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Weightloss guru – I lost 160 kilos!

On the eve of her visit Down Under, bubbly TV personality Ruby Gettinger reveals to JACKIE BRYGEL why she is at last fulfilling her dearest dream

Morbidly obese at 320kg, Ruby Gettinger longed to travel the world. But one thing prevented the plus-sized TV personality from realising her jetsetting dreams – she couldn’t fit into the bathroom on a plane.

Now, having shed an incredible 160kg and inspired people through her regular appearances on Oprah and her own reality TV show, the sky is finally the limit for the flame-headed US dynamo.

The motivating star of The Style Network’s new series Ruby had no trouble choosing her first destination. She will leave the US for our shores on November 11.

“I can’t wait to come to Australia,” enthuses Ruby, who never reveals her age. “I’ve never been anywhere, but it was the first place on my dream list. “The bathrooms on planes are so small anyway, but can you imagine me even trying to get into one before?”

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Grant Hackett’s wife bounces back in just eight weeks!

Olympian Grant Hackett’s beautiful wife Candice Alley reveals an amazing post baby body and shares her secrets with CLARE RIGDEN

Dressed in a fitted black cocktail dress and a beautiful sculpted hat, singer Candice Alley, 27, looked so svelte and stunning at this year’s Melbourne Cup Day races, you’d never know she’d given birth to twins just eight weeks before.

“She looks fantastic, doesn’t she?” husband Grant Hackett, 29, said during a catch-up at the exclusive track-side Emirates tent at Flemington. “She’s back to the size she was before she had the babies.”

Grant credits Candice’s weight-loss with sensible, healthy eating and says he’s proud of the way she’s bounced back after the birth of Jagger and Charlize in September.

During the pregnancy, petite Candice almost doubled in size and, at the time, both she and her swimming champ husband were a little in awe of her changing shape.

“My wife’s only five foot four [162cm], so she’s absolutely gigantic at the moment,” he told Woman’s Day a week before the birth. “Her stomach is so big – it’s almost square.”

“My stomach was like a cube shape,” Candice agrees. “Grant could literally rest his keys on my tummy.”

But in no time at all, the new mum has shrunk back to her normal size and is looking better than ever. “Candice looks lovely,” says dietitian Geraldine Georgeou from Designer Diets. “I would say she would have lost, post-natally, about 15 kilos.

“It looks like she probably lost about 10 kilos when the babies came out, and then maybe another five kilos after that. But it looks like her BMI [Body Mass Indicator] would be on the lower end of normal, so around 18 or 19 looking at her.”

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Simone’s addiction to Shane – I can’t help myself

Simone Callahan just can’t resist her bad-boy ex, Shane Warne. Phillip Koch reports the couple couldn’t hide their passion during the Melbourne Cup carnival.

It was almost like 10 years of public humiliations, allegations of cheating and front-page phone scandals had never happened, as a besotted Simone Callahan stayed glued to her former husband’s side during Derby Day last week.

Gazing adoringly at Shane Warne, the man who has caused her so much heartache during their roller-coaster relationship, and wearing a beaming smile throughout the afternoon, Simone is clearly the forgiving type.

Now the mum of three is convinced the latest chapter in the cricket world’s longest running soap opera will have a happy ending. Despite Shane’s track record, Simone believes the man photographed three years ago in London with two girls and a giant inflatable penis has turned over a new leaf.

“He won’t even be snapped in a social situation if there are other females near him,” a close friend of the couple exclusively told Woman’s Day.

“If Shane spots a female close by, he won’t even look at them.

“He is determined to show Simone he can be a model husband and father, and that she has no reason to have any concerns. He wants her to know – without any doubt – that there is only one woman for him.”

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It’s a two-for-one special

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Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin

As we reported earlier, Hugh Jackman was the frontrunner to host the 2010 Academy Awards, but it seems the Wolverine hunk has turned down to role, leaving it vacant for Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin to step in.

In pictures: Hugh Jackman

Rumours surfaced that the Aussie star was not interested due to another acting commitment.

It will be Baldwin’s first bite of the Academy-hosting cherry, but the 30 Rock star should be confident enough on stage. He has hosted Saturday Night Live 14 times.

In pictures: Oscars Hosts Steve Martin on the other hand is an Oscar veteran. Next year will be the third time he has hosted the movie industry’s night of nights.

Your say: Do you think these two will be a good hosting combination? Who has been your favourite host over the years? Who would you like to see host the awards in the future? Tell us below.

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Kids and food: can we do better?

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Life expectancy of children could be cut by up to two years if current levels of obesity and weight issues continue, according to the National Preventative Health Taskforce Discussion Paper released by Nicola Roxon, Minister for Health and Ageing. And results of the recent National Children’s Survey show that most kids are not eating enough fruit and vegetables, most likely contributing to high levels of obesity.

According to National Children’s Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey, only 1 percent of teenagers are eating the recommended three to four serves of whole fruit each day, and only one in five younger children, and one in 20 older children are eating enough vegetables.

When it comes to nutrients, older girls (12 to 16 years of age) don’t get enough calcium and half don’t meet daily requirements for magnesium. The research also found that the majority of children are eating too much saturated fat and sugar, and almost a quarter were found to be overweight or obese.

So, what can we do to help our kids get enough of the foods they need and less of the foods they don’t?

Make home a wholefood zone

It is much harder to convince your kids to eat fruit and vegetables when treat foods, such as chips, biscuits or soft drinks, are available in the pantry. Most kids have the opportunity to eat these foods at parties and other special occasions, so why not keep to wholefoods at home, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, wholegrains, dairy, soy and lean proteins.

Focus on fruit and veg

Try to eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice and have vegetables as snacks as well as in main meals. Cut fruit is more likely to be eaten than whole fruit. Try it with a dip of yoghurt and honey.

Top up calcium

Dried fruit, nuts and green vegetables all help contribute calcium to your child’s diet, along with calcium-fortified soy and dairy.

Reduce saturated fat

Meat, cakes, biscuits and other processed foods often contain saturated fat (the bad fat that affects our heart health), so try to replace these with legumes, fruits and vegetables whenever possible.

Choose water

The survey found that kids mostly meet their fluid requirements, but remember water is the best option.

Get active

To maintain a healthy weight, it’s important to keep active. Limiting TV, video game and computer time encourages kids to try more active entertainment.

Your say: Do these findings worry you? How are you working to improve the health of your child? Share with us below…

This information is provided by the Sanitarium Nutrition Service.

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Breakfast with Delta

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Delta Goodrem

Just how does singing star Delta Goodrem keep up her busy lifestyle? As she tells The Weekly, she maintains a healthy diet, both at home and when out and about.

Q: What are your favourite meals?

“I always start the day with fruit, a So Good soy milk smoothie, cereal and toast. Some days, I’ll make scrambled eggs, as well. Lunch is always a salad or homemade vegetable soup. For dinner, my favourite at the moment is fajitas, as I love to experiment.”

Q: What’s a favourite food when out and about?

“Sushi or salad for lunch and Thai takeaway for dinner. My secret for keeping up my energy is fruit smoothies made with soy milk, plus plenty of water and sleep.”

Get the recipe for Delta’s breakfast smoothie here

Your say: What are your favourite meals? How do you stay healthy when eating out? Tell us below.

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Brad Pitt fools fans


Brad Pitt has one of the most recognisable faces in the world, but thanks to some new facial hair the Curious Case of Benjamin Button star is working on a disguise.

Stepping out with a new beard, it’s unclear whether the movie star was trying to fool his fans or is practising for a possible role as a pirate.

But the grey beaded beard seems to have taken his scruffy look a little too far.

Brad’s beard was part of his Halloween costume when he dressed up as DJ Lance Rock from the children’s TV show Yo Gabba Gabba!

But it seems the star has become fond of his new facial hair. He arrived at Narita International Airport in Tokyo, Japan, yesterday and still had the overgrown beard, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

To top off the hippy look, the beard has been separated into two small ponytails.

The 46-year-old completed his casual scruffy look with large aviator sunglasses and a knitted beanie.

Brad arrived in Japan without partner Angelina Jolie or their six young children and managed to slip past a group of waiting fans unnoticed.

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Struggling to drink enough water?


When calculating 8 glasses of water a day, can you include tea, coffee and other fluids?


Yes, your daily fluid intake doesn’t all have to come in the form of water. While water is best, milk, juice, tea, coffee, cordial, soft drinks, sports drinks, even ice-blocks, can also provide additional fluids.

Alcohol, on the other hand, has a diuretic effect (increases the production of urine), and should be accompanied with a glass of water to prevent dehydration.

And don’t forget food. Some foods contain high amounts of fluid; custard, jelly, ice-cream, soup and broth all add to your daily fluid intake.

Don’t forget, you need to drink more fluids if it is a hot day, you are doing strenuous activity or are ill, to prevent dehydration.

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This poker mum could win $100,000

Single mum Amanda de Cesare is on track to become Australia’s next international poker champion, reports Clare Rigden.

To say Amanda de Cesare was a novice the first time she played poker would be an understatement. Called in as a last-minute replacement for her husband’s poker night, it was clear to everyone at the table they were on to a good thing — the minute she played her first hand.

“I was possibly the world’s worst player at that point in time,” Amanda says with a laugh.

“I sat down at that table with a printed off sheet from the Internet with all the hand rankings. I was a little confused as to why every time I had a great hand, everyone folded. And when I had a terrible hand, everyone bet,” she says.

“Maybe it had something to do with the fact I was looking at my sheet and saying things like, ‘Ooh, that’s good’ — I really had no clue.”

Fast-forward four years, and Amanda, 33, is now competing in One HD’s The Poker Star TV competition. Not only is she one of the finalists in the running for the $100,000 prize money, but part of the prize is also the chance to accompany Australia’s World Series of Poker legend Joe Hachem to tournaments all around the world — a prospect she’s clearly thrilled about.

So how on earth did she go from “clueless” to “card shark” in such a short space of time?

“When I had a free moment I would hop online and practise,” she explains. “I was just playing to learn at that stage and I never risked any money.”

The first time Amanda did throw her cash on the table was a year later, when she walked into Crown Casino to play only her second real game of poker — and walked away with $200.

“I sat down at the table and it was incredibly intimidating. It was such a boys’ club in there. The first time I walked into the room I remember thinking, ‘Am I even allowed to be in here?’,” she admits.

“When I first approached the table I got the strangest looks from the other guys, like, ‘Is she lost?’ But I actually did quite well that night.”

And she continues to, wining a series of tournaments in Australia .

Amanda, who is mum to 13-year-old Sarah and seven-year-old Chloe, has steadily seen her skill level rise during this time, to a stage where she’s now competing professionally — and down to the final stages of Poker Star.

“If I win, it would be fantastic,” says Amanda, who also works as a speech pathologist. “I separated from my husband two years ago, and I bought a house for me and the girls to live in. Winning would definitely take the financial pressure off me.”

Not only have her skills at the table improved, she’s been able to take advantage of her card-playing prowess at home, too. And her kids had better watch out!

“My children try to bluff me occasionally, but these days I like to think my ability to read people is pretty good,” she says. “So now I can catch them out when they try to tell me they’ve done their homework.”

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I dished out karma to my high school bully

When I was in high school, I was mercilessly bullied by another girl in my class. Rene thought she was it and a bit, and I guess, as far as high school went, she did have it all: beauty, all the “right” friends, popularity, the best looking boyfriend.

But her nastiness was relentless and I spent most of high school experiencing her tirade of mental and physical abuse. Later, she would steal my boyfriends – even if it meant cheating on her own.

I was tough, so I got through it, and I was also a lot more intelligent than she was, which is possibly why she hated me so much. I knew that, one day, I would leave Rene and all of her viciousness behind me, and be a success.

Even as we graduated – me with top honours, and Rene with barely a pass – I was hoping I’d never have to see her again. I was accepted into dentistry and I promised myself that I’d finally be the success.

You just couldn’t treat people the way she did, and get away with it. But it didn’t bother me for long. I left town, went to uni, and was able to forget all about her.

Life at university was fantastic. I quickly made a lot of friends and the first three years of my course flew by. I was a broke student and dentistry wasn’t going to be the most glamorous career but I knew I was guaranteed the life I’d always dreamed of: cars, money, successful friends.

I was already being invited to more parties than I could even get to, and even though I was single for my 21st birthday, I didn’t care. Life was so exciting anyway.

Then I got invited to a stranger’s 21st party, and my whole world turned upside down.

One of my uni friend’s, Jade, wanted me to go to her cousin’s party. She hated family functions, and wanted someone there for moral support.

I knew Jade’s family were just the kind of people I wanted to be around: rich high achievers. I didn’t know any of her cousins, but all of Jade’s brothers and sisters, and her parents, were doctors, lawyers and surgeons. So you can’t imagine my shock when I walked into the party. There, at the centre of attention stood the birthday girl, Jade’s cousin – Rene, my arch nemesis.

A lot had changed for me since high school, so she didn’t recognise me, but I knew who she was at once. She was arm in arm with the hottest guy in the room, and had a gaggle of beautiful people swarming around her. She was still the most popular girl in the room. I couldn’t believe it.

“What’s your cousin like?” I asked Jade, acting as though I didn’t know her.

“Oh, you know,” Jade sounded bored. “She’s got everything: handsome, rich husband who completely adores her, this big house. And she didn’t have to do a thing to get it of course. Doesn’t even work, just shops all day and does lunch with her friends.”

I was furious. How could someone as awful as Rene strike it so lucky – without doing anything? Failing school and being a bitch had truly paid off.

I couldn’t stand to see her being the success story I was still working away at becoming. Life was too easy, and she had to be brought down a peg or two. And I was going to do it!

Swigging half a glass of expensive wine for courage, I marched up to Rene’s circle and threw the rest of the drink in her face.

“That’s for sleeping with my boyfriend!” I shouted dramatically, as everyone looked on in stunned horror. Rene’s husband first looked at me, and I thought he was going to hit me, but then he wheeled around on his wife, yelling at her:

“I knew something was going on! I knew it!”

I backed away as his new accusations and her furious denials escalated behind me. If there was one thing I knew it was that Rene would be cheating on her husband! My gamble had paid off.

The next day Jade met me for coffee, impressed rather than angry that I had ruined her cousin’s life. It turned out that Rene’s husband had packed his bags soon after I fled, and was probably going to ask for a divorce.

Rene, of course, was after my blood, but she didn’t know where to find me – and she has never found out that she finally got karma for being a bully in high school!

All names have been changed. Picture posed by models.

Your say: Have your say about this true confession below…

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