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Madonna’s adopted children to meet birth parents


Madonna with her adopted children Mercy and David Banda and Madonna with daughter Lourdes.

Madonna is taking her two adopted children, Mercy and David Banda, back to their birthplace of Malawi to visit their biological parents and take them “back to their roots”.

The 51-year-old mother will pack up her whole family including her two other children 14-year-old Lourdes and 10-year-old Rocco.

The ‘Material Girl’ singer believes it’s important for her adopted toddlers to understand their past, an unnamed source told the UK’s The Sun.

“She promised to take them back to their homeland — she sees it as vital they understand their roots,” the source said.

“Mercy’s meeting with her family will be particularly emotional as it’s the first time she’s seen them since last summer.”

During the process of adopting Mercy, Madonna was highly criticised in the media and accused of taking the child away from her biological mother.

The visit will also include the beginning of building Madonna’s Malawi Girls Academy which is going to be built just outside Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe.

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My perfect sister’s awful secret

I always looked up to my big sister Natalie. She’s two years older than me and has always been one of those people whose life just turns out right – academic, good at sport and even as her brother, I can see that she’s pretty enough to turn heads.

For a while she sang with a band so when I was about 17 I really thought she was the coolest thing on the planet. Then she got a big job in marketing and met Jeff who’s a doctor and pretty soon they were onto getting married and producing three kids.

During a lot of this I was in London, as I’d decided to do a bit of travelling so although I came back for her wedding and holidays, it wasn’t till last year that I came home for good and we carried on where we’d left off, so to speak.

Jeff’s a dead easy bloke to get on with, so it wasn’t long before we were all spending a lot of time together, along with Nat’s best pal, Bronnie – they’ve known each other since before they went to school and always stayed close.

Bronnie’s quite different from Nat. She’s a teacher and at first sight appears quite quiet, but has a very dry sense of humour and the kids love her. She never married but my nieces and nephew clearly dote on her so having her round the house all the time seemed quite natural.

One night Bronnie and Nat turned up at my flat in the city centre, a bit drunk and boisterous and asking to stay in the spare room as they couldn’t be bothered trying to make their way home out to the suburbs.

Nat phoned Jeff who was quite amused at her giggly state and said just to be sure she got home in the morning before he headed off to work so she could organise the kids.

I wasn’t bothered but a couple of weeks later it happened again and then again, and I did wonder why they were coming into the city to socialise if it was such a hassle getting home.

Each time they were away early and then one morning it looked like they’d slept in so I made two mugs of coffee and knocked on the bedroom door.

Nat froze in shock as she saw me and Bronnie jumped up seconds later, leaving her fully exposed to my horrified gaze. There was no doubt that she and her best friend had been making love and I blundered from the room, locking myself in my own bedroom and pretending I hadn’t seen them.

Minutes later I heard the front door shut and then a knock on my door, with Nat’s voice pleading to me to open it and speak to her.

I didn’t know what to do but eventually I opened the door and found Nat close to tears.

Her tears now wiped away, she was strangely unrepentant. “Well, Jeff and I have been married nearly ten years and this is better than me seeing another man. The sex gets a bit boring when you’ve been together that long and one night when we’d had a bit to drink I just kissed her to see what it was like and one thing lead to another.”

That really did horrify me and I told Nat that I couldn’t believe she had so blatantly seduced Bronnie but she waved my concerns away. “She’d never had sex in her life and I’m doing her a favour. She’s happy, I’m happy and no-one needs to know.”

Nothing I said got through to Nat and eventually she got really annoyed with me, saying I was just as much a stupid romantic as Bronnie.

When I asked what she meant she confessed that the affair had been going on for a year now and she’d promised Bronnie that when the kids were grown up she would leave Jeff and be with her.

It was obvious Bronnie was totally in love to believe that as Nat’s youngest child was four – a long, long time away from leaving home.

I finally got really annoyed when Nat asked if they could stay at mine every couple of weeks as that meant they could spend the night together and refused point blank, saying I wanted to know nothing more about it.

That was three months ago and the affair is still going on. I feel dreadful for Jeff, who was really pleased recently when he was on call over a weekend and Bronnie said she would take Nat and the kids away for a weekend.

He told me that he feels bad about working such long hours and is glad Nat has such a good friend.

One afternoon at Nat’s I found Bronnie crying in the kitchen and she told me that she was really tempted to tell Jeff. I begged her not to and told Nat, who just shrugged and said he wouldn’t believe her.

I can’t believe that the sister I always looked up to is putting everyone’s happiness at risk like this, but I’ve given up talking to her about it. I just wish I’d never found out – it’s such a cliché, but I feel there’s a time bomb ticking away in my family and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

Picture: Getty Images. Posed by model.

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For a whole year I lived like Oprah

For a whole year I lived like Oprah

When Oprah started giving suggestions on “living your best life,” one woman decided to take her advice — literally. Lucy Chesterton reports.

There’s no doubt Oprah Winfrey wields a lot of influence over women, but for one exhausting year of Robyn Okrant’s life, the TV queen’s words were law.

The 37-year-old yoga instructor transformed herself overnight into a TV devotee who followed each of Oprah’s edicts to the letter, including:

  • Dyeing her hair with Oprah’s preferred hair dye, Perfect 10;

  • Following Oprah’s command to time her kisses with her husband to 10 seconds each;

  • Adopting a cat from a shelter.

As the project, which started small, began to snowball, Robyn found everyone in her life affected by her new way of life, leaving her uncertain about whether she would make it through the year.

For instance, Robyn told her parents the usual Thanksgiving meal would be replaced by a strictly Oprah menu, made from recipes on Oprah’s website.

“For the most part they jumped at the opportunity to be part of my project,” she writes in Living Oprah, a book she penned about her experience. “Then I notice a few folks taking stock of what’s missing from the table. Sure the new dishes look fun, but will we survive without our much-beloved brisket? And where are the mashed potatoes?”

Robyn’s long-suffering husband, Jim, had to remove his beloved TV from the bedroom. Then he endured a Celine Dion concert, as Oprah decreed. But the final straw came when the screen queen invaded the couple’s bedroom with her tips for a healthy sex life.

Read the full story in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale March 29, 2010.

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David Campbell: I can’t wait to be a dad!

David Campbell: I can't wait to be a Dad!

He has a new album, tour and TV show. Now, with fatherhood around the corner, David’s life enters another exciting stage, writes Amy Harris.

David Campbell didn’t know who his father was until he was 11 – when he was told “Jimmy”, a family friend he’d met sporadically, was not only his dad but Australian rock ’n’ roll legend Jimmy Barnes.

It was a mixed blessing for the youngster, who was raised by his mother Kim and grandmother Joan. For a start, the hell-raising Cold Chisel front man was always on tour and rarely around – and when he was, his previous drug and alcohol issues made him anything but the ideal parent.

That is why singer David, now 36 and with his own child due in three months, is determined to be the most hands-on dad he can be. And, ironically, he’ll look to Jimmy, 53, for guidance on how to manage it, so impressed is he with the way his now-sober father deals with his siblings.

“I hope to be a good dad,” says David who, along with his wife of 16 months, Lisa, 29, relishes the responsibility of becoming a parent.

“I’d like to think I’m going to be a good father because I never really had a father. I mean, I do, but I didn’t have one as a kid. I’ve watched him bring up my brothers and sisters so I know what [Jimmy] does as a father, and I will take bits of that and bits of what I do and probably make a lot of mistakes. And hopefully this child will grow up to be like us and hopefully better.”

Acknowledging his own unusual upbringing, David jokes that he and Lisa thoroughly planned to start their family.

“We got married so … it wasn’t an accident,” he says. “I was an accident … so I know what it is like. I’d like to be around for my kid. You know, knowing that I can be at home a bit and be a bit of a stay-at-home dad and watch my child grow.

Read the full story in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale March 29, 2010.

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Ange’s post natal depression – Why she really hid the twins.

Ange’s post natal depression – Why she is really hiding the twins.

The truth is out about Ange’s relationship with her twins, and Brad. Jackie Brygel reports.

It was a scene that just months ago would have seemed almost unimaginable – a smiling Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt enjoying the Venice sunshine with their 20-month-old twins, Knox and Vivienne.

These happy family outings have become an increasingly common sight as Angelina, 34, and Brad, 46, put behind them months of rowing and behind-the-scenes dramas.

Now the truth behind Ange’s problems and the twins’ lengthy disappearance from the public eye can be revealed, with reports she was battling postnatal depression (PND).

According to several sources, an exhausted Ange endured months of emotional turmoil after Knox and Vivienne’s birth in July, 2008. They cried uncontrollably due to colic, and the mum-of-six was rarely seen out with them.

Ange quickly fell into “depression mode”, an insider has told In Touch Weekly magazine.

“[Angelina] had been staying in bed most of the time”, the source says. She had “to force herself to remember to eat” because she was still breastfeeding. A listless Ange was “crying at the drop of a hat”, and felt consumed by her twins.

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Bondi Bachelors

Meet the Bondi Bacelors! – L-R: Adriel Young, Greg Bishop and Andrew Reid all lifeguards at Bondi Beach and stars of the TV show Bondi Rescue.

Lifeguard Greg Bishop was the Australian Belt Swim Champion in 2005 and is one of the best surf swimmers in the world.

Andrew Reid has been a lifeguard at Bondi for 7 years.

22-year-old Adriel Young says being a lifeguard is the best job in the world, but he’s yet to meet his first true love.

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Bob Irwin: I’m not ready to die

Bob Irwin: I’m not ready to die

Bob swore to carry on his son Steve’s work, and nothing will stop him, reports Warren Gibbs.

Out of hospital after his severe heart attack, Bob Irwin says he is ready to get back to doing what he loves.

“I’ll be fighting to protect animals until I draw my very last breath,” is 69-year-old Bob’s motto – which was shared by his late son, Steve.

So it comes as no surprise that his attack is thought to have been triggered by his desperate battle to save the lives of a family of rare southern hairy-nose wombats buried alive by bulldozers in the Mt Lofty Ranges near Adelaide.

For several days, he worked around-the-clock on his hands and knees in scorching heat, trying to free the wombats from a slow and agonising death.

Not long after returning to his Queensland property, Camp Chilli, near Kingaroy, Bob collapsed with chest pain. He was flown to Kingaroy Hospital, then transferred to Brisbane’s Holy Northside Hospital where he had emergency treatment.

By his side were his beloved wife, Judy, and his daughter, Mandy, who told Woman’s Day he is “recovering well”.

Daughter-in-law Terri, currently in the United States, says Bob’s heart attack had given the family a big scare, but adds, “Knowing Bob, he’s as tough as nails, and will be back on his feet in no time.”

Read the full story in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale March 29, 2010.

Your Say: Leave you messages of support for Bob Irwin in the comment box below.

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Sandra’s heartbreak — My baby dreams are over

Sandra’s heartbreak — My baby dreams are over

As yet more women tell of their affairs with her husband, friends say Sandra Bullock is also grappling with the sad realisation she’ll never have a baby of her own.

Only days before the bombshell news that Jesse James had cheated on her with tattooed stripper Michelle McGee, Sandra Bullock was deliriously happy.

She had just won the Best Actress Oscar for her starring role in The Blind Side and was madly in love with her husband, the very same man who looked on with tears in his eyes as she gave her heartfelt acceptance speech.

But the icing on the cake for Sandra was the belief that her dream of having a baby of her own could be a possibility. She already loved Jesse’s three children from his two prior marriages — Chandler, 15, Jesse Jr., 12, and Sunny, 6 — as if they were her own (see box, over page) and wanted to add to her family.

Today, as Sandra hides from the world, the 45-year-old actress is said to be mourning more than the devastating betrayal and impending end to her marriage.

Only last year, she declared, “I met Jesse and I went, ‘Wow!’ There’s a feeling of wanting to procreate because I love someone, and I see him to be a good father.”

Those words have come back to haunt her. Until the affair news dropped, she was still trying to have a baby by the man who had been repeatedly cheating on her.

Sandra was “trying to get pregnant right up until she discovered Jesse had been unfaithful,” a friend has revealed, adding that the actress suffered two painful miscarriages during her five-year-marriage to Jesse.

“Having a baby with the man she loved so much was the most important thing in the world to Sandra,” the friend says. “And for him to take that dream away is just the ultimate betrayal, maybe even worse than the cheating.”

Another friend described Sandra’s pain as “as bad as when her mother died” in 2000 and that unlucky-in-love Sandra only dared to dream of a child of her own since meeting Jesse and, soon after, falling pregnant.

Just months after their July 2005 wedding, the friend claims Sandra conceived, but she lost the baby soon afterwards. Then in mid-2008, she suffered another devastating miscarriage.

“Sandra wanted to be a mum so badly. When she miscarried, Jesse wasn’t as supportive as she would have liked. He’d say, ‘Oh well, it wasn’t meant to be,’ which she thought was insensitive. Although she was heartbroken, she stayed brave and kept trying.”

Read the full story in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale March 29, 2010.

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Debra Byrne — Supergran!

Debra Byrne — Supergran!

The singer, now a full-time carer for her two grandsons, tells Glen Williams why grandparents are Australia’s unsung heroes.

The look on Deb Byrne’s face says it all. Drinking in baby Alice, her cute eight-month-old granddaughter, the singer’s joy spills over. And little Alice, sensing her proud grandma’s love, instantly breaks into a heart-melting grin.

To see her, all plump and smiling, it’s hard to imagine the little girl had a rough start to life. At five weeks of age she wasn’t putting on any weight and was failing to thrive. Her worried parents, Deb’s eldest daughter Arja and son-in-law Ashley, were at their wits’ end. Thankfully the medical team at Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, were quick to diagnose a hormone problem and treat her, and now Deb can’t stop singing their praises.

“That hospital is amazing, and I’m so in love with Alice,” says Deb. “Every time I look at her, she stirs so many memories. She’s exactly like Arja was, yet this little bundle is a lot more full-on than Arja ever knew how to be. She’s very feisty.

“To think she was so frail and sick. But she’s a fighter, and that’s what pulled her through. I said to Arja, ‘It’s good she has that feisty spirit because she’ll need it to come amongst these kids and hold her own.’ But she will hold her own. She’ll give them a run for their money.”

Deb is referring to her lively grandsons, Oliver, 5, and Aaron, 3, two boisterous blond handfuls she is raising single-handedly. She has full custody of the boys, who are the children of her second daughter, Lauren.

Lauren is intellectually impaired and her partner has disabilities, and they weren’t able to consistently look after the boys.

Now Deb, like many grandparents today, is the full-time carer of her two grandsons, and she wants to see all grandparents in similar situations get a fairer go.

“There are so many grandparents who do what I do. You would be shocked by the number who take on this challenging role,” she says. “It’s not easy, and we’re not supported or appreciated by our government bodies. The amount of backwards and forwards to Centrelink, the paperwork, the confusion and not knowing your rights, is endless. It all gets in the way of the job you are doing.”

Deb is hoping to rally carer grandparents together so they can present a united voice in their efforts to get more government assistance.

Read the full story in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale March 29, 2010.

Debra Byrne, dressed by Excessories

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2010 Gold Logie nominees!

After playing Alf on Aussie soap Home and Away for 22 years, Ray Meagher has finally been nominated for a Gold Logie!

He is one of the longest continuing performers on the show and has played the character since the first episode in 1988.

The other Gold Logie nominees are Rove McManus, Home and Away‘s Esther Anderson, Packed to the RaftersRebecca Gibney, Spick and SpecksAdam Hills, The Gruen Transfer‘s Wil Andersen, Good News Week‘s Paul McDermott and Talkin’ ‘Bout Your Generation‘s Shaun Micallef.

This year it seems the comedians are winning the television popularity contest, with five of the eight nominees having comedy backgrounds.

Four of this year’s nominnees for the gold Logie

Gold Logie nominees Rebecca Gibney and Esther Anderson

Ray Meagher cuts the 21st anniversary cake for Home and Away!

Past gold Logie winners Rove McManus and Rebecca Gibney

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