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Born a boy but growing up as a girl

At eight years old, Josie is on the path to having a complete sex change.

Pretty Josie Romero adores the colour pink, braiding her hair and having her fingernails painted.

Life has not always been easy for this sweet, charming eight-year-old, though. She was born in the body of a boy.

The transgender youngster knew at the age of four she was the wrong sex and told her parents, “I am really a girl.”

By the time she reached six, Josie, who was born Joseph, had convinced everyone. She was diagnosed as transgender and is now beginning her transition to becoming female.

“Josie was born prematurely at 27 weeks and had a very difficult time as a baby,” her mother Venessia, 42, says. “As a toddler, she was trying to turn her boy toys into girl toys. She would take her army figures, wrap them up and rock them like a baby. As she grew older, she always said, ‘I’m a girl.’ My husband Joseph and I would correct her and say, ‘No, you’re a boy.’ By the age of four, she was insisting, ‘No, I really am a girl.’”

Some families work hard to persuade their kids to conform to their biological gender, but Venessia and Joseph, 42, an engineer in the US air force, made the hard choice to say goodbye to their little boy and help their daughter live as the girl she wanted to be.

“We accepted Josie was a bit different from the time she was born,” Venessia says. “After about six months something clicked and I thought, ‘Oh, we have a gay boy.’ We were totally fine with that. We thought, ‘As long as our child is happy.’”

Meanwhile, Josie was trying to braid her short blond boy’s curls into plaits. By the time she was five, she refused to have her hair cut and had curls falling around her face. She would also insist on wearing colours like orange because it was the nearest to pink.

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Meet the Twilight mums

Twilight isn’t just for teens. These Aussie mums are up to their necks in the vampire craze, writes Katherine Chatfield.

Take a peak into any teenage girl’s bedroom and chances are there’ll be a Twilight poster on the wall. The hit vampire-romance movie, based on the book by Stephenie Meyer, has created mass hysteria among young fans across the world.

But while most mums roll their eyes at their children’s obsessions, there’s one group of mums who see in Twilight just what their kids see.

“My 14-year old daughter had been going on at me for ages to read the book,” says Lisa Langdale, 33, who wears a Twilight bracelet and necklace. “I finally gave in. As soon as I started reading, I was hooked. I read all four books in one weekend and I’ve read them all eight times since. Now I’m so obsessed, my daughter is embarrassed. She isn’t a fan any more.”

Lisa introduced her sister-in-law Cassie Langdale, 28, to Twilight, and she became just as hooked. Then, the pair found the Aussie Twilight Mums forum – full of mums just as fascinated as them.

The forum was set up by Rachel Suesskow, a mum from Glenmore Park, NSW. “There are 200 of us,” says Lisa. “We talk on the forum every day about all things Twilight.” When Cassie and Lisa drove two hours from their home in Hastings, Victoria, to go to a signing by Twilight cast members Kellan Lutz and Edi Gathegi, they met fellow Twilight Mums Michelle Waixel, Vanessa Fennell and Lisa Townsend in the queue.

“We stood in the freezing cold for six hours,” grins Lisa Townsend. “But it was completely worth it. I couldn’t really talk when I actually got to meet the boys. I think I just told Kellan he was gorgeous.”

So, what exactly is it about Twilight that has got these mothers so hot under the collar? “I love the danger of it,” says Vanessa. “What would it be like to meet a vampire?” “It’s so romantic,” sighs Michelle. “I’d love to be Bella.”

That connection to the characters has encouraged these five women, who have 14 children between them, to start shrines to Twilight in their homes.

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In the mag – November 23, 2009

On sale Monday November 16, 2009

Why Tom has lost control

As his religion comes under increasing fire, bizarre new claims plunge Tom Cruise into crisis and have Katie Holmes’ family deeply worried.

Jodi’s triumph: How I won back my billionaire!

Media heir Ryan Stokes has fallen in love all over again with starlet Jodi Gordon despite their bitter break-up after her out-of-control partying.

Terri under fire

As flames destroy the wilderness area dedicated to Steve Irwin, neighbours claim Terri is to blame.

Keith and Nicole’s baby joy

As rumours swirl that Nicole is pregnant again, Keith Urban talks to Dylan Howard about their life together and their precious daughter Sunday.

Behind the scenes with Britney

You’ve heard about the lip-synching controversy, now a new book reveals just what life is like on Britney Spears’ Australian Circus tour.

Jo Beth Taylor: Why I walked away

She walked away from the spotlight a decade ago. Now the former TV presenter talks to Patrice Fidgeon about her physical and emotional collapse, her recovery, and the lack of single men in her home town.

Chat with other readers and share your weight loss secrets!

Born a boy but growing up a girl

At eight years old, Josie is on the path to having a complete sex change.

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Behind the scenes with Britney

You’ve heard about the lip-synching controversy, now a new book reveals just what life is like on Britney Spears’ Australian Circus tour, writes LUCY CHESTERTON .

Some celebrities request ice buckets stacked with vintage champagne. There’s one A-lister who insists everything – from the walls of her dressing room to every item of food provided – is white. But not Britney Spears.

The celebrity rider for one of the world’s most photographed women is relatively modest and includes French vanilla coffee, one vegetable platter, a bag of Doritos and two boxes of Pop-Tarts.

It’s a fair bet those last two items have come in handy over the past few days, with Britney’s two young sons Sean Preston, 4, and Jayden James, 3, having flown in to Australia to cheer up their mother in the wake of the lip-synching backlash.

But according to a new book, the fact nobody is actually hearing Britney sing live should come as no surprise. Steve Dennis, a former tour insider and the author of Britney: Inside The Dream, exclusively tells Woman’s Day that “she’s been doing it [lip-synching] for years”.

“Britney never has had the best voice in the world, and yet she’s always been an incredible burlesque-style performer – a true entertainer who creates a spectacle. It’s in that context that her fans appreciate her. It’s in that respect that she does exactly what it says on the tin,” Steve explains.

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Why Tom has lost control

As his religion comes under increasing fire, bizarre new claims plunge Tom Cruise into crisis and have Katie Holmes’ family deeply worried.

Tom Cruise’s world has come crashing down, as his Scientology religion is rocked by a deluge of shocking new claims from church defectors.

The mounting scandal – including allegations of violence and ludicrous rituals –comes as Katie Holmes’ worried parents are providing much needed support to their daughter, who is said to be increasingly disenchanted with her husband’s strange beliefs.

The shell shocked actor’s carefully crafted image has taken a severe beating after claims from a string of former Scientologists, including Marc Headley, author of a new book about his life in the church called Blown For Good: Behind The Iron Curtain Of Scientology. Among the latest allegations: Tom yelled at books, bottles and doorknobs during training, members are made to watch propaganda videos, with Tom as “quasi-religious” figurehead, disobedient members were allegedly beaten at a facility known as “The Hole”, records are kept of members’ confessions, which could be used against them, high ranking members of the religion allegedly auditioned a string of actresses to be Tom’s girlfriend after Penelope Cruz.

The recent criticisms haven’t just rocked Tom’s image, but the religion itself.

While the group insists it has a global following in the millions, its membership has taken a severe hit, with the American Religious Identification Survey finding that its membership fell from 55,000 in 2001 to 25,000 in 2008.

“When you have dozens of people speaking out, it’s no longer credible to say they are all malcontents and criminals,” says former member Jeff Hawkins.

“The church is either going to reform or collapse, and I think it’s going to be the latter because they are incapable of admitting any wrongdoing.”

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Jo Beth Taylor: Why I turned my back on fame

She walked away from the spotlight a decade ago. Now the former TV presenter talks to Patrice Fidgeon about her physical and emotional collapse, her recovery, and the lack of single men in her home town.

Jo Beth Taylor was Australia’s favourite television presenter, hosting three hit shows at once in her heyday, until she disappeared from our screens in 1997 suffering from “sheer emotional and physical exhaustion”.

But when the bubbly blonde recently returned to television for a Hey Hey It’s Saturday reunion special, her glowing grin was a far cry from the exhausted figure she cut when she retired from the popular variety show.

Now Jo Beth has opened up to Woman’s Day about life out of the spotlight, explaining the mental and physical collapse that saw her retire from television. She also confesses she’s facing a new challenge in finding that “special someone” to share her new life with.

“It was just a case of, ‘I don’t want to do this any more. I’m out!’” Jo Beth says of the distressing time when, at only 21, she was the busiest TV personality in Australia, hosting children’s cartoon series What’s Up, Doc?, co-hosting Hey Hey It’s Saturday, helming Australia’s Funniest Home Video Show and, at the same time, establishing a career as a pop singer.

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Keith and Nicole: The baby we thought we would never have

As rumours swirl that Nicole is pregnant again, Keith Urban talks to Dylan Howard about their life together and their precious daughter Sunday.

Heartache and misery form the usual bass line of country music, but Keith Urban insists the tender love and devotion of his young family is even more inspirational.

With talk that Nicole is pregnant again gaining traction as she displays a fuller figure and drops out of a scheduled visit to Kenya, the Aussie singer reveals how marriage has turned his life around and helped him overcome his well-publicised drug and alcohol demons.Keith, 42, adds that their bond is something neither he nor Nicole, 42, take for granted.

Indeed, he counts their marriage as one of his greatest accomplishments – it’s only surpassed by the birth of their daughter, Sunday Rose, who turned one in July – and says he has juggled his touring commitments so he can “say goodnight to my girls” as often as possible.

Keith also reveals that it’s a family he and Nicole thought they may never have.

They feared they had left their run too late after concentrating on their respective careers.

Now, with plans to return to Australia for Christmas to be with family, he says he is ready to end 2009 on a high note.

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Terri under fire as Steve’s dream burns

As flames destroy the wilderness area dedicated to Steve Irwin, neighbours claim Terri is to blame. WARREN GIBBS investigates.

A huge bushfire is destroying the wilderness paradise which Steve Irwin fought to save, as Terri fights criticism she is betraying his dream.

The bushland retreat Terri lovingly calls “Steve’s Place” – a Garden of Eden in Queensland’s remote and rugged Cape York – is burning. Sadly, it now looks more like hell than paradise.

Large areas of this wilderness wonderland have been turned into blackened wasteland by an out-of-control fire that has been burning for weeks.

The land was gifted to Terri by the Federal Government in memory of Steve’s tireless work and ongoing dream to create a world-class wildlife sanctuary – a dream that is now in flames.

Many locals believe Steve would be heartbroken if he could see what has happened to this once pristine 135,000-hectare home to hundreds of rare and threatened species.

As aerial photographs reveal, the fire front, fuelled by dry timber and fanned by howling south-easterly winds, has left a trail of mass devastation, particularly around the iconic Wenlock River.

The chopper pilot who flew over the area estimates that at least 50 per cent of the property, which is more than 400 times the size of Sydney CBD, is ablaze.

And neighbouring property owners have no doubt that the blame lies with Terri’s haphazard management of Steve’s Place.

“It’s a major environmental disaster,” says one neighbour, respected grazier Cameron Quartermaine, who has spent most his life in the Cape. “Terri has no-one but herself to blame.

“Wild fires are a natural occurrence up in the Cape. The damage can be greatly reduced with a strict fire regime, but her land has been left largely untouched. “I reckon almost 80 per cent has been ravaged recently, and that’s a tragedy. It’s poor management and she should accept full responsibility.”

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Jodi’s triumph: How I won back my billionaire

Media heir Ryan Stokes has fallen in love all over again with starlet Jodi Gordon despite their bitter break-up after her out-of-control partying. LUCIE MORRIS-MARR reports.

After hitting rock bottom earlier this year, a resurgent Jodi Gordon has fought valiantly to restore her tarnished reputation – and now Woman’s Day can reveal she has also won back the heart of her former beau.

The Home And Away actress has undertaken a mammoth lifestyle overhaul since her wild partying ways were exposed in June after an alleged drug-fuelled binge with bikie Mark Judge.

As well as punishing herself with gruelling runs as part of a vigorous new exercise regime, Jodi has also embraced a healthy detox diet and been attending regular Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

After five months of what she describes as “clean living”, the 24-year-old starlet is starting to reap the rewards of painstaking efforts, with billionaire former boyfriend Ryan Stokes, 33, hinting at a possible reunion.

“Ryan wants to get back with her, he’s just waiting until it feels comfortable,” a business associate of Ryan’s tells us.

“She’s broken his trust, but he really loves her and wants to try and make it work again.”

The couple split when Jodi, reported missing by Ryan, was found cowering in bikie Mark’s bedroom after an alleged cocaine binge.

She was found when police responded to a report that five armed men were trying to break into Mark’s Bellevue Hill apartment. Mark later conceded that he and Jodi could have been hallucinating when the pair called for help.

Since the scandal, Jodi has been desperate to make amends for the embarrassment that she has caused Ryan.

She made emotional pleas for his forgiveness at the time of the incident, and has recently apologised to the Channel 7 heir for a second time as part of her 12-step AA rehabilitation program.

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On-again, off-again: Harry and Chelsy

It was widely reported in January 2009 that Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy had split up after being together since 2004. During this time the couple were photographed looking distant. It was repoted that Harry’s partying ways contributed to the split.

Throughout their relationship Chelsy was constantly by Harry’s side offering him support. She was there for the fun times…

…and the more serious events. It has been reported that during their time together it was Harry’s commitment to his position in the army which had an impact on the pair’s relationship.

Chelsy became quite close with the royal family and had a good relatshionship with Prince Harry’s brother Prince William and father Prince Charles.

Prince Harry and Chelsy are often spotted at sporting events and usually sneak in a quick kiss!

Prince Harry and Chelsy were usually snapped looking happy, however towards the later stages of their relationship they slowly began to drift apart.

Due to her connection to Prince Harry, Chelsy became heavily targeted by world wide media and paparrazi.

The on-again, off-again couple are reportedly now back together! The pair broke off their five year relationship in January 2010. But since then they have been photographed together, although the couple seem to be trying to stay out of the spot light. We wonder if she will be invited to the royal wedding? Stay tuned for more on this on again, off again romance!

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