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My secret abortion is destroying my marriage

My husband and I started living together in our teens and married young. Our lives were a struggle with me on a secretary’s wage and Steve earning next to nothing as an apprentice mechanic. We dreamed of having kids as soon as Steve qualified and was earning enough money to support us all.

Life was hard for quite a few years. Our savings were tiny and I felt so frustrated every time we had some money, something would go wrong and we would end up in debt again.

When Steve finished his apprenticeship, the company he worked for offered him a job working overseas. The wages were incredible and tax free as well. The idea of living for a few years in an exotic country was something we couldn’t turn down either.

The company’s only conditions for sending us to the mine site in China was that we couldn’t take children and if I became pregnant, I would have to be sent home. The area we were going to live in had very primitive facilities and wasn’t considered safe for kids.

Steve hesitated when he heard the news – I’d always promised we’d get pregnant the minute he qualified – but I convinced him we needed the money. There was no way I was going to spend my life living in rented housing with a beat up old car. Trusting me, Steve agreed to go and we started packing up our life.

It was at that time I started feeling unwell and had been sick a few times at work.

I had a niggling feeling I knew what was wrong, but when I saw the two pink lines on the pregnancy test kit I was still stunned. A baby would ruin our chance to get ahead, Steve couldn’t take the promotion and we’d never own a decent home.

Although a baby was something I desperately wanted, I knew I didn’t want to raise a family in poverty and I didn’t want to ruin Steve’s chances of making something of himself. It was just too soon and I convinced myself that it would be easy to have a baby later on when the time was right.

So I went and saw my gp, explained my situation and was booked in for an abortion by the end of the week. I told Steve it was just “women’s problems” and he never questioned me.

We flew out for China a few days later and started our new lives overseas. It was within the first week that I felt the pains in my stomach and noticed the funny discharge.

I tried to explain to the foreign doctors what was wrong, but it wasn’t until a visiting American doctor came to our village that I discovered I had developed an infection in my uterus. He gave me antibiotics, but gave me the terrible news that because of scarring caused by the neglect, it’s doubtful I’ll ever be able to carry a pregnancy to term.

The devastation caused by that news nearly destroyed me and ruined every moment of our big adventure overseas.

It’s been five years since we went to China and we’re home again in Australia now. Steve’s had his big adventure and has risen highly in his field. We’ve got an amazing house right on the ocean and drive a brand new landcruiser.

I’ve been pregnant four times now, but never manage to carry longer than four months. The anguish Steve suffers every time I miscarry is heartbreaking; he just can’t understand what’s going wrong.

Our marriage has become barren and rocky as we’ve both become fixated on having a baby instead of loving each other. I’ve realised now in my push to have the best of everything, that without a family, I’ve ended up with absolutely nothing.

All names have been changed. Picture posed by models.

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Harry, the hopeless romantic

Harry Connick Jr’s blue eyes sparkle as he begins to talk about the four most important women in his life: his wife, former Victoria’s Secret model Jill Goodacre, and their three daughters.

Visiting our shores on a whirlwind promotional tour for his new album, Your Songs, the velvet-voiced singer and actor may be a long way from the family home in Connecticut, but it’s clear his girls are never far from his mind.

“I just love them,” he enthuses. “We have a great relationship and are very, very communicative. I’m just lucky, man. I have a great wife and I’ve been really blessed to have three healthy kids. I give them as much love as I have.”

In fact, laughs the 42-year-old multiple Grammy Award-winning performer, he “wouldn’t have it any other way” than being surrounded by females.

Happily married to Jill for 15 years, Harry is well aware they’re a rarity in the showbiz world. So what’s their secret?

“For me, I love her and she loves me,” he says simply. “We deeply care for one another, as friends and as husband and wife.”

Do the couple plan on extending their family any further? “No, I think we’re done,” he replies. “My dad was my age, just about, when he had me. He’s 83 now and sometimes I wish he had me younger, so I could have had more time with him.”

Harry admits that spending weeks on the road away from those closest to him isn’t easy. “But I have three kids in school — you can’t just yank them out,” he says. “It would be too disruptive.”

Indeed, Harry and Jill have done all they can to ensure their girls, now aged 13, 12 and seven, have as normal an upbringing as possible. “They’re like all their friends. They go to school, they play sports, they have sleepovers,” he says.

Harry’s latest recording effort, Your Songs, features the performer singing some of his favourite tunes with a full jazz big band and string orchestra.

“It’s a collection of songs that I think most people know,” he says. “Even though I spent a lot of time on the arrangements and orchestrations, I just wanted to provide a platform in which I could sing these great songs.”

And while Harry is yet to decide what he’ll take home to his wife from his latest Aussie jaunt, he’ll no doubt find the perfect gift. For, as this star of stage and film confesses, he’s long been a hopeless romantic.

“I love all that stuff,” he says as he grins. “I love surprises and spontaneity. I just like the idea of somebody saying ‘I love you’, without you saying, ‘I love you, too’. For them to initiate that, that’s the best feeling in the world.

“Some people may not need that, but I think I do. I just count my blessings.” Your Songs is out now through Sony Music Entertainment Australia.

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*Idol’s* Nathan stalked by fans

By Clare Rigden

It’s not easy being a lust object for thousands of teenage girls. Just ask Australian Idol cast-off, Nathan Brake!

He’s only been famous for three months, but recently discarded Australian Idol star Nathan Brake already has the kind of fan-base John, Paul, George and Ringo would have been proud of.

Forget Beatlemania, Australia’s teenage girls have Nathan Fever!

“You’re right, my fan-base is amazing,” he tells Woman’s Day, which has just alerted him to the fact that a Facebook page has sprung up petitioning to have him return to the show. And just hours after its inception, already has a strong following.

“No! Really? That’s insane! Well, they can try,” he laughs.

But while the 18-year-old Sydney schoolboy clearly loves his legions of fans — or the “Nathan Nation” as many are taking to calling themselves — he admits to being slightly bemused at the lengths they’ll go to get his attention.

“I had one girl who found my phone number and rang my house. I live with my parents and I think it was my sister who answered the phone,” he says. “There was this voice going, ‘Hi, is Nathan there?’ [My sister] said, ‘Oh no, he doesn’t live here’, and they haven’t called since. They probably will now though, after they read this!”

The occasional late-night call isn’t all Nathan’s had to contend with. There are the screaming hordes who descend upon him at every public event. And it doesn’t stop there.

“In one of my profiles, the show filmed my street and my house. Some fans must have recognised it, and I had 20 school students come and knock on my door and ask to see me,” he says.

Although Nathan seems at ease with all this attention, he’s aware that things aren’t quite so easy for his girlfriend of three years, Elly. And now he’s off the show and about to embark on his solo career, he knows the fans may be around for a while longer, yet. “But she’s been fine [with all the attention],” he adds.

“We’ve been together for over three years, so she knows I love her, and it’s all cool. She is so happy for me and so proud of me — she’s just been really supportive.”

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Meet the world’s tallest dog!

Doggie snacks, walkies and vet bills take on new meaning with the world’s tallest dog. Natalee fuhrmann reports.

Chief is a thumping freak of a Great Dane who runs his owner ragged with his bumbling, klutzy ways. But Francesca Hyde wouldn’t have it any other way.

She says the advantages of owning the canine skyscraper far outweigh the bruises associated with living with a 100kg dog.

Click on the video player above to watch our video of celebrities with their dogs.

“He steps on my feet all the time and the pain is indescribable,” laughs the petite 29-year-old from Palmyra, in Perth’s southern suburbs.

Francesca, a mental health nurse, is waiting for her Guinness World Records application to be ratified. She raced in the paperwork after hearing that a smaller dog’s measurements were being considered for the “Tallest Dog – Living” category. “Boomer”, a Landseer Newfoundland from North Dakota, USA, stands 1m tall, from floor to shoulder, but three-year-old Chief has the altitudinal upper paw, by 4cm.

“I bought him from the pound when he was about 12 months old, thinking he’d finished growing,” says Francesca. “Then my friends kept saying, ‘He’s growing bigger’, but I hadn’t noticed because I was living with him.”

Chief eats 2kg of meat daily and a bucket of doggy biscuits. “I work to support my dog,” she said.

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EXCLUSIVE – Aussie girl a mum at just 12

When this man’s daughter told him she was pregnant, they clung together and wept. Now he tells SANDRA WHITE of his fear that his little girl – who has never even played with dolls – is ill-equipped to cope with a baby of her own.

Little more than a child herself, this 12-year-old Australian girl is quickly learning the stark realities of motherhood.

The pre-teen has become one of the youngest mothers in the nation after giving birth last month to a baby boy in her home town in regional New South Wales.

While other girls her age are counting down to the school holidays, she has just begun a daunting education in how to care for, bathe and breastfeed her newborn baby.

Her concerned father says these tasks won’t come easy for a girl who is desperately ill-equipped to deal with the demands of raising a child.

“She is only a baby herself and now she’s got a baby,” he tells Woman’s Day in an exclusive interview.

“She hasn’t got any maternal instincts at all. She never even played with dolls when she was younger. She never played at being a mummy. This breaks my heart.”

Along with the emotional demands of having a baby at such a young age, her father is also worried about the physical impact the birth has had on his daughter – and reveals she had an emergency caesarean.

“It was early,” he says. “They had to perform an emergency caesarean because she had high blood pressure. She was petrified but came through OK.”

He admits his daughter, who can’t be identified for legal reasons, has received a mass of support – along with baby clothes and toys – from family and friends, but fears that will count for little when the full enormity of what lies ahead finally hits home.

Her profile picture on social networking site Facebook displayed an exuberant young girl with laughing eyes, but her father says the cheeky smile has begun to fade after three weeks as she struggles with the demands of being a mother.

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Scientology Stars

Tom Cruise has been extremely outspoken about Scientology since he joined in 1990.

The Risky Business star has publically praised Scientology for helping him to overcome dyslexia and has campaigned in Europe for Scientology to be recognised as a religion.

His contribution to Scientology has also gained him the group’s Freedom Medal of Valor in 2004.

In the book written by Andrew Morton called Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography ,it claims that Tom is the church’s “second in command in all but name”.

Actesses Marisol Nichols, Jenna Elfman and Kelly Preston attend the Citizens Commission on Human Rights annual awards banquet which was established by the Church of Scientology.

Jenna Elfman is present at a number of events for Scientology-affiliated groups including the Youth for Human Rights International and Artists for Human Rights and the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project Charity Event.

Kirstie Alley reportedly credits the scientology program, Narconon, to helping her overcome a drug addiction.

She is now the national spokesperson for the Narconon drug treatment program.

It was reported in 2007 that the star gave the Church of Scientology $5,000,000.

Katie Holmes is connected to the church of scientology through her husband Tom Cruise.

She also has a friendship with Jenna Elfman who is connected to the Church of Scientology and was present at Tom and Katie’s wedding.

Wife of John Travolta, Kelly Preston is heavily involved in scientology and is often present at Scientology related events.

Jag star Catherine Bell has also been linked to a number of Scientology events and in 2006 appeared in the Scientology music video called, “United.”

The video, which promotes human rights, also included performaces by Isaac Hayes, Erika Christensen, Jenna Elfman and Lynsey Bartilson.

Long standing member of the Church of Scientology John Travolta is heavily invovled with the church.

The Grease star joined in 1975 when he was given the book Dianetics when filming the movie The Devil’s Rain.

He and wife Kelly Preston are often present at the Church of Scientology associated events alongside fellow scientologiset Tom Cruise.

It has been reported that Aussie singer Kate Cebrano has been associated with the Church of Scientology since 2008.

In late 2008 she performed at the annual Church of Scientology Gala Charity Concert with American musician Mark Isham in the UK.

Priscilla is said to be a devoted member of the Church of Scientology and during daughter Lisa Marie’s childhood, she sent her to the Scientology-affiliated Apple School known as Los Feliz Hills School in Los Angeles.

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Stars go crazy for cookies

It seems half of Hollywood is now happily munching cookies – and it’s to lose weight.

Stars including Denise Richards, Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Hudson, Kim Kardashian and Mandy Moore have been linked to Dr Sanford Siegal’s Cookie Diet – a controversial weight loss plan which promises to shed the kilos by eating little else but biscuits.

Dr Siegal’s Cookie Diet, available online in Australia, is based on meal replacement in the form of a cookie – the ingredients of which include milk, sugar, eggs, wheat and a “secret amino acid protein mix” said to rein in hunger.

Think a cookie diet sounds too good to be true? You could be right. Dietitians warn that Dr Siegal’s program – which the US physician devised more than 30 years ago and which combines eating one “proper” meal a day with six hunger-controlling cookies – is far from a long-term or healthy weight-management solution.

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Comparing careers: Kylie and Dannii Minogue

Dannii Minogue was the first Minogue to rise to stardom.

Although Kylie was doing quite well chasing a career in acting, it was Dannii’s gig on Young Talent Time which made her the most popular Minogue.

Kylie was featured on Young Talent Time in 1985, but she was not part of the usual cast and Dannii’s performances often upstaged Kylie’s.

But super stardom for Kylie was just around the corner…

…and in 1986 Kylie was cast on the hit Australian TV show Neighbours.

This launched her career and she became an over night star.

From this point, and for the rest of her career, the pop princess had an enourmous following both nationally and overseas, particularly in the UK.

Dannii Minogue achieved early success in music with hits like Love and Kisses and This is It.

But by the release of her second album her popularity as a singer had declined.

Although she was well and truly on the road to super stardom during the early to mid 90s, Kylie has always thought highly of her sister.

It has been reported that in the beginning of the their careers Kylie thought Dannii would be the famous one.

Eighties music producers have admitted to not siging both sisters to the same label becasue it would have damaged Kylie’s confidence.

Despite starting her career in acting, Kylie has become more famous for her music career.

Songs like The Loco-Motion and I Should Be So Lucky launched her career and she went on to write a number of songs like Can’t Get You Out of My Head which reached number one in more than 40 countries. Kylie is known for always leaving her fans wanting more.

Kylie’s Show Girl tour only lifted her fame to new heights and the singing sensation held sold out shows around the globe.

But, despite the success, Kylie discovered she had breast cancer and was forced to postpone a number of shows.

Dannii’s success has drifted from music and she has reached fame through becomeing a TV Personality, mainly in the UK.

In the 1990s Dannii reinvented herself as a dance artist and released a number of relatively successful tracks.

Her single Who Do You Love Now? returned Dannii to the spotlight.

She is the best-performing artist on the UK Upfront Club Chart with 12 consecutive number one dance singles.

She is currently a popular television personality on Australia’s Got Talent and The X Factor.

Despite the fame switching from one sister to the other, the pair insist there is no rivalry between them.

Dannii has been repoted as saying that “We were raised in a family of love and support, and that has not changed.”

Although they live their lives in the spotlight, it’s good to see the sisters are just like all other siblings and have spoken about having a tiff every now and again.

The sister’s recently reunited in London and met up with Kylie’s first onscreen romance Jason Donovan at the premiere of Priscilla in London.

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Brian and Delta hit LA – while Kerry hits out!

On the same day Brian McFadden was spotted in Los Angeles shopping for lingerie with fiancée Delta Goodrem, he was blasted in the UK press by ex-wife Kerry Katona for allegedly not fronting up to his parental duties.

As Brian jets around the world in an effort to boost his and Delta’s careers, an angry Kerry claims he isn’t pulling his weight with daughters, Molly, 8, and Lilly-Sue, 6, who are reportedly longing to spend more time with their dad.

“If he loves his kids so much, why does he live 10,000 miles away?” Kerry was quoted as saying by British paper News Of The World.

Click on the video player above to watch our video which ranks Kerry Katona amongst some of the world’s worst mums!

But Brian’s side of the story is very different, with the Irish singer complaining that he is being prevented from seeing his girls by his troubled ex-wife, who has a history of drug and emotional problems.

“Kerry has made things very difficult for me,” Brian says of his attempts to spend more time with his daughters.

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Kate Cook’s open letter

It should have been a triumphant return home for Australian Idol hopeful, country girl Kate Cook, but her dream homecoming turned to the stuff of nightmares when two carloads of women threatened to attack her over her controversial relationship with her ex-partner’s sister.

Read Kate’s open letter below

There is never a good time to say you are moving on so I can understand why my former partner Kerry feels like she has been left for fame and fortune.

However, the decision to go back to my ex (who happens to be her younger sister) isn’t one I made lightly. Being on Australian Idol was a huge eye opener for me in lots of different ways.

It’s the first time in a long time that I have felt independent and in control of my life. I’ve had many years of feeling lost and whilst I do cherish the times Kerry and I had, it was an area of my life that I needed to address.

Once I was on that path (with Idol) it was like a steam train… the further down the track it got, the harder it became for me to want to go back to some parts of the life I had left behind.

This is a new era for me. I really need to follow my heart and my dreams now more than ever.

This is my one chance to make everything bad in my life come good again. Obviously, things are more complicated then they seem on the surface, and those matters are for those whom they concern, but I feel like I did the best I could with handling our break up, including discussing with Kerry my response to the media before our “break” went public for the first time.

Of course I care for everybody involved, but I’ll never please everybody at the same time. I hope in time it will get easier and those that have been hurt find new ways to be happy again.

I am really keen to focus on the positive now and would like to express my deepest thanks to the family, friends and fans who have continued to support me in my life and career.

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