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Breast is best — for teens, too

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Getty Images

The benefits of breastfeeding just keep adding up. Now, according to a study published in the spring 2009 issue of Journal of Human Capital, it seems the effects also last for considerably longer than was once thought.

Researchers examined the academic records of siblings, some of whom were breastfed as babies, and others who were bottle-fed with formula, and found a strong correlation between breast-feeding and better high school results.

They also found an increased likelihood of high school completion and university attendance for tertiary-level study in those people who were breastfed. Importantly, since this is the first such study to examine brothers and sisters, rather than the greater population, other influences such as parental intelligence and home influences could be ruled out.

Your say: Do you agree with this study? Do you think it is important to breast feed your child? Share with us below…

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Super-active over-40s

Some people have never been fit, and never want to be. Others were fit, but have grown older and out of it. Lots of people have stayed fit and healthy their whole lives.

But some champions like Kerry Lane, 45 — an evaluation officer from Brunswick West in Victoria — have never been fit or particularly healthy, but sometime in or around their 40s, they got their acts together and are now in greater shape than ever.

Kerry lost an astounding 75kg in two years … taking herself from a dangerously obese 145kg, to a trim and much healthier 70kg, a weight she maintains today.

And having lost all that weight, Kerry has gained a quality of life she never dreamed possible — and that includes being more active than at any other time of her life.

“Ever since I can remember, I was always the fat kid at school — the one who was always picked last for any sporting teams; the one that struggled to join in the games; the one who had to get a school uniform custom made because the uniforms in the shop weren’t big enough. Things just seemed to get worse as I got older.

“I put on a brave front but inside I was angry, hurt and humiliated. I was too embarrassed to go anywhere, always thinking: ‘What must people think of me?’ I was in danger of shutting myself away from the rest of the world. I felt like I had no control over my weight or any part of my life. It was like being a prisoner in my own body. I was tired all the time and found it hard to cope with stress.

“I never want to go back to that desperately unhappy person who hated herself more than words can describe.”

So just after Kerry hit the age of 40, she decided to enlisted the help of Weight Watchers to help her with the daunting task for losing around half her body weight.

“The thought of having to lose nearly half of me was almost overwhelming,” she admits. “I think that if I had concentrated on having to lose 70-plus kilos I would have given up long before reaching my goal. Instead of looking at the overall loss, I set myself smaller goals of losing each 5kg.”

Before joining Weight Watchers and making her enormous life-change, Kerry admits she did very little exercise.

“I was lucky if I walked the dog twice a week,” she says. “Now I walk at least an hour and a half a day and I go to the gym three times a week. I’m trying new forms of exercise that I have always thought looked fun but never had the courage to try. I’ve played golf, taken belly-dancing lessons, done Tai Chi, been boogie boarding and even tried to ride a bike!

“Someone asked me what the best part of losing weight has been and aside from the obvious health benefits, I said the best part is that now I smile and laugh a whole lot more!”

If you’re an “over-40” and inspired now to get fitter and healthier than ever … go for it!

  • See a GP for a general health check-up first. Then visit a physio to discuss your exercise goals and any previous or current injuries that may hinder you.

  • Remember to consult your doctor if you experience any chest pain when exercising.

  • “Small is more” — start off slowly and gently. A little bit of exercise every day is better than a lot of exercise twice a week. It will give your body the opportunity to safely adapt to the new physical demands.

  • Walking, cycling and swimming are excellent forms of gentle exercise that are good to begin with.

  • Always spend some time gently stretching — 10 minutes per day should be enough. A good time to stretch is after your bath or shower when your body is warm. Remember to stretch your legs, arms and back.

  • Ensure that you have a well-fitting and comfortable pair of athletic shoes that are less than six-months-old. Many sporting footwear shops will assist you in selecting the “right” shoe for you.

  • Your bones may not be as strong as when you were younger. Be careful of foot or shin pain when walking on hard surfaces. Stress fractures can occur when your bones have not been subjected to impact forces for many years. Avoid fast walking on hard, inclined surfaces.

  • The cartilage in your knees may be beginning to wear out. This is a normal process that can actually be helped by your exercise program. Avoid exercises that require you to deeply squat or twist on your knees.

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A whale of a time

If you’ve been shocked by recent images in the news of whales being slaughtered for “research” in the southern ocean, here’s a great way to make a small difference and show you care.

Help save the whales with an I Love Whales t-shirt.

Available to women only (and their bubs), this t-shirt was designed by Sydney artist Graham Brown.

And 10% of all profits go to GREENPEACE.

Each is made from the best cotton in a slim cut. They feature a little fellow called Piccolo who may be small but he’s got a big heart and is proving hard to catch.

The shirts are guaranteed to make you look at least 10% more stunning and you’ll certainly feel better knowing your money is going to the people at Greenpeace.

“I chose Greenpeace because they fight the good fight in a peaceful way,” Graham said. “I’m just interested in keeping whales out of harm’s way.”

The t-shirts are available in white, grey, black and baby pink (short and long sleeve) in women’s sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16. Also for toddlers sized 0, 2, 4 and 6.

They can be ordered from www.piccoloclothing.com.

Find out more about the work Greenpeace is doing to save our southern ocean whales: www.greenpeace.org

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My Boyfriend had an affair…with my Dad

My parents separated when I was very young, and as I grew up I realised it was because my Dad was gay. I stayed at my Dad’s place every weekend until I was about 17, so I had met and bonded with a few of his male partners over the years.

When I moved into an apartment with Uni friends, I began to see less and less of my dad.

In my first year of University I met Rob at a friend’s party. We bonded straight away over our taste in music and soon became really good friends. Rob was gorgeous- cropped dark hair, broad shoulders and bright green eyes – he looked like a male model!

While I was usually extremely shy around good looking guys, I found Rob so easy to talk to and laugh with – hanging out with him was like hanging out with one of my girlfriends.

While I always thought Rob was very good-looking, I had never really felt a spark between us, and was content with our close friendship.

One day we were both hanging out in my apartment, drinking cheap wine, and I began to feel a bit tipsy. I had just found out that a guy I really liked at my work had just gotten a girlfriend, so I was upset and pouring my heart out to Rob.

He listened to me babble on all night, offering me hugs and telling me that I was beautiful and would find the perfect guy one day. Without thinking I leaned forward and kissed him.

At first he didn’t respond, like he was in shock. He looked really confused, but then kissed me back. We made out for a while, and although he was a bit awkward at first, he soon loosened up and we both seemed to feel very comfortable.

After that night our friendly coffee ‘dates’ turned into proper romantic dates. Rob was such a gentleman, always holding the door open for me, paying for my meals at restaurants and never acting sleazy.

After a few weeks we started referring to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend. At the age of 20 Rob was my first boyfriend, as I had always been way too shy to date boys in high school.

As he was my first boyfriend, I didn’t really know what to expect from the relationship. I knew that all my friends who were my age started sleeping with their boyfriends after a few weeks, but Rob and I had been going out for a couple of months by this stage and he still hadn’t made that move. He never kissed me in public, and our make out sessions never lasted very long, but I assumed he just wanted to take things slow.

Our relationship continued this way for many more months, and I began to feel rejected by Rob’s lack of physical affection. I never mentioned this to him because by this stage I was very much in love with him and didn’t want to start an argument.

Christmas time came around, and Rob invited me to lunch at his parents’ house, while I invited him to dinner at my Dad’s house. I was really nervous about meeting his parents for the first time, as he gave me the impression that they were quite strict.

I tried my best to act confident during lunch, but Rob’s parents soon proved to be very judgmental, making me even more shy than usual. They made petty comments about their sons appearance, and subtly criticised his choice of study (he was studying Teaching at the time). While they weren’t out-right rude, I could tell from their sly comments that they were very hard to impress, and poor Rob copped most of their criticism.

With lunch out of the way, we finally escaped, then headed to my Dad’s house later on for dinner. After having just broken up with his latest partner before Christmas, Dad was currently living by himself, and it was obvious that he was pretty lonely.

When we arrived, Dad was really happy to see me, and very excited to finally meet my boyfriend.

Dad and Rob seemed to click straight away – they both loved to travel, and spent the entire dinner discussing the places they had been and the places they wanted to go. Dad was a high school Art teacher, and Rob was studying to become a teacher, so they had that in common too.

After dinner we moved into the living room to continue chatting. It was late and I soon fell asleep on the couch, but every now and then I would drift in and out of sleeping and Dad and Rob would still be immersed in conversation.

Rob and I didn’t end up leaving until well past midnight, and the whole way home he couldn’t stop commenting on how cool my Dad was and how young he seemed.

The next week, Dad invited us over again for lunch on New Year’s Day. Again, he and Rob chatted for hours, before Rob had to leave for work. I stayed to help Dad clean up and we started chatting about Uni and work, and of course Rob.

Dad asked if it was serious between us two, and my mind flashed back to my embarrassing attempt to seduce him into my bed the previous night…which of course he rejected. I was feeling very unsure that day so I told Dad it wasn’t really that serious yet.

Over the next few weeks we all spent more time together than usual, and eventually it got to the point where it was just Dad and Rob spending time together without me.

Rob was coming over to my place less and less, and we starting only seeing each other about once a week. At first Rob would enthusiastically tell me every detail of the time he had spent with my dad- but after a while whenever I asked what they’d gotten up to the day before, he would go quiet and try and change the subject.

It was weird and eventually I checked his phone and found a whole bunch of messages from my Dad saying things like ‘I know I only saw you this morning, but I already miss you’. My heart sunk. Never in a million years did I think that my Dad would steal my boyfriend.

I had no proof that they had actually had a physical relationship, but as soon as I saw those messages, I felt so stupid for not realising that Rob was gay. The signs were all there, it was so obvious. He was only with me to please his parents and to stop them from becoming suspicious about his sexuality.

Two years later and I don’t speak to Rob anymore, and my relationship with my Dad is still very strained and awkward as we have never spoken about what happened.

I never told anyone the real reason why Rob and I broke up, not even my close friends or my mum. On the plus side I’ve recently met an awesome guy who is loving, kind and can’t keep his hands off me!

All names have been changed. Picture: Getty Images. Posed by model.

Your say: Have your say about this true confession below…

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Cheating Mel’s excuse: “Nobody is without sin”

Mel Gibson

As he struggles with the bitter consequences of his infidelity, Mel Gibson opens up about why he strayed. Matthew Denby reports.

Mel Gibson has not been seen in public with his mistress, Oksana Grigorieva, since November 19. Now the deeply troubled actor has confessed that his infidelity has ruined his life – admitting he did a “hatchet job” on his marriage and now wants to make amends.

Wild-haired, and his face deeply etched with the toll of his emotional torment, “Mad Mel” is now a shadow of the handsome young actor who launched himself to international superstardom in movies such as Gallipoli and Lethal Weapon.

Contemplating the wreckage of his life amid reports he’s hit the party scene again, and claims that he and Oksana are already over, Mel has opened up about his struggles with womanising and the bottle. He reveals he hopes to make up for the emotional damage left by the collapse of his marriage to long-suffering Aussie wife Robyn, and is asking for forgiveness.

“Nobody is without sin,” Mel told the UK’s Daily Mail newspaper. “You have to try to make amends if you can.

“You have to shut up and move on and not whine about it. And you have to deal with it like a man.

“I’m to blame [for the marriage breakdown], if you’re inclined to judge. “And that’s it. Whatever fallout comes from it, be it fair or unfair, you’ve just got to accept your own culpability. The minute you start whining, it’s ridiculous.”

Although Mel insists he hasn’t drunk alcohol in three-and-a-half years, US reports say he’s been hitting the night life hard as things fall apart with Oksana.

Plans for the pair to marry appear to have been scrapped as Mel realises the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

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Kate Ritchie

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Hugh Jackman: No-one compares to my Deb

Hugh Jackman

The Aussie babe magnet reveals why there is only one woman for him. Katherine Chatfield reports.

As tropical waters lap gently against the pristine shores of Rio de Janeiro’s idyllic Grumari Beach, Hugh Jackman takes his Mexican belle roughly in his arms and leans in for a passionate kiss – and all within view of his wife of 13 years.

And while the steamy scene would be enough to send even the most forgiving partner into a fit of jealousy, Deborra-lee Furness not only smiles, but takes photos, as she watches on with their children, Oscar, 9, and four-year-old Ava.

After all, she has seen it all before – watching your husband cavort with beautiful young starlets comes with the territory when you’re married to one of the world’s sexiest actors.

“Deb’s amazing, nothing fazes her,” Hugh says of their trusting relationship. “She doesn’t have an ounce of jealousy and there is no competition between us.”

Indeed, the committed family man insisted Deborra-lee – and the kids – accompany him to Brazil for his shoot with sultry actress Ana de la Reguera, after he signed on as the new face of Lipton Ice Tea.

And once the cameras stopped rolling, it was to his wife’s arms he returned. The two wandered hand in hand along the beach as their kids played in the water, and kissed at a dinner with friends, before returning to their suite at the Copacabana Palace.

“Deb and I are never apart for more than two weeks,” the 41-year-old actor explains. “It was her idea, from being in the business and seeing enough relationships go under.

“You get used to living apart, which is fine when things are going well. But there’s struggle in every marriage and that’s when you need to be together, forced to work it out. Otherwise cracks develop. Absence doesn’t make the heart grow fonder. It makes it wander.”

It’s this attitude that has kept their romance burning for 15 years, since meeting on the set of Aussie TV series Correlli in 1995. And despite being together for so long, Hugh says he is now even more in love with Deborra-lee, who turns 55 this year, than when they first met.

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Schapelle’s new jail hell

Schapelle Corby

Friends fear Schapelle Corby’s latest humiliation could tip the mentally fragile prisoner over the edge. Following a bashing scandal at her Bali prison, Phillip Koch reports that the Aussie is being treated like an exhibit in a zoo.

It was a humiliation even Schapelle Corby did not expect. The filthy cage she has called home for the past five years was opened to the world’s press with no warning, robbing Schapelle of the tiny bit of privacy she was still allowed – and the last shred of dignity she could cling to in one of the world’s worst prisons.

“She feels like a zoo exhibit or a monkey in a cage,” says a fellow prisoner at Kerobokan.

“The only space she has for herself in the whole world right now is her mattress in the cell, and it’s where she hides when the media is invited into the jail. But this time they were allowed right inside to take photos of her and her belongings.”

When the media arrived unannounced, a shocked and very distressed Schapelle leapt up from eating her lunch and scrambled into the bathroom as a guard unlocked her cell door.

She looked like an animal caught in headlights as flashes went off and questions were fired at her, forcing her to take refuge in the grubby toilet cubicle. It must have seemed like an ambush to Schapelle, who’s been desperately trying to maintain her dignity despite the appalling conditions in which she is forced to live.

She came out of hiding about 15 minutes later, turning away from the wall of lenses pointed through her barred windows. Crouching down, she filled a glass with water before splashing it at the cameras. It was her only defence and she kept hurling glasses of water until the snappers finally moved away.

For the mentally ill 32-year-old, who has spent many nights during the last two years hearing imaginary voices and trying to climb the walls of her cell to see if there are spies in the ceiling, this ill-conceived public relations stunt must have been a terrifying ordeal.

The world’s media were invited to the notorious Bali jail because of recent exposès revealing the shocking conditions there.

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Dannii Minogue: “I’m exploding with happiness!”

Dannii Minogue

After years of heartbreak and disappointment, Dannii Minogue is on top of the world as she announces her pregnancy. Here she talks to Nicola Pellagro about her exciting news.

She won a place in Australia’s heart when she starred on Young Talent Time, before progressing to Home And Away and international pop stardom.

But personal happiness has always eluded Dannii Minogue, 38. First her marriage to Aussie actor Julian McMahon ended in tears, then a long series of fleeting relationships made her give up on love.

But no longer. As she faces the rapid approach of the big 4-0, Dannii has suddenly found the love of her life in 31-year-old British model Kris Smith, and is expecting her first child. Now she wants to share her overwhelming happiness with the world; telling fans on her Twitter page “Woo hoo. I’m going to be a mummy!”

You’re starting a family later in life. Was it always part of the plan to settle down and have kids at this stage?

It’s funny. A while ago I went to my doctor for a check-up and he told me I’d got to the stage in my life where I’d have to make decisions about having children. I remember thinking, “Oh God, I’m now that person who is getting too old to have kids”. But I just laughed.

I told him it wasn’t an issue for me because I didn’t have a man, there was no-one on the horizon, and there probably never would be. My life was so crazy – half the year in London, half the year here doing Australia’s Got Talent. I sort of accepted that no man could ever fit in with that.

Things have changed a lot for you in the past 12 months…

I’m totally in love with Kris. I’ve never felt like this before and I honestly never, ever believed this would happen to me. I feel like I’m exploding with happiness. My life has been turned upside down, inside out and everything – I mean everything – is fresh and new and exciting.

My world is a whole new place. This guy has changed everything. He’s changed me and I just feel like the sun is shining every day. It’s amazing! I’ve found The One.

Not so long ago you were struggling with your best friend’s death and Kylie’s recovery from breast cancer. Now that you’re loved up and pregnant, is it weird looking back on that?

I’ve been with Kris for over a year now and I look back at the person I was then and everything is different.

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Antonia Kidman’s new life in Singapore

Antonia Kidman

Antonia Kidman is taking a chance on love, moving overseas to set up home in Singapore with Craig Marran.

Far from feeling nervous about beginning a new life, Antonia Kidman looks calm and content as she slowly settles into her new home in Singapore.

After exploring the tropical city during a reconnaissance mission last month, the popular Foxtel presenter seems totally at ease in her new surrounds with her finance broker partner, Craig Marran.

Adapting well to the steamy environment, Antonia has been seen pottering about their well-kept property in a summer dress, looking the very picture of domestic bliss as she waters her thriving tropical plants.

The close Kidman clan spent the festive season together in Australia, with big sister Nicole, Nic’s husband, Keith Urban, and their daughter, Sunday Rose, flying in to be with the family on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. The Kidmans had much to celebrate during Nicole and Keith’s visit, with Whale Beach locals suggesting Antonia and Craig tied the knot in a low-key ceremony on New Year’s Eve.

But in the lead-up to the crammed Christmas period, Antonia took time out from her wedding preparations to fly to Singapore with her eldest child, Lucia, 11, so they could begin planning their exotic new life.

Touching down in the steamy south-east Asian country after an eight-hour flight from Sydney, Antonia and her daughter were met by Craig and whisked away to the house, which has plenty of room for the entire blended family.

“The house is huge by Singapore standards,” an Australian source living in Singapore told Woman’s Day. “It’s estimated to be worth $3 million to buy and $10,000 a month to rent because of its size and location.”

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