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Schapelle Corby’s secret transfer to remote Java prison

Schapelle's new hell: "This could kill her"

Schapelle's new hell: "This could kill her"

There are new fears for her life with a top secret plan to transfer her from her Bali jail to a remote prison in Java, reports Corby biographer Kathryn Bonella.

The nightmare Schapelle Corby has been fearing for the past five years is now a reality, as a secret document outlining her transfer to a new faraway prison has been leaked exclusively to Woman’s Day.

The document, from the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights, confirms Schapelle’s worst fears that she will be taken away from her lifeline of family and friends and forced to move to a remote East Javanese jail.

“Hereby ordering the Head of Kerobokan Detention Centre, Denpasar, Bali, to carry out the transfer of the convict in the name of Sceppele (sic) Corby … to be transferred to Women’s Detention Centre in Malang, East Java. The order becomes effective from the date the transfer is signed.”

For the full story, including Mercedes Corby’s exclusive interview with Woman’s Day and the impact this move will have on Schapelle’s unstable state, see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale April 1, 2010.

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I pay my lover a wage

Picture: posed by models (Getty)

Picture: posed by models (Getty)

I’m sure I’m not alone in this, but I’m equally sure that it’s the type of thing which would cause raised eyebrows and a lot of disapproval, which is why I haven’t told anyone. However, it’s an arrangement which has worked very well for me for the last three years and I hope it continues. My ex husband and I get on pretty well, but I don’t want all the complications involved in getting into a relationship – I want to be able to concentrate on my children, my job and my life without introducing a man who might well walk out at some point, thus upsetting the children.

Although I know I could go out a couple of times a month and find someone for sex I don’t have the time or energy for a series of one night stands – I want to be wined and dined and know exactly what’s going to happen, without any worries about the next day.

My husband and I had a great sex life and I really missed that, so I decided to do some research. The internet was the obvious place and I found a huge range of websites and adverts offering a wide range of services. Some of them were simply hilarious, but in the end I found Justin.

Our first encounter was nerve wracking and my main worry was that I might not find him attractive, although I definitely went out there with sex on my mind. In the flesh something has to click and although I knew that he was extremely good looking and very fit I also knew I had to fancy him. I booked into a hotel and spent ages getting ready, then Justin came to collect me and we went out to dinner. Thank God, despite my nerves there was an instant spark and we had a great time, especially since we both knew that the whole evening was definitely building up to sex. When we got back to the room there was no problem tearing each other’s clothes off and the sex was fantastic.

I knew I’d made the right decision and we meet once or twice a month, with the occasional weekend away or short holiday, which I always pay for. He makes me feel that I’m the centre of attention, he’s very protective and caring, we have a laugh and a chat and the sex gets better and better. He always makes it special with candles, massage oils and sex toys – now how many men would still be doing that after three years in an ordinary relationship?

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Bounce back from the Easter blowout

You've polished off the last off the chocolate eggs, which means Easter is officially over. Now it's time to get your body and finances back into shape.
apple and money, getty images

GOING on a road trip with the family over the Easter break seemed like a great idea at the time. Don’t get me wrong; I’m very much looking forward to hanging out with my wonderful sister-in-law Sarah, her husband Mark, my husband Simon and my mother-in-law Jude, on our visit to family in central NSW.

But like any weekend away, I always spend a lot more money than I planned to and all of my dismal savings seem to vanish over the short period from paying off my Christmas credit card bill in January to topping up my summer wardrobe from the sales in February and March.

And then there are the not-so-subliminal messages in advertising to eat lots of chocolate over Easter, as I’m always drawn towards the lolly shops filled with Easter eggs. I end up at least a few kilos heavier from all the festive goodness and this year will no doubt be just the same.

This is why April is a great month to kick-start your diet and get your body and wallet back into shape. And here’s how:

Set realistic goals

There’s no point dreaming about a round-the-world family trip by next Christmas if you have credit card debt and are installing an in-ground swimming pool by summer … Well, you can always dream.

Just like your weight-loss target, if you make your savings goal realistic you will not only enjoy the shopping spree or summer holiday at the end, but you will feel great for being able to achieve them.

Shop around

The Web is so handy for your new goals. From searching for low-fat recipes to comparing savings accounts everything you need is at your finger tips.

For example, if your goal is to save $5000 by December, there are plenty of options with online savings accounts. By putting away about $620 per month into an online account with ING Direct or UBank, which offer 5.85 percent per annum, you will earn $100 in interest to put towards your goal.

Most banks offer automated savings plans so you can spend more time on your treadmill rather than transferring funds from one account to another. Many of these cost nothing to set up and you can choose the frequency and amount you wish to deposit. It’s better than leaving your cash wasting away in an almost-zero-interest debit account.

Also here’s a great link for my favourite low-fat recipes.

Be disciplined

There’s no point in spending your time choosing a savings account and learning new recipes if you don’t make the most of them. Stay on track to your end destination and your waistline and wallet will be thanking you in no time.

Your say: Do you find yourself in a state of panic at this time of year? Email us on [email protected]

Michelle Hutchison is Consumer Advocate at RateCity.

The above information is general only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs.

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Cola lowers sperm count, study shows

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If you’re trying to have a baby, it might be a good idea to keep an eye on your partner’s cola intake, as a Danish researchers have found that big cola drinkers can have sperm counts up to 30 percent lower than normal.

Researchers at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, were looking for a link between caffeine and male fertility but found lower sperm counts were not the result of the caffeine in cola, as was previously thought, PhysOrg.com reported.

Male fertility: sperm school for men

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The researchers studied sperm samples taken from 2554 young men during their physical examinations for Danish military service between 2001 and 2005. The men were also surveyed regarding their intake of caffeine from various sources, including cola, and asked questions about their lifestyle and diet.

Results showed that those with low to moderate total caffeine intake and cola consumption (up to 800mg per day caffeine and up to 14 500ml bottles of cola per week) didn’t display any lowering of sperm count. But those with a high intake of caffeine and cola (more than 800mg per day and more than 14 500ml bottles a week) did show a lower sperm count, although the figure was only significant for those who drank a lot of cola.

The 93 men who drank a litre or more of cola a day displayed a much lower count.

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The study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology last month, found no link between caffeine from tea or coffee and lower sperm count. But researchers could not separate a possible ingredient of cola being the key driver from other lifestyle factors (such as not exercising or eating enough fruit), which are characteristic of people who drink a lot of cola.

Your say: Do you think that too much cola could affect a man’s sperm count or that a generally unhealthy lifestyle could be equally important? Share your thoughts below.

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Smiling could help you live longer

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Smiling has long been credited with brightening up people’s lives, but new US research claims that it can even help prolong them.

The new study has added weight to the belief that a happy disposition — shown in the face by wide grins and deep laughter lines — translates into longer life expectancy, the UK’s Daily Telegraph reported.

Researchers at Michigan’s Wayne State University came to their conclusions after studying 230 pictures of Major League Baseball players from the 1952 player register, which also came with vital statistics including age, weight, height and marital status.

Recipe: Simple Cherry Smoothie from Pauls

Top tips: How to get the perfect smile

The researchers then ranked the players according to their smiles and laughter lines, on a scale from straight-faced glum to full grin with crinkled eyes.

They then compared their findings with the players’ actual lifespans.

From the 184 players who had died by June 1, 2009, those in the “no smile” camp lived to an average of 72.9 years. Those ranked as having a “partial smile” lived to 75, while those with the widest grins lived to a whopping 79.9 years, seven years longer than their dour faced peers.

The researchers also noticed that those who displayed false-looking smiles didn’t benefit from a longer life expectancy.

Related video ACA: We revisit one young boy who was unable to smile because of a lack of facial nerves. Today though after a successful surgery he may now have the perfect smile.

Australians have an average life expectancy of 80.62 years, which puts us ninth in a league table of countries behind Sweden, Hong Kong, Singapore, San Marino, Japan, Macau, Antigua and Andorra. People from the tiny southwest Europe principality of Andorra can expect to live to 83.52.

Do you think happy people live longer? Share your experiences below.

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Man flu exists, say scientists

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Every woman knows her man can act like he’s on his deathbed at the mere hint of a sniffle, but there could be some truth to “man flu”, according to new research.

Scientists (male scientists, we might add) claim to have dispelled the man flu myth by saying that men are more susceptible to disease because they invest their lives with more of a spirit of adventure at the expense of their immune systems, the UK’s Daily Telegraph reported.

Related link: Bald men half as likely to get prostate cancer

Researchers at the University of Cambridge believe that a male evolutionary preference for a “live fast, die young” lifestyle means that they have neglected to build up their immune systems like women have, making them more likely to catch diseases and keep them for longer.

The scientists applied mathematical models to various factors that characterise males and females and found that while men’s adventurous lifestyle exposed them to more diseases it also paradoxically made them less immune to them.

“In many cases, males tend to be more prone to get infected or less able to clear infection,” researcher Dr Olivier Restif said.

“Proposed mechanisms include interference between male hormones and immunity, as well as risk-taking behaviour.”

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One of the reasons for this is that men continue to support their reproductive systems even when they are ill, which is part of a competitive nature they have evolved over time, even at the expense of getting better.

“Our results show that, under a range of genetic and ecological constraints, males and females can evolve different levels of immune defences, sometimes at odds with intuitive expectations,” Dr Restif said.

“Under this scenario, the model predicts that overall, females should try to clear infection rapidly, regardless of the relative risk of catching infection. In contrast, males are selected to decrease their immune defences and remain sexually active during infection if their exposure to infection is high.

Your say: Do you think man flu is a myth and that men just love to complain? Share your thoughts below.

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Bacon and eggs is the healthiest breakfast, a new study shows

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Getty Images

It may sound unlikely to most health-conscious Australians, but chomping down on a high-fat breakfast of fried bacon, sausages, eggs, mushrooms and all the rest could actually be the healthiest way to start your day.

According to US scientists, the traditional full-English breakfast is better for your heart, weight and blood pressure than carbohydrate-heavy cereals, bread and pastries, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

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Related link: Bacon butties a true hangover cure

The thinking behind the new study, at Birmingham’s University of Alabama, is that fatty food gets your metabolism going for the rest of the day which then helps burn off later meals and snacks.

Cereal, on the other hand, gets the body ready to digest carbohydrates only.

However, this doesn’t give you licence to eat fatty foods all day. The system only works if you eat the fried food first thing and then follow it by a regular lunch and light evening meal.

“The first meal you have appears to program your metabolism for the rest of the day,” said Dr Martin Young who conducted the research.

“This study suggests that if you ate a carbohydrate-rich breakfast it would promote carbohydrate utilisation throughout the rest of the day, whereas if you have a fat-rich breakfast, you can transfer your energy utilisation between carbohydrate and fat.”

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The research, which looked at how mice reacted to different eating regimes, suggested the timings of meals are of greater importance than was previously thought.

“Studies have looked at the type and quantity of food intake, but nobody has undertaken the question of whether the timing of what you eat and when you eat it influences body weight,” added co-researcher Professor Molly Bray.

“Our study seems to show that if you really want to be able to efficiently respond to mixed meals across a day, a meal in higher fat content in the morning is a good thing.”

Your say: Do you think this research is true or that a low-fat diet is more beneficial?

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Kylie, Sienna and Claudia strip for charity

Three of the world’s biggest fashion icons have posed naked, all in the name of a good cause. Kylie Minogue, Sienna Miller and Claudia Schiffer all got their gear of for the new Fashion Targets Breast Cancer campaign in the UK.

The stars, who posed wearing nothing but a silk sheet with the charity’s logo on it, were photographed by photographer Mario Testino for the charity which aims for raise more than $1.6 million.

The charity was launched in 1994 by Ralph Lauren and has attracted stars such as Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Gisele Bündchen, Helena Christensen and Lily Cole to feature in their campaigns.

See the campaign at Fashion Targets Breast Cancer.

Kylie Minogue poses in the Fashion Targets Breast Cancer campaign

Claudia Schiffer in the Fashion Targets Breast Cancer campaign

Sienna Miller in the Fashion Targets Breast Cancer campaign

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Get the look: LMFF Runway 5, 6 & 7

The looks of Runway 5, 6 and 7 at L'Oréal Melbourne Fashion Festival

The looks of Runway 5, 6 and 7 at L'Oréal Melbourne Fashion Festival

A bold lip with school girl hair combination, an eau natural look and statement eye make-up were the looks on runway 5, 6 and 7.

Runway 5

The look: All the focus is on the lips, bold and gorgeous and bold in a radiant orange shade. Eyes are kept soft with only a touch of golden shadow and no mascara.

Why we love it: More proof that a statement lip is one to master, this look combines the brazenness of a bold lip with the innocence of the schoolyard pony-tail. “There’s definitely a mysterious girl behind this hair. She’s young and flirty, confidently wearing a bold poker red lip. There’s also something very modern about wearing your hair really rough and pair it back with a glam dress” says Caterina Di Biase, Hair Director for L’Oréal Professionnel.

Get the look:

  1. Load in the L’Oréal Professionnel tecni.art Full Volume Extra through the lengths and L’Oréal Professionnel tecni.art Volume Lift at the roots. Apply three layers into the top section and rough-dry in using just your hands.
  1. Create a low, deep side part and section away a top section from ear to ear and back to the crown. To choose where to make your part, go from the bottom of your right brow.
  1. To the remaining bottom section of hair, back comb from underneath to create fullness at the roots. Secure into a low, loose but firmly fastened pony on the opposite side to the part, making sure you cover both ears.
  1. Back comb the remaining top section to enhance the texture and smooth the hair forward, slightly over one eye as you secure it into the existing ponytail. Use another elastic to do this.

Runway 6

The look: Celebrating natural beauty this look presents the perfect balance between lips, eyes and face. Eyes are soft with a touch of shadow and long lashes, lips are soft and nude and skin is super flawless.

Why we love it: Natural beauty at its finest, this look shows off flawless skin and natural hair, two skills to master.

Get the look: L’Oréal Paris Infallible Foundation, L’Oréal Paris Infallible Powder, L’Oréal Paris True Match Touche Magique Concealer

Runway 7

The look: Go for gold with this look that is all about a strong golden eye on a super fine complexion. The golden eye brings the holds the focus with the lips soft and glossy in a delicate golden nude shade.

Why we love it: Dreamy and whimsical, runway 7 combined youthful looking skin with knockout gold eye shadow as a focal point.

Get the look: Eyeshadow L’Oréal Paris Face & Body Powder in Bronze & L’Oréal Paris Color Appeal Trio Pro in Golden Fidelity (403) and L’Oréal Paris Telescopic Explosion Mascara in Black

See the best looks from LMFF

Your say: What is your favourite make-up look for autumn/winter? How do you like to wear your hair? Share with us below.

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Declutter your home, declutter your life!

We’re all guilty of it — filling our homes with useless junk we don’t need or use. But a cluttered home can lead to a cluttered mind, so stop putting it off – take some time to clear out your clutter. It’s a positive, empowering action that will create more time and space for a fresh new you!

From the piles of mail on your kitchen table to the boxes stacked on top of your wardrobe, clutter is a part of daily life. It might not bother you. You could be so used to those mounds of clothes and piles of shoes that you simply don’t notice them anymore. But clear them out and you’ll gain space in more ways than one.

  1. Focus on one area at a time. “It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you look at the big picture,” says Julie. “Break the project up into smaller pieces that are more manageable.”

  2. Ask yourself these questions for every item you pick up: Do I use it? Do I like it? Do I need it? If you answer no, chuck it out.

  3. If you’re struggling to let go of something, put it in a box and store it away. If you haven’t used it or needed it three months later, or you’ve forgotten what’s in the box, it’s time to let go.

  4. Accept your mistakes and move on. That dress you bought for $10 because, well, it was $10, should never have found its way into your wardrobe. Send it to a new home.

  5. Acknowledge the fact you’re a different person now to who you were five, 10 or 20 years ago. Hobbies and interests change, so if you used to use your rollerblades every weekend but you haven’t been out on them in years, let them go.

  1. For every new item you buy, get rid of two old ones.

  2. Get into the habit of putting things away. If you find yourself constantly leaving the same things out, find a new, more accessible place to store them.

  3. “Remember the 80/20 principle,” says Julie. “Most people use 20 per cent of their stuff 80 per cent of the time.” This is especially relevant where clothes are concerned, so start rotating your wardrobe. If you still avoid certain items, send them to the op shop.

  4. If it’s offered, choose paperless billing and eliminate piles of mail while saving the rainforests.

  5. When you hit the sales this January, follow this mantra — if in doubt, leave it out. If you’re unsure about something in the shop, you’ll probably be even less sure when you get it home.

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