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Fifi’s flirty photo shoot

Usually Fifi Box is racing around Australia reporting the weather, but yesterday she swapped her gumboots for a glamorous Tim O’Connor dress.

The single 32-year-old was part of a shoot to launch Baileys with a Hint of Coffee at Sydney’s Argyle Hotel in The Rocks and apparently had a lot of flirty fun with the cute baristas.

Like most single girls, Fifi didn’t let the opportunity to get cosy with the baristas pass her by. “Baileys with a Hint of Coffee is made all the more delicious with great company,” she said playfully as she posed with the two baristas.

Always up for a good laugh and trying new things, Fifi had no problem climbing a tall espresso cup tower as part of the shoot, but she ensured she had the handsome baristas on hand to help her. “Will you catch me if I fall?” she asked with a grin.

The fun flirting at the shoot almost led to one of the baristas asking Fifi out, but his nerves got the better of him.

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Pasta perfection

All year round

Question: How do you cook pasta al dente?

Al dente (al den tay) is Italian meaning “to the tooth”, and offers a slight resistance with bitten into – it should not be soft or overdone.

Bring water to a rolling boil in a large saucepan then add salt (salt increases the water temperature slightly at boiling point). Gradually add the pasta so the water does not go off the boil. Add long pasta by holding the strands and feeding them in gradually as they soften. Keep the water boiling fast to keep the pasta moving.

Test by biting a piece of pasta. It is done when it is al dente – cooked through but still firm to the bite (2 to 3 minutes for fresh pasta, 5 to 12 minutes, depending on freshness and thickness, for dried).

Drain pasta, but do not rinse. Place pasta into a heated serving bowl, add the sauce then toss and serve at once. Serve the cheese separately, if using.

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Anna Wintour up close

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Anna Wintour

She’s the feared and revered editrix of the US edition of Vogue. With her trademark bob and perma-sunglasses, she has the power to inspire fashion royalty on the one hand, and crush designers with the other.

Click here to see the evolution of Anna Wintour in pictures

For more than 20 years, Wintour has been at the helm of American Vogue, all the while never being seen in the same outfit twice! The September 2007 edition of Vogue was heralded as its biggest ever, and director RJ Cutler’s The September Issue is based on the production of this issue.

The documentary takes us behind the scenes and into Wintour’s lair: the New York offices of Vogue. The film shows some candid moments between Wintour and creative director Grace Coddington — some of whose beautiful images end up on the cutting-room floor — creating interesting viewing.

If you’ve read the book or seen the film, The Devil Wears Prada, you might recognise some similarities between Wintour and Miranda Priestly, the feared editor in The Devil. This is mostly because author Lauren Weisberger, the author of the novel, was once an assistant of Wintour’s.

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I slept with 100 women by pretending I was a rock star

I’m the biggest fan of rock and roll. I would spend almost every night of the week shelling out all my hard-earned money from my job flogging photo copier machines on seeing live music or scouring the secondhand shops for albums by everyone from T-Rex to Guns ‘N’ Roses.

And I would dress like my heroes:- the leather pants, long hair, skull rings, tattoos, earrings, boots – the whole look. The only problem was I couldn’t play an instrument to save my life. I had a heap of lessons but was just no good and my guitar would remain quiet in the corner of my room.

But it didn’t stop me enjoying my bands and I’d occasionally even hang around and a have a drink with them after the gigs.

Now, it’s no myth that girls dig musos. It wouldn’t matter how ugly they were, they still pulled. If you don’t believe me, have a look at Keith Richards.

Anyway, it wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I thought that could work in my favour. I was watching some dodgy band playing at a local pub and a few of us were having a drink afterwards when this girl came up and said she “enjoyed the set”. Before I could say “I’m not in the band” she came on to me full throttle. After a few drunken kisses and a lot more bourbon and cokes, we ended up back at her place and it was all on.

I felt a bit of a phoney but I hadn’t had sex in a while. The next day, while trying to convince this guy about the attributes of the latest state-of the art photocopier, I had an epiphany that would change my life forever.

Just because you can’t play a note, doesn’t mean you can’t be a rock star!

That weekend, I pulled out one of my many ripped t-shirts, stuffed myself in my leather pants and went to a city gig. Again, it was enough to hang around the bar to be mistaken for a muso. This time I said I had just finished a gig across town and was there supporting my brethren. And again, she fell for it.

This continued for the next two years. Each time I grew in confidence and the stories became more outrageous and the girls more attractive. I would tell them how I played guitar on the first Good Charlotte album or had supported Grinspoon on their American college tour. And when they weren’t buying me drinks, the bar staff was ponying up with free booze because they thought I was a ‘somebody’. – When you are surrounded by a pack of beautiful young women, it’s easy to convince people that you are famous.

And the girls didn’t even seem to notice when I told them I’d written lines like “she makes love just like a woman, she aches just like a woman, but she breaks just like a little girl”. – Lines that had been written my Bob Dylan 10 years before I was born. Or that I’d recorded with musicians that were no longer even alive. It seemed that I was a trophy and they couldn’t see past the rock star facade.

I only had two golden rules. One. That we would have to go to their place (because I didn’t want them to see my Camperdown bedsit). And two, they would be only one-night stands. I thought anymore and the woman would have a chance to check out my stories. I knew I was only one Google search away from getting caught. It was exhausting but the rewards were worth it.

It got to the point where I was being invited to these art openings, hot clubs, fancy parties in posh mansions and boats on the harbour. I must have bedded more than 100 women in that time.

And only once did I break my one-night stand rule. One older woman, Julia, who was in her late forties but still had a great figure, put me up in her oceanfront apartment. We used to joke that I was her toy boy and she bought me clothes and took me out to posh restaurants.

The only reason I stuck with her was that she didn’t have a clue about anything other than opera so I knew I wouldn’t be found out. We’d have our spats but I would always come back. Sometimes I’d wish she’d give me money instead of clothes and dinners, then I could get out of there and move interstate for good.

Then on my 28th birthday she brought me her most extravagant gift: a brand-new Stratocaster guitar so I could play for her. I didn’t have the heart, or the balls, to say I couldn’t play a note. To me that was worth about a year’s worth of rent just sitting there.

The next day, when she left for work, I snapped. Something told me to get out. I grabbed my old t-shirt and left everything else she gave me behind, except for that $12,000 guitar. I pawned it for a fraction of what it was worth and jumped on a plane to Perth where no one would know who I was or was pretending to be. I didn’t even leave a note.

Of all the women I lied to and slept with, the only one I can remember is Julia. She was the only one I think I trusted. And she was the only one I know I hurt.

I’ve finished with my lying ways. Now, when a girl comes up to me and asks me if I’m a musician, I say, “No, I’m just a nobody”.

All names have been changed. Picture posed by models.

Your say: Have your say about this true confession below…

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Gisele Bündchen shows off baby bump

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Sexy supermodel Gisele Bündchen stepped out in New York on the weekend with a new fashion accessory: a baby bump.

The soon-to-be yummy mummy is seven months pregnant with her first child with husband American footballer Tom Brady.

Stepping out in the comfy, casual look of tights, a T-shirt, leather jacket and boots, Gisele is said to be expecting her little bundle of joy at Christmas, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

Gisele and Tom were married in February 2009, and had one ceremony in Los Angeles and another at Gisele’s Costa Rica home.

The loved-up pair are eagerly awaiting the birth of their first child together, which is rumoured to be a girl.

But whether it’s a girl or a boy, the child will have a privileged upbringing.

Gisele has been the highest-paid model three years running, according to Forbes.com, and is rumoured to have earned $25 million during the 2008-09 financial year.

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Kerry Katona’s cheap new gig

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Former Atomic Kitten Kerry Katona is apparently on a new career path. She’s reportedly been reduced to making personal appearances at pubs in the UK for just £50 ($90) a gig.

The ex-wife of Brian McFadden decided to take on the new venture after losing her £250,000 ($445,200) contract with supermarket Iceland after being filmed allegedly taking cocaine, the News of the World reported.

The singer’s husband, Mark Croft, is apparently behind the new moneymaking idea, with the aim of lifting Kerry’s profile and getting her back into the spotlight.

“She is happy to go along with it. She’s keen to do whatever it takes to earn some extra money,” the News of the World quoted an unnamed friend as saying.

“The idea is to draw in customers and she enjoys it, as she gets to earn money while getting drunk.”

Kerry’s spokesman has denied the claims that the gigs are taking place.

In the past, Kerry has been part of a number of reality TV shows including Kerry Katona: Crazy in Love in 2007, and, more recently, Kerry Katona: What’s the Problem?, which was aired in May to June in the UK this year.

In August last year, the singer was declared bankrupt in London’s High Court over an £82,000 ($146,000) tax debt. A Manchester court has since lifted the bankruptcy, the UK’s The People reported.

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Battle of the sexes 2.0

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If there was ever a question that could be described as “age old”, it would have to be, “Which is the smarter sex?”

If you’ve ever become embroiled a debate about this question, you’ll know that there is no possible way to convince a member of the opposite sex of your superior smarts.

Now Hasbro, the company responsible for family board-game favourite Trivial Pursuit, has gone online to see if females or males can confidently say they are the smarter sex, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

“Trivial Pursuit wanted to conduct an experiment to see if trivia can answer the age-old question,” said senior brand manager Hayden West.

“We’re not taking sides, just providing the platform to watch this battle play out. Can you afford not to take part?”

Visit www.trivialpursuitexperiment.com to put your knowledge to the test and see if you can outshine the opposite sex.

Australians might find some of the questions a little too British, but as with the board version of the game, the multiple-choice format makes it a little easier.

Before you try logging on as a member of the opposite sex to sabotage their score, you should know points are not deducted for incorrect answers, they only compile for correct ones.

As of October 26, 2009, the scoreboard has the ladies ahead by almost 10,000 points.

But could it be that rather than proving the smarter sex, this game could merely show which sex spends more time playing the game? What do you think?

Your say: which do you think is the smarter sex? Why? Do you think this is an effective way of measuring intelligence? Share your thoughts with us below.

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Pram miracle mum finally speaks

In an exclusive interview with JILL FRASER, Melbourne mum Shweta Verma relives the nightmare moment her baby son’s pram rolled under a train.

It’s the footage that sent chills across the globe: a frantic mum watching helplessly as the pram holding her baby rolls off a station platform and is hit by a train. And for Shweta Verma, the image of her baby disappearing beneath the roaring train has been playing on constant repeat in her head ever since.

Now, in this exclusive interview with Woman’s Day, Shweta speaks for the first time about the terrifying moment when she thought she’d lost her six-month-old son, Saurish, forever. “It was a life and death fear,” she says. “I thought I’d lost my child, who I love more than anyone or anything else – but then the next moment, all I could think was how to find him and see how he was.”

Shweta trembles as she relives the moment. “All I could think was, ‘I want to see him. I want to know how he is. What has happened to my baby, my baby, my baby!'”

Cradling her son in her arms at the end of the ordeal was, for Shweta, a religious experience.

“I was crying. I’d been thinking, ‘Oh, God!’ – and now all I could say was, ‘Thank you, God! You have taken good care of him and it is because of your grace that he is in my arms.’

“I would equate it to having been in excruciating pain and shock, and suddenly being washed with an overwhelming feeling of relief,” she says.

“He was still crying, but he was with the person he was most familiar with. He seemed to know, ‘I’m OK now, I’m in my mother’s arms’.”

The horrifying accident occurred as Shweta was waiting to catch a train home to Melbourne’s Southbank after running errands in Ashburton, in the city’s east, at about 4pm on October 15.

She’d turned the pram so it was in a position for boarding, let go of the handle for just a moment, and the pram rolled forward, off the platform and right into the path of the train.

For the full story get the latest issue of Woman’s Day out today!

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World exclusive interview: Fergie breaks her silence

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La Toya tells: Michael’s ghost visits me

The late King of Pop’s sisters have had a string of encounters with his spirit, writes Dylan Howard.

Michael Jackson’s sisters La Toya and Janet have sensationally claimed that their late brother’s ghost has been visiting them.

Before LaToya’s claims, the world was fascinated by this video, taken back in July, which appears to show a ghostly figure walking the halls of Neverland Ranch, click on the player to watch the clip.

“Michael is still here,” La Toya confided to The Lowdown last week, during an often startling interview about her family’s bizarre experiences since his passing almost four months ago. “I have had very significant experiences with Michael after death. This is something I have never discussed, until now.”

The most recent incident happened late one night last week when, La Toya insists, the ghost of her brother visited her LA home. Dressed in the white pearl beads he wore when he was laid to rest, she says he made his presence felt in a typically theatrical fashion.

“The lights were out, and Michael appeared in the curtains,” she says. “It was just his face, and he began to move. His eyes were open and he appeared peaceful, but then he vanished. He came again, and this time, it revealed more of him – down to his shoulders.

“I turned the lights on and asked, ‘Michael, do you wish to go to the other side?’.”

But last week’s encounter wasn’t the first, La Toya says.

“I walked into his house and asked, ‘Michael, are you here? If you are here, let me know. Flick the lights or something.’ The lights went on and off. I said, ‘Oh, I love you so much, Michael.'”

Have you ever had a ghostly experience with a departed friend or relative? Share your stories…

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