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Hide and Seek

Your comment: Our new puppy Scooter thought he would help me out with the washing.

Sent in by: Tara Todhunter

Your comment: Ronnie on his ‘lion’ bed

Sent in by: Mette

Your comment: Alphie is a beautiful staffie cross who we rescued at the age of 5 weeks!! He is the most beautiful natured dog ever. He has a bone disorder and goes for walkies in a pram!!!

Sent in by: Emily Carruthers

Your comment: Amazing! When we found Daisy it looked as though she fell asleep reading Woman’s Day magazines. After later looking at the picture we realized what magazine she liked best! So we’re sending it in!

Sent in by: Alyssa Pinsanor

Your comment: Little Tye ready for a bath!!

Sent in by: Rebecca

Your comment: My husband came home from work early and was on the telephone. As he raised the blind he was confronted with our 6mth old Mastiff x puppy Bear looking very sorry for himself. He had apparently decided to investigate the inside of an 80cm terracotta pot. After taking this pic my husband had to carefully smash the remnant “collar” to remove it. Remnant shards of poor baby Bear’s panic were found next to the clothesline and garden shed. Baby Bear remained thoroughly subdued for the remainder of the day.

Sent in by: Deb Whittington

Your comment: My playful little kittens would enjoy investigating everything!

Sent in by: Emily Chenoweth

Your comment: This is our puppy Ella’s new favourite sleeping spot – in the basket of my grandson’s pram.

Sent in by: Maureen Jones

Your comment: Our cat Fanta loves to play hide and seek with the kids.

Sent in by: Sarah Tanmahapran

Your comment: A few weeks old.

Sent in by: Emma

Sent in by: Julie

Your comment: This is my 4 yr old Jack Russell ‘Trane’ playing in the garden.

Sent in by: Charis Johnson ———————————————————————- Submit photos of your own adorable pets here!

———————————————————————- Visit the pet section of the site for pet factsheets, tips and expert advice.

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Is the world really going to end in 2012?


A screen grab from the movie 2012

The end-of-the-world disaster movie, 2012, has viewers gripping their seats as the ground falls from beneath buildings and the ocean rushes over cities.

The Roland Emmerich-directed thriller, available on Blu-ray and DVD, uses groundbreaking special effects to create the end of the world as we know it. But is it possible that the world will actually end in 2012?

The theory of the world coming to an end is based on the Mayan culture and calendar which abruptly stops on December 20, 2012. The calendar, know as the Long Count, counts the periods in which the world was created and destroyed.

Despite some people believing that this indicated the end of the world, professional archaeologist and historian of religious myths and symbols Dr Julian Droogan says there is no evidence to suggest the world will end in 2012.

“Mayans believe that when the current calendar ends, the world would most probably be destroyed or dissolved in water, before it could be recreated anew,” Dr Droogan says.

“The Long Count calendar used by the Maya is set to end on December 20, 2012. I think it’s important to emphasise that there is no evidence suggesting that the world would end on that date; it’s just interesting that people will talk about the myths surrounding that date.”

Dr Droogan, who carried out his research in India, says another interesting aspect to the Mayan culture is the parallels in beliefs with the Hindu and Buddhist cultures.

“Hindus believe we are in the fourth period of creation and they believe it will change again, but not for thousands of years,” he says.

He explains that one of the most interesting aspects of popular culture is people’s willingness to believe in these ancient myths.

“I think possibly we live in times of greater anxiety with more worries about the world,” he says.

“[If] people feel less in control … it’s possible that fuels and anxiety [over] dreads [about] the future and that can be directed towards those myths.”

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The getting the guy guide

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Zoe Foster is a dating columnist and thinks she is an authority on relationships because she is always scripting text messages to guys for friends! She’s just written a book, Textbook Romance, on dating, which is witty, direct (with chapters like “Men don’t skip footy training for you”) and scarily accurate. Julie Hamilton gets her hot tips on scoring a top man.

Are you in relationship at the moment?

I’m a super-single girl right now. I was in a very long relationship — we were together for nine years and we broke up in January.

How is it being back out there?

There is a sick part of me that loves the drama and theatre of dating and currently I am dating but I don’t want a relationship, I enjoy being single. It’s great fodder for my articles!

Why did you write your book?

There are a lot of women out there who I have wanted to say “You need to read my book”. But basically it’s so I could instruct women how to be more in control of, more at peace with, and more successful in their romantic relationships.

Okay, difficult question. Are there really 10 outstanding women to every amazing man at the moment?

[Laughing] It’s really tricky. There is such a small pool of quality men. It’s tiny. Women have high standards and we are so independent that we can brush men off when we need to give them a break and be more open-minded.

I mean, don’t break up because they text phonetically! Women can also be hard work. We can send out mixed signals. If you are putting it out that you are a free spirit and being all superfoxy Beyoncé-style woman and are about to go travelling for a year — the guy will probably turn off.

So what’s your number-one hint about finding love?

Stop looking for it. I don’t think that works. It’s like the “watching water boiling” thing.

So you don’t agree with the notion of “setting your intention and visualising what you want” school of manifesting in relationships?

I do agree. You have to know what you want but then let go. Stop obsessing about it and they will arrive when you are having a great time with your life. I do have a spiritual, affirmation side — you have to “ask, believe, receive”. If you constantly think about not having a partner or men are all douche bags — that is what you will attract.

What’s the biggest mistake women make early in dating?

Investing too much, too quickly. Watching your phone for days at a time that’s when women flip and think he’s “just not that into me”. Keep your yoga class, go to the markets, don’t immediately run into the man cave or become a cyber-stalker.

He’s just a man and he’s got your number, so what? Remember: If he doesn’t text he doesn’t exist. And never, ever, ever, drink and text. You know what we’re talking about.

You talk a lot about letting men chase you and keeping up with making an effort — isn’t that a bit too last century? A bit “don’t move in ’til you get the ring”?

It’s not about being old-fashioned or anti-feminist, it’s a more delicate space to allow yourself to be courted and chased. Men need to chase. If they don’t chase they’re not interested — it’s their essential nature to do this.

And also women need to beware not to switch a little too easily into the comfort zone. It’s the “takeaway Thai and tracksuit pants” curse where you get out of romance and into the domestic.

So what warning signs are there that the guy who you are dating is a dud?

If you start making excuses for them, you should be on alert. Especially if you are defending him to friends and family who love you best. I call this becoming and “Excusinator”. Next, it takes 23 seconds to send a text. If he can’t find the time to do that, then that’s just disrespectful.

Finally, if he wants to see you all the time, swears undying love to you and is planning your marriage after the first date, beware. I call them the “Self Startlers”. Men who come on so strong, so fast, they scare themselves off. They are in love with love and usually run a mile when you decide you like them. If they seem too good to be true, they probably are.

Textbook Romance is published by Penguin.

Interview by Julie Hamilton. Read more of Julie on her website Omigoddess.

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(Don’t) think positive

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Getty Images

For decades, self-help gurus have preached the virtues of positive affirmations. That is, they’ve recommended repeating optimistic statements as a means of helping people “rewire” themselves and stop negative self-talk. For example, substituting “I am so stupid” with “I am trying my best and learning more all the time”.

However, the results of a joint study from two Canadian universities, the University of New Brunswick and the University of Waterloo, suggest, surprisingly, that it doesn’t work for people with low self-esteem who are most in need of a confidence boost. The researchers found that when people with low self-esteem repeated positive statements about themselves, they were even more likely to think negative thoughts.

The authors speculate that, rather like excessive compliments, people with low self-esteem brush off positive self-statements as being unrealistic and something that they don’t consider will happen to them.

Your say: Do you think positive thinking is beneficial? Share your experiences with us.

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Review: *The Rebound*

Roadshow Publicity

Roadshow Publicity

In case the movie’s tagline “She’s still got it. He’s just getting it” wasn’t clear enough, this movie adds weight to the fact that cougars are the new black. Funnyman Justin Bartha has teamed up with Catherine Zeta-Jones in this fresh, sexy romantic comedy about unexpected romance.

After a heartbreaking realisation that her husband, and father of her two children, has cheated on her, stay-at-home mum Sandy (Zeta-Jones) packs up with kids in tow and moves to New York City.

After landing a job and a blind date she is in need of a babysitter and, as luck would have it, is able to ask 25-year-old Aram Finklestein (Bartha) the friendly, cute barista who works beneath her apartment. Cue romantic music.

Like all good (and bad) rom-coms, the storyline is fairly predictable: boy meets girl; girl sees boy just as a friend; boy develops feelings for girl and her family; girl realises what she’s been looking for all along has been right under her nose; then conflict and then resolution — good or bad — at the end of the movie.

Like all true romantic comedies, the element of chance plays a large part (imagine if Harry had never met Sally), and we take it on face value because, well, that’s what we sign up for when we go and see a romantic comedy.

Though Zeta-Jones might have passed the days when she played the pin-up girl, she has moved into the sugar-mummy category with ease. She plays the part of the wronged woman with an honesty that makes the viewer truly feel that she is out of depth. But at the same time, Sandy does not want her children to worry and instinctively puts them first (save for leaving them with a stranger as a babysitter).

Justin Bartha is very likeable in the role of Aram, a little goofy and awkward but also mature beyond his character’s 25 years.

A special mention should go out to the young Andrew Cherry and Kelly Gould who play Sandy’s children, Frank and Sadie. These two, particularly Cherry are great young actors who are sure to be headliners themselves one day.

If the deluge of romantic comedies at your cinema leaves you confused, make your decision based on your love of the genre. If you’re a rom-com lover (or in want of a good date flick) then check it out, if not, wait until it hits DVD.

The Rebound is in cinemas nationally from March 18.

Your say: Have you seen The Rebound? What did you think? Share with us below.

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The look of LMFF

We all know the L’Oréal Melbourne Fashion Festival is supposed ot be all about the clothes, but this year the sectacular hair and make-up by L’Oréal Paris was almost just as much a talking point.

Neutral colours took out centre stage with a focus on clean lines and flawless skin. At some shows it was the lips that popped at others it was the daring hairstyles that stole the attention.

If you love these make up looks, try them for yourself!

Runway 1

Runway 2


Runway 3

Runway 4

Runway 5

Runway 6

Runway 7

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Isla and Sacha tie the knot!

Isla Fisher has married her long-term fiancé, comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, in a romantic sunset ceremony in Paris, Woman’s Day can reveal.

The notoriously private couple invited just a few close relatives to witness them become husband and wife in a traditional Jewish ceremony last Monday.

“We did it – we’re married!” bubbled an ecstatic Isla, 34, in an email to friends around the world the following day. “It was the absolute best day of my life and in so many beautiful moments I missed you all so much.

I thought of you as everything was happening, but Sacha and I wanted no fuss – just us!”

Isla and Sacha show off their wedding rings in Paris

Walking hand in hand through the streets of Paris

The pair were engaged for close to six years before finally saying I do!

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Three-year-old hero saved her brothers life!

Three-year-old hero saved her brothers life!

When her brother was drowning, tiny Meghan didn’t hesitate to dive in. Warren Gibbs reports.

Three-year-old Meghan Mandikos, who learned to swim before she could even walk, has been hailed as Australia’s youngest “lifesaver” after saving her big brother from drowning in their backyard pool in Brisbane.

The little water babe, weighing just 13kg, bravely put her own life on the line as she dragged Daniel, 6, to safety, even though his weight was pulling her under.

“She’s such a courageous little girl. Daniel can’t swim so he was like a sinking stone,” says proud mum Bridget Cullen-Mandikos, 39, who was sitting only metres from the pool with her husband Michael, also 39.

Meghan was at one end of the pool, older son Nicholas, 9, was at the other end, and Daniel, who is autistic and intellectually impaired, was standing on a large shallow step, Bridget explains.

“Daniel was enjoying himself, like he does every time he plays in the pool, but suddenly he lost his balance and slid into the deep end.

“He is usually very safety conscious and knows not to go off the step. He has this routine where he sticks his head in and out of the water, but on this occasion, I think he put his head in and got confused.

“Meghan yelled out ‘Daniel’, jumped off the side of the pool and swam towards him.

Read the full story in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale March 15, 2010.

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Katie takes charge!

Katie takes charge!

Katie Holmes holds the family together as Tom Cruise struggles to fend off criticism of his controversial church. Katherine Chatfield reports.

While Tom Cruise struggles to prevent the rapidly deteriorating Church of Scientology from collapsing altogether, his wife Katie Holmes has stepped up to take charge of their family.

Tom is believed to hold the revered position of second-in-command of the controversial religion – but after numerous recent allegations of abuse and fraud within the sect, he has been lying low as Scientology chiefs work on a strategy to manage the bad publicity.

With Tom, 47, otherwise occupied, Katie has increasingly asserted her independence and is making it her priority to ensure the rest of their family are well looked after. The 31-year-old actress appears to have blossomed with her new autonomy. Last week she looked happy and relaxed as she took stepdaughter Isabella shopping in West Hollywood.

Isabella, 17, who has taken a backseat to her aspiring movie star brother, Connor, 15, of late, was clearly delighted to spend time with Katie. The two seemed perfectly content browsing the discount racks of fashion stores for bargains, with Isabella emerging with several carrybags.

Katie has also been playing mum to Connor, ferrying him around to his various activities, including dropping him at their local Scientology centre.

The actress has also been spotted popping out for coffee on her own and driving herself around town – both things she’s rarely done since marrying Tom in November 2006.

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale March 22, 2010.

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Kate Winslet’s divorce party

Kate Winslet's divorce party

The Titanic star puts on a brave face as she deals with her second divorce. Clare Rigden reports on her cursed love-life.

On holiday in Mexico with her two young children last week, Kate Winslet appeared keen to put her split from second husband Sam Mendes behind her.

Playing hostess to a group of friends during an afternoon of sunbaking and swimming, the British star kept a stiff upper lip, her face fixed in a permanent smile … if only for the sake of her kids, Mia, 9 – who has already been through one divorce – and Joe, 6.

The getaway helped Kate shield her children from the British headlines announcing to the world that, just six years after they tied the knot, Kate and her Oscar-winning director husband, 44, have officially separated.

In a short joint statement released last week through British law firm Shillings, it was revealed their marriage had actually come to an end earlier this year.

“The split is entirely amicable and is by mutual agreement. Both parties are fully committed to the future joint parenting of their children.”

It was a startling end to a relationship whose beginnings controversially coincided with the collapse of her first marriage, to assistant director Jim Threapleton.

As recently as the Oscars, 34-year-old Kate was insisting all was well, laughing off her husband’s red-carpet absence on babysitting” grounds – the same excuse she used at the BAFTAS a few weeks earlier.

But clearly troubles have been afoot for a while, with the pair not seen together publicly since Wimbledon, almost a year ago.

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale March 22, 2010.

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