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Holly Brisley: I’ve never felt so much love

The Home And Away favourite’s first child had a fittingly dramatic arrival, writes Julie Hayne.

With his generous mop of hair and bright blue eyes, tiny Levi Harper Ford has already stolen the show from his actress mum Holly Brisley.

“After years of trying to have a baby I’m finally a mum, and I am ecstatic,” says Holly as she settles down for a snuggle with her little boy. “This is my best role ever.”

And while she and her marketing executive husband Paul Ford have managed to settle into a comfortable routine with their three-week-old son, Holly says his arrival didn’t exactly go to plan.

“I had made it to 39-and-a- half weeks, and by that stage I was looking quite similar to a puffer fish. My hands and feet had swollen to the size of a giant’s, and I was more than ready to pop,” she says.

“Throughout the pregnancy I went to all the birthing classes and read up on everything with the intention of being the full earth mother when it came to the delivery, with no drugs and a completely natural birth.”

But at her last weekly check-up, it became clear that Holly’s best laid plans were not going to eventuate.

“The obstetrician told us that the head still hadn’t engaged and that a natural birth wasn’t looking promising as my hips are quite narrow and he wasn’t sure Levi would fit, so he recommended a caesarean. Here I was, wanting a completely natural birth, and I ended up having a caesar with all the drugs.”

But the gorgeous blonde, who has recently been back on our screens playing her recurring role of vixen Amanda Vale on Home And Away, says that at the end of the day, her son’s safe arrival into the world was what mattered most.

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale August 24, 2009.

World’s Strictest Parents: Memphis is wilder than ever!

Visiting the out-of-control teen after the show, Monique Butterworth finds her untamed and unrepentant.

Try Nescafé’s delicious café menu range for your next coffee catch-up.

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Time for Brian to step up

As his ex-wife Kerry Katona is caught taking drugs in the same house as their young children, Brian McFadden looks set to finally fight for custody of his daughters.

During the time we’ve come to know him as Delta Goodrem’s other half, it’s sometimes been easy to forget that Brian McFadden had a very public family life before they met.

As one half of a pop super couple — he was with Irish boy band Westlife and married to Atomic Kitten singer Kerry Katona — Brian was one of the UK’s biggest names. Indeed, when he and Delta fell for each other in 2004, she was painted in the overseas press as having stolen Kerry’s man.

But time has not been kind to Kerry, 28, who was declared bankrupt last year and resorted to sharing every sordid detail of her life with reality TV audiences to make money. It has even been reported in the UK’s Mirror that she may have spent Brian’s maintenance payments for his kids on drugs.

But last week, she hit a new low. With cameras catching her every move, Kerry used a £20 note to take what appeared to be cocaine. It’s believed her children with Brian — Molly, 8 this month, and Lilly Sue, 6, — were in the house with their nanny at the time.

But this latest scandal has one big difference. Instead of maintaining the silence he has routinely kept since relocating to Australia with fiancée Delta in 2007, Brian’s camp fired a pointed leak to London’s Daily Mail newspaper.

“He is talking to Delta and is also consulting his lawyers to see what arrangement they can come to about his kids … he no longer wants them to stay with Kerry,” the paper quoted a source as saying. “He no longer feels they’re safe with her.”

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Eric Dane’s steamy scandal

His Grey’s Anatomy character is dubbed McSteamy … now the actor is living up to the name Jackie Brygel reports.

Eric Dane’s career is on the line after a video surfaced of him engaging in a naked romp with his actress wife Rebecca Gayheart and one-time Miss United States Teen-turned-Hollywood madam, Kari Ann Peniche.

With the nude trio appearing glassy-eyed, Rebecca at one point says she needs to lie down because she’s “very high”.

They even discuss what they’d be called if they were erotic film stars, with Eric suggesting “Cocaine Manor” for himself.

The trio are shown reclining nude on Kari Ann’s bed, before the two women share a bath — all while a leering Eric films and comments on their bodies.

“You gotta be two of the hottest girls this side of Mulholland [Drive],” he says, “and I’ve seen some hot girls.”

The actor — who recently revealed that he and Rebecca were hoping to start a family soon — is threatening to sue over the tape. But oddly, he insists it is not a sex video.

“Although the participants are nude, the tape is not a sex tape,” says Eric’s lawyer Marty Singer. “This is simply a private, consensual moment involving a married couple, shot several years ago and never intended to be seen by the public.”

As the scandal broke, Grey’s Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes gave her cast and crew a pep talk, advising them to “focus on the work”. But show insiders say things have been “awkward” on set ever since.

While one source claims it was Kari Ann who leaked the tape as a publicity stunt ahead of her appearance on reality TV show Celebrity Rehab With Dr Drew: Sex Addiction, she insists this isn’t the case.

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After a year from hell Jessica’s still smiling

Packed To The Rafters star Jessica McNamee reveals to Clare Rigden how she survived family dramas, a nasty bike spill and being suddenly single …

Late last year she almost lost her sister in a terrible car accident, and then she had her own brush with death after rolling her dirt bike during an adventure holiday in Bolivia.

Yes, it’s fair to say it’s been an eventful year for Rafters star Jessica McNamee, who’s also recently found herself single after two years.

“I was actually doing a photo shoot when I got the call about my sister Bec,” Jess says. “She was in Port Hedland in Western Australia at the time, on a road-trip around Australia, and her car got run off the road. There had been a storm and there was lots of debris on the road. Everyone was in the car, including her kids, and they were all fine — except my sister. They had a caravan on the back and the car tumbled off the road. When they crashed Bec was scalped and broke her back.”

What followed was a stressful time for her family, who rushed to be by Bec’s side.

“My older sister Mel was in a plane crash in 1999 in Thailand. It was a huge crash and only 45 out of 150 passengers survived,” Jess says. “She broke her back and had really bad gashes in her leg. But thankfully she’s almost 100 per cent fine now.

“When Bec’s accident happened, it was horrifying, and very weird considering both my sisters sustained very similar injuries in their accidents. Fortunately, they are both fine now.”

And so too is Jess, who very nearly didn’t make it back from her two-month trip abroad during the Packed To The Rafters production break last summer.

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Hazel Hawke’s tragic decline: Mum doesn’t know who we are anymore

Hazel’s daughter Ros reveals to Patrice Fidgeon the heartbreak of watching her mother slowly slip away from her family.

She’s been hailed as a national treasure. Australia’s former First Lady, who for close on 40 years was the wife of the ALP’s longest serving Prime Minister, Bob Hawke, is loved and respected by millions of Australians.

But sadly, today Hazel Hawke is oblivious to all that she has achieved in her lifetime.

“It’s heartbreaking,” says daughter Rosslyn, dabbing at tears she can’t hold back when she talks about her mother.

Hazel was an accomplished pianist who played at New York’s Carnegie Hall, a dedicated worker for many organisations and a strong and active leader in issues about community, family, the environment and the arts.

Then, almost eight years ago, she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and since then her condition has deteriorated markedly.

“The last two years have been really sad,” says Ros. “It was tragic realising she was not the Hazel we knew anymore.”

In February this year, Hazel went into a nursing care facility. Ros often comes away from her visits there in tears.

“She doesn’t know who we are,” Ros says. “There are times when she has difficulty not only comprehending anything, but even speaking.”

Alzheimer’s is a sad, lonely and debilitating disease which not only takes away the sufferer’s life as they knew it, but is devastating for the victim’s family.

More than five years ago, Hazel went public about her deteriorating situation to help raise funds for research, increase awareness and help improve care for sufferers.

Initially she was angry and resentful about her condition.

“She used to refer to it as ‘the bloody A thing’,” Ros says. Both Ros and her sister, Sue Pieters-Hawke, supported their mother when she decided to reveal her diagnosis — and how it had hit her like a hammer — on ABC-TV’s Australian Story back in 2003.

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Sonia’s mid-life meltdown

As the popular host looks worryingly thin, Angela Mollard reveals the demons that are driving her.

With just her beloved dog Sergie for company, Sonia Kruger cut a lonely figure as she walked near her home in Sydney’s north shore on a bleak afternoon last week.

Having worked at least 12 of the past 24 hours at two jobs in two cities, it’s little wonder the usually glamorous Dancing With The Stars presenter was a shadow of her former self.

But it isn’t only the stress of the hard-working performer’s manic TV and radio schedule that is etching the worry lines so deeply into her shadowed face. In fact, Sonia has been driven by a series of personal crises to lose so much weight in recent weeks that members of her inner circle say they fear she is jeopardising her health.

Sonia has admitted in the past to the intense pressure she feels to look her best. Now Woman’s Day has learnt she often neglects to eat at all.

“The real reason she is so skinny is because she doesn’t eat at weekends,” says a source who works with the star.

And with her birthday fast approaching — she turns 44 on August 28 — friends say that Sonia’s drawn appearance is the result of personal tensions.

Not only is she terrified of losing her looks in an industry obsessed with youth, but she’s at an emotional crossroads after her marriage breakdown.

And now cracks are beginning to appear in her relationship with new boyfriend, Today Tonight executive producer Craig McPherson. She’s also had to face the prospect that it is getting perilously late for her to have children — an issue several insiders say is troubling her deeply.

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Effective negotiating

**Whether you’re a mother of three or the CEO of a corporation, the skills of effective negotiation and assertiveness will get you a long way in this world!

** And no matter who or where you’re ‘debating’, you can stand up for yourself and make your opinion heard, without being rude or aggressive.

“You have to give to get – that’s probably the golden rule of negotiation,” explains Tracey Hodgkins, a personal and professional development expert, and the owner and CEO of the Australian Experiential Learning Centre (AELC).

“The art of negotiating is a test of your ability to hold two opposing ideas at the same time, and finding an outcome that’s acceptable to both.

“Plan in advance what you want; understand the other’s perspective and do your best to look for a win-win solution for everyone.”

Tracey stresses the importance of keeping emotions out of any effective negotiation – whether it be for a pay rise; or complaining to a shop assistant.

“As soon as emotions come into it, rational thinking goes out the window,” she says. “For example – divorces often end up in court, because everyone’s emotions are getting in the way and neither part can see what’s fair and reasonable anymore.

“It should always be a matter of being fair, reasonable and objective.”

The art of saying ‘no’.

“Some people simply don’t know how to say ‘no’,” says Tracey. “But the only ‘trick’ is you just have to say ‘no’ and not give a reason.

“ ‘No’ doesn’t require an explanation and as soon as you do offer up a reason, people find a way to pick it apart. Now I know how to do it, it’s great … I do it all the time!”

Here Tracey gives more of her expert advice for dealing with some common scenarios:

Negotiating a pay rise.

Understand exactly what it is you’re asking for and the right time to ask. Know what your own realistic worth is, for example by researching what other organisations pay. Be able to state your value to the company; and what you do over and above what’s required.

Importantly, know if and when you’ll be prepared to back down.

Buying a house at auction.

Research; research and research! Don’t go near an auction until you know what it’s really worth. Do your homework regarding the building and its construction. Make sure you have a price point and do not go past that.

Know what you’re prepared to pay, and when it’s time to walk away.

Complaining about customer service.

Be fair and objective. List your complaints and be prepared to put them in writing to the person in charge. The person who actually owns the store will be grateful for such feedback.

Disputes with loved ones.

We want to give our loved ones everything and sometimes it’s really hard to get them to take into account your needs.

Whatever the dispute or ‘discussion’ is, try to keep emotional blackmail out of it and be objective the whole way through.

Really listen to what they’re saying and you’ll get clues to help you deal with that person. Let them have their say, then re-iterate: ‘what is the issue? Let’s look at this objectively.’ And aim to find possible compromises.

“But if the other person remains unreasonable and immovable, you’ve got to walk away. Don’t give away any ground or power to someone who just won’t play ball or meet you even half way.”

  • To learn more about assertiveness and negotiation, look into doing a course. To read about the AELC, their website is: www.aelc.edu.au

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Ricky Martin shows off his twins

Ricky Martin is proving to be every bit the doting dad, happily showing off pictures of his twin boys via Twitter, just in time for their first birthday.

Ricky posted photos of Valentino and Matteo, born through a surrogate mother last year, playing on the beach and snuggled in their dad’s arms.

The sexy singer also revealed details of his sons’ blossoming personalities and their family life.

“Valentino loves to sleep. I call him ‘Mr. Peace and Love’ because he’s so chill and serene. Matteo is more alert and active.”

The proud father has taken a break from touring in order to look after his boys, but is rumoured to be working on a new album due out next year.

Ricky says his main priority is still his kids: “I don’t have a nanny. I’m doing this on my own because I don’t want to miss a moment. I’m the one who changes the diapers, the one that feeds them, the one that bathes them, the one that puts them to sleep.”

Ricky’s decision to raise the boys alone and via a surrogate has further fuelled speculation about his sexuality, but has continued to dodge questions on the matter.

“I am a modern man, live a full life, do not feel any barriers inside myself,” he has previously said on the subject.

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Dannii Minogue’s new love glow

After years failed relationships and lukewarm career choices, Dannii Minogue’s luck is finally looking up.

The petite X-factor judge now has her dream role in the US and a rugby player turned model to boot.

The other Minogue sister had a ringside seat as her boyfriend Kris Smith took to the catwalk for the Myer fashion show in Sydney recently, having flown in just hours earlier from Britain to surprise him for the evening.

Looking hopelessly smitten, Dannii sipped champagne, clapped and smiled as her new love strutted his stuff. The singer couldn’t contain her excitement as she told friends at the show ‘I just may run onto the stage and jump him’.

Reports say the two are heading for an early engagement, with Dannii confessing on Twitter this was her year for ‘nesting… know what I mean?’

Meanwhile the stunning brunette has raised eyebrows in the US for her choice of clothing and her new cropped haircut – which bare a striking similarly to American Idol judge Victoria Beckham.

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Luxuries on a budget

The term "luxury" is subjective depending on your personal style, taste and monetary means, but more and more people are finding ways to save on everyday things.
girls pamper session, Getty Images

“Personal luxuries, holidays and restaurant meals are off the menu as Australian families look to tighten their purse strings,” according to research by ING Direct. So what are some luxuries we can all afford on a budget?

Many of my girlfriends (as a former model myself, they’re mostly ex-models) have recently either returned to their natural hair colour, so they only need the hairdresser every three months, or do their own at home.

One particular group of industrious friends in Los Angeles has started organising their own “beauty days”, where they do each others’ nails, facials and hair colour after buying the products from discounted hair-care and beauty supply stores. Think about it: shopping, beauty and budgeting. It sounds pretty good to me!

Also they buy scented candles and bubble bath (for the foot spa) to complete the ambiance and every now and then they get a good fake-tan product which they can all share. They also take turns having it at each others’ places.

Another couple I recently read about gave away all their worldly possessions so they could travel with their baby around Australia. The only puzzling thing is they also gave away their money and their car; I am not sure how they’re going to pay for transport for their “social experiment” around Australia. I think they might have taken the “time” luxury a little far. Still, maybe that’s luxury to them. Good luck to them!

For birthday dinners, people are reportedly choosing cheaper restaurants or opting for home-cooked meals. I have to say I am split on this one. I love home cooking but I am also a sucker for cheap Thai.

Virginia Graham is a mortgage broker for Model Mortgages.

Your say: How do you cut corners when it comes to wants, not needs? Email us on [email protected]

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