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Hunger strike farmer’s family: We’re proud of dad!

Huger strike farmer Peter Spencer

As Peter Spencer remains on his platform, refusing to eat in a protest over farmers’ land rights, his daughter Sarah tells why she understands her dad’s action.

Starving, sunburnt and isolated on a makeshift platform 20 metres in the air, Peter Spencer could not imagine his suffering getting any worse … until he looked down.

When the protesting farmer, in the sixth week of his dramatic hunger strike, which began on November 23, 2009, saw his daughter Sarah nursing her four-month-old son Saxon on the ground, he realised he was too weak to come down and embrace his new grandson for the first time.

With Sarah unwilling to risk her baby’s life in a climb up to the platform – which is on a wind-monitoring tower on her dad’s property in Cooma, an hour south of Canberra – Peter, 58, was forced to watch on in despair.

Giving up food was one thing, forgoing time with the newest member of his family another.But Sarah says she understands Peter’s decision to maintain his strike in his campaign for better land rights for farmers.

“It was very hard for Dad – it would be for any grandfather,” she says. “Dad could see his new grandson from the platform, and he couldn’t cuddle him. I was sad myself. I can only imagine how he felt.”

But despite Peter’s disappointment, it was still a shining display of love-laced family unity. His children experienced first-hand their father’s opposition to the government’s refusal to compensate farmers it has banned from developing and clearing their land.

It was a poignant moment that made Peter realise the enormous emotional pain his campaign was costing. But just seeing his four children and grandson was a well-timed morale-boost for him as the lonely vigil of his hunger strike extended towards 50 days.

“We went straight to see him when we arrived back in Australia,” says Sarah, who now lives in America. “We called out, ‘We love you, Dad.’ He was really surprised because he didn’t know we were coming.”

With Peter as a figurehead, thousands of farmers across Australia caught up in similar bureaucratic obstinacy that is sending them bankrupt, have found new resolve in demanding a royal commission into land rights.

Peter’s unprecedented hunger strike has turned the farmers’ fight into a national issue. But for Sarah, the personal struggle of watching her dad – who is surviving only on fluids – deteriorate has been agonising.

Your say: Do you support Peter’s protest? Should Prime Minister Kevin Rudd meet with him?

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Brad and Ange at war in New York

Brad and Ange

As the couple snipe at each other, it seems the only thing keeping their happy family act going is Brad’s concern for the children.

It should have been a fun day out in New York for Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and their children. But hot chocolates all around couldn’t sweeten the bitter aftertaste for the superstar couple, who barely managed to force the occasional smile for the sake of their kids after a spate of particularly vicious rows.

The body language between the pair – who are in the Big Apple as Ange finishes shooting scenes for her upcoming movie, Salt – was often as icy as the New York sidewalks as they lunched at the hip Cafe Metro.

“Brad, Angie and four of their kids came in around 3pm,” a restaurant employee reveals. “Brad was real nice; he came up to the counter and ordered four medium hot chocolates. But Angie just sat at the table with the kids and didn’t say a word to him. And when they left, she walked a few steps ahead of Brad and never looked back.”

Things have gone rapidly south for the pair as Ange struggles with the stress of filming new scenes for Salt – which was supposed to have wrapped months ago – and Brad reacts to tension in their relationship by hitting the bottle more and more. But despite all the drama, Brad is determined that their children, Maddox, 8, Pax, 6, Zahara, 5, Shiloh, 3, and 17-month-old twins Knox and Vivienne, must be shielded from the carnage at all costs.

“No matter what,” a friend told US magazine Star, “he’ll put on a happy face for them.”

That spirit was on display when Brad took Pax and Maddox to the Dave & Buster’s amusement arcade in Times Square with his brother Doug. Enjoying some father-son bonding time in the shooting gallery, the star seemed keen to keep his boys happy and distracted. But maintaining the happy family facade is becoming increasingly difficult. When Brad last week returned home after a tequila-fuelled drinking session with mates at the popular Mexico City Cafe, Ange reportedly exploded, causing him to flee their Big Apple base for some time out.

Ange was so furious with Brad over his boozing – which witnesses confirm included two margaritas and three large Gran Centenario tequilas in one sitting – that he had no option but to leave. “She shouted, ‘How dare you do this! You swore you wouldn’t drink like this,’” a household source told the National Enquirer. “‘What kind of example are you setting for the kids? Pack your things and get out!’

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Hey girls, this is what a real woman looks like!


As the debate over body image rages, Ricki-Lee Coulter tells Clare Rigden why she’s proud to fly the flag for average-sized Aussie women.

As images of slender Jennifer Hawkins and unretouched shots of Bianca Dye cause controversy across Australia, there’s never been a better time for women to stand up and be counted as beautiful no matter what they weigh.

And just to prove beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, out-and-proud hourglass songstress Ricki-Lee Coulter couldn’t be more relaxed as she poses in her swimwear, looking every inch a supermodel as she flashes her famously sunny smile for the cameras.

“This is what I really look like” she says. “I’m not ashamed of showing my curves to the world. I’m the same size as the average woman in Australia – a size 14.”

Ricki-Lee is so passionate about body honesty, the brave singer sent us a clear instruction about airbrushing weeks before this Bali shoot took place: “My only request is no retouching of my body or shape,” she wrote.

Ricki-Lee’s decision to skip the airbrush shows her willingness to embrace her body in the competitive showbiz world, which is largely dominated by size 10 or smaller.

“There’s a big divide between fashion models like Jennifer Hawkins and the average size 14 or 16 woman in Australia, and I understand how there’s a struggle to relate,” Ricki-Lee says.

“Jen looks beautiful on the cover and I applaud any woman who is prepared to appear in print without any airbrushing. But I love the photo of Bianca Dye that shows her sexy killer curves.

I think a lot of women will look at her and think this is what a real woman looks like.”

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Suicide fears for Tiger

Tiger Woods

Loved ones are worried about the golfer as he disappears amid a barrage of bad news.

Disgraced golfing star Tiger Woods has not been seen in public since mid-December, sparking concern that his fragile emotional state has pushed him to the brink.

After being dumped by many of his sponsors, Tiger is also set to lose at least $300 million in his divorce from wife Elin Nordegren.

Adding to his woes are rumours of a sex tape being offered for sale to porn companies by one of his 15 known mistresses.

Tiger’s mental state is now a source of deep concern for his friends and family. His mum Kultida has been telling family how anxious she is about her son, following his lightning visit to her home in a gated community in Orange County, California, late last month.

“Tiger is losing his wife, probably his kids, a lot of money, endorsements, his public standing, reputation and even his mistresses,” says a family friend. “He went from having it all and then some, to losing most of it and he’s understandably depressed.”

The insider says that Tiger is on “unofficial suicide watch”, meaning he’s never left alone. “His loved ones are worried.”

Although he stepped away from his golfing career in the hope he could save his marriage, the reality that Elin can’t forgive him has now sunk in. Their contact has been reduced to terse telephone conversations, often monitored by her protective twin sister Josefin.

Elin was seen in Florida with the couple’s children after celebrating Christmas without him, and later in the French Alps with her family. In contrast, a despondent Tiger is refusing to face the world.

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Biggest Loser trainers speak out: This show will kill someone

Biggest Loser

On the eve of the 2010 series, trainers Jillian Michaels and Michelle Bridges speak out about the dangers of throwing unprepared and obese contestants into drastic diets and extreme workouts.

Worried trainers Jillian Michaels and Michelle Bridges have spoken out about their fears for contestants on The Biggest Loser, with Jillian claiming she has no control over their demanding workouts and is scared the unfit competitors could keel over.

The entrants’ obesity and lack of fitness before they start on the show mean they risk a heart attack or injury from the moment they set foot in the Loser headquarters, where their diets are drastically changed and strict workouts begin immediately.

“The contestants keep getting bigger and bigger,” Jillian says. “As the trainers, we have no say over the challenges. We worry about them.”

The famous American fitness fanatic has risked her spot on the top-rating show by speaking out about the drama we never see on screen, admitting ice-packs are often needed to tend over-extended muscles.

“For every 10 minutes we’re on the show, there are a hundred hours of training you don’t see … the stretching, the icing.”

Australian trainer Michelle Bridges agrees the competition is tough on contestants.

“I have many sleepless nights concerned about their welfare, concerned about their health and concerned about their headspace.

“I would definitely say they take it to the edge.”

Teams of medics, dietitians and other personnel are on hand 24 hours a day to monitor participants.

“We have got them exercising like they have never exercised before,” Michelle says.

“They do push the boundaries, but what comes out of that is the contestants looking back on what they have done and going, ‘I had no idea I could even do that’.”

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Craig and Antonia’s celebration!

Antonia and Craig

As Antonia Kidman prepares to resettle in Singapore with the man she loves, some think the pair have already wed!

He has already captured the heart of Antonia Kidman, now Craig Marran has won over her youngest daughter, Sybella, 2.

The bright-eyed toddler was just three weeks old when her mum’s marriage to dad Angus Hawley broke down, with him seeking treatment for depression.

While Antonia and Angus’s three other children – Lucia, 11, Hamish, 9, and James, 6 – spent the summer break with their father on the NSW North Coast, two-year-old Sybella stayed behind in Sydney to have some fun in the sun with her mum and Craig.

On a post-Christmas visit to see big sister Nicole and her husband Keith Urban at their new $6 million, 21st floor penthouse overlooking Sydney’s stunning Lavender Bay, protective Craig scooped up Sybella and carried her – while never letting go of Antonia’s hand.

And he was the ultimate doting dad as the three strolled around the rocks at Whale Beach, north of Sydney, where the couple rented a place for the holidays.

The 42-year-old banker has also been embraced by the 39-year-old TV host’s family.

“Craig is enjoying being a welcome member of the extended Kidman clan,” a family friend, who has spent time with both Angus and Craig, tells Woman’s Day. “He has certainly embraced Sybella as his own. He’s very much the hands-on dad. Sybella doesn’t really spend much time with Angus.”

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Mary steps up to the throne

Princess Mary

Denmark is abuzz as Princess Mary is given the green light to become the new Queen.

The Princess Mary fairytale has gathered an exciting new momentum, with the news Queen Margrethe is about to step down, and is preparing the way for Mary and her husband, Crown Prince Frederik, to take the throne by May.

Queen Margrethe will abdicate the throne when she turns 70 on April 16, reports top-selling Danish publication Her og Nu.

The Queen, who has long talked of retiring and enjoying life with her eccentric food-loving husband Henrik in the South of France, asked her daughter-in-law on January 6 to attend the Royal New Year Reception – the first time Mary has been invited to this glittering VIP event.

Until this year, only Mary’s husband of almost six years, Crown Prince Frederik, has attended the reception with his parents.

Veteran Danish royal watcher and photographer Steffen Soren tells Woman’s Day that Mary and Frederik have already started taking over some of Queen Margrethe’s duties.

“They are also appearing more regularly with the Queen,” he reports. “The Queen is looking tired and a couple of times last year I have caught her in pain.

“I think the Danes would love Mary as a Queen and we would feel even better if the Queen doesn’t have to die first.”

Regal, and more than ready, Mary’s accession to the Danish Throne is seen as just reward for her tireless hard work as Crown Princess. In the short time she has been a princess, Mary has taken to her royal role with such ease, poise and natural grace she has become the most popular member of the Danish royal family. Last year the Danes also voted her Woman Of The Year.

Danish royal watchers say Margrethe’s actions in giving Mary so many important assignments recently are all part of her secret plan to abdicate after her 70th birthday.

The Queen knows her daughter-in-law is now ready to step into the role. Mary’s classic elegance has already earned her the undisputed title Queen of Style. But her calm assurance and regal presence at recent royal galas have the Danes giving her the complete thumbs-up as the woman they want for their monarch.

“Seeing her so regal it seems like this is predestined,” Mary’s proud big brother, John Donaldson, tells Woman’s Day.

He believes she will be a wonderful and much-adored Queen, the perfect woman to follow in the steps of Margrethe.

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Cous cous vs rice

Cous cous, rice, potatoes, pasta

“How healthy is cous cous compared to rice? Is there rice that’s better than other rice? Does cous cous have a low GI?”

Cous cous is a wheat product and is very popular in the Middle East. It can be used as a fluffy grain alternative to rice.

Neither rice nor cous cous is low-GI, but different types of rice vary in their GI levels. (See table below)

Some people who suffer from wheat intolerance should avoid cous cous, whereas rice is a very low allergen food and tolerated by nearly everyone. If you are managing high blood sugar levels and/or diabetes, then select a rice from the table below that is low-GI and avoid cous cous in favour of lower-GI barley, buckwheat, bulgar and quinoa.

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What women want

What women look for in a man used to be so clear-cut, but times-a-changing. So what are the ingredients for a perfect bachelor in 2010?

Whether you’re single and on the lookout for a partner or attached but intrigued to see how your man matches up to the ‘ideal’ check out this recipe for the perfect bachelor in 2010. Men – take note!

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Parental control: Healthy eating habits in kids

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Getty Images

As parents there are various ways you can have a positive impact on your children’s long-term eating behaviours. We’ve come up with some key ways in which you can help establish healthy habits for life. We’d also love to hear any tips you may have.

Set an example. As parents, you will need to set the example as your children will model their eating behaviour from you. If your kids don’t see you enjoying a balanced diet — it will be much more difficult for you to convince them they should eat well!

Remember, eating habits established as a child are carried throughout life! Enjoy meal times together and try and involve your children in meal preparation whether it is the shopping, washing, peeling or cooking. Kids are more likely to eat what they have helped prepare.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle for life. Consciously thinking about your child’s food choices and also the meals you, as a parent, prepare is an important step in encouraging healthy, nutritious food choices in your own home. Paired with you, as a parent, setting a good example, you will assist your children to develop healthy habits for life. Remember, eating habits established as a child are carried throughout life.

Encourage variety. A healthy diet is vital for children of all ages from toddlers to teenagers, especially during periods of rapid growth. To give children the best start to living a healthy lifestyle, it is important to introduce a wide variety of food from all the food groups to establish a good nutritional foundation.

Enjoy meal times together, in a relaxed, enjoyable manner. This becomes a key time to catch up on each family member’s daily events.

Don’t exclude sweets and higher fat snacks all together. Instead, offer them as “sometimes” foods rather than an everyday option. This will teach your children the importance of balanced eating and “everything in moderation”.

Be a role model. Demonstrate how being active is fun and can be incorporated into your family’s everyday life.

Remember, if it is in the house — it will be eaten! As parents you can control what is in the pantry or refrigerator.

Your say: How do you encourage your children to eat healthy foods? Have you struggled to make your child eat healthy? What are your favourite healthy snacks? Share with us below…

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