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Healthy choices when eating away from home

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With longer working hours, increasingly busy lives and plenty of “eating out” options it’s no wonder we are eating out more often. At times it can seem difficult to make healthy choices when you eat away from home, particularly when you are trying to reduce your weight.

When deciding on what sandwich to have, it is always good to start with wholegrain bread. By replacing the margarine or butter with hummus or avocado spread you will not only add an extra flavour hit, but you are choosing a much healthier option.

To finish off, choose lean meats, such as chicken or tuna and bulk up your sandwich with your favourite salad or char-grilled vegetables. Other ideas for readily available healthy takeaways include a tub of fresh fruit salad and/or yoghurt, sushi or a jacket potato filled with salad or vegetables and a small amount of cheese (skip the sour cream).

Restaurant meals can also be both healthy and delicious — it’s just a matter of choosing the right filling, cooking method, side sauce or drink.

Here are some tips to help you on your way to choosing a healthier meal when you are next dining out:

  • Choose an entree-sized meal for your main course, served with a side salad.

  • Choose dishes that are steamed, grilled, stir-fried or baked. Avoid fried and battered dishes.

  • Select dishes based on rice, pasta or noodles with tomato-based sauces and plenty of vegetables.

  • Avoid dishes served with creamy sauces, or ask for the sauce on the side so you can limit the amount.

  • Order salads with vinegar-based dressings or request that the dressing be served on the side, so you can limit the amount.

  • Skip the butter on your dinner roll or vegetables.

  • Fresh fruit is great for dessert or why not try fruit sorbet instead of ice-cream.

  • Ask for iced or mineral water in preference to soft drinks and if you drink alcohol, limit your intake.

Hopefully you can see that with a little thought there are many healthy choices to choose from when you are out and about! For more health choices check out Sanitarium’s fact sheet.

Your say: How do you make sure you make good food choices when you’re away from home? Share your tips with us below…

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George Clooney as you’ve never seen him before!

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He’s one of the most photographed men in the world, but Oceans Eleven star George Clooney still has a few secrets up his sleeve.

New pictures unveil the story of George’s early life, including his stint as a high school basketball hero and even baby pics.

Born to a beauty queen and a game show host, the ‘silver fox’ was destined to be a star long before Hollywood called.

Our video reveals how this cheeky, determined young man overcame a childhood disorder, crushed ambitions and his parent’s success to pave out his own destiny. It’s uncanny how little George’s face has changed since he was a child – click on the video player above to watch the clip and see for yourself!

And with a new movie ‘Up in the Air’ set for cinema release in January 2010, it looks like our favourite silver screen star won’t be slowing down any time soon.

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Katie Holmes’ new look

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Katie Holmes’ usual demure look has been given the flick after she stepped out in a daring, sheer outfit chosen by her three-year-old daughter Suri Cruise.

Although the dress dropped to knee length, it was the see-through top accompanied by a black t-shirt bra which made Katie’s out of character outfit stand out.

Apart from the see-through top, she kept the rest of the outfit reasonably safe teaming it up with a Hermes clutch and black Givenchy shoes.

The 30-year-old mum confessed young Suri and husband Tom Cruise are quick to offer their advice when she is choosing an outfit.

Katie wore the Azzedine Alia outfit to the 16th annual Elle Women in Hollywood Tribute held in Los Angeles.

Other guests who attended the event included Renee Zellweger, Julianne Moore, Julie Andrews and Alec Balwin.

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Vanessa Amorosi hits Kylie status

Vanessa Amorosi

It seems some Aussie artists are going unnoticed when it comes to success in the top of the Aria charts, but this is not the case for Victorian star Vanessa Amorosi.

Her latest pop-rock single ‘This Is Who I Am’ has skyrocketed, debuting at number one on the Aria singles chart this week and it’s not hard to see why.

Vanessa, recently back from working on her new album in Sweden, is stronger than ever and, with her powerful vocals and a fierce attitude, is more than capable of belting out a tune.

Vanessa is the first Australian artist to claim the chart’s top spot since Kylie Minogue’s hit ‘Two Hearts’ debuted at number one in 2007.

“I was completely overwhelmed when I heard ‘This Is Who I Am’ came in at number one,” the Melbourne-based singer said.

“I am so excited and thrilled to have the support from both the media and my fans. It is my first number-one single and I will absolutely treasure this moment.”

Vanessa shot to fame in 1999, when she was just 18 years old, with the release of her debut album The Power, which included her hit ‘Absolutely Everybody’. This single went on to become the longest-charting Australian single by an Australian female artist.

Her new single is the first from her new album Hazardous, to be released on November 6, 2009. If you want to see more of the Aussie singer, she will be touring with Rob Thomas throughout Australia during February next year.

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Kylie’s Bollywood film bombs

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Kylie Minogue

Kylie Minogue’s Bollywood debut, Blue, has been panned by critics, describing her “as sexy as a housewife in a kaftan”.

The film, which cost $30 million to make, opened in India on Friday and received less than stellar reviews.

The pop princess was reportedly paid $1 million to star in the film, the most expensive Bollywood film ever made.

Her inclusion in the project was intended to increase the film’s appeal to Western audiences, but according to critic Anil Verma, “She doesn’t look good or even sound good.”

In pictures: Kylie Minogue

The dance song ‘Chiggy Wiggy’ was supposed to be Kylie’s showstopper, but it seems the critics don’t agree.

“The music by A.R Rahman is strictly average; even the item song by Kylie Minogue can’t save the film from reaching its watery grave,” said critic Rajeev Masand.

Kylie’s CV is already overflowing with accomplishments —, singer, songwriter, actress, lingerie designer, perfumer, cancer survivor and entertainer; surely this one setback won’t stop the ‘singing budgie’ in her formidable tracks.

Your say: Do you think Kylie was a good choice to star in a Bollywood film? Who would you like to see in a Bollywood film? Will you go and see Blue? What do you like about Kylie?

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The perfect chicken breast

Question: My cooked chicken breasts are always dry. How do I cook them so they stay moist?

Toughness and dryness is usually caused by overcooking, which happens if the temperature of the pan or oven is too hot – the outside cooks quickly to a thick, crust-like edge, while the inside takes longer to cook. Cooking chicken breast at a lower temperature can help avoid this problem.

Chicken breasts are quick thick, but they also have a thin part, so you need to cook the breast for a long time to ensure the middle is cooked. By then, the thin part of the breast is overcooked and tough. Avoid this by cutting the breast lengthways, or hitting it with a meat mallet so it is of a more even thickness throughout and is thinner, so it can be cooked for less overall time.

Testing the breast for doneness by cutting into it releases any juices trapped in the flesh that would keep it moist. Check small pieces by pressing with a pair of tongs, or your finger, they should feel springy.

Finally, chicken breast is naturally tough because it doesn’t have much fat and is also not on the bone – poultry cuts on the bone will always be more tender and juicer than those without.

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Make a difference: recycle!

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It doesn’t take much to make a difference to your family’s recycling habits. Chances are, you already put your old papers in the allocated bin and rinse out your used tins and put them in the recycling, but there are more ways to help the environment.

What can you recycle?

The usual recycling items include all glass jars and bottles, aluminum and steel cans, PET plastic soft-drink bottles and HDPE plastic milk and detergent bottles. You can also include paper, light cardboard, newspapers and junk mail, milk and fruit juice cartons.

But what about those items that stop being useful and can’t be put in the traditional recycling bins? Waste like old mobile phones and batteries can be damaging to the environment if left to disintegrate in land fill. So what can you do to recycle these items?

Mobile phones:

Most of us have a spare mobile phone lying discarded under the bed or in the kitchen drawer. Rather than let it build up dust, or throw it into the bin where it will end up in landfill, take it to your nearest mobile muster recycling centre. You can take your unwanted phone to your nearest drop-off point , download a mailing label or pick up an envelope from your nearest Australia Post and let Mobile Muster look after the recycling for you.


Another common household object that cannot be readily recycled is a battery. They contain a number of toxic elements, including nickel, alkaline, mercury and lead acid, all of which are potentially damaging to the environment if not discarded properly.

Batteries that end up in landfill leak into the ground and put animals and humans at risk. To reduce this, there are a number of things your family can do:

1. Reduce your household battery use

2. Buy rechargeable batteries, they can be used up to 1000 times, which also saves you money as well as helping the environment

As Australia doesn’t have a national recycling scheme in place yet, it is up to us to make sure these harmful products are kept out of landfill. There are a number of outlets that will take the batteries off your hands and recycle them. Batteryback is a free battery recycling program for rechargeable batteries and household single-use batteries: 1800 353 233

Reading glasses:

Approximately 30 percent of Australians use glasses to assist their sight; that’s a lot of pairs of glasses. This year, OPSM has teamed up with OneSight to encourage Australians to give away their old, unwanted pairs of glasses. There are 250 million people around the world who do not have access or cannot afford basic eye-care and, by recycling yours at an OPSM store; you’re helping to make a difference.

Your donated eyewear is cleaned, repaired and classified by prescription and then hand-delivered to disadvantaged communities through OneSight clinics in Thailand, Cambodia, India, Mexico and South Africa.

Take your unwanted glasses to your nearest OPSM store to help make a difference to those who cannot get the eye-care they need. The OneSight appeal will run until 8 November 8, 2009.

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I fed dog food to my ex-girlfriend

I know that this is really pathetic but I was so angry and felt really used…

I’d been with my girlfriend for about 6 months. I was absolutely besotted with her. I have to admit in hindsight that I was obviously a rebound but at the time I didn’t see it. They say love is blind.

Anyway, while I was at her house we were making plans for when we were next going to meet up. She still lived with her mum at the time. She told me that the next day was no good as it was her mum’s birthday and they were having a family dinner – just her, her mum and her brother.

I didn’t really think much of it so we just arranged another day to meet up.

The following evening, as I wasn’t catching up with her, I decided to drive to town and meet up with some friends. When I got in my car, the battery was flat. How annoying.

I managed to jump start it but I’ve always been told that when a battery is flat you should drive the car for an hour or so to fully charge the battery.

As it was my girlfriend’s mum’s birthday I thought that it would be a great idea to drive up to her house, drop a birthday card through the letterbox then drive into town. That way the car would be running for a while and the battery would be fine by the time I got to town.

One thing about my girlfriends mother – she is an alcoholic. She was always very ‘merry’ whenever I was round. We got on really well but it was probably because she was always so accommodating and over-friendly because she was always drunk.

Well, I got to the house and ran out of the car (leaving the engine running) and popped the card though the letterbox.

Just as I had turned round to go back to the car the front door opened. My girlfriends mum shouted out to me. I went up and explained that the car was still running and that I didn’t want to interrupt her dinner and she told me not to be so silly and said she would get me a drink.

She then shouted upstairs to Sally (my girlfriend) and told her I was here. The woman was drunk again and there was no arguing.

After what seemed like rather a long time (with me still standing in the doorway keeping an eye on my car), Sally appeared and looked VERY surprised to see me.

I was explaining to her that I hadn’t intended on coming in and about the birthday card and car battery and told her that I would see her tomorrow, when I saw her ex boyfriend walking along the landing to the toilet.

I felt like I’d been stabbed in the heart. How could she do this to me??! I turned around and walked back to my car and drove off. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I’d honestly not intended speaking to any of them and now this had happened.

My world felt like it was crushed. I drove home and sat there dazed, thinking over the events. I had lots of missed calls on my phone from Sally and I just chose to ignore them. I couldn’t deal with her right then.

After some time had passed I decided that revenge was looking rather sweet. I had no intention of being with someone who could do this to me. I eventually answered her call and asked her round for dinner.

I lived by myself so it was going to be easier ‘talking’ to her about everything at my place.

I went out to the local supermarket and bought the ingredients for my ‘cottage pie’. I bought some chicken liver wet meat dog food and a few other bits and pieces.

I cunningly made two dishes – one for myself and one for her, she didn’t see what was going on in the kitchen because I made it all before she got there. I mixed in a tin of dog food to some very cheap mince. Chopped tomatoes and onion. Made mine differently, mine was great!!

It was an awkward atmosphere from the moment she walked in but I decided we could ‘talk’ over dinner.

I proudly handed her the plate and we started eating. She pulled a bit of a face when she had her first mouthful – I simply told her I’d taken all afternoon preparing and how pleased with how it turned out I was. I think out of politeness and trying to get into my good books she carried on eating.

I then got out of her the truth – she had slept with him but was feeling really guilty and was very sorry. At this point I told her that I had no intention of getting back with her – I just got her round so I could find out the truth. I asked her to leave (after she had eaten most of her food) and that I never wanted to see her again.

Stupid? Yes. But for those few minutes of watching her trying to eat this food that was obviously tasting pretty foul I felt a lot better. Needless to say that feeling didn’t last.

I never bothered telling her about what I did. In fact I didn’t bother contacting her again after that.

I’m now in a happy relationship with a wonderful woman and I feed her only the best food around.

Picture posed by models.

Your say: Have your say about this true confession below…

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Katie Price accuses Peter Andre of having an affair

Despite moving on to a new relationship, Katie Price has spoken out about her marriage to Peter Andre saying it felt like he was married to two women.

She has blamed the breakdown of their marriage on the Australian singer’s manager Claire Powell and accused them of having an affair while she was still married to him.

Both Peter and his manager have angrily rejected the claims and say they will take legal action.

The 31-year-old model first let her feelings known on a UK chat show where she agreed with talk show host Graham Norton that men were easy and would sleep with the first woman they see. Katie then lashed out at her ex by responding with: “Yes or his manager Claire.”

Producers of the show removed some of Katie’s other controversial comments from the broadcast.

Katie has since claimed she felt as though there was a third person in their marriage.

“The trouble is, before, I felt married to two people – Pete and our management,” she told Now Magazine.

She went on to say that if there was anyone to blame for the end of their relationship part of that blame would be with Claire.

Claire has since hit, back accusing Katie of using Peter purely to gain publicity and said she would “definitely be taking it further”.

Claire once managed both Peter and Katie, but stopped managing Katie once the couple split five months ago.

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Jackman to get Oscar call back?

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Hugh Jackman hosts the 2009 Academy Awards

The Internet is rife today with rumours that The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences is “desperate” to entice Hugh Jackman to host the Oscars again in 2010.

The opening number of the 2009 ceremony showed Hollywood his versatility. He can sing, dance and act — all the while oozing charm. It’s that kind if flair that sees him leading the charge for the same spot next year.

In pictures: Hunky Hugh Jackman

The Wolverine star wowed the audience and critics alike as host of the 2009 Oscars. His efforts were impressive enough for him to win the Academy an Emmy for the role.

However, according to New York magazine, those close to Jackman are advising him to turn down the opportunity.

In pictures: Celebs who adopt

Your say: who has been your favourite Oscars host? Who would you like to see hosting it in the future? What do you think are necessary qualities in an Academy Awards host? Share your thoughts below.

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