dinner on a faux gondola on the Gold Coast where he can have sex on board — a feat he claims to have accomplished.

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Warwick Capper’s changing looks

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Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O suspended

Controversial radio duo Sandilands and Jackie O’s breakfast program has been indefinitely suspended after a flood of complaints about their treatment of a teenage rape victim during a live broadcast.

The Kyle and Jackie show was cancelled on Sunday night, after the fallout from the lie detector stunt saw Kyle declare he was unable to go on air.

There have been calls for 2Day FM’s Kyle and Jackie O breakfast show to be axed by the station’s owners, Austereo, since Wednesday when a 14-year-old girl was strapped to a lie-detector and asked about her sexual history.

When the distressed girl replied she had been raped as a 12-year-old, Kyle said: “Right, is that the only experience you’ve had?” before the interview was brought to an end.

Austereo released a statement on Sunday evening saying: “Kyle Sandilands’ management has advised Austereo that he is unable to perform his duties on-air at this time.”

The shock jock’s future as a judge on Australian Idol also looks shakey, with Network Ten reportedly set to make an announcement this week.

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Mel’s marriage is annulled … by his own dad

No wonder Mel Gibson is giving the thumbs-up. Full time has been called on his 28-year marriage to Robyn Moore.

The Pope didn’t give the order, though. That edict came from Mel’s 90-year-old father Hutton Gibson, and it paves the way for his son to marry his pregnant Russian girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva by Christmas.

Having had his request turned down by Catholic bishops, Mel, 53, pleaded his case in front of a tribunal of members from the Church of the Holy Family, his breakaway Catholic church in Malibu.

Hutton, who once studied for the priesthood only to leave before he was ordained, presided over the hearing. He granted Mel’s annulment request after his son presented evidence that his union to Robyn, 53, was never a true marriage — even though they wed in a Catholic ceremony in Australia in June 1980.

“Especially important was Mel’s description of how he felt pressured into the marriage in the first place because Robyn was pregnant,” a family insider says.

“Those feelings indicated to Hutton that it couldn’t have been a true marriage, and so he felt it must be invalid.

“After the discussion ended, Hutton pounded his fist on the table and said, ‘It is true that this union did not have what it takes to be a true marriage.'”

The family are at pains to keep the annulment, which took place a month after Robyn filed for divorce in April, a secret — but maybe not too secret.

“Mel hopes some of the bishops he has befriended recently can be persuaded to give him a proper Catholic annulment,” the insider says.

Either way, Mel is forging ahead with plans for a Christmas wedding to Oksana, 39, despite her cold feet over his recent behaviour, which includes gambling escapades in Las Vegas.

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Delta & Brian battle it out in public

As Delta mourns the death of a dear friend, it’s clear her already strained relationship is at its lowest point, writes Sarah Blake.

A day after attending the funeral of her lifelong friend Liam O’Flaherty, Delta Goodrem and fiancé Brian McFadden met with friends for drinks at popular Sydney haunt, The Oaks Hotel.

The singer was deeply distressed, having given a eulogy for Liam — whose death at 24 in a motorbike accident has left her “heartbroken”. But rather than a quiet get-together, the afternoon session turned into a fierce public argument that saw the usually restrained Delta storm off, leaving Brian behind.

The shocking argument came just weeks after another emotion-charged incident.

A diner at upmarket Sydney restaurant Toko said onlookers were shocked to see the high-profile couple “screaming” at each other as an argument over dinner escalated.

Watch a video of the heated exchange in the player at the top of this page.

“Delta was really distraught and the word ‘jealousy’ was used,” the diner says. “She was upset and angry and waving her hands around and then she stormed off. Brian followed her looking like a belted-up love puppy.”

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Go ahead, save yourself

There are many lessons to be learned from the global financial crisis. The good, the bad - here's what you can take away from it.
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So far, most people have learned that we never really understood the products that we had invested our superannuation in or the risks of these products or the true costs of the fees involved.

A recent government report revealed that more than 95 per cent of women don’t know anything about companies they invest in. This is hardly surprising given that it takes a forensic accountant to unravel the true cost of the fees disclosed in the lengthy documents which super funds provide.

The products are also often so complex that even people with financial degrees (something financial planners who sell these products often don’t have) don’t understand the real risks of these products.

So the lessons we’ve learned, which Warren Buffett (one of the world’s richest men and most successful investors) has been warning about for years, is to only invest in things you understand with transparent fees.

With the recent jump in unemployment, another lesson we are learning is that most people do not have enough savings to last more than one month unemployed. You need to have at least three months’ contingency money.

You’ve probably heard this before, but the fact is, if you lose your job, it might take at least this long to find another one. If you still have a job, it’s not too late to build up at least three months of savings, by using your tax refund, for instance. Or you could sell unwanted clothes or household items on eBay, work overtime or a second job for a while, or try to save money each month on groceries or your fuel bill.

Virginia Graham is a mortgage broker for Model Mortgages.

Your say: There are many ways you could save three months’ contingency money. What are your suggestions? Email us on [email protected]

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Move more, eat less

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Move more, eat less

If you want to tip the scales in your favour, you should opt for an aerobic activity like a run or a walk that gets you huffing and puffing, rather than resistance training.

According to a recent study from the UK’s Loughborough University, reported in the American Journal of Physiology, if you want to tip the scales in your favour, you should opt for an aerobic activity like a run or a walk that gets you huffing and puffing, rather than resistance training.

Researchers monitored the levels of two key appetite hormones, peptide YY and ghrelin, in men who either spent 60 minutes on a treadmill or the same time working out with weights.

They found that those undertaking the aerobic activity (treadmill) experienced an increase in peptide YY and a drop in ghrelin, a combination which suppresses appetite.

However, men in the weight-training group demonstrated the drop in ghrelin, but no change in peptide YY.

Your Say: What cardio exercise do you do? Tell us below…

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Say good riddance to fat: Manage the IN vs OUT

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Magazines feature new fad diets every week. Low fat, no carbs, South Beach Diet, cabbage soup diet, high fat, Atkins … are you confused? Fed up with all the hype and the fact you are still trying to lose weight? Read on.

Excess fat is your body’s way of building a handy storage of fuel for tough times ahead. If you are like most Australians, you probably don’t need to worry about hard times ahead and may wish to shift those extra kilos. (Assess your Body Composition )

The fact is all diets will work if there is less energy coming into the system than going out. The problem with most diets is their short term nature. Going on a diet means that you have to come off it at some stage. Most people return to their normal habits and put the weight back on, often more than they had in the first place.

Although simple in nature, the IN v OUT equation gets muddled as humans are complex social creatures and not lab rats. But exploring the equation a little more is a good idea.

Dieticians claim that 80 per cent of weight loss is due to diet. So part of the puzzle is to look at what you eat or take IN to the system. Avoiding fat is a good step in the right direction, as it is packed full of energy, with 9 calories per gram (compared to just 4 for carbohydrates and protein). Your body also expends very little energy digesting fat, so it gives you a double IN whammy.

Increasing your fruit and vegetable intake is important for long-term weight maintenance because these foods provide the perfect balance of nutrients and energy. Fruit gets a bad name for its sugar, but if eaten whole, there is actually not that much energy.

Refined carbohydrates can be a problem. They are sugar that have been taken out of its natural state and delivered by the teaspoon (or candy bar) and can add up over the day. Be particularly cautious of high-energy drinks. (Assess your energy intake from fluids )

The last point is the most important. Reduce your total intake of energy every day by establishing healthy eating patterns that you can sustain for life – this is the key to long-term weight maintenance.

Meanwhile, the exercise physiologists are jumping up and down in the corner. This is your real key to success, burning up the energy yourself through everyday physical activity and planned exercise.

Here is a five-point plan for burning energy (the OUT of the equation) and keeping the kilos off for good:

    1. Think of movement as an opportunity not an inconvenience.
    1. Look for opportunities to be active throughout your day.
    1. Do 30, preferably 60 minutes, of exercise of moderate intensity, most days of the week. Alternatively, aim for approximately 70,000 steps per week.
    1. Incorporate some resistance or strength-type training into your week that focuses on the large muscle groups.
    1. If you can, enjoy 30 minutes of vigorous exercise on two to three days of the week.Creating a new you takes time and effort, but the rewards last a lifetime. With the appropriate mix of IN v OUT, you will look and feel better on a daily basis, and say goodbye to the flab forever.YOUR SAY: How do you find the time to do exercise? Tell us about it below…

Creating a new you takes time and effort, but the rewards last a lifetime. With the appropriate mix of IN v OUT, you will look and feel better on a daily basis, and say goodbye to the flab forever.

YOUR SAY: How do you find the time to do exercise? Tell us about it below…

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