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Fussy eater

Fussy eater with vegetables

**”I’m trying to get healthy, however, I don’t eat fruit and very limited amounts of salad. It’s hard to get healthy when all of the healthy options in shops contain these.”

— Kate**

I question anyone who says they dislike all fruit and vegetables as the options with fresh produce are so extensive and diverse.

The bottom line is that for good health you have to eat at least some vegetables every day. The recommended amount is five serves of vegetables and two serves of fruit.

Some people have had bad experiences with vegetables not being cooked properly, for instance, overcooked Brussel sprouts are grey, slimy and smelly; but well-cooked, they are vibrant, tender, and sweet. Similarly, salads can be boring without a nice dressing.

At this time of year it’s better to eat cooked vegies rather than cold salad and the brighter the better. Greens such as broccoli and broccolini, English spinach, sweet potato, sweet corn and green beans can be either delicious or terrible, depending on how well they are prepared.

On their own you may find them a little bland, but accompanied with seasoning and a brush of olive oil they can be transformed into a very special side dish.

If you don’t know how to prepare and cook vegetables, assuming you really do want to get healthy, which you say you do, then you must make an effort to learn.

There are so many recipes online — try the Woman’s Day recipe finder for some ideas to get started.

Make sure you have the kitchen basics and give it a go. You could also sign up for a few cooking classes — believe me, I’ve met many people who claimed not to have liked vegies who, after some effort in the kitchen, are turned around and can’t imagine life without them.

Essential cookware for cooking vegies

  • Roasting tray — to roast veggies

  • Steamer — this could be a stainless steel pan with a steamer and lid that fits on the top or you could buy a bamboo steamer to fit over a pan you have at home

  • Colander — to drain washed and cooked vegetables

  • Tongs and spatula

  • Wok — for quick and easy stir-fries

  • Salad spinner — for cleaning leaves.

You may have to approach this as many mothers approach feeding their young children, by chopping up loads of vegies very small and adding them to dishes such as bolognese sauce, chilli con carne, soups and casseroles.

But be experimental and approach it positively — if you say you don’t like them, you’ll try them with an expectation that you won’t. It’s not very constructive when it’s in your best interest to like them.

Here’s a recipe to get you started:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C

  2. Wash and peel a brown onion, a few garlic cloves and a small piece of sweet potato (approx 150g)

  3. Slice the onion and cut the sweet potato into cubes approx 2cm thick

  4. Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a roasting tray for approx 5 minutes then throw in the vegetables with a couple of handfuls of mushrooms (approx 100g)

  5. Season with sea salt and pepper and place the tray back in the oven for approximately 15 minutes.

  6. Remove the tray and using your spatula or a spoon, turn the vegetables in the pan. Place them back in the oven to cook for a further 10 minutes.

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More fruit and veg can reduce your cancer risk

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Eat more fruit and veg and reduce your cancer risk

Your Gran’s favourite adage can actually help prevent cancer: in a recent report by the Cancer Council, eating more veggies and fewer lollies can help reduce your risk of bowel, liver, oesophagus (food pipe), lung and stomach cancer.

According to the report, unhealthy diets, as well as lack of activity and obesity, can account for at least 30 percent of all cancers.

While they stress that no one food can prevent cancer, they do recommend learning what your daily servings should be, and incorporating more veg into your daily intake.

Here are some quick and easy ways to eat healthier and help reduce your cancer risk:

  • Double your serving of vegetables: it is recommended to have five servings of vegetables per day. One serving of veg is the equivalent of one medium potato, ½ cup of cooked legumes like beans, or 1 cup of green salad. So, to get a double dose of cancer-fighting veg, simply ramp up your lunch salad with more veg, or pour some peas over those mashed potatoes. If you want more ideas for your vegies, check out our vegetarian recipe index, here. http://aww.ninemsn.com.au/recipes/vegetarian/

  • Try a new fruit each week: Kumquat. Lychees. Durian. With so many fresh, exotic fruits at our disposal in nearly every green grocers, you’ve got a heap of options to help incorporate a new fruit every week. You’ll expand your tastebuds, and perhaps find a new favourite.

  • Use frozen vegies for convenience: let’s be honest. Sometimes you just don’t feel like peeling potatoes or cobbing corn, which is why we’re so thankful for the freezer section. Ping some frozen veg in the microwave, and voila! A healthy addition to any meal.

  • Include vegies in your lunch: adding a bit of veg to your lunch is both healthy and energy-boosting during busy days. Chop up some carrots for a crunchy snack, add a side salad to your sandwich, or choose a vegetable-based soup. For more great lunch recipes, check out our index, here – http://aww.ninemsn.com.au/recipes/lunch/

  • Add extra vegies to all your recipes: in the book Deceptively Delicious, author Jessica Seinfeld shares some sneaky ways to add vegetable to dishes of even the pickiest littlest eaters. Some of her tricks include adding pureed carrot and spinach into chocolate brownies and cauliflower to macaroni and cheese. For those of us who like (or at least tolerate) veg in its real form, however, it can be as simple as filling out your pasta salad with zucchini, or throwing some mushrooms into your spaghetti Bolognese.

  • Have fruit instead of sweets: ah, fruit. Nature’s most perfect sweet. Next time you’re headed towards the biscuit tin with a mid-afternoon sweet tooth, why not re-route towards the fruit bowl? Fruit is full of vitamins, fiber and cancer-fighting antioxidants, and is the evolutionary reason for our sugar cravings. So it’s good news that you don’t have to fight the temptation – just redirect it.

Support the Cancer Council for Daffodil Day: Sorbent will make a donation on behalf of all the top 3 arcade challengers! Click here to take the Sorbent Arcade Challenge.

Your Say: what tricks do you use, to eat more fruit and veg everyday? Tell us below…

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Peter Andre: I want to raise my kids in Oz

While his ex flaunts her new love, Peter reveals his dream to return home to give his kids an Aussie upbringing. Erin Craven reports.

Peter Andre is desperate to start a new life in Australia with his children. The decision has come after his ex-wife Katie Price moved her new cage-fighter lover into the couple’s former marital home.

Raised in Australia, Peter has revealed that he’s hoping to find love again with a “normal girl” and bring his children back to his hometown in the wake of his split from hard-partying Katie, aka Jordan.

“My ultimate dream, of course, would be to spend a lot more time in Australia. But not on my own, obviously. [It’s] not wherever you lay your hat is your home. Wherever my kids are, that’s my home,” he exclusively tells Woman’s Day.

Since splitting from Katie in May, Pete has been vocal about wanting to give Harvey, 7, Junior, 4 and Princess Tiaamii, 2, the best possible future and a traditional Aussie upbringing. “I have this unbelievable desire to get the kids in a campervan and take them across Australia,” he has said.

The kids have been Peter’s saviour during his bitter divorce. So far he has spared them the news that he and Katie have separated, only telling them that they are lucky to now have “two houses”.

Harvey is not Pete’s biological child — he is the product of a fling Katie had with soccer ace Dwight Yorke — but Pete refuses to leave the severely disabled boy behind, including him in his custody proposal.

While the singer has been looking after the kids, Katie has been hitting the party scene hard. Peter admits he phoned to tell her she was a “disgrace” after she was pictured going wild in Ibiza.

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Death fears for Rob

Twilight star and teen heart-throb Robert Pattinson has been warned by police that his life may be in danger after extreme religious groups set up a hate campaign against the character he plays in the hit movie — smouldering vampire Edward Cullen — an occult figure they find offensive.

“There are people who would like to see him dead,” reveals a law enforcement official from the New York City Police Department.

Twilight and Rob are an international phenomenon and some hardcore religious groups don’t like it. They see the movies — and by extension Rob — as evil.”

But it’s not only religious extremists who are putting the 23-year-old’s life on the line — he’s also in danger from the thousands of hysterical teenage fans who follow him wherever he goes.

“There are a lot of crazy people out there, and he’s wildly popular right now. It’s not outside the realm of possibility to think that someone might wish to harm him,” says the source. “His security people aren’t up to the task of keeping him safe, and they have no idea how to deal with the crowds this guy attracts.”

Robert was recently injured when trying to escape from crowds of screaming fans. While his bewildered security team tried to contain the hordes of teenage girls outside the set of his new movie Remember Me, he ran into the street to get some space and was hit by a taxi driving down the road.

Luckily, he wasn’t injured.

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Tom & Katie’s shock separation

They’ve barely been apart since they married, but now Tom and Katie are living separate lives. Erin Craven reports.

It is the longest Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have been apart in their two-and-a-half-year marriage, but after three weeks away from his wife, the 47-year-old superstar isn’t exactly sitting at home pining.

At the time of going to press, the power couple had not seen each other since July 7.

And while Katie, 30, films Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark in Melbourne, former homebody Tom has reportedly thrown himself into the Hollywood social scene.

Tom hit the town on several occasions, including a wild night out at celebrity hotspot Hyde with close friends David and Victoria Beckham — and he looks to be enjoying his newfound bachelor-style life.

Never a wallflower, Tom burned up the dance floor with the fresh-faced crowd at the hip nightclub while the DJ pumped out Jackson 5 songs.

On July 13 Tom attended a Beyoncé gig; just five days later he was seen hanging out backstage at a Coldplay concert.

Tom’s behaviour stands in stark contrast to the picture Katie recently painted of their blissful married life.

“We like to be together,” she said in March. “We play Yahtzee, board games, Scrabble …”

Meanwhile, Katie appears to be loving the freedom she is experiencing Down Under. It’s far from her usual regimented Hollywood lifestyle and the oppressive security measures that are part and parcel of her life in the US.

Last week, a smiling and clearly relaxed Katie blended in easily with locals as she and little Suri, 3, ate macaroons and sipped drinks at Laurent Bakery in Melbourne’s Albert Park. Katie has even been seen shopping at the local Target.

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Brad & Ange at breaking point

The fairytale is over — with Brad hitting the bottle and partying hard as Angelina checks into a hotel. Tim Plant reports…

Five years after hooking up in an affair that shook Hollywood, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are spending so much time apart, that their relationship appears irreparably broken.

Brad travelled to Berlin alone on July 28 and drank and flirted like a bachelor with a string of women, including actress and long-time friend Diane Kruger, while Ange and their six kids were back in Los Angeles.

Angelina is reportedly so stressed by the constant fighting with Brad, and so concerned about his drinking, that she checked into a hotel to consider her options.

“Brad and Ange had a big fight in New York a couple of months ago while she was filming Salt, and things haven’t been the same since,” a member of the couple’s entourage reveals.

“Angelina fears that Brad could booze himself to an early grave. She told him during one fight, ‘You’re killing yourself’.”

And while they will have to put on happy faces to walk the red carpet when Brad’s film, Inglourious Basterds premieres in LA on August 10, “They are just not communicating, and Brad’s pulling away,” the insider adds.

“That’s new for Ange. She’s usually the one to pull away from men.”

The couple’s most recent battle erupted over Brad’s trip to Berlin for the German premiere of his film. At first Ange, 34, planned to tag along, but at the last minute he uninvited her.

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Julie farewells her nanna

Fresh from the success of her MasterChef, win, popular cook Julie Goodwin has been plunged into mourning following the recent death of her adored grandmother Edna White.

Julie’s nan had been living in a nursing home and fell ill in March, just before Julie’s audition for the show that made her a household name.

Edna’s death has devastated Julie, who talked openly throughout the competition about how much her family mean to her.

“Every person’s life has challenges,” she told Woman’s Day during her battle to take out the MasterChef crown.

“We’ve faced all manner of things from family illness to starting a business together, and living in a funny shed for two years while we built our house.

“There are all kinds of challenges that crop up but it’s not what happens, it’s how you face it as a family.”

Besides her family’s support, the 38-year-old has her faith to comfort her during this difficult time.

As a regular at her local Catholic church, near her home in Niagara Park on the Central Coast, Julie says her beliefs have helped her through tough times before, particularly when she was living away from home during the filming of MasterChef.

“A lot of my philosophies are grounded in my faith,” she said after winning. “I’ve missed going to mass and seeing my friends and the people there. I think the greatest thing about it was knowing that the community was supporting my family while I wasn’t there.”

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Ryan O’Neal: I hit on my daughter at Farrah’s funeral

Former movie hunk Ryan O’Neal has proven he’s certainly no candidate for father of the year by shamelessly revealing that he “hates” his son Griffin — and that he mistakenly hit on his estranged daughter at long-time love Farrah Fawcett’s funeral.

Of all his children — Tatum, 45, Griffin, 44, Patrick, 42, and Redmond, 24 — Ryan admits he now only speaks to his youngest, who’s currently serving time in jail for drug possession.

“I’m not in touch now,” he told US magazine Vanity Fair of his oldest kids. “And I’ve never been happier.”

One child he has seen recently is Oscar-winning actress Tatum. The pair came face-to-face at Farrah’s funeral. But Ryan admits he didn’t recognise his daughter, mistaking her for a “strange Swedish woman” — and he promptly propositioned her for a date.

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Catriona’s joy: It’s a boy!

Catriona Rowntree’s co-star says she will handle her new role with flair, writes Angela Mollard.

It was her toughest assignment yet, but as Catriona Rowntree gave birth to her strapping 4.5kg son Andrew, she finally got her dearest wish.

Catriona and her husband James Pettit welcomed their beautiful son Andrew John Rowntree Pettit late last Wednesday after a trouble-free 14-hour labour.

For Catriona, the most important meeting for her little boy was with his 96-year-old great-grandmother Riria Smeaton, who had travelled from Sydney to Melbourne with her daughter Heather to be there for the birth.

As she handed over her “fat and happy” son with his shock of jet black hair, Catriona knew her dream had come true. “My nanna’s dearest wish was to see me walk down the aisle and my dearest wish is for her to hold my baby,” she told Woman’s Day last month.

It was Riria who had told her 38-year-old granddaughter last year that she better get a “wriggle on” if she wanted to have children.

The popular Getaway presenter sent friends a message saying she was “thrilled” to finally meet her son, who was born weighing just under 10lb.

She said he was the image of his father and had been named after his great-grandfather and uncle. As they settle into life as a family, Andrew’s smitten parents are determined their son will enjoy both a city and country life.

“I want him to be a little bit country and a little bit rock ‘n’ roll,” Catriona told Woman’s Day.

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Kyle hits rock bottom

The shamed radio host fears that with his career in crisis he’s about to lose it all, writes Angela Mollard.

Just 10 months ago, Kyle Sandilands sat on his throne like a portly king surveying the opulent scene before him. He took in the A-list celebrity guests, the ostentatious eight-tier cake, the thousands of Swarovski crystals used to spell out his and his bride’s names and, of course, Tamara herself, dressed in 200 metres of finest quality silk.

If ever there was a moment when he felt he had made it, this was it.

Yet less than a year after his grossly extravagant wedding, the self-styled media king has hit rock bottom.

In TV’s most humiliating dethroning, he has lost his $1 million-a-year job on Australian Idol, cost his radio employers millions in lost advertising, and invited the spotlight onto his finances, with his debts estimated at $2.2 million.

And all because he cast aside decency, caution and the traditional seven-second program delay which might have saved him, and instead grilled a 14-year-old girl about her sexual experiences on-air.

Now, just as he has reached the peak of his career, Kyle’s world is crumbling around him and Woman’s Day can reveal that he is terrified he is about to lose all he has created.

“He’s spent his whole life working towards being rich and famous, and now that he’s achieved that, he’s extremely worried that it’s all going to evaporate,” says one media insider.

Reactions to the radio stunt have been strong, with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd saying, “This is really off. It’s wrong, shouldn’t be done. This is a young girl and I am really distressed at the way in which the young person has been treated. [A police investigation] is entirely appropriate.”

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale August 10, 2009.

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