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Do less, achieve more

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If you think you’re working at full capacity and still not getting everything done, take time to reassess your work habits. A few simple steps will soon have you leaving on time with a clear head and sense of achievement. The secret? Work smarter, not harder.

1. Make a list

“The humble to-do list often gets overlooked,” says Sophie Gill, member of the Australasian Association of Professional Organisers and founder of professional organising service Little Miss Sorted. “Or it becomes a guilt-ridden ‘What I still haven’t done’ list.” Sophie suggests the following:

  • Break things down into manageable chunks. Don’t just write “Organise monthly meeting”. Be more specific with “Book meeting room”, “Confirm catering”, etc.

  • Don’t expect to cross everything off in one day. Focus on a realistic number of items.

  • If it takes as long to write something down as it does to do it, just do it.

2. Cut out distractions

Time-saving technology is a godsend, but a text message here, an e-mail there and a bit of Internet in between can soon swallow half a morning. The answer is to allocate a time for everything.

“Check e-mails only twice a day,” Sophie says. “And don’t leave the program running in the background.” If something’s urgent, make an old-fashioned phone call.

Are you tempted to chat with your mates online? “This is one of the biggest time wasters around,” Sophie says. “If you really must, do it in your lunch break.” Put your mobile on silent and only check it twice a day. If your work phone is a constant interruption, use your voicemail. Don’t feel obliged to answer every time it rings.

3. Get organised

Take time to sort out your work space, your diary and your personal work rhythms.

“Create a system for dealing with paperwork and you’ll save yourself time and stress when you can lay your hands on a document in seconds,” Sophie says.

Condense your diaries into one. “Don’t waste time checking an e-mail diary, a pocket diary, a wall calendar and an electronic organiser,” Sophie says.

Set yourself deadlines. If you allocate an hour for a task, it’s likely to take an hour. If you allocate two, it will take two. It works on the same principle as “You’ll always spend what you earn”.

4. Take (in)action

Procrastination is a huge time waster. Instead of sitting around talking about something, do something.

“If that means you have to delegate, so be it,” Sophie says. “Delegating can free up time for more important tasks, so don’t be afraid to do it.”

E-mail inboxes soon fill up. Help prevent this by sending and replying less — do you really need to e-mail someone to say “Thanks for your e-mail”? And deal with messages immediately, whether you forward them, file them or delete them.

Women are notoriously bad at saying no, but a few well-placed negatives can leave you free to get on with your own work.

5. Be honest with yourself

If you know you work better at certain times of the day — for most people that’s between the hours of 8am and 12pm — don’t leave the most important things on your to-do list until last. Tackle them first thing and you’ll achieve more than ever before.

And finally, if you complain you have too much to do, but you arrive late then spend an hour gossiping with colleagues, it’s probably you who’s making you stay late and feel stressed. Set your alarm clock earlier, save the chit-chat for after work and you’ll soon be Little Miss Sorted.

Your say: Are you an organised person? What tips do you have for spending time more efficiently? Share with us below…

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The people have spoken

The 2010 People’s Choice Awards were held in Los Angeles last night with a bevy of glamourous stars littering the red carpet.

In the winners circle the Aussie’s were well represented, with Hugh Jackman taking out the award for Favourite Action Star, (beating out Christian Bale, Gerard Butler, Shia Lebouf and Vin Diesel) and Keith Urban (with gorgeous date, wife Nicole Kidman) voted Favourite Male Artist (over rapper Eminem, Jason Mraz, John Mayer and fellow country star Tim McGraw).

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

Nicole shares a special moment with husband keith

Favourite Male Artist, Keith Urban

Favourite Action Star, Hugh Jackman aka *Wolverine*

Favourite Action Star, Hugh Jackman aka Wolverine

Friends Hugh Jackman and Keith Urban joke on the red carpet

Favourite Movie Actor, Johnny Depp

Hugh Laurie accepts the award for his hit TV show *House* which won Favourite TV Drama.

Hugh Laurie accepts the award for his hit TV show House which won Favourite TV Drama.

Favourite Comedy Movie went to *The Proposal*, starring Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock

Favourite Comedy Movie went to The Proposal, starring Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock

Songbird Mariah Carey won the award for Favourite R&B Artist

Songbird Mariah Carey won the award for Favourite R&B Artist

*Inglourious Basterds* won Favourite Independent Movie.

Inglourious Basterds won Favourite Independent Movie.

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PETA poaches Michelle Obama for anti-fur campaign

Michelle Obama

She may have stated that she does not wear fur, but fashion icon and US first lady, Michelle Obama, did not give consent for her image to be used in a PETA campaign which is now being seen all over the US capital, Washington, DC.

The Obama camp is very unhappy that the animal rights organisation has used the image without consent, USA Today reported.

The first lady’s picture appears on a billboard advertisement alongside fur-free celebrities, including Tyra Banks, Oprah Winfrey and Carrie Underwood.

The billboard, which has been put up in Washington subways, proudly states “Fur-free and fabulous” above the pictures of some of the most influential women in America.

But the first lady’s camp is reportedly unhappy with the use of Michelle’s picture.

“We did not consent to this,” said Semonti Stephens, a spokeswoman for the first lady.

The Whitehouse has declined to comment further.

PETA responded in a statement confirming they did not seek consent for the use of the image.

“We haven’t asked the White House to fund or promote the campaign, as they can’t do such things,” PETA said.

“But the fact is that Michelle Obama has issued a statement indicating that she doesn’t wear fur, and the world should know that in PETA’s eyes, that makes her pretty fabulous.”

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Review: *Broken Embraces*

Penélope Cruz in Broken Embraces

Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar has always had an affinity with women in his movies. They are often portrayed as iron-willed and given leading roles. Men always seem weak and enslaved by their weaknesses, usually towards women.

Almodóvar tends to stick with his favoured leading ladies, and in his new film, Broken Embraces, we are fortunate he continues to rely on Penélope Cruz.

In pictures: Penélope Cruz

Broken Embraces is the story of a writer who calls himself Harry Caine (Lluìs Homar), after previously being known as Mateo Blanco. He is a charming man, and in the opening scene seduces a beautiful young lady — all the more remarkable considering he is blind. His agent, Judit, reluctantly cleans up the aftermath and her son Diego (Tamar Novas) helps Harry by writing his scripts. There is a strong bond and unspoken history between the three, and how it is played out is subtle and confronting.

Documentary filmmaker Ray X (Rubén Ochandiano) visits Harry, wanting to make a film about a rich man and his gay son, and bringing echoes of their past. He is summarily dismissed but Harry and Judit are rattled. While Judit is away scouting for locations for a film, Diego falls ill and Harry looks after him.

It is while he is recovering that Harry starts to recount their past and how he lost his sight. Through flashbacks we hear his confessional about Harry’s alter ego Mateo Blanco, the brash filmmaker, aspiring actress Magdalena (Cruz) and Ernesto Martel (José Luis Gómez), the rich businessman who cannot bear to lose her — and another trio of entanglement unfolds.

Almodóvar has an uncanny knack of taking dark tales and dressing them in bright colours. Some of the sets in this film are artistic blends of bright pastels, and there is a strong element of red in almost every shot. There is passion everywhere and Almodóvar wants us to feel it simmering in every character’s actions. And no matter how bleak the tale, there is always humour to break the flow.

The acting is of the highest order, and Cruz has not lost any of her talent after her US success and dalliance with that Scientologist. Homar is charming as Harry Caine/Mateo and there is more than a hint of Amlodóvar in his character. Blanca Portillo plays her complex role as Judit very nicely and Tomar Novas as her son is engaging rather than annoying.

The ending is a little confusing and there is still a hint of ambiguity, but this isn’t Hollywood. This is a film about the destructiveness of jealousy and ego over beauty, while taking pot shots at the industry, and some self-depreciating chuckles.

While not being one of Almodóvar’s best movies, it is still an enjoyable film which will delight his fans and charm some new ones. His ability to paint each scene from a bright palette and bring out the humour during this dark tale will impress and entertain rather than dazzle with its brilliance.

At two hours the movie is a little long and indulgent, but many of these shots are dedicated to Penélope displaying her rich character. And it’s a visual embrace many of us do not wish to break.

Your say: Have you seen this film? What did you think?

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Vince Vaughn ties the knot

Vince Vaughn

He was the man who many hoped would change Jennifer Aniston’s unlucky-in-love curse. But Vince Vaughn has confirmed he has found true love with his real estate agent girlfriend after the pair married on January 2, 2010.

The Wedding Crashers star married Canadian-born Kyla Weber in a small ceremony in front of 60 people in his hometown of Lake Forest, Illinois, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

The cute couple, who got engaged on Valentine’s Day last year, have been dating for two years.

Vince opened up about their relationship and their engagement to Ellen DeGeneres when he appeared on her talk show last year.

“I figured this is not a ship to be missed because I will not forget this date. So Valentine’s Day was the day that I asked her,” he said on the show.

“She makes me laugh. She is wonderful. I’m just thrilled.”

Vince and Kyla are often spotted out and about at sporting events, supporting his much-loved ice hockey team the Chicago Blackhawks and baseball team the Chicago Cubs.

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The golden age

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Seeing as better nutrition and improvements in medicine mean that we’re probably eventually going to live for longer, it’s good to know that we’re going to feel happier as we grow older.

According to reports presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in August 2009, adults in their eighties are generally more content than those in their late teens.

Studies by researchers at the Stanford Center on Longevity show that older people have more control over their emotions. For example, they are more likely to avoid situations that make them stressed, and better able to shrug off criticism.

Interestingly, two of the most important factors in ensuring future happiness — the quality of a person’s social network (which makes them 60 percent less likely to show signs of cognitive impairment) and the level of their education (for every additional year of education, you can increase life expectancy by over a year) — are both aspects of life that you do have some control over, compared with prolonged, stressful situations like an illness that you cannot control.

Your say: Do you agree with this study? What has been the happiest time in your life so far? Share with us below…

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I fell in love with my geriatric patient

I had always wanted to be a nurse, ever since I was a little girl. I thought it was a really honorable profession and that I could really make a difference. I started night shift at the nursing home just after I finished my training. At 21, it was my first real job and my first hands on nursing experience.

I chose geriatric nursing because I love old people – their wisdom and the way they look at life. I knew many of them might be lonely and thought I could be there for them. Nursing homes often have such bad reputations and I believed I could offer some top quality nursing, conversation and kindness to those who may not have a supportive family around them.

On my first night at the home the senior nurse took me around to meet the patients in my ward and helped me get them settled for bed. Most of the patients had decorated their rooms to make them homely and comfortable, filling them with pictures of their children and grandchildren.

The only one who hadn’t was the last patient I met that night – Karl. He was German and had moved to Australia in the in the 1940s. He sat in his chair, surrounded by pictures of buildings and landmarks from all around the world – no children, no grandchildren, not even a photograph of a sweetheart. He looked very dapper in his dressing gown and cravat and stood carefully when I entered the room and introduced myself. He took my hand and gently kissed it. In his thick German accent he said, “Ah Emma. I knew a very beautiful girl in Germany named Emma. You are even more beautiful than her.”

I blushed and pulled my hand away as the senior nurse told him to stop his nonsense and get ready for bed. I already had a boyfriend – crass, crude, motorbike riding Pete – whose idea of a compliment was a rough smack on the bum and telling me I’d made a nice dinner.

I had never had a man stand as I entered a room, kiss my hand and tell me I was beautiful.

After I had finished my rounds for the night and was getting ready for a much needed coffee, I walked past Karl’s room and saw that while everyone else slept, he sat in his chair, door open, writing in his diary. I walked past quietly and for a moment hoped he was writing about me.

I loved working at the nursing home, even though there were sad times when one of my lovely patients got sick. I became very attached to them all and it was hard to see them slowly deteriorate with cancer or dementia.

After a few weeks I started to notice that I was looking forward to being at work more and more. The main reason for this was Karl. Every evening I would pop in to say goodnight and slowly started staying for a cup of tea and a chat.

Eventually I would finish my rounds and go and sit with him for the rest of the night. He was such a night owl that it was perfect for us. We would talk until the sun came up.

We were different in so many ways – at 76, he was 55 years older than me. We had completely different backgrounds and while my life was really just beginning, his was winding down. He was mentally quick and bright but his body was slow and old.

I would tell him about Pete and he would say, “You deserve someone better Emma. Someone who appreciates you.”

We started to spend as much time together as possible. The hours away from him were torture. Pete and I were fighting all the time and all I wanted to do was be with Karl. We started sleeping together and even though he was old, he was a tender, gentle lover and and with some help from Viagra he could satisfy me even more than Pete could.

Our nights were spent talking and holding each other, except for the brief moments when I had to go and check on a patient or make an appearance in the tearoom so that the other nurses didn’t get suspicious.

No one really thought it was possible for a girl like me – young and pretty – to fall for an old man. They thought I was just being kind and listening to his stories. Little did they know I had fallen in love with him.

Pete moved out saying that I was never there anyway. I wasn’t sad to see him go. I just wanted to be with Karl all the time and even asked him to move in with me. He said he couldn’t put that pressure on me to quit my job and look after him full time. I tried to convince him but he wouldn’t.

A few weeks later it was our 3 month anniversary. I turned up to work with some of Karl’s favourite foods in a picnic basket. I had baked his favourite apple teacake and brought some special cheeses that he couldn’t have very often because of his health.

It was going to be a special night full of forbidden foods and love making. I had even bought a new lace teddy to surprise him – black with pink stitching and nice and high cut, just the way he liked them.

Smiling and excited, I burst into his room expecting to see him get up out of his chair but the room was empty. I felt sick. Something was very wrong. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I dropped the basket of food and ran to the tea room. One of the nurses was there reading a magazine and having a cup of tea.

She looked up at me, “Oh darling, he died this afternoon. It was his heart. I know it’s your first death here. I know it’s a shock.”

I let her hold me as I sobbed.

Afterwards I sat in his room, in the same chair he had sat in all those evenings. The room still smelt of him. I hugged one of his dressing gowns and breathed him in, wishing he was still alive.

I left my job soon after because the rumor mill went into overdrive. It was normal to miss a patient, to feel sad at their passing but people soon got suspicious of my constant tears and the fact that I was the sole beneficiary of his will. I used his money to travel the world, wishing with all my heart that he could have shared each moment with me. Then I came home and got a job at an office.

I still curl up in his chair at night with a glass of port, imagining him with me. I read his diary and my favourite page is decorated with sketches of pretty flowers and a few simple words – “Today I met a beautiful girl named Emma.”

Picture: Getty Images. Posed by model.

Your say: Have your say about this true confession below…

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Peter and Katie: The bitter battle continues

Katie Price

The bitter battle between Katie Price and Peter Andre has intensified after Katie’s New Year’s Eve party, which the couple’s two children attended, reportedly became rowdy and violent.

The celebration, held at Katie’s house, got out of hand when her current boyfriend Alex Reid and ex-boyfriend English pop star Dane Bowers allegedly became caught up in a fight, the UK’s Sun reported.

Dane, who is currently on the UK’s Celebrity Big Brother, spoke about the fight saying it was an incident between a few people being “silly”.

“I don’t know why I got involved … to try and help out. I don’t think it’s worth getting into that exactly,” he said on the reality TV show’s diary room.

“Just because Alex and I were in the same vicinity, Alex’s name was brought into it as well and suddenly it turned into me and Alex fighting.”

The UK’s Daily Mail reported that Peter is furious about his two children, two-year-old Princess Tiaamii and four-year-old Junior, being at the party.

Pictures have emerged on guests’ Facebook pages of the children at the party despite guests being asked to sign confidentiality agreements to stop photos being published.

Peter is reportedly consulting his lawyers over the incident and it looks like the couple, who are constantly feuding over their children, are heading for another legal battle.

Before the New Year’s Eve bash the Aussie singer and Katie were feuding over who the children would spend Christmas with.

Peter wanted his children to join him in Australia where he spent Christmas with his family, but Katie refused.

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Shaping eyebrows

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Dayton hits broadway!

Dayton Tavares

Young Aussie dancer Dayton Tavares, in the US to star in the musical Billy Elliot, is being hailed as the next Hugh Jackman.

Starring in the New York production of smash-hit musical Billy Elliot is all in a day’s work for down-to-earth Sydney boy Dayton Tavares.

While the talented 13-year-old is the youngest Australian to land a lead role on Broadway, he’s also happy that, as far as he’s concerned, nothing beats the pizza in the Big Apple.

“That’s my favourite thing that I’ve eaten here!” he says. “They have a sausage pizza with cheese and tomato that’s really good.”

For Dayton’s proud mum, Sharon, talk that her only son is being hailed as the next Hugh Jackman brings tears to her eyes.

“That’s a pretty big thing to say,” she says. “What an honour! I get a bit speechless and choked up when I hear something like that.”

After taking the Australian theatre world by storm for two years in the Melbourne and Sydney productions of Billy Elliot, Dayton was stunned to receive a call from the creators of the Tony Award-winning show inviting him to Broadway.

“It was surreal when we got that call,” Sharon recalls. “It still is a bit surreal to think he’s performing on Broadway. Dayton said, ‘Mum, you’ll have to pinch me!’”

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