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How do I cook with fresh ginger

Fresh ginger

Question: I am not sure how to use fresh ginger in cooking. Should I peel it before using?

Ginger is a plant from tropical and subtropical regions. It is grown for its root, which is the part you buy in the shop.

Much of the flavour of ginger is just under the skin, so if you an avoid peeling it before using then that is better. The best way to do so is to scrape the skin with a teaspoon rather than using a vegetable peeler (however, you may find using a peeler is easier).

Ginger can be used in both sweet and savoury dishes and goes well with a number of other flavours. It is fantastic with white fish, in Asian recipes and stir-fries, as well as steeped in boiling water to make a soothing tea.

Thinly scrape off the outer skin then grate, or cut into matchstick-size pieces, for a more intense flavour. Only a little is required, usually a 2cm or 3cm piece, grated, is enough ginger for a recipe

Ground ginger, also known as powdered ginger, is used as a flavouring in cakes, pies and puddings but cannot be substituted for ginger.

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Aussie girl marrys the real Percy from Harry Potter

An Aussie tells Sandra white how she fell under the spell of the man J.K. Rowling based her character on.

When Aussie woman Sarah Harris is asked how she met husband Chris, she tells you it was magic. After all, he’s one of the Weasleys – or, at least, the family which inspired the famous wizardry family in J.K. Rowling’s best-selling Harry Potter series.

While she didn’t know that then, superstitious Sarah, who was teaching in London when she met Chris in a lunch queue eight years ago, says she somehow felt she was destined to find her true love in the United Kingdom.

“I believe in the occult and something told me to go to England and I would meet a man,” Sarah tells Woman’s Day. “I couldn’t believe it when I saw this drop-dead gorgeous guy in the lunch line at the school we both taught at.

“It was love at first sight – it was like electricity,” she says.

“I was captivated by his magic. I truly believe he cast a spell on me, and we were engaged within six weeks.”

But it wasn’t until several years later that Sarah learnt J.K. Rowling was a family friend and had put the Harris clan into her books.

“My in-laws are Mr and Mrs Weasley,” she laughs. “My brother-in-law, Sean, is Ron Weasley and my husband is Percy Weasley.

The Weasley twins are my brother-in-law Matthew, and Ginny Weasley is my sister-in-law Anne Marie.”

While J.K. Rowling has confirmed many times that the Weasleys are based on the Harris clan, none of them have ever spoken about how they became the famous fiction family … until now.

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Shocking Hollywood trend: Growing up too fast

In their heavy make-up and provocative outfits, these stars are making headlines for all the wrong reasons. JACKIE BRYGEL reports.

With an increasing number of young stars dressing far beyond their years, a debate is growing – is it just an innocent game of dress-ups, or does it represent the dangerous sexualisation of children?

“It’s distressing,” says psychologist Sarah Calleja of the trend. “I think these stars have a duty of care to role-model something more positive.

“Their fans can see this behaviour as acceptable and desirable, even though they don’t understand the possible implications for themselves.

They may also think it’s fun to look and act sexy, but they don’t yet know how to advocate for themselves – to say no. There’s a concern, then, for their long-term health and safety.”

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Police called to Brad and Ange’s LA home

Following a disturbance at the stars’ LA home, Brad prepares to walk away. MATTHEW DENBY reports.

With sirens wailing, two police cars pulled up outside Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s home in a Los Angeles gated community last week, amid a string of reports of screaming rows between the pair. Now Woman’s Day can exclusively reveal Brad has become so despondent over Ange’s insistence on adopting another child, he has had his lawyers draw up a multimillion-dollar separation deal.

Despite their public insistence that everything is fine between them, the couple are under new scrutiny after the mysterious police visit which saw two uniformed officers spend over a quarter of an hour inside their house.

When quizzed by waiting reporters if everything was OK with Brad, one departing officer simply replied, “Yes”.

But well placed sources insist that everything has been far from OK at the stars’ home, with the peace shattered earlier that day by a reported argument so vicious that all those within earshot – including neighbours and domestic staff – were unable to ignore it.

“For the past month they have been arguing over everything,” one local told the UK edition of Grazia magazine. “Brad told Angie that he couldn’t live like that any more, and she flew at him, screaming.”

While there has been no official word on the police visit, law enforcement sources say they did not receive a call from inside the house. Published reports have suggested that it was a worried neighbour who rang for help.

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Meet Adelaide Zoo’s new Pandas!

It’s panda-monium in Adelaide as the two fluffy creatures arrive from China, reports Katherine Chatfield.

As first dates go, it’s a pretty big deal, but Adelaide Zoo’s new giant pandas, Funi and Wang Wang, are “bearing” up under the pressure of their budding romance.

This won’t be any whirlwind relationship though; pandas prefer the old-fashioned approach to dating – taking things slowly.

“They’re being gradually introduced to each other,” says Heather Caddick, President of Zoos South Australia, who is hoping that Wang Wang and Funi will eventually produce baby pandas.

“And they are solitary animals, so they’ll be kept in separate quarters within their enclosure.”

After the furry pair have begun to warm to each other, the conception of a baby panda is reliant on perfect timing, says Heather.

“Female pandas are only interested in sex for four days a year, and males for just two,” she explains.

“It’s a very small window of opportunity. But we’ve been assured they are both very fertile and everything possible will be done to encourage a romance between the pair.

“They’ll come together once a year for courtship like they do in the wild.” Funi, 3, and Wang Wang, 4, who arrived from China on the weekend, are taking their time getting to know each other at the moment, but by the sounds of their personalities, sparks could fly down the track.

“Funi is coquettish and inquisitive,” says Heather. “Wang Wang is definitely a character, too. He’s a big strong boy and is very aware of just how gorgeous he is.

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Bert’s cursed year

Death, dramas and destruction … Bert Newton could be forgiven for wanting the curtain to come down on a torrid 2009. Steve Jackson reports.

As if Bert Newton didn’t have enough to worry about. Between health concerns for his beloved wife, Patti, and the death of close friend Don Lane, the veteran entertainer has endured a turbulent year.

Now our much loved “Moonface” must contend with the erratic behaviour of his wayward son Matthew in the wake of another embarrassing family crisis.

Fast becoming known for his “bad boy” antics, Matthew has agreed to pay a $9000 clean-up bill after the Sydney hotel room he checked into last week before heading to GQ magazine’s Men Of The Year awards was left trashed.

Among the carnage at the luxurious Vibe Hotel, staff are reported to have discovered the room’s flat-screen TV melted in one section, with the translucent material covering the screen peeling away.

A lamp was also ripped out of the wall with enough viciousness to break the gyprock, and there were scratch marks in the carpet.

But the mayhem didn’t end there. Hours after leaving the hotel, from which he failed to formally check out, the young actor was again at the centre of a chaotic scene – this time on a Virgin Blue flight from Sydney to Melbourne.

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Jeanne Little: I’m not dying daahlings!

Despite rumours Jeanne Little is “in very bad health”, GLEN WILLIAMS is told the star is still as over the top as ever.

She’s still mad, vivacious and able to peel paint with that voice when screeching a heartfelt “Daahling”.

Despite reports claiming veteran entertainer Jeanne Little is in “very bad health”, family and friends claim this is far from the truth.

They joined Jeanne’s husband, acclaimed interior designer Barry, in dismissing claims the TV and stage star is in the throes of Alzheimer’s.

“She’s not frail, far from it,” laughs one of Jeanne’s closest friends. “Those reports are grossly exaggerated. For as long as I’ve known Jeanne, and that’s close to 30 years, she’s always had memory issues – why do you think she calls everybody Daahling? She’s hopeless at names.”

According to friends, Jeanne still has all the magic that made us first fall in love with her back in the mid-’70s when she captivated us on The Mike Walsh Show.

Only last year she trotted out some of her headline-grabbing fashion creations to help Woman’s Day celebrate its 60th birthday.

The close friend says he accompanied Jeanne to the Sydney opening night of Wicked in September, where she was a fun presence among the crowd. “She was there, looking fabulous in one of her out-there gowns. We went backstage and mixed it up with the cast, and she even filmed a promo for the show where she said, ‘Daahling, this is truly a Wicked evening.”

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Nicole’s little secret

She’s denied it before, and she’s denying it again, but all signs point to baby number two for Nicole Kidman, Clare Rigden reports.

Dressed in a beautiful figure-hugging dress, clutching her belly and teasing photographers, Nicole Kidman was glowing as she walked the red carpet at the American Music Awards with husband Keith Urban.

With his hand protectively on her back, the country crooner carefully steered his wife towards the hordes of photographers eager to capture the shot that would confirm what everyone on the night was thinking – that Nic is expecting a baby.

The scene was reminiscent of Nicole’s behaviour in early 2008, soon after she had fallen pregnant with Sunday Rose, now aged one.

The similarities between Nicole’s presence then and now are striking – the newly voluptuous figure, the delicate baby-bump, Keith’s hand on her back, her glowing skin – everything seems to indicate Nicole has a secret. But one that won’t remain hidden for too long.

Rumours that the star is pregnant a second time began to circulate after Nicole, 42, was photographed with Keith at the recent Country Music Awards. Dressed in a tight L’Wren Scott dress, her ample cleavage turned heads – especially since, just days before, she spoke publicly about how much her body changed during her first pregnancy.

“They’re not very big, my boobs, so they just became normal size. I loved it!” Nic told the US magazine, Ladies’ Home Journal.

“I felt very woman. When you’ve had a slightly androgynous body for your whole life, having breasts is a nice feeling.”

The Home Journal pictures, along with the set taken at the American Music Awards, had reporters and gossip sites buzzing, with many believing they were conclusive proof Nicole is once again expecting.

The star has never made any secret of the fact that she enjoys showing a belly bump, believing it to be a normal and appealing part of womanhood. “I have a little bit of a belly,” she says. “It’s the one thing I don’t want to lose. I just like having some softness.”

However, that belly bump, combined with the fact she has cleared her schedule for the coming months, has increased speculation it may be something more.

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Exclusive: Trishna and Krishna’s mum tells why I gave up my babies

For the first time, the birth mother of the separated twins tells of her heartbreaking journey leading to their adoption, and praises the Aussie ‘angels’ who saved her girls. Jonica Bray reports.

Her eyes filled with tears of joy, Lovely Golder watched on TV in Bangladesh as surgeons in Australia miraculously separated conjoined twins Trishna and Krishna – the little girls she had given birth to. Then came the pain.

Lovely knew the price of the life-saving operation was a mother’s ultimate sacrifice: She would never see her girls again.

Even knowing she gave life to her daughters twice – once in hospital and again by putting them up for adoption so they could get medical help – could not stop the heartbreak.

Married at the tender age of 18 and falling pregnant at 20, Lovely, along with husband Kartick Mollick, was overjoyed at the news she was going to be a mother.

“We were both very happy that we were going to have children, and hoped to have a happy family raising them nicely,” says Lovely, now 23.

It was only months later, at an ultrasound appointment, the couple were told they were expecting twins, and that concerns had been raised regarding their health.

“Doctors informed me we were going to have daughters, but the report also said they had some tumours on top of their heads,” remembers Lovely.

Devastated, the pair returned home to their small village in Rangpur, Bangladesh. Trying not to think the worst, they clung to a desperate hope their children would be OK.

On December 22, 2006, Lovely went into labour. “I was taken to a local maternity clinic by a three-wheeler cycle van. A doctor from our village informed them that an emergency patient was being taken to the clinic.”

With her husband, mother and sister anxiously awaiting news, doctors prepared Lovely for a caesarean section.

“I was very worried and afraid when I saw all of the instruments in the operating theatre and cried, holding my mother and my husband.

Then the doctors injected me with some medicine and I lost my consciousness.” When Lovely awoke two-and-a-half hours later, she was blindfolded – not a normal practice in Bangladeshi hospitals. Dazed and disoriented, she began to panic, until she heard the cries of her new daughters.

“I thought that the ultrasound report must be wrong and that my babies were healthy and crying normally,” she says.

“I wanted to untie my eyes, but I found my hands were tied. These were not tied before I was given the medicine.”

Asking for her blindfold to be removed, Lovely was anxious to catch the first glimpse of her precious girls – but medical staff refused.

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Reese and Jake’s reps deny break-up rumors


Representatives for Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal have been quick to deny a People report that the couple had broken up.

At 2.45pm on Sunday the magazine’s website cited an unnamed source “close to” Witherspoon, claiming the pair was no longer an item. By 5pm the same day, People reported that Witherspoon and Gyllenhaal’s representatives were denying the break-up.

“It is not true,” Nanci Ryder and Carrie Byalick, who represent Witherspoon and Gyllenhaal respectively, told People. “They are still together.”

The actress, 33, who is five years older than Jake, spoke about the pair spending weekends away together at her farmhouse in Ojai as recently as last month.

“We spend the weekends outside LA, in Ojai, where I have a farmhouse,” Witherspoon told InStyle magazine. “We have chickens and we grow cucumbers and tomatoes. I love it. It reminds me of where I grew up in Tennessee.”

Word of the pair becoming an item spread after they were cast alongside each other in the 2007 movie Rendition.

The Legally Blonde actress had separated from her husband of seven years, Ryan Philippe, a year earlier.

Although she denied it at first, Reese finally confirmed her relationship with Jake, once her divorce from Ryan was final, in an interview with Vogue magazine.

She revealed to the magazine that Jake was “very supportive”.

“I’m very happy in life, and I’m very lucky to have a lot of really supportive people around me who care very much for me, and, you know, that’s all you can hope for in life. I am very blessed in that way,” Witherspoon said.

Since then there have been numerous shots of the pair together and with Reese’s two children Ava Elizabeth and Deacon Reese.

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