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Swayze’s widow says she was blessed


Patrick Swayze’s widow, Lisa Niemi, has spoken to television’s talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey less than three months after her husband’s death.

In her first television interview, Lisa opened up about losing her husband, the star of Dirty Dancing and Ghost, who died on September 14 this year, after a 22-month battle with pancreatic cancer.

The 53-year-old widow told Oprah she knew her 57-year-old husband would have wanted her to go on with her life.

“I had a moment where I thought, ‘If I was really courageous I would be open to the possibility that I would go on in life’,” Lisa told the talk-show host.

“I’ve been really blessed to have a man who has always believed in me and thought I was smart and beautiful and good … All these wonderful things. And I hope that I can continue to prove that he was right about me.”

Throughout the heart-felt tearful interview, Lisa revealed how she reacted to the “horrible news” of Patrick’s illness, how she dealt with the ordeal and who she turned to for support during his 22-month illness.

Lisa said that during Patrick’s illness the pair, who had been married for 34 years, spoke about heaven, but tried to remain positive by not speaking too often about death.

Before Patrick’s death, the pair co-wrote a book, Time of My Life, in which they share the highs and lows of their marriage, including details of their year-long separation.

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Toby’s shock departure from *Australian Idol*


He chose a career in teaching over the chance to win a record deal, but it seems former Australian Idol contestant Toby Moulton is more than happy with his decision.

His sudden departure from the show on Sunday night left fans, his fellow contestants, and judges Marcia Hines, Ian “Dicko” Dickson and new judge Jay Dee Springbett gobsmacked when he announced that he would rather teach than be a professional musician.

“After many, many hours of soul-searching and many sleepless nights, I have decided to withdraw from the competition tonight,” he said on air on Sunday.

“I have come to a point where I have realised that at this stage I do not want a career in music and these four people do.”

But he said the decision wasn’t an easy one to make. The much-loved contestant said it had taken a lot of “soul-searching” to get to this point and that his fans were the “biggest consideration” in making his decision.

“I will miss the smiles, ‘hellos’ and beautiful messages you have blessed me with,” he said.

“I know that many of you have invested many hours and money on me, all I can say is I’m very sorry if I’ve let you down.”

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More than calcium for healthy bones

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On average, women lose 10cm in height in later life, due to weakening bones. You’ve probably heard that calcium is important for healthy bones — and it is! But what else can you do to protect your bones from deteriorating?

Go for soy protein

The amount and type of protein we eat can influence our bone health. New research has shown that enjoying soy foods everyday can help prevent bone loss, particularly in women.


Enjoy more soy foods: Aim for two servings of soy foods every day. Try calcium-fortified soy milk, tofu, soy beans or soy yoghurt.

Get enough vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential component of maintaining healthy bones. It’s produced in our body through the action of sunlight on the skin and one of its functions is to regulate calcium absorption.


Step into the sunshine: We’re really lucky to have a plentiful supply of sunshine in Australia. Expose your skin to sunshine at least once a day. But remember to slip, slop, slap if you’re planning to stay in the sun for any length of time.

Reduce absorption inhibitors

Salty foods and caffeine-containing beverages such as tea, coffee, cola and high-energy drinks can interfere with the absorption of calcium, so minimise these in your diet.


Try salt alternatives: Lemon and lime juice, fresh herbs and spices are great salt substitutes.

Be active

Weight-bearing exercise, like walking, aerobics and weight training, increases bone density and strength.


Be active everyday: Do some form of weight-bearing activity every day. While walking, aerobics and weight training are all weight-bearing exercises, so are gardening, house cleaning, dancing and golf.

Your say: Do you get enough calcium and vitamin D? How are you making sure your bones will stay stong later in life? Share with us below…

This information is provided by the Sanitarium Nutrition Service.

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Our Christmas gift to you

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A week in the life of Jessica Watson

En-route to fulfil her lifelong dream of sailing solo around the world, the teenager says she’s settling in well to her life at sea, RAY CHESTERTON writes.

Sailing out into the big blue, intrepid teenager Jessica Watson admits she had no idea what to expect – and that the world of beauty and joys of solitude she’s since discovered surpass even her wildest expectations.

With the wind at her back, the 16-year-old adventurer sailed away from controversy and into the calmer blue waters of the mighty Pacific Ocean on October 18 on her quest to be the youngest person ever to circumnavigate the globe non-stop.

Pushing aside the storm of concern about the perils of her voyage, Jessica, from the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, has embraced the full enormity of her unforgettable journey. She’s also relishing the newfound freedoms afforded by her adventure.

In a detailed diary, Jessica writes of her amazing encounters with marine animals, breathtaking sunsets and quiet nights sleeping on the deck under the stars.

The online journal gives Woman’s Day readers the chance to share in the excitement of her trip as she reveals not only these experiences, but also her battles with the more mundane aspects of sailing – like daily cooking and cleaning routines. She recounts one such week aboard her yacht, Ella’s Pink Lady.

For more of Jessica’s journal, grab Woman’s Day (on sale November 2, 2009)

Your say: Do you think Jessica’s Parents did the right thing by letting her go on her solo voyage?

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Britney Spears

During 2007 Britney hit a low point in her career. She was heavily targeted by the Paparazzi and was often photographed in some unusual looking outfits…

…and the pop princess was usually spotted out on the town with party princess Paris Hilton.

Britney at a hearing in Los Angeles regarding visitation rights for her two sons which she has with ex-husband Kevin Federline.

Britney was heavily criticised for her performance at the MTV video music awards in 2007…

…but in 2008 she returned to the awards show and took home handfuls of awards!

The romance between Britney and her agent Jason Trawick has been resparked recently and the Womaniser singer is looking to be back on track!

Britney recently spent time with her two sons Sean Preston and Jaydon James at the zoo in the UK.

Britney took time out with her two boys in August before heading to our shores for her Circus tour. The pop princess arrived in Australia without Sean Preston and Jaydon James, but was reunited with them in Melbourne after perfoming in Perth.

Britney arrived in Australia looking toned, yet tired and missing a bra!

This was the least of her problems, when the

…but the negative press didn’t seem to bother the singer who tweeted: “Hanging with my boys down under. Excited for my first show in Melbourne tonight! You guys ready?” She then posted a photo of herself in this outfit from her show, which attracted praise and loving comments from a number of fans.

Despite being accused of lip-syncing, Britney has performed at a number of sold out Australian concerts.

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Ange’s new cheating scandal

The latest disturbing revelations about Angelina’s lifestyle have sent a despairing Brad Pitt into a tailspin. MATTHEW DENBY reports.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s relationship has been rocked by shocking new sex and drug allegations in two forthcoming biographies – including claims that the actress once slept with her late mother’s lover, and details of her struggles with heroin.

Amid reports by journalist Ian Halperin that Brad and Ange are being torn apart by “irreparable tensions” caused by her wild lifestyle, the latest cheating allegations have stunned Brad and reportedly even alienated the actress from her brother, James Haven.

Although Angelina has long criticised her father, actor Jon Voight, for his many affairs while married to her mum, Marcheline Bertrand, respected biographer Andrew Morton is set to accuse her of a shocking secret betrayal.

“Marcheline had a live-in boyfriend whom she was very much in love with, but Angie slept with him when she was 16 and barely out of school,” a publishing source told Britain’s Now magazine. “Her mother found out and ended her relationship with the man.”

While Angelina’s rep had declined to comment on the claim at the time of press, the star – who denies she wrecked Brad’s marriage with Jennifer Aniston – has often said she’d never be involved in cheating.

“To be intimate with a married man, when my own father cheated on my mother, is not something I could forgive,” she once said. “I could not look at myself in the morning if I did that…”

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Andrew Lloyd Webber: The show must go on

He’s given the world some of its most famous stage musicals, now Andrew Lloyd Webber is determined not to take his final bow ahead of time, after being diagnosed with prostate cancer.

The acclaimed 61-year-old composer behind smash-hit musicals Cats, Jesus Christ Superstar and The Phantom Of The Opera kept the news secret while he set about launching the much-anticipated sequel to Phantom, Love Never Dies.

“Andrew’s condition is in its very early stages,” a rep revealed last week. “He is now undergoing treatment and expects to be fully back at work before the end of the year.”

It is understood Andrew is determined to live his dream of seeing Love Never Dies come to fruition on stage, and told reporters earlier this month, “If it does a third as well as the old Phantom, I’ll be very happy.”

And so he should be. The original has had a 23-year run in London so far, played to more than 100 million people worldwide and collected box office takings of $5.6 billion.

Love Never Dies, due to open in London and New York next year and Australia in 2011, is said to have taken Andrew 17 years to compose.

By making his cancer diagnosis public, Andrew hopes other men will be encouraged to get tested.

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Schapelle Corby

Scapelle Corby inside Kerobokan jail in Bali where she is carrying out a 20 year sentence for smuggling marijuana into Bali in 2005.

Convicted Australian drug trafficker Schapelle Corby is escorted to a cell at a court in Denpasar, Bali.

Scahpelle is visited by her Lawyer before her trial at her prison cell in Denpasar, Bali.

Comforted by some of her realatives, Schapelle cries in prison after hearing the prosecution’s sentence demands.

Scahpelle spending time with the other inmates inside her cell at Bali’s Kerobokan jail.

Fellow Australian Renee Lawrence has spent some time with Schapelle inside Kerobokan prison. The Bali Nine member was arrested in 2005 for processing a small amount of heroin.

Schapelle sits inside a detention house before she is convicted.

Schapelle waits her turn to speak to her mum on the phone inside Kerobokan prison.

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Heath’s little girl turns four

As Heath Ledger’s daughter celebrates her fourth birthday, NAOMI TOY learns how much joy the lively preschooler brings to her mum Michelle’s life.

Looking more like her late father, Aussie actor Heath Ledger, every day, Matilda recently notched up two major milestones in any little girl’s life.

The cute blonde celebrated her fourth birthday, and had her first day at preschool in Brooklyn. And she took it all in her happy-go-lucky stride.

Showing her resilience to the tragedy of losing her father 21 months ago, Matilda goofed around on a trip to the park in New York with her mum Michelle Williams last week.

Playing in a striped dress, knee-high socks and her favourite pair of fringed ankle boots, Matilda jumped, slid and climbed over every piece of available equipment.

And while doting mum Michelle, 29, was there with a helping hand to tackle the trickier obstacles, she seemed comfortable to let Matilda run free around the playground.

Matilda is understood to have spoken to her Perth-based grandfather Kim Ledger, whom she calls Papa, on her birthday, but will not see her Australian relatives until later this year, at Christmas.

“Unfortunately, we won’t be seeing her [for her birthday], but we will be seeing her at Christmas,” Heath’s dad Kim told Perth’s Sunday Times newspaper last week. “We’ll be speaking to her for her birthday and all that sort of stuff…”

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